regex numbers in arithmetic expression - regex

I want to capture all numbers in a string
for example:
| string | match |
| 5*-33 = 75.3 | 5|-33|75.3 |
| s44+2=7 | 2|7 |
| ii2*-5 = 46 | -5|46 |
| -2*-2.1 = 0.1 | -2|-2.1|0.1|
i tried with following expression, but its not working with signed numbers.

Don't forget the optional -. - is not a number, so you have to capture it separately.
Of course, this will have issues with valid expressions such as:
But that seems to be a different problem.


What is the maximum length of a regex expression?

In PostgreSQL, I want to exclude rows if the desc field contains any forbidden words.
| id | desc |
| 1 | apple foo cat bar|
| 2 | foo bar |
| 3 | foocatbar |
| 4 | foo dog bar |
The forbidden words list is stored in another table, currently it has 400 words to check.
| word |
| apple |
| boy |
| cat |
| dog |
| .... |
SQL query:
select id, desc
from items
desc !~* (select '\y(' || string_agg(word, '|') || ')\y' from forbidden_word_table)
I am checking if desc does not match the regex expression:
desc !~* '\y(apple|boy|cat|dog|.............)\y'
| id | desc |
| 2 | foo bar |
| 3 | foocatbar |
** 3rd is not excluded since cat is not a single word
My forbidden_word_table will likely grow with many rows, the above regex will become a very lengthy expression.
Do regex expressions have a maximum length limit (in bytes or characters)? I'm afraid of my regex matching approach will not work if forbidden_word_table keeps growing.
Seems, that Wiktor Stribiżew is right about "catastrophic backtracking".
I'd suggest to use ILIKE and ANY:
FROM items i
SELECT '%' || word || '%'
FROM forbidden_word_table

Remove all Unicode space separators in PostgreSQL?

I would like to trim() a column and to replace any multiple white spaces and Unicode space separators to single space. The idea behind is to sanitize usernames, preventing 2 users having deceptive names foo bar (SPACE u+20) vs foo bar(NO-BREAK SPACE u+A0).
Until now I've used SELECT regexp_replace(TRIM('some string'), '[\s\v]+', ' ', 'g'); it removes spaces, tab and carriage return, but it lack support for Unicode space separators.
I would have added to the regexp \h, but PostgreSQL doesn't support it (neither \p{Zs}):
SELECT regexp_replace(TRIM('some string'), '[\s\v\h]+', ' ', 'g');
Error in query (7): ERROR: invalid regular expression: invalid escape \ sequence
We are running PostgreSQL 12 (12.2-2.pgdg100+1) in a Debian 10 docker container, using UTF-8 encoding, and support emojis in usernames.
I there a way to achieve something similar?
Based on the Posix "space" character-class (class shorthand \s in Postgres regular expressions), UNICODE "Spaces", some space-like "Format characters", and some additional non-printing characters (finally added two more from Wiktor's post), I condensed this custom character class:
So use:
SELECT trim(regexp_replace('some string', '[\s\u00a0\u180e\u2007\u200b-\u200f\u202f\u2060\ufeff]+', ' ', 'g'));
Note: trim() comes after regexp_replace(), so it covers converted spaces.
It's important to include the basic space class \s (short for [[:space:]] to cover all current (and future) basic space characters.
We might include more characters. Or start by stripping all characters encoded with 4 bytes. Because UNICODE is dark and full of terrors.
Consider this demo:
SELECT d AS decimal, to_hex(d) AS hex, chr(d) AS glyph
, '\u' || lpad(to_hex(d), 4, '0') AS unicode
, chr(d) ~ '\s' AS in_posix_space_class
, chr(d) ~ '[\s\u00a0\u180e\u2007\u200b-\u200f\u202f\u2060\ufeff]' AS in_custom_class
SELECT unnest('{9,32,160,5760,6158,8239,8287,8288,12288,65279}'::int[])
SELECT generate_series (8192, 8202) AS dec -- UNICODE "Spaces"
SELECT generate_series (8203, 8207) AS dec -- First 5 space-like UNICODE "Format characters"
) t(d)
decimal | hex | glyph | unicode | in_posix_space_class | in_custom_class
9 | 9 | | \u0009 | t | t
32 | 20 | | \u0020 | t | t
160 | a0 |   | \u00a0 | f | t
5760 | 1680 |   | \u1680 | t | t
6158 | 180e | ᠎ | \u180e | f | t
8192 | 2000 |   | \u2000 | t | t
8193 | 2001 |   | \u2001 | t | t
8194 | 2002 |   | \u2002 | t | t
8195 | 2003 |   | \u2003 | t | t
8196 | 2004 |   | \u2004 | t | t
8197 | 2005 |   | \u2005 | t | t
8198 | 2006 |   | \u2006 | t | t
8199 | 2007 |   | \u2007 | f | t
8200 | 2008 |   | \u2008 | t | t
8201 | 2009 |   | \u2009 | t | t
8202 | 200a |   | \u200a | t | t
8203 | 200b | ​ | \u200b | f | t
8204 | 200c | ‌ | \u200c | f | t
8205 | 200d | ‍ | \u200d | f | t
8206 | 200e | ‎ | \u200e | f | t
8207 | 200f | ‏ | \u200f | f | t
8239 | 202f |   | \u202f | f | t
8287 | 205f |   | \u205f | t | t
8288 | 2060 | ⁠ | \u2060 | f | t
12288 | 3000 |   | \u3000 | t | t
65279 | feff | | \ufeff | f | t
(26 rows)
Tool to generate the character class:
SELECT '[\s' || string_agg('\u' || lpad(to_hex(d), 4, '0'), '' ORDER BY d) || ']'
SELECT unnest('{9,32,160,5760,6158,8239,8287,8288,12288,65279}'::int[])
SELECT generate_series (8192, 8202)
SELECT generate_series (8203, 8207)
) t(d)
WHERE chr(d) !~ '\s'; -- not covered by \s
db<>fiddle here
Related, with more explanation:
Trim trailing spaces with PostgreSQL
You may construct a bracket expression including the whitespace characters from \p{Zs} Unicode category + a tab:
REGEXP_REPLACE(col, '[\u0009\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]+', ' ', 'g')
It will replace all occurrences of one or more horizontal whitespaces (match by \h in other regex flavors supporting it) with a regular space char.
Compiling blank characters from several sources, I've ended up with the following pattern which includes tabulations (U+0009 / U+000B / U+0088-008A / U+2409-240A), word joiner (U+2060), space symbol (U+2420 / U+2423), braille blank (U+2800), tag space (U+E0020) and more:
And in order to effectively transform blanks including multiple consecutive spaces and those at the beginning/end of a column, here are the 3 queries to be executed in sequence (assuming column "text" from "mytable")
-- transform all Unicode blanks/spaces into a "regular" one (U+20) only on lines where "text" matches the pattern
text = regexp_replace(text, '[\x0009\x000B\x0088-\x008A\x00A0\x1680\x180E\x2000-\x200F\x202F\x205F\x2060\x2409\x240A\x2420\x2423\x2800\x3000\xFEFF\xE0020]', ' ', 'g')
text ~ '[\x0009\x000B\x0088-\x008A\x00A0\x1680\x180E\x2000-\x200F\x202F\x205F\x2060\x2409\x240A\x2420\x2423\x2800\x3000\xFEFF\xE0020]';
-- then squeeze multiple spaces into one
UPDATE mytable SET text=regexp_replace(text, '[ ]+ ',' ','g') WHERE text LIKE '% %';
-- and finally, trim leading/ending spaces
UPDATE mytable SET text=trim(both ' ' FROM text) WHERE text LIKE ' %' OR text LIKE '% ';

REGEX: why '^([a-z] | a)$' does not match 'a'?

I never used regular expressions before and I was testing some examples.
What I don't understand is why the regular expression ^([a-z] | a)$ doesn't match the string 'a'.
As I understood [a-z] is equivalent to (a | b | c | ... | y | z), so
[a-z] | a must be equivalent to (a | b | c | ... | y | z) | a, that is the same
to say (a | b | c | ... | y | z) or [a-z].
For that reason a string str matches ^([a-z] | a)$ iff matches ^[a-z]$.
That's why I don't understand why that regular expression doesn't match string 'a' or 'e' for example.
PS: I was testing this in this page.
Spaces matter in regular expressions. Remove the spaces around the pipe (|) and it should work.

how to get proxy from string

I have string | 0.238 | Little Rock | AR | Unknown | United
States69.207.212.76:49233 | 0.274 | Sayre | PA | 18840 | United
States96.42.127.190:25480 | 0.292 | Sartell | MN | 56377 | United States
and heres how I get proxy from it
my code
Dim ip As String = " | 0.238 | Little Rock | AR | Unknown | United States69.207.212.76:49233 | 0.274 | Sayre | PA | 18840 | United States96.42.127.190:25480 | 0.292 | Sartell | MN | 56377 | United States"
ip = Regex.Match(ip, "\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\:\d{2,5}\b", RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString
RichTextBox1.Text = ip
it only show first proxy but i want it show all
Use the Regex.Matches() method instead and remove the beginning word boundary.
You could write it as follows:
For Each m As Match In Regex.Matches(ip, "(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}:\d+")
Ideone Demo
use this pattern to return multi result for specific expression
public ArrayList HRefs(string incomingHtml)
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
string pattern = "href\\s*=\\s*(?:\"(?<1>[^\"]*)\"|(?<1>\\S+))";
for (Match match = Regex.Match(incomingHtml, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); match.Success; match = match.NextMatch())
string str = match.Groups[1].Value;
return arrayList;

ANTLR4 - Match values over 9?

So, I've been working again on my assembler, this time I'm hanging with the floating-point registers. Basically, there are 32 fp registers. So, I want to match them, if I write F0, F1, F2, ..., F31. I wrote following into my lexer:
: ('R0'|'r0')
| ('AT'|'at')
| ('v'[0-1]|'V'[0-1])
| ('a'[0-3]|'A'[0-3])
| ('t'[0-9]|'T'[0-9])
| ('s'[0-9]|'S'[0-8])
| ('k'[0-1]|'K'[0-1])
| ('GP'|'gp')
| ('SP'|'sp')
| ('FP'|'fp')
| ('ra'|'RA')
| ('f'[0-31]|'F'[0-31])+
Basically, every register here worked without any problems. But F0-F31 seems not to work. I tested it out and noticed, that it only matches F0-F3 but not any higher. This was quite obvious in that moment and I couldn't find out how I would match values which are over 10. I also tried some workarounds like adding more [0-9] behind the others, but that didn't help, as it then would match later values like F36 or F39. So, any idea how I could handle this?
Thanks in Advance.
The class [0-31] matches the 0, 1, 2, 3 or 1 (again). To emphasise: regular expression classes do not match numeric values, but (text) characters.
To match F0, F1, F2, ..., F31 (and f0, f1, f2, ..., f31), do something like this:
: [fF] ( [0-9] // matches f0..f9 (and F0..F9)
| [1-2] [0-9] // matches f10..f29 (and F10..F29)
| '3' [01] // matches f30 or f31 (and F30 or F31)
Your complete REG rule could be written as follows:
: [rR] '0'
| 'AT' | 'at'
| [vV] [01]
| [aA] [0-3]
| [tT] [0-9]
| [sS] [0-9]
| [kK] [01]
| 'GP' | 'gp'
| 'SP' | 'sp'
| 'FP' | 'fp'
| 'RA' | 'ra'
| [fF] ( [0-9] | [1-2] [0-9] | '3' [01] )
Note that [01] and [0-1] match the same: either '0' or '1'. Also be aware that 'ra' | 'RA' does not match 'Ra'. If you want 'Ra' and 'rA' to match as well, write it like this: [rR] [aA].