Two questions on std::condition_variables - c++

I have been trying to figure out std::condition_variables and I am particularly confused by wait() and whether to use notify_all or notify_one.
First, I've written some code and attached it below. Here's a short explanation: Collection is a class that holds onto a bunch of Counter objects. These Counter objects have a Counter::increment() method, which needs to be called on all the objects, over and over again. To speed everything up, Collection also maintains a thread pool to distribute the work over, and sends out all the work with its Collection::increment_all() method.
These threads don't need to communicate with each other, and there are usually many more Counter objects than there are threads. It's fine if one thread processes more than Counters than others, just as long as all the work gets done. Adding work to the queue is easy and only needs to be done in the "main" thread. As far as I can see, the only bad thing that can happen is if other methods (e.g. Collection::printCounts) are allowed to be called on the counters in the middle of the work being done.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>
class Counter{
int m_count;
Counter() : m_count(0) {}
void increment() {
m_count ++;
int getCount() const { return m_count; }
class Collection{
Collection(unsigned num_threads, unsigned num_counters)
: m_shutdown(false)
// start workers
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i){
m_threads.push_back(std::thread(&Collection::work, this));
// intsntiate counters
for(size_t j = 0; j < num_counters; ++j){
m_shutdown = true;
for(auto& t : m_threads){
void printCounts() {
// wait for work to be done
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_mtx);
m_work_complete.wait(lk); // q2: do I need a while lop?
// print all current counters
for(const auto& cntr : m_counters){
std::cout << cntr.getCount() << ", ";
std::cout << "\n";
void increment_all()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mtx);
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_counters.size(); ++i){
void work()
bool action = false;
unsigned which_counter;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mtx);
which_counter = m_which_counters_have_work.front();
action = true;
m_work_complete.notify_one(); // q1: notify_all
std::vector<Counter> m_counters;
std::vector<std::thread> m_threads;
std::condition_variable m_work_complete;
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::queue<unsigned> m_which_counters_have_work;
bool m_shutdown;
int main() {
int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()-1;
int num_counters = 10;
Collection myCollection(num_threads, num_counters);
return 0;
I compile this on Ubuntu 18.04 with g++ -std=c++17 -pthread thread_pool.cpp -o tp && ./tp I think the code accomplishes all of those objectives, but a few questions remain:
I am using m_work_complete.wait(lk) to make sure the work is finished before I start printing all the new counts. Why do I sometimes see this written inside a while loop, or with a second argument as a lambda predicate function? These docs mention spurious wake ups. If a spurious wake up occurs, does that mean printCounts could prematurely print? If so, I don't want that. I just want to ensure the work queue is empty before I start using the numbers that should be there.
I am using m_work_complete.notify_all instead of m_work_complete.notify_one. I've read this thread, and I don't think it matters--only the main thread is going to be blocked by this. Is it faster to use notify_one just so the other threads don't have to worry about it?

std::condition_variable is not really a condition variable, it's more of a synchronization tool for reaching a certain condition. What that condition is is up to the programmer, and it should still be checked after each condition_variable wake-up, since it can wake-up spuriously, or "too early", when the desired condition isn't yet reached.
On POSIX systems, condition_variable::wait() delegates to pthread_cond_wait, which is susceptible to spurious wake-up (see "Condition Wait Semantics" in the Rationale section). On Linux, pthread_cond_wait is in turn implemented via a futex, which is again susceptible to spurious wake-up.
So yes you still need a flag (protected by the same mutex) or some other way to check that the work is actually complete. A convenient way to do this is by wrapping the check in a predicate and passing it to the wait() function, which would loop for you until the predicate is satisfied.
notify_all unblocks all threads waiting on the condition variable; notify_one unblocks just one (or at least one, to be precise). If there are more than one waiting threads, and they are equivalent, i.e. either one can handle the condition fully, and if the condition is sufficient to let just one thread continue (as in submitting a work unit to a thread pool), then notify_one would be more efficient since it won't unblock other threads unnecessarily for them to only notice no work to be done and going back to waiting. If you ever only have one waiter, then there would be no difference between notify_one and notify_all.

It's pretty simple: Use notify() when;
There is no reason why more than one thread needs to know about the event. (E.g., use notify() to announce the availability of an item that a worker thread will "consume," and thereby make the item unavailable to other workers)*AND*
There is no wrong thread that could be awakened. (E.g., you're probably safe if all of the threads are wait()ing in the same line of the same exact function.)
Use notify_all() in all other cases.


C++ thread from thread

Please consider this code:
#include <stdio>
int myInt = 10;
bool firstTime = true;
void dothings(){
/*repeatedly check for myInt here*/
while(true) {
if(myInt > 200) { /*send an alert to a socket*/}
void launchThread() {
if (firsttime) {
std::thread t2(dothings);
firsttime = false;
} else {
/* update myInt with some value here*/
int main() {
/* sleep for 4 seconds */
while(true) {
std::thread t1(launchThread);
I have to call launchthread - there is no other way around to update a value or to start the thread t2 - this is how a third party SDK is designed.
Note that launchThread is exiting first. Main will keep on looping.
To my understanding, however, dothings() will continue to run.
My question is - can dothings still access the newly updated values of myInt after subsequent calls of launchThread from main?
I can't find a definite answer on google - but I believe it will - but it is not thread safe and data corruption can happen. But may be experts here can correct me. Thank you.
About the lifetime of myInt and firsttime
The lifetime of both myInt and firstime will start before main() runs, and end after main() returns. Neither launchThread nor doThings manage the lifetime of any variables (except for t2, which is detached anyway, so it shouldn't matter).
Whether a thread was started by the main thread, or by any other thread, doesn't have any relevance. Once a thread starts, and specially when it is detached, it is basically independent: It has no relation to the other threads running in the program.
Thou shalt not access shared memory without synchronization
But yes, you will run into problems. myInt is shared between multiple threads, so you have to synchronize acesses to it. If you don't, you will eventually run into undefined behavior caused by simultaneous access to shared memory. The simplest way to synchronize myInt is to make it into an atomic.
I'm assuming only one thread is running launchThread at each given time. Looking at your example, though, that may be not the case. If it is not, you also need to synchronize firsttime.
However, your myInt looks a lot like a Condition Variable. Maybe you want to have doThings be blocked until your condition (myInt > 200) is fulfilled. An std::condition_variable will help you with that. This will avoid a busy wait and save your processor some cycles. Some kind of event system using Message Queues can also help you with that, and it will even make your program cleaner and easier to maintain.
Following is a small example on using condition variables and atomics to synchronize your threads. I've tried to keep it simple, so there's still some improvements to be made here. I leave those to your discretion.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
std::mutex cv_m; // This mutex will be used both for myInt and cv.
std::condition_variable cv;
int myInt = 10; // myInt is already protected by the mutex, so there's not need for it to be an atomic.
std::atomic<bool> firstTime{true}; // firstTime does need to be an atomic, because it may be accessed by multiple threads, and is not protected by a mutex.
void dothings(){
while(true) {
// std::condition_variable only works with std::unique_lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(cv_m);
// This will do the same job of your while(myInt > 200).
// The difference is that it will only check the condition when
// it is notified that the value has changed.
cv.wait(lock, [](){return myInt > 200;});
// Note that the lock is reaquired after waking up from the wait(), so it is safe to read and modify myInt here.
std::cout << "Alert! (" << myInt << ")\n";
myInt -= 40; // I'm making myInt fall out of the range here. Otherwise, we would get multiple alerts after the condition (since it would be now true forever), and it wouldn't be as interesting.
void launchThread() {
// Both the read and the write to firstTime need to be a single atomic operation.
// Otherwise, two or more threads could read the value as "true", and assume this is the first time entering this function.
if ( {
std::thread t2(dothings);
} else {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cv_m);
myInt += 50;
// Value of myInt has changed. Notify all waiting threads.
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { // I'm making this a for loop just so I can be sure the program exits
std::thread t1(launchThread);
// We sleep only to wait for anything to be printed. Your program has an infinite loop on main() already, so you don't have this problem.
See it live on Coliru!

Thread pool stuck on wait condition

I'm encountering a stuck in my c++ program using this thread pool class:
class ThreadPool {
unsigned threadCount;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
std::list<std::function<void(void)> > queue;
std::atomic_int jobs_left;
std::atomic_bool bailout;
std::atomic_bool finished;
std::condition_variable job_available_var;
std::condition_variable wait_var;
std::mutex wait_mutex;
std::mutex queue_mutex;
std::mutex mtx;
void Task() {
while (!bailout) {
std::function<void(void)> next_job() {
std::function<void(void)> res;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> job_lock(queue_mutex);
// Wait for a job if we don't have any.
job_available_var.wait(job_lock, [this]()->bool { return queue.size() || bailout; });
// Get job from the queue
if (!bailout) {
res = queue.front();
}else {
// If we're bailing out, 'inject' a job into the queue to keep jobs_left accurate.
res = [] {};
return res;
ThreadPool(int c)
: threadCount(c)
, threads(threadCount)
, jobs_left(0)
, bailout(false)
, finished(false)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
threads[i] = std::move(std::thread([this, i] { this->Task(); }));
~ThreadPool() {
void AddJob(std::function<void(void)> job) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queue_mutex);
void JoinAll(bool WaitForAll = true) {
if (!finished) {
if (WaitForAll) {
// note that we're done, and wake up any thread that's
// waiting for a new job
bailout = true;
for (auto& x : threads)
if (x.joinable())
finished = true;
void WaitAll() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(wait_mutex);
if (jobs_left > 0) {
wait_var.wait(lk, [this] { return this->jobs_left == 0; });
gdb say (when stopping the blocked execution) that the stuck was in (std::unique_lock&, ThreadPool::WaitAll()::{lambda()#1})+58>
I'm using g++ v5.3.0 with support for c++14 (-std=c++1y)
How can I avoid this problem?
I've edited (rewrote) the class:
The issue here is a race condition on your job count. You're using one mutex to protect the queue, and another to protect the count, which is semantically equivalent to the queue size. Clearly the second mutex is redundant (and improperly used), as is the job_count variable itself.
Every method that deals with the queue has to gain exclusive access to it (even JoinAll to read its size), so you should use the same queue_mutex in the three bits of code that tamper with it (JoinAll, AddJob and next_job).
Btw, splitting the code at next_job() is pretty awkward IMO. You would avoid calling a dummy function if you handled the worker thread body in a single function.
As other comments have already stated, you would probably be better off getting your eyes off the code and reconsidering the problem globally for a while.
The only thing you need to protect here is the job queue, so you need only one mutex.
Then there is the problem of waking up the various actors, which requires a condition variable since C++ basically does not give you any other useable synchronization object.
Here again you don't need more than one variable. Terminating the thread pool is equivalent to dequeueing the jobs without executing them, which can be done any which way, be it in the worker threads themselves (skipping execution if the termination flag is set) or in the JoinAll function (clearing the queue after gaining exclusive access).
Last but not least, you might want to invalidate AddJob once someone decided to close the pool, or else you could get stuck in the destructor while someone keeps feeding in new jobs.
I think you need to keep it simple.
you seem to be using a mutex too many. So there's queue_mutex and you use that when you add and process jobs.
Now what's the need for another separate mutex when you are waiting on reading the queue?
Why can't you use just a conditional variable with the same queue_mutex to read the queue in your WaitAll() method?
I would also recommend using a lock_guard instead of the unique_lock in your WaitAll. There really isn't a need to lock the queue_mutex beyond the WaitAll under exceptional conditions. If you exit the WaitAll exceptionally it should be released regardless.
Ignore my Update above. Since you are using a condition variable you can't use a lock guard in the WaitAll. But if you are using a unique_lock always go with the try_to_lock version especially if you have more than a couple control paths

C++11 lockfree single producer single consumer: how to avoid busy wait

I'm trying to implement a class that uses two threads: one for the producer and one for the consumer. The current implementation does not use locks:
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
using Queue =
class Worker
Worker() : working_(false), done_(false) {}
~Worker() {
done_ = true; // exit even if the work has not been completed
void enqueue(int value) {
if (!working_) {
working_ = true;
worker_ = std::thread([this]{ work(); });
void work() {
int value;
while (!done_ && queue_.pop(value)) {
std::cout << value << std::endl;
working_ = false;
std::atomic<bool> working_;
std::atomic<bool> done_;
Queue queue_;
std::thread worker_;
The application needs to enqueue work items for a certain amount of time and then sleep waiting for an event. This is a minimal main that simulates the behavior:
int main()
Worker w;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
I'm pretty sure that my implementation is bugged: what if the worker thread completes and before executing working_ = false, another enqueue comes? Is it possible to make my code thread safe without using locks?
The solution requires:
a fast enqueue
the destructor has to quit even if the queue is not empty
no busy wait, because there are long period of time in which the worker thread is idle
no locks if possible
I did another implementation of the Worker class, based on your suggestions. Here is my second attempt:
class Worker
: working_(ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT), done_(false) { }
~Worker() {
// exit even if the work has not been completed
done_ = true;
if (worker_.joinable())
bool enqueue(int value) {
bool enqueued = queue_.push(value);
if (!working_.test_and_set()) {
if (worker_.joinable())
worker_ = std::thread([this]{ work(); });
return enqueued;
void work() {
int value;
while (!done_ && queue_.pop(value)) {
std::cout << value << std::endl;
while (!done_ && queue_.pop(value)) {
std::cout << value << std::endl;
std::atomic_flag working_;
std::atomic<bool> done_;
Queue queue_;
std::thread worker_;
I introduced the worker_.join() inside the enqueue method. This can impact the performances, but in very rare cases (when the queue gets empty and before the thread exits, another enqueue comes). The working_ variable is now an atomic_flag that is set in enqueue and cleared in work. The Additional while after working_.clear() is needed because if another value is pushed, before the clear, but after the while, the value is not processed.
Is this implementation correct?
I did some tests and the implementation seems to work.
OT: Is it better to put this as an edit, or an answer?
what if the worker thread completes and before executing working_ = false, another enqueue comes?
Then the value will be pushed to the queue but will not be processed until another value is enqueued after the flag is set. You (or your users) may decide whether that is acceptable. This can be avoided using locks, but they're against your requirements.
The code may fail if the running thread is about to finish and sets working_ = false; but hasn't stopped running before next value is enqueued. In that case your code will call operator= on the running thread which results in a call to std::terminate according to the linked documentation.
Adding worker_.join() before assigning the worker to a new thread should prevent that.
Another problem is that queue_.push may fail if the queue is full because it has a fixed size. Currently you just ignore the case and the value will not be added to the full queue. If you wait for queue to have space, you don't get fast enqueue (in the edge case). You could take the bool returned by push (which tells if it was successful) and return it from enqueue. That way the caller may decide whether it wants to wait or discard the value.
Or use non-fixed size queue. Boost has this to say about that choice:
Can be used to completely disable dynamic memory allocations during push in order to ensure lockfree behavior.
If the data structure is configured as fixed-sized, the internal nodes are stored inside an array and they are addressed
by array indexing. This limits the possible size of the queue to the number of elements that can be addressed by the index
type (usually 2**16-2), but on platforms that lack double-width compare-and-exchange instructions, this is the best way
to achieve lock-freedom.
Your worker thread needs more than 2 states.
Not running
Doing tasks
Idle shutdown
If you force shut down, it skips idle shutdown. If you run out of tasks, it transitions to idle shutdown. In idle shutdown, it empties the task queue, then goes into shutting down.
Shutdown is set, then you walk off the end of your worker task.
The producer first puts things on the queue. Then it checks the worker state. If Shutdown or Idle shutdown, first join it (and transition it to not running) then launch a new worker. If not running, just launch a new worker.
If the producer wants to launch a new worker, it first makes sure that we are in the not running state (otherwise, logic error). We then transition to the Doing tasks state, and then we launch the worker thread.
If the producer wants to shut down the helper task, it sets the done flag. It then checks the worker state. If it is anything besides not running, it joins it.
This can result in a worker thread that is launched for no good reason.
There are a few cases where the above can block, but there where a few before as well.
Then, we write a formal or semi-formal proof that the above cannot lose messages, because when writing lock free code you aren't done until you have a proof.
This is my solution of the question. I don't like very much answering myself, but I think showing actual code may help others.
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
// I used this semaphore class:
#include "binsem.hpp"
using Queue =
class Worker
// the worker thread starts in the constructor
: working_(ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT), done_(false), semaphore_(0)
, worker_([this]{ work(); })
{ }
~Worker() {
// exit even if the work has not been completed
done_ = true;
bool enqueue(int value) {
bool enqueued = queue_.push(value);
if (!working_.test_and_set())
// signal to the worker thread to wake up
return enqueued;
void work() {
int value;
// the worker thread continue to live
while (!done_) {
// wait the start signal, sleeping
while (!done_ && queue_.pop(value)) {
// perform actual work
std::cout << value << std::endl;
while (!done_ && queue_.pop(value)) {
// perform actual work
std::cout << value << std::endl;
std::atomic_flag working_;
std::atomic<bool> done_;
binsem semaphore_;
Queue queue_;
std::thread worker_;
I tried the suggestion of #Cameron, to not shutdown the thread and adding a semaphore. This actually is used only in the first enqueue and in the last work. This is not lock-free, but only in these two cases.
I did some performance comparison, between my previous version (see my edited question), and this one. There are no significant differences, when there are not many start and stop. However, the enqueue is 10 times faster when it have to signal the worker thread, instead of starting a new thread. This is a rare case, so it is not very important, but anyway it is an improvement.
This implementation satisfies:
lock-free in the common case (when enqueue and work are busy);
no busy wait in case for long time there are not enqueue
the destructor exits as soon as possible
correctness?? :)
Very partial answer: I think all those atomics, semaphores and states are a back-communication channel, from "the thread" to "the Worker". Why not use another queue for that? At the very least, thinking about it will help you around the problem.

Change std::thread execution flow with signals in c++

I have a program starting an std::thread doing the following: sleep X, execute a function, terminate.
create std::thread(Xms, &func)
wait Xms
then do func()
I was wondering if I could for example send a signal to my std::thread in order to instantly break the sleep and do func, then quit.
Do I need to send the signal to std::thread::id in order to perform this?
my thread is launched this way, with a lambda function:
template<typename T, typename U>
void execAfter(T func, U params, const int ms)
std::thread thread([=](){
Using wait_for of std::condition_variable would be the way to go, if the thread model can't be changed. In the code snippet below, the use of the condition_variable is wrapped into a class of which objects have to be shared across the threads.
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
class BlockCondition
mutable std::mutex m;
std::atomic<bool> done;
mutable std::condition_variable cv;
void wait_for(int duration_ms)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m);
int ms_waited(0);
while ( !done.load() && ms_waited < duration_ms )
auto t_0(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now());
cv.wait_for(l, std::chrono::milliseconds(duration_ms - ms_waited));
auto t_1(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now());
ms_waited += std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t_1 - t_0).count();
void release()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(m);;
void delayed_func(BlockCondition* block)
std::cout << "Hello actual work\n";
void abortSleepyFunction(BlockCondition* block)
void test_aborted()
BlockCondition b();
std::thread delayed_thread(delayed_func, &b);
void test_unaborted()
BlockCondition b();
std::thread delayed_thread(delayed_func, &b);
int main()
Note that there might be spurious wakeups that abort the wait call prematurely. To account for that, we count the milliseconds actually waited and continue waiting until the done flag is set.
As was pointed out in the comments, this wasn't the smartest approach for solving your problem in the first place. As implementing a proper interruption mechanism is quite complex and extremely easy to get wrong, here are suggestions for a workaround:
Instead of sleeping for the whole timeout, simply loop over a sleep of fixed small size (e.g. 10 milliseconds) until the desired duration has elapsed. After each sleep you check an atomic flag whether interruption was requested. This is a dirty solution, but is the quickest to pull of.
Alternatively, supply each thread with a condition_variable and do a wait on it instead of doing the this_thread::sleep. Notify the condition variable to indicate the request for interruption. You will probably still want an additional flag to protect against spurious wakeups so you don't accidentally return too early.
Ok, to figure this out I found a new implementation, it's inspired by all your answers so thanks a lot.
First I am gonna do a BombHandler item, in the main Game item. It will have a an attribute containing all the Bomb items.
This BombHandler will be a singleton, containing a timerLoop() function who will execute in a thread (This way I only use ONE thread for xxx bombs, way more effective)
The timerLoop() will usleep(50) then pass through the whole std::list elements and call Bomb::incrTimer() who will increment their internal _timer attribute by 10ms indefinitely, and check bombs who have to explode.
When they reach 2000ms for instance, BombHandler.explode() will be called, exploding the bomb and deleting it.
If another bomb is in range Bomb::touchByFire() will be called, and set the internal attribute of Bomb, _timer, to TIME_TO_EXPLODE (1950ms).
Then it will be explode 50ms later by BombHandler::explode().
Isn't this a nice solution?
Again, thanks for your answers! Hope this can help.

multithreaded program producer/consumer [boost]

I'm playing with boost library and C++. I want to create a multithreaded program that contains a producer, conumer, and a stack. The procuder fills the stack, the consumer remove items (int) from the stack. everything work (pop, push, mutex) But when i call the pop/push winthin a thread, i don't get any effect
i made this simple code :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2/mutex.hpp>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
/ *
* this class reprents a stack which is proteced by mutex
* Pop and push are executed by one thread each time.
class ProtectedStack{
private :
stack<int> m_Stack;
boost::signals2::mutex m;
public :
ProtectedStack(const ProtectedStack & p){
void push(int x){
void pop(){
int size(){
return m_Stack.size();
bool isEmpty(){
return m_Stack.empty();
int top(){
*The producer is the class that fills the stack. It encapsulate the thread object
class Producer{
Producer(int number ){
//create thread here but don't start here
void fillStack (ProtectedStack& s ) {
int object = 3; //random value
//cout<<"push object\n";
void produce (ProtectedStack & s){
//call fill within a thread
m_Thread = boost::thread(&Producer::fillStack,this, s);
private :
int m_Number;
boost::thread m_Thread;
/* The consumer will consume the products produced by the producer */
class Consumer {
private :
int m_Number;
boost::thread m_Thread;
Consumer(int n){
m_Number = n;
void remove(ProtectedStack &s ) {
if(s.isEmpty()){ // if the stack is empty sleep and wait for the producer to fill the stack
//cout<<"stack is empty\n";
boost::posix_time::seconds workTime(1);
s.pop(); //pop it
//cout<<"pop object\n";
void consume (ProtectedStack & s){
//call remove within a thread
m_Thread = boost::thread(&Consumer::remove, this, s);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ProtectedStack s;
Producer p(0);
Producer p2(1);
cout<<"size after production "<<s.size()<<endl;
Consumer c(0);
Consumer c2(1);
cout<<"size after consumption "<<s.size()<<endl;
return 0;
After i run that in VC++ 2010 / win7
i got :
Could you please help me understand why when i call fillStack function from the main i got an effect but when i call it from a thread nothing happens?
Thank you
Your example code suffers from a couple synchronization issues as noted by others:
Missing locks on calls to some of the members of ProtectedStack.
Main thread could exit without allowing worker threads to join.
The producer and consumer do not loop as you would expect. Producers should always (when they can) be producing, and consumers should keep consuming as new elements are pushed onto the stack.
cout's on the main thread may very well be performed before the producers or consumers have had a chance to work yet.
I would recommend looking at using a condition variable for synchronization between your producers and consumers. Take a look at the producer/consumer example here:
It is a rather new feature in the standard library as of C++11 and supported as of VS2012. Before VS2012, you would either need boost or to use Win32 calls.
Using a condition variable to tackle a producer/consumer problem is nice because it almost enforces the use of a mutex to lock shared data and it provides a signaling mechanism to let consumers know something is ready to be consumed so they don't have so spin (which is always a trade off between the responsiveness of the consumer and CPU usage polling the queue). It also does so being atomic itself which prevents the possibility of threads missing a signal that there is something to consume as explained here:
To give a brief run-down of how a condition variable takes care of this...
A producer does all time consuming activities on its thread without the owning the mutex.
The producer locks the mutex, adds the item it produced to a global data structure (probably a queue of some sort), lets go of the mutex and signals a single consumer to go -- in that order.
A consumer that is waiting on the condition variable re-acquires the mutex automatically, removes the item out of the queue and does some processing on it. During this time, the producer is already working on producing a new item but has to wait until the consumer is done before it can queue the item up.
This would have the following impact on your code:
No more need for ProtectedStack, a normal stack/queue data structure will do.
No need for boost if you are using a new enough compiler - removing build dependencies is always a nice thing.
I get the feeling that threading is rather new to you so I can only offer the advice to look at how others have solved synchronization issues as it is very difficult to wrap your mind around. Confusion about what is going on in an environment with multiple threads and shared data typically leads to issues like deadlocks down the road.
The major problem with your code is that your threads are not synchronized.
Remember that by default threads execution isn't ordered and isn't sequenced, so consumer threads actually can be (and in your particular case are) finished before any producer thread produces any data.
To make sure consumers will be run after producers finished its work you need to use thread::join() function on producer threads, it will stop main thread execution until producers exit:
// Start producers
p.m_Thread.join(); // Wait p to complete
p2.m_Thread.join(); // Wait p2 to complete
// Start consumers
This will do the trick, but probably this is not good for typical producer-consumer use case.
To achieve more useful case you need to fix consumer function.
Your consumer function actually doesn't wait for produced data, it will just exit if stack is empty and never consume any data if no data were produced yet.
It shall be like this:
void remove(ProtectedStack &s)
// Place your actual exit condition here,
// e.g. count of consumed elements or some event
// raised by producers meaning no more data available etc.
// For testing/educational purpose it can be just while(true)
// Second sleeping is too big, use milliseconds instead
boost::posix_time::milliseconds workTime(1);
Another problem is wrong thread constructor usage:
m_Thread = boost::thread(&Producer::fillStack, this, s);
Quote from Boost.Thread documentation:
Thread Constructor with arguments
template <class F,class A1,class A2,...>
thread(F f,A1 a1,A2 a2,...);
F and each An must by copyable or movable.
As if thread(boost::bind(f,a1,a2,...)). Consequently, f and each an are copied into
internal storage for access by the new thread.
This means that each your thread receives its own copy of s and all modifications aren't applied to s but to local thread copies. It's the same case when you pass object to function argument by value. You need to pass s object by reference instead - using boost::ref:
void produce(ProtectedStack& s)
m_Thread = boost::thread(&Producer::fillStack, this, boost::ref(s));
void consume(ProtectedStack& s)
m_Thread = boost::thread(&Consumer::remove, this, boost::ref(s));
Another issues is about your mutex usage. It's not the best possible.
Why do you use mutex from Signals2 library? Just use boost::mutex from Boost.Thread and remove uneeded dependency to Signals2 library.
Use RAII wrapper boost::lock_guard instead of direct lock/unlock calls.
As other people mentioned, you shall protect with lock all members of ProtectedStack.
boost::mutex m;
void push(int x)
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m);
void pop()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m);
if(!m_Stack.empty()) m_Stack.pop();
int size()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m);
return m_Stack.size();
bool isEmpty()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m);
return m_Stack.empty();
int top()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m);
You're not checking that the producing thread has executed before you try to consume. You're also not locking around size/empty/top... that's not safe if the container's being updated.