How do i get a specific range for "List<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>"? - list

I want to write a Sudoku App for which i have a List in a List of Maps to highlight and show the integers in the playfield.
My list looks like this:
List<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> output = [
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
{'integer': '', 'color': Colors.purple},
So i want to change the color of a specific Area. I have tried some googlin and came up with this and some variations:
selectField(indexBlock, index) {
output[indexBlock][index]['color'] = Colors.white;
output[indexBlock].getRange(0, 8).['color'] = Colors.purpleAccent; // this part with getRange is not working like i want it to


Python Beginner: How to insert a list of dictionaries inside a dictionary that contains an empty list?

I have this dictionary named element, and a list of dictionaries named l1
l1 = [{"parent_id": "",
"productid": "6x2562",
"sequence_no": "1",
"quantity": "8.000",
"listprice": "",
"discount_percent": "",
"discount_amount": "",
"comment": "new list item 1",
"description": "some text",
"lineitem_id": "1",
"tax4": "",
"id": ""},
{"parent_id": "",
"productid": "6x2562",
"sequence_no": "1",
"quantity": "8.000",
"listprice": "",
"discount_percent": "",
"discount_amount": "",
"comment": "new list item 1",
"description": "some text",
"lineitem_id": "1",
"tax4": "",
"id": ""}]
element = {
"subject": "testtest ",
"potential_id": "",
"quotestage": "Created",
"validtill": "2023-03-11 10:48:10.339414",
"contact_id": "4x540",
"id": "",
"LineItems": []
element dictionary contains an empty list as a value to a key named LineItems. I am inserting a list of dictionaries (l1) in place of this empty list using following code:
The problem I am having is that I am getting the following result which contains two [ ] brackets rather then one.
My current output:
{'subject': 'testtest ', 'potential_id': '', 'quotestage': 'Created', 'validtill': '2023-03-11 10:48:10.339414', 'contact_id': '4x540', 'id': '', 'LineItems': [[{'parent_id': '', 'productid': '6x2562', 'sequence_no': '1', 'quantity': '8.000', 'listprice': '', 'discount_percent': '', 'discount_amount': '', 'comment': 'new list item 1', 'description': 'some text', 'lineitem_id': '1', 'tax4': '', 'id': ''}, {'parent_id': '', 'productid': '6x2562', 'sequence_no': '1', 'quantity': '8.000', 'listprice': '', 'discount_percent': '', 'discount_amount': '', 'comment': 'new list item 1', 'description': 'some text', 'lineitem_id': '1', 'tax4': '', 'id': ''}]]}
Expected Output:
{'subject': 'testtest ', 'potential_id': '', 'quotestage': 'Created', 'validtill': '2023-03-11 10:48:10.339414', 'contact_id': '4x540', 'id': '', 'LineItems': [{'parent_id': '', 'productid': '6x2562', 'sequence_no': '1', 'quantity': '8.000', 'listprice': '', 'discount_percent': '', 'discount_amount': '', 'comment': 'new list item 1', 'description': 'some text', 'lineitem_id': '1', 'tax4': '', 'id': ''}, {'parent_id': '', 'productid': '6x2562', 'sequence_no': '1', 'quantity': '8.000', 'listprice': '', 'discount_percent': '', 'discount_amount': '', 'comment': 'new list item 1', 'description': 'some text', 'lineitem_id': '1', 'tax4': '', 'id': ''}]}
I have no idea how to do this as I have been searching for whole day now.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

How to group_by Queryset distinct by id and append values Django

In Django i have the results i want but it returns separated data in same ids
How to groupby ids in a list of dicts?
Use pandas to fix this, but it doesn't work quite right. What I need is a simple dictionary list where if there is a repeated id, the information that is different is added as the value of that key and if there are several values, it is stored in a list. So as I show below in the result I want
i have this:
'id': 7086098,
'action_plan': None,
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7105838,
'action_plan': 'foo',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7105838,
'action_plan': 'foos2',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7169339,
'action_plan': 'xxxxxx',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7169346,
'action_plan': 'report',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7169346,
'action_plan': 'zxczxczxczc',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7622793,
'action_plan': 'foofoo',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7622793,
'action_plan': 'role play',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7723661,
'action_plan': 'google',
'comment': 'chrome'
}, {
'id': 7723661,
'action_plan': 'netscape',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7723661,
'action_plan': 'urra',
'comment': 'firefox'
}, {
'id': 7723661,
'action_plan': 'sdasd',
'comment': None
}] >
i want to get this:
'id': 7086098,
'action_plan': None,
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7105838,
'action_plan': ['foo', 'foos2'],
'comment': [None, None]
}, {
'id': 7169339,
'action_plan': 'xxxxxx',
'comment': None
}, {
'id': 7169346,
'action_plan': ['report', 'zxczxczxczc'],
'comment': [None, None]
}, {
'id': 7622793,
'action_plan': ['foofoo', 'role play'],
'comment': [None, None]
}, {
'id': 7723661,
'action_plan': ['google', 'netscape', 'urra', 'sdasd'],
'comment': ['chrome', None, 'firefox', None]

When using chart.js to draw a line chart, if the peak is between two x values instead of "at a x value"

As the example shows the peak of the black line is between 3 and 4, and I don't know how to do it.
The close I can get from w3c school example is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="myChart" style="width:100%;max-width:600px"></canvas>
var xValues = [0,1,2,3,4,5];
new Chart("myChart", {
type: "line",
data: {
labels: xValues,
datasets: [{
data: [80,120,300,40,0,0],
borderColor: "orange",
fill: false
}, {
data: [2,5,20,150,250,50],
borderColor: "black",
fill: false
options: {
legend: {display: false}
Thanks for reading through.
const labels = [0, '', '', '', 10, '', '', '', 20, '', '', '', 30, '', '', '', 40, '', '', '', 50];
Set the X labels this way; it will work.

Response 400 while using Requests package in Django

I want to scrape Myntra using Django Framework but when I put my code in Django project I get 400 error. The same code runs without error when I run it on the same file even in Django. Means calling the MyntraScraperClass in file.
Here is my project directory
Inside, there is a function where I am calling my MyntraScraperClass
def tst(request):
The same code that is MyntraScraperClass runs error free when I call it on
Here is my code:
import requests, json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os, ssl
import certifi
import urllib3
class MyntraScraperClass:
def __init__(self,url):
def myntra(self):
http = urllib3.PoolManager(
if (not os.environ.get('PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY', '') and getattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context', None)):
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
proxy = {'http': '-------'}
headers = {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36'}
for x in range(0,5):
s = requests.Session()
res = s.get(self.url, headers=headers, verify=True, proxies=proxy)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "lxml")
if "Access Denied" in soup.title:
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
except Exception as e:
script = None
for s in soup.find_all("script"):
if 'pdpData' in s.text:
script = s.get_text(strip=True)
mt['data'] =json.loads(script[script.index('{'):])
return mt
I am calling MyntraScraperClass in my Django Views from BackendController directory.
def tst(request):
url = request.GET.get('url')
from BackendController.MyntraScraper import MyntraScraperClass
obj1 = MyntraScraperClass(url)
kk = obj1.myntra()
return JsonResponse(kk)
The response is
<Response [400]>
I am getting this in soup
<title>Invalid URL</title>
<h1>Invalid URL</h1>
The requested URL "[no URL]", is invalid.<p>
Reference #9.6b722c31.1596891375.7bfc4ae
You should try to solve your problem using, here are the docs
import requests, json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
headers = {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36'}
class MyntraScraperClass:
def __init__(self,url):
self.session = requests.Session()
def myntra(self):
res = self.session.get(self.url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,"lxml")
script = None
for s in soup.find_all("script"):
if 'pdpData' in s.text:
script = s.get_text(strip=True)
return json.loads(script[script.index('{'):])
return None
scraperClass = MyntraScraperClass("")
data = scraperClass.myntra()
{'pdpData': {'id': 11203218, 'name': 'Puma Men Blue Hybrid Fuego Running Shoes', 'mrp': 6499, 'manufacturer': 'SSIPL RETAIL LIMITED, KUNDLI,75, SERSA ROAD, 131028 SONEPAT', 'countryOfOrigin': 'India', 'colours': None, 'baseColour': 'Blue', 'brand': {'uidx': '', 'name': 'Puma', 'image': '', 'bio': ''}, 'media': {'videos': [], 'albums': [{'name': 'default', 'images': [{'src': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/0c15e03c-863b-4a4a-9bb7-709a733fd4821576816965952-1.jpg', 'secureSrc': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/0c15e03c-863b-4a4a-9bb7-709a733fd4821576816965952-1.jpg', 'host': None, 'imageURL': '', 'annotation': []}, {'src': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/69bfa4e0-1ac4-4adf-b84e-4815ff60e8831576816966007-2.jpg', 'secureSrc': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/69bfa4e0-1ac4-4adf-b84e-4815ff60e8831576816966007-2.jpg', 'host': None, 'imageURL': '', 'annotation': []}, {'src': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/d2fd0ca0-1643-43ae-a0fc-fb1309580e151576816966049-3.jpg', 'secureSrc': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/d2fd0ca0-1643-43ae-a0fc-fb1309580e151576816966049-3.jpg', 'host': None, 'imageURL': '', 'annotation': []}, {'src': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/0edae428-b9c0-4755-9127-0961d872b78a1576816966095-4.jpg', 'secureSrc': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/0edae428-b9c0-4755-9127-0961d872b78a1576816966095-4.jpg', 'host': None, 'imageURL': '', 'annotation': []}, {'src': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/c59c7677-2bbd-4dbe-9b02-7c321c29cb701576816966142-5.jpg', 'secureSrc': '$height),q_($qualityPercentage),w_($width)/v1/assets/images/productimage/2019/12/20/c59c7677-2bbd-4dbe-9b02-7c321c29cb701576816966142-5.jpg', 'host': None, 'imageURL': '', 'annotation': []}]}, {'name': 'animatedImage', 'images': []}]}, 'sbpEnabled': False, 'sizechart': {'sizeChartUrl': None, 'sizeRepresentationUrl': ''}, 'sizeRecoLazy': {'actionType': 'lazy', 'action': '/product/11203218/size/recommendation', 'sizeProfileAction': '/user/size-profiles?gender=male&articleType=Sports%20Shoes'}, 'analytics': {'articleType': 'Sports Shoes', 'subCategory': 'Shoes', 'masterCategory': 'Footwear', 'gender': 'Men', 'brand': 'Puma', 'colourHexCode': None}, 'crossLinks': [{'title': 'More Sports Shoes by Puma', 'url': 'sports-shoes?f=Brand:Puma::Gender:men'}, {'title': 'More Blue Sports Shoes', 'url': 'sports-shoes?f=Color:Blue_0074D9::Gender:men'}, {'title': 'More Sports Shoes', 'url': 'sports-shoes?f=Gender:men'}], 'relatedStyles': None, 'disclaimerTitle': '', 'productDetails': [{'type': None, 'content': None, 'title': 'Product Details', 'description': "<b>FEATURES + BENEFITS</b><br>HYBRID: PUMA's combination of two of its best technologies: IGNITE foam and NRGY beads<br>IGNITE: PUMA's foam midsole and branded heel cage supports and stabilises by locking the heel onto the platform<br>NRGY: PUMA's foam midsole offers superior cushion from heel to toe so you can power through your run<br>Heel-to-toe drop: 12mm<br><br><b>Product Design Details</b><ul><li>A pair of blue & brown running sports shoes, has regular styling, lace-up detail</li><li>Low boot silhouette</li><li>Lightweight synthetic upper</li><li>Overlays to secure the heel</li><li>Classic tongue</li><li>Lace-up closure</li><li>Rubber outsole for traction and durability</li><li>PUMA Wordmark at the tongue</li><li>PUMA Cat Logo at heel</li><li>Warranty: 3 months</li><li>Warranty provided by brand/manufacturer</li></ul><br><b>PRODUCT STORY</b><br>Change the name of the game with the HYBRID Fuego running sneakers. This bold colour-blocked shoe pairs a HYBRID foam midsole and a grippy rubber outsole for the ultimate in comfort and stability while still maintaining a stylish edge."}, {'type': None, 'content': None, 'title': 'MATERIAL & CARE', 'description': 'Textile<br>Wipe with a clean, dry cloth to remove dust'}], 'preOrder': None, 'sizeChartDisclaimerText': '', 'tags': None, 'articleAttributes': {'Ankle Height': 'Regular', 'Arch Type': 'Medium', 'Cleats': 'No Cleats', 'Cushioning': 'Medium', 'Distance': 'Medium', 'Fastening': 'Lace-Ups', 'Material': 'Textile', 'Outsole Type': 'Marking', 'Pronation for Running Shoes': 'Neutral', 'Running Type': 'Road Running', 'Sole Material': 'Rubber', 'Sport': 'Running', 'Surface Type': 'Outdoor', 'Technology': 'NA', 'Warranty': '3 months'}, 'systemAttributes': [], 'ratings': None, 'urgency': [{'value': '0', 'type': 'PURCHASED', 'ptile': 0}, {'value': '0', 'type': 'CART', 'ptile': 0}, {'value': '0', 'type': 'WISHLIST', 'ptile': 0}, {'value': '0', 'type': 'PDP', 'ptile': 0}], 'catalogAttributes': {'catalogDate': '1576751286000', 'season': 'summer', 'year': '2020'}, 'productContentGroupEntries': [{'title': '', 'type': 'DETAILS', 'attributes': [{'attributeName': 'Product Details', 'attributeType': 'STRING', 'value': "<b>FEATURES + BENEFITS</b><br>HYBRID: PUMA's combination of two of its best technologies: IGNITE foam and NRGY beads<br>IGNITE: PUMA's foam midsole and branded heel cage supports and stabilises by locking the heel onto the platform<br>NRGY: PUMA's foam midsole offers superior cushion from heel to toe so you can power through your run<br>Heel-to-toe drop: 12mm<br><br><b>Product Design Details</b><ul><li>A pair of blue & brown running sports shoes, has regular styling, lace-up detail</li><li>Low boot silhouette</li><li>Lightweight synthetic upper</li><li>Overlays to secure the heel</li><li>Classic tongue</li><li>Lace-up closure</li><li>Rubber outsole for traction and durability</li><li>PUMA Wordmark at the tongue</li><li>PUMA Cat Logo at heel</li><li>Warranty: 3 months</li><li>Warranty provided by brand/manufacturer</li></ul><br><b>PRODUCT STORY</b><br>Change the name of the game with the HYBRID Fuego running sneakers. This bold colour-blocked shoe pairs a HYBRID foam midsole and a grippy rubber outsole for the ultimate in comfort and stability while still maintaining a stylish edge."}, {'attributeName': 'Material & Care', 'attributeType': 'STRING', 'value': 'Textile<br>Wipe with a clean, dry cloth to remove dust'}, {'attributeName': 'Style Note', 'attributeType': 'STRING', 'value': "You'll look and feel super stylish in these trendsetting sports shoes by Puma. Match this blue pair with track pants and a sleeveless sports T-shirt when heading out for a casual day with friends."}]}], 'shoppableLooks': None, 'descriptors': [{'title': 'description', 'description': "<b>FEATURES + BENEFITS</b><br>HYBRID: PUMA's combination of two of its best technologies: IGNITE foam and NRGY beads<br>IGNITE: PUMA's foam midsole and branded heel cage supports and stabilises by locking the heel onto the platform<br>NRGY: PUMA's foam midsole offers superior cushion from heel to toe so you can power through your run<br>Heel-to-toe drop: 12mm<br><br><b>Product Design Details</b><ul><li>A pair of blue & brown running sports shoes, has regular styling, lace-up detail</li><li>Low boot silhouette</li><li>Lightweight synthetic upper</li><li>Overlays to secure the heel</li><li>Classic tongue</li><li>Lace-up closure</li><li>Rubber outsole for traction and durability</li><li>PUMA Wordmark at the tongue</li><li>PUMA Cat Logo at heel</li><li>Warranty: 3 months</li><li>Warranty provided by brand/manufacturer</li></ul><br><b>PRODUCT STORY</b><br>Change the name of the game with the HYBRID Fuego running sneakers. This bold colour-blocked shoe pairs a HYBRID foam midsole and a grippy rubber outsole for the ultimate in comfort and stability while still maintaining a stylish edge."}, {'title': 'style_note', 'description': "You'll look and feel super stylish in these trendsetting sports shoes by Puma. Match this blue pair with track pants and a sleeveless sports T-shirt when heading out for a casual day with friends."}, {'title': 'materials_care_desc', 'description': 'Textile<br>Wipe with a clean, dry cloth to remove dust'}], 'flags': {'isExchangeable': True, 'isReturnable': True, 'openBoxPickupEnabled': True, 'tryAndBuyEnabled': True, 'isLarge': False, 'isHazmat': False, 'isFragile': False, 'isJewellery': False, 'outOfStock': False, 'codEnabled': True, 'globalStore': False, 'loyaltyPointsEnabled': False, 'emiEnabled': True, 'chatEnabled': False, 'measurementModeEnabled': False, 'sampleModeEnabled': False, 'disableBuyButton': False}, 'earlyBirdOffer': None, 'serviceability': {'launchDate': '', 'returnPeriod': 30, 'descriptors': ['Pay on delivery might be available', 'Easy 30 days returns and exchanges', 'Try & Buy might be available'], 'procurementTimeInDays': {'6206': 4}}, 'buyButtonSellerOrder': [{'skuId': 38724440, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724442, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724446, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724450, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724452, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724444, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}, {'skuId': 38724448, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206}], 'sellers': [{'sellerPartnerId': 6206, 'sellerName': 'Puma Sports India Pvt. Ltd.(NSCM)'}], 'sizes': [{'skuId': 38724440, 'styleId': 11203218, 'action': '/product/11203218/related/6?co=1', 'label': '6', 'available': True, 'sizeType': 'UK Size', 'originalStyle': True, 'measurements': [{'type': 'Body Measurement', 'name': 'To Fit Foot Length', 'value': '24.5', 'minValue': '24.5', 'maxValue': '24.5', 'unit': 'cm', 'displayText': '24.5cm'}], 'allSizesList': [{'scaleCode': 'uk_size', 'sizeValue': '6', 'size': 'UK Size', 'order': 1, 'prefix': 'UK'}, {'scaleCode': 'us_size', 'sizeValue': '7', 'size': 'US Size', 'order': 2, 'prefix': 'US'}, {'scaleCode': 'euro_size', 'sizeValue': '39', 'size': 'Euro Size', 'order': 3, 'prefix': 'EURO'}], 'sizeSellerData': [{'mrp': 6499, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206, 'availableCount': 10, 'sellableInventoryCount': 10, 'warehouses': ['106'], 'supplyType': 'ON_HAND', 'discountId': '11203218:23363948', 'discountedPrice': 2924}]}, {'skuId': 38724442, 'styleId': 11203218, 'action': '/product/11203218/related/7?co=1', 'label': '7', 'available': True, 'sizeType': 'UK Size', 'originalStyle': True, 'measurements': [{'type': 'Body Measurement', 'name': 'To Fit Foot Length', 'value': '25.4', 'minValue': '25.4', 'maxValue': '25.4', 'unit': 'cm', 'displayText': '25.4cm'}], 'allSizesList': [{'scaleCode': 'uk_size', 'sizeValue': '7', 'size': 'UK Size', 'order': 1, 'prefix': 'UK'}, {'scaleCode': 'us_size', 'sizeValue': '8', 'size': 'US Size', 'order': 2, 'prefix': 'US'}, {'scaleCode': 'euro_size', 'sizeValue': '40.5', 'size': 'Euro Size', 'order': 3, 'prefix': 'EURO'}], 'sizeSellerData': [{'mrp': 6499, 'sellerPartnerId': 6206, 'availableCount': 49, 'sellableInventoryCount': 49, 'warehouses': ['106'], 'supplyType': 'ON_HAND', 'discountId': '11203218:23363948', 'discountedPrice': 2924}]}, {'skuId': 38724444, 'styleId': 11203218, 'action': '/product/11203218/related/8?co=1', 'label': '8', 'available': True, 'sizeType': 'UK Size', 'originalStyle': True, 'measurements': [{'type': 'Body Measurement', 'name': 'To Fit Foot Length', 'value': 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Pair Port Numbers from list after xlrd import

I had help on this matter pairing IP Addresses from this site which worked. I tried to amend the same script to use to pair Port numbers but keep getting a float attribute error. I have tried changing it but as a newbie I have failed to make any headway please help.
This is the data
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Pool Member Port', '', 10001.0, 10001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 11001.0, 11001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 12001.0, 12001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', 10001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 11001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 12001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 22.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 22.0, '', 22.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Receive string', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
This is my amended script
Pool_Ports = [[]]
for x in PPoData[PPoData.index('Pool Member Port'):]:
if not x:
if Pool_Ports[-1]:
#Pool_Ports[-1].append(x.partition(' ')[0])
error message
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'partition'
Previous link which works for IP addresses
Pair IP addresses in a list pulled from xlrd
The error is simple, really. Your input list has it's ports values (e.g. 11001.0) stored as floats, therefore the code breaks. The instant fix would be casting x to string right before the partition.
Pool_Ports[-1].append(str(x).partition(' ')[0])
However, the output ends up being
[['10001.0', '10001.0'], ['11001.0', '11001.0'], ['12001.0',
'12001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'],
['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0'],
['10001.0'], ['11001.0'], ['12001.0'], ['14001.0'], ['22.0'],
['22.0'], ['22.0'], ['14001.0'], ['Receive'], []]
Which is not what you need, beacuse it has ['Receive'] and [], which are not valid pool ports.
So, inspired by #cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ 's answer to the previous question, I would recommend you to use regex.
import re
PPoData = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Pool Member Port', '', 10001.0, 10001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 11001.0, 11001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 12001.0, 12001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', 10001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 11001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 12001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 22.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 22.0, '', 22.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 14001.0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Receive string', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
pattern = '\d+\.\d+'
Pool_Ports = [[]]
for x in PPoData:
if not x and Pool_Ports[-1]:
m = re.match(pattern, str(x))
if m:
if [] in Pool_Ports:
# [['10001.0', '10001.0'], ['11001.0', '11001.0'], ['12001.0', '12001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0', '14001.0'], ['14001.0'], ['10001.0'], ['11001.0'], ['12001.0'], ['14001.0'], ['22.0'], ['22.0'], ['22.0'], ['14001.0']]