Is there any way to access the Github API with c++? - c++

Pretty simple question, but I can't find any c++ libraries for using the github api... I already know how to use it in python, does that help? I am a c/c++ newb.
Thanks, Macaroonman

Is there any way to access the Github API with c++?
can't find any c++ libraries
If there is no library, then you need to write the program yourself.
The github API is served through HTTP protocol. C++ has no standard HTTP client. Such client can be written by following the documentation in the RFC's maintained by IETF.
The HTTP communication is going to be over the TCP protocol. C++ has no standard TCP client. You'll find the RFC for TCP also from IETF if needed, but that is unlikely if you run your program on an operating system since the OS will probably provide a TCP API for you. To find find the relevant documentation, you must first know which OS you are targeting.


communication between OS services with c++

I am developing 2 Windows services, one of them will send pictures and word files to other and other service will give a string answer. That services are in same computer.
I will develop same program's Linux version also.
Which way is the best for communication between services in Linux and Windows.
By the way I am developing that services with C++.
There're different options for your task:
Network. Establish TCP connection between your services, with service that asks as a client and service that answers as a server. It's possible to implement cross-platform solution using Boost.Asio or any other portable network library.
Shared memory. You can implement inter-process communication using shared memory. Cross-platform library: Boost.Interprocess.
Pipes. I don't know cross-platform library for this.
I would recommend to use TCP communication as more flexible solution.
I would suggest reading up on C++ sockets. You're probably going to want to use TCP sockets, since you want to ensure that the data being transferred does so correctly.
Try checking these links out:
Linux Sockets
Windows Sockets
You should search for IPC.
There are a lot of possibilities for inter process communication. Because you are not very specific about your problem and your requirements but I would suggest to take a look at boost::interprocess.
As long as you are sure that both services run on the same machine this will do it.
If you want to switch to a distributed approach you need something different.
Like XML-RPC, thrift or corba. Just to mention some possibilities.

Does anyone know of any attempt to implement the Web Sockets API using libevent in C/C++?

I need opensource Web Sockets API using libevent in C/C++. Please show me where to find it.
You could use evws or libwebsock which is based on libevent. I haven't used it yet for myself but it looks quite promising.
If it doesn't match your requirements you could build something yourself (probably based on libevtp which provides an improved HTTP API for libevent). See RFC 6455 for the protocol specification.

Implement a secure connection using SSPI in C++ - clarify some terms

I have to write an application that implements a secure connection between client and server using Microsoft API .
Google give me a lot of results, and I have a big mess -need someone to make me some order in my head:
what is SSPI interface? what is Schannel.dll library? what are the diffrents? (I see that I can include "SSPI.h" and "Schannel.h" and "security32.h" - which header file do I really need?)
How can I find a real simple sample that explains me how to create secure sockets?
Do you have some guidelines that I have to know before I start?
I would appreciate very much if you can help.
SSPI allows an application to use various security models available on a computer or network without changing the interface to the security system.
To paraphrase, it allows you to use a single set of API with different authentication or verification mechanisms, thus hiding complexity.
For your second question, have a look at this: Creating a Secure Connection Using Schannel with related sample code here.

Secure file upload with Qt

I'm in the process of creating a utility to backup user's media files. The media isn't being shared etc its only a backup utility.
I'm trying to think of the best way to protect users from ISPs accusing them of downloading illegal media files by using some sort of secure connection.
The utility is written in C++ using the Qt lib and so far I've only been able to find the QtSslSocket component for secure connections. The domain already has a valid SSL certificate for the next few years.
Can anyone suggest the best way to go about implementing this from both the server and client side. i.e what does the server need to have in place and is there anything in particular the backup utility needs to implement from the client side to ensure secure transactions?
Are there any known, stable sftp or ftps servers available etc?
As far as I know, Qt doesn't have support for secure FTP transfers.
Not sure what other info. would be useful to make the question any clearer but any advice or help pointing me in the right direction will be most welcomed.
EDIT I'm also Java competent so a Java solution will work just as well...
As Martin wrote, you can wrap client. But if you don't want to do that, you can use libssh.
I searched for some sort of solution to this for a couple days and then forgot about the problem. Then today I stumbled across this little gem in the Qt-Creator source Utils::ssh, includes support for SFTP, plain-old SSH, and all sorts of goodies.
Disentangling stuff from Qt-Creator can be a pain, but having gone through this process it amounts to grabbing Botan (one of the other libs in QT-Creator) + Utils.
When it rains, it pours, I find two solutions to this problem in an hour - (Requires Chinese translation), but from their summary:
NullGet is written with Qt, runs on
multiple platforms, the GUI interface
of the multi-threaded multi-protocol
HTTP download software. Use NullGet
can easily download a variety of
network protocol data stream, faster
download speeds, support for HTTP, the
protocol currently supported are:
can run on most current popular
operating systems including Windows,
Linux, FreeBSD and so on.
Easiest way would be to just wrap a commandline sftp client with a Qt front end.
On the server any ftp server should do sftp pretty much out of the box.
As Synthesizerpatel says Qt Creator implements SFTP. So I have isolated the library that contains SSH and SFTP and I have created a new project named QSsh in Github ( The aim of the project is to provide SSH and SFTP support for any Qt Application.
I have written an example on how to upload a file using SFTP in examples/SecureUploader/
I hope it might be helpful

Advice on web services without HTTP

My company is planning on implementing a remote programming tool to configure embedded devices in the field. I assumed that these devices would have an HTTP client on them, and planned to implement some REST services for them to access. Unfortunately, I found out that they have a TCP stack but no HTTP client. One of my co-workers suggested that we try to send “soap packets” over port 80 without an HTTP client. The devices also don’t have any SOAP client. Is this possible? Would there be implications if there was a web server running on the network the devices are connected to? I’d appreciate any advice or best practices on how to implement something like this.
If your servers are serving simple files, the embedded devices really only need to send an HTTP GET request (possibly with a little extra data identifying the device, so the server can know which firmware version to send).
From there, it's pretty much a simple matter of reading the raw data coming in on the embedded device's socket -- you might need to only disregard the HTTP header on the response, or you could possibly configure your server to not send it for those requests.
you don't really need an HTTP client per-se. HTTP is a very simple text-based protocol that you can implement yourself if you need to.
That said, you probably won't need to implement it yourself. If they have a TCP stack and a standard sockets library, you can probably find a simple C library (such as this one) that wraps up HTTP or SOAP functionality for you. You could then just build that library into your application.
Basic HTTP is not a particularly difficult protocol to implement by hand. It's a text and line based protocol, save for the payload, and the servers work quite well with "primitive, ham fisted" clients, which is all a simple client needs to be.
If you can use just a subset, likely, then simply write it and be done.
You can implement a trivial http client over sockets (here is an example of how to do it in ruby: )
It probably depends what technology you have available on your embedded devices - if you can easily consume JSON or XML then a webservice approach using the above may work for you.