How to send email/phone number verification code in Django? - django

I'm building a registeration portal for my website. I'm using Django. Any user needs to input unique username and email to register. How to enable email verification?

If you are asking about verification link inside the email that your app is going to send after users registration then maybe check this link


Implement email verification during sign-up process

I need to validate user's email before allowing them to proceed with account creation.
What will be the best way of doing so in Django ?
I was thinking of sending cookies with UUID which will be used during registration.
UUID | Email | Confirmation Code | is_verified
Then, when user will click on register. UUID will be used to get the verified email address from email_validation_DB and proceed with account creation.
Instead of allowing users with only verified emails to proceed, I would suggest that you allow any user to register but activate their account only after they verify their emails.
What you can do is create a hash token and send the email with hash token and a link. When user clicks on the link, you can verify the token and activate the account. Here is a good tutorial about this -
Alternatively, you can use a python package. Here is a good one - You can also use this package to add additional functionalities around email sending like forgot password etc.

How to verify users email with token generator link for signup in django webapp

I am doing a web app in Django. I hardly tried to create a TokenGenerator for verifying the user's email to activate the user's account
coming to the problem,
how to send the verification email to the user account while
signup. while signup, users can receive a verification link email
with a token generator
the user has to input the password at the time of account signup
After verifying the email user can log in to the respective page via their mail id and password
while login it should check whether an email is present in the DB
(DB will be updated with user emails )
for the first question, Django has built-in functions and classes for sending emails, you can check them here: and this post will help you send and email:, and if you want sen an email for any user's sign up you have to use signals, check it here:
other questions are all related and they are pre-built in Django, these links will help you:
repositories which may help: (advanced - apis)

How to verify account by passing token to the email and user will enter it

In django when some one signup for new account, he will be sent an email with an activation link.
One has to click on the activation link sent to them to activate their account. This i was able to achieve using Django.
Presently I am developing a mobile app.
I feel instead of asking them to click on an activation link, i want them to enter some code inside the app.
The code will be sent to their email.
So how to verify the account by passing token and later user will enter it.
1)Extend the user model with a token field.
2)Generate a random short value in that field
3)Edit registration email template to include this token
4)Create an API endpoint to listen for POST and wait for a match of USERNAME+TOKEN

Flask-Login Password Reset

I'm using the flask-login library, and I haven't been able to find any good tutorials or documentation on how to go about allowing a user to reset their password through an email. What direction/resources can I look at on how to do this? A thorough google search didn't reveal anything useful.
Base logic:
Create reset password form with email field.
When user submit form then you should:
check this email in database
generate undistinguished crypto random secret key (next just secret key)
store this key, current timestamp and user identifier to cache or database
send it to user email or sms
When user apply secret key (for example with url or special form) you should:
validate it (exist, not expired, not used before)
get user identifier
delete or mark as used current secret key
provide logic to enter/generate new password.
Logic to enter/generate password can be different:
login user and show form to enter new password - one time login key
show form to enter password than login if valid
generate new password and send it to user email
generate new secret key for form to enter new password and send it to user email
generate new secret key to approve form, send it via sms, show form to enter new password and approval secret key then login if valid
flask-login doesn't take care of reset password emails and other such things. Its just there to manage sessions and cookies.
You should use Flask-Security which adds password reset functionality and other common security related features to flask. Flask-Security uses flask-login to handle sessions, but adds other features on top to round out the security features:
Email Confirmation
If desired you can require that new users confirm their email address.
Flask-Security will send an email message to any new users with an
confirmation link. Upon navigating to the confirmation link, the user
will be automatically logged in. There is also view for resending a
confirmation link to a given email if the user happens to try to use
an expired token or has lost the previous email. Confirmation links
can be configured to expire after a specified amount of time.
Password Reset/Recovery
Password reset and recovery is available for when a user forgets his
or her password. Flask-Security sends an email to the user with a link
to a view which they can reset their password. Once the password is
reset they are automatically logged in and can use the new password
from then on. Password reset links can be configured to expire after a
specified amount of time.
User Registration
Flask-Security comes packaged with a basic user registration view.
This view is very simple and new users need only supply an email
address and their password. This view can be overrided[sic] if your
registration process requires more fields.
Flask-Login only provides user session management for Flask. It handles the common tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your users’ sessions over extended periods of time. but not reset password, change password, email confirmation etc.
Flask-security was the best and easy option to do these. It pretty much handles everything. but it is not actively maintained.
This project is non maintained anymore. Consider the
Flask-Security-Too project as an alternative. -- From flask-security
Github repo
So i recommend Flask-Security-Too library which is improved version and actively maintained. It also has much more features like 2FA Auth, Unified Sign-In etc
You can install install it using pip
pip install flask-security-too flask-sqlalchemy
and import libraries like
from flask-security import current_user, login_required
There are some complete (but simple) examples available in the examples directory of the Flask-Security repo.
Documentation :

how to get a users email?

I am trying to find out if a user has an email for messaging but can not see where to request that I do request perms for their regular email and can get that, but can't see where to get their email. It's not included in and since there's no guarantee that they have set one up I can't assume that it's based on their username
If a user has a email address it will be their {username} However, just because a user has a username setup, doesn't mean there's a corresponding email for it. I've had a username since Facebook landrushed them, and just the other day I setup an email for it. There's no way to tell if they've set it up. Your best bet is to ask the user for an email address that your app can use.
Just go to your privacy settings and from there act as you are editing you email address then there is a Facebook email button setup there.