What should minRCU and minWCU should be set for dynamodb in case of spikes only for few times? - amazon-web-services

We have a service built in AWS which only gets traffic for few minutes in entire day and then there is no traffic at all. During the burst, say, we get traffic at 200 TPS otherwise, traffic is almost zero during the entire day. This dynamodb has auto scaling enabled.
The thing I wanted to know is how should we set minWCU and minWCU for it. Should it be determined by the most traffic we expected to traffic or the minimum traffic we receive? If I do minimum traffic, say 10, and set utilization as 50%, then I see that some events gets throttled since autoscaling takes time to increase capacity units. But setting the min capacity units according to most traffic that we receive increases the cost of dynamodb, in which case we are incurring cost even when we are not using the dynamodb at all. So, are there any best practices regarding this case?

For your situation, you might be better going with on-demand mode.
DynamoDB on-demand offers pay-per-request pricing for read and write requests so that you pay only for what you use.
This frees you from managing RCUs, WCUs, and autoscaling. There would be no need for pro-active scaling
Be sure to review the considerations before making that change

If you do not have consistent traffic then its better to set to close to what the burst is, as it takes 5 minutes before scaling up you might find your credits depleted before it scales.


AWS High Resolution Metrics for faster ECS scaling

I have a complex REST API deployed in AWS ECS. The autoscaling policy for the same is based on RequestCount of 2000.
The scale out will happen when RequestCount is consistently higher than 2000 with standard resolution per 60 seconds. This takes at least 2 minutes before scaling happens. This is becoming a problem with short-time request surge when request count increases to 10k and above. The containers start rejecting requests(throttling).
I need to at least make the scaling happen more quickly within a minute if not within seconds. AWS CloudWatch seems to offer High-Resolution metrics, but there's very less information about:
Can I enable specific metrics with high-resolution. Is it possible that I can have request counts resolved at high granularity of 5 seconds and CPUUtilization at standard granularity of 1 minute?
How can I enable high resolution on AWS metrics?
The AWS CloudWatch Documentation seems to be insufficient to understand this process.
There's two different things that can be 'high resolution', the alarm and the metric.
A High Resolution metric just means the source is pushing values more frequently. You can't control this if your using an AWS metric, and most of them don't push more often than once a minute.
A High Resolution alarm is one where the period is less than 60 seconds and will be billed at a higher rate than standard alarms. However, this isn't very useful in most cases if the metric your basing it on only gets pushed once per minute
To directly answer your questions
No, I don't think any of the AWS RequestCount metrics for things like ELB have a 'high resolution on/off' toggle (although ELB might push more frequently than 1 minute by default, I'm not sure)
its based on how often the source pushes data points to cloudwatch. If the AWS metrics don't work for what you need, you would need to add something like the CloudWatch agent (or just a script in your instance) pushing metric more frequently. Be careful about the CloudWatch API call charges if you do this from a lot of sources at a high frequency though

Do DynamoDB consumed capacity units in on-demand mode compare to provisioned capacity?

Right now I am using on-demand mode for my DynamoDB tables, as I didn't know how much data to expect. But now that the application has run a while, I can see the metrics for ConsumedReadCapacityUnits and ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits for my tables in CloudWatch.
In on-demand mode I pay per request, whereas in provisioned capacity mode I have to pay for the provisioned capacity. If I simply take the metrics for (max) consumed capacity units and compare the prices of those in provisioned capacity mode to my current costs, I believe provisioned capacity mode would be a lot cheaper for me.
My question is, can I simply take the metrics and take the max (plus some buffer) of the consumed capacity units and configure them as provisioned capacity, or is that an error in reasoning on my part?
There are two other things you need to consider:
How 'bursty' is your throughput?
Are you using SDKs to connect to your database?
Setting your provision to the maximum throughput you ever see will ensure you don't get throttled requests, however you will probably be setting the provision too high. Dynamodb can actually consume more provision than you have set using Burst Capacity. This will accomodate short bursts of high throughput over the space of 5 minutes. If you see sustained peaks, for example your database is busy in the day but not the night, you might consider setting your tables to Autoscale. In this case you can set the provisioned throughput lower, and Dyanmodb will automatically scale up provision as required. Note that autoscale is good for workloads that vary over the course of hours (e.g. for handling daily peak hours). It's not good for reacting to events that occur in less than about 30 minutes.
If you are using official SDKs, they will handle throttle responses, and retry any failed requests. This gives Dynamodb some time to scale without your application failing requests.

How to compute initial Auto-scaling limits for DynamoDb table

Our table has bursty writes, expected once a week. We have auto-scaling enabled, with provisioned capacity as 5 WCU's, with 70% target utilization. This suffices for our off-peak (non-bursty) traffic. However, during the bursty writes, the WCU's reach around 1.5-2k, which leads to a lot of throttled writed and ultimately failures to write as well.
1) Is the auto-scaling suitable for such an use-case?
2) If yes, what should our initial provisioned capacity be?
This answer will tell you why auto-scaling is not working for you:
This answer will tell you how you can configure your SDK to retry operations over a much longer period (and therefore stop your operation failures furing peak requests).
What should be done when the provisioned throughput is exceeded?
Ultimately you should probably move your tables to on-demand.
For tables using on-demand mode, DynamoDB instantly accommodates
customers’ workloads as they ramp up or down to any previously
observed traffic level. If the level of traffic hits a new peak,
DynamoDB adapts rapidly to accommodate the workload.
No, auto-scaling is not suitable for your needs. It takes a few minutes to scale up and it does that by increasing a fixed percentage of your current capacity at each time. There's also a limited number of times it scales up or down per day, so you can't get from 5 to 2,000 in a matter of minutes. You may not even get that in a matter of hours.
I'd suggest to try on demand mode, or manually setting capacity to 2,000 some time before you actually need it (it doesn't really scale instantly).
I strongly advise to read the ENTIRE dynamo documentation with regards to best practices for primary key, GSI, data architecture. Depending on the size of your table (lager that 10 Gb), the 2,000 units may get spread across partitions and you could potentially still have throttled requests.

How can I tell if CPUUtilization in AWS is the reason my website sign-up is timing out?

Our website is hosted on AWS in a t2.small instance. User-facing sign-up is currently timing out.
Initially, I was getting a loadbalancer latency alarm notification for this instance, so I increased the limit, which seemed to work as a temporary solution.
However, once I increased the limit, I started getting 2 other alarm notifications, which were as follows:
1) production-remove-capacity-alarm
Description: None
Threshold: CPUUtilization <= 40 for 3 datapoints within 15 minutes
2) AWSEBCloudwatchAlarmLow
Description: ElasticBeanstalk Default Scale Down alarm
Threshold: NetworkOut < 2,000,000 for 1 datapoints within 5 minutes
It seems to me that I should simply change the alarm notifications so that I'm no longer alerted to #2, as I don't see how this is interfering with anything, but please correct me if I seem to be missing something.
Regarding #1, does it seem likely that somehow adjusting CPU Utilization in AWS will solve the timeout issue with website sign-up?
And if so, what specifically ought to be done?
Everything is okay. Don't panic.
The first priority is that your application operates correctly. Hopefully your adjustment to the instance type) satisfactorily fixed this (but it is still worth watching).
The above two alarms are basically saying:
CPU is under 40%
There's not a lot of network traffic
These alarms can be used to scale-in instances (reduce the number of instances) so that you are not paying for excess capacity. There would be similar alarms that let you scale-out (add additional instances).
ALARM simply means the check is True. That is, the condition has been satisfied. It does not necessarily indicate a problem.
I'm going to presume that you currently have only one instance running. If so, you can ignore those alarms (and Auto Scaling will ignore them too) because you are already at the minimum capacity.
If Auto Scaling has been configured to scale-out to more instances, these alarms would later scale-in to save you money. They're probably a bit trigger-happy, only looking at 15 minutes CPU and 5 minutes of network traffic — it would normally be better to wait for a longer period before deciding to remove capacity.
Bottom line: If your application is running correctly and you are only operating a single instance, there's nothing to worry about. It's all working as expected.

How to configure EC2 autoscaling based on multiple limits on same metric?

My primary requirement is as follows:
When CPU consumption on an instance exceeds 50 % then adjust capacity of autoscaling group to 5 instances, when CPU consumption exceeds 80% then adjust capacity to 10 instances.
However if I use cloudwatch alarms to set capacity I can imagine the following race condition:
5 instances exist
CPU consumption exceeds 80 %
Alarm is triggered
Capacity is changed to 19 instances
CPU consumption drops below 50 %
Eventually CPU consumption again exceeds 50% but now capacity will be changed to 5 instances (which is something I don't want to happen)
So what I would ideally like to happen is that in response to alarm triggers I would like to ensure that capacity is altleast the corresponding threshold.
I am aware that this can be done by manually setting the capacity through AWS SDK - which could be triggered in response to lifecycle events monitored by a supervisor, but is there a better approach, preferably one that does not require setting up additional supervisors or webhooks for alarms ?
A general approach is to fine grain the scaling actions:
Do not jump that big:
if the ASG avg CPU is over 70% > Add an instance
if the ASG avg CPU is over 90% > Add "n" instances
if the ASG avg CPU is under 40% > remove an instance
if the ASG avg CPU is under 10% > remove "n" instance
All of these values are the last 5 mins AVG. So if you have a really fast pike, you need more aggressive scaling. So in half an hour you can easily add 6 servers or even more.
Also scaling works better with higher numbers. So if your system needs only 1-3 instances, it may make sense to decrease the instance size so you can have 2-6 instances. It give some extra flexibility to your system.
But again, the question is, what is your expected load? Big pikes or an expected up and down during the day?
I would suggest looking into an AWS lambda function, triggered by an SNS message from cloudwatch - it should give you free reign to put as much logic into the scaling decision as you want.
Good Luck!