How to properly project and distort 3d points with OpenGL - opengl

I'm coding a GLSL shader to do projection of 3D vertices using the Model, View and Projection matrices.
I used This for projection matrix.
However I'm not getting the distorted image.
In order to distort the points I used:
vec4 distort(vec4 pos){
// normalize
float z = pos[2];
float z_inv = 1 / z;
float x1 = pos[0] * z_inv;
float y1 = pos[1] * z_inv;
// precalculations
float x1_2 = x1 * x1;
float y1_2 = y1 * y1;
float x1_y1 = x1 * y1;
float r2 = x1_2 + y1_2;
float r4 = r2 * r2;
float r6 = r4 * r2;
// rational distortion factor
float r_dist = (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4 + k3 * r6)
/ (1 + k4 * r2 + k5 * r4 + k6 * r6);
// full (rational + tangential) distortion
float x2 = x1 * r_dist + 2 * p1 * x1_y1 + p2 * (r2 + 2 * x1_2);
float y2 = y1 * r_dist + 2 * p2 * x1_y1 + p1 * (r2 + 2 * y1_2);
// denormalize for projection (which is a linear operation)
return vec4(x2*z, y2*z, z, pos[3]);}
and the projection is as following:
vec4 view_pos = modelView * vec4(aPos, 1.0);
vec4 dist_pos = distort(view_pos);
gl_Position = projection * dist_pos;
The problem is when the camera is near the object, I get really bad projections of 3d points.
Is there a way to check if the point is distordable or not and is there something wrong with the distortion function I'm using (i'm tryng to use OpenCV distortion) ?

Don't distort individual vertices, since as you mentioned, it does not work well. The reason is that no matter how you distort your vertices, OpenGL still rasterizes triangles with straight edges. However, lens distortion causes straight lines to appear curved. You could mitigate that by subdividing your geometry to smaller triangles... but that won't ever fully solve the problem.
Instead, render your scene into an off-screen texture, and when done, render a full-screen quad that samples that textures with distorted texture coordinates. This distortion step can be combined with other post processing effects (e.g. tone mapping), making it a rather cheap option.


Fish-eye warping about mouse position - fragment shader

I'm trying to create a fish-eye effect but only in a small radius around the mouse position. I've been able to modify this code to work about the mouse position (demo) but I can't figure out where the zooming is coming from. I'm expecting the output to warp the image similarly to this (ignore the color inversion for the sake of this question):
Relevant code:
// Check if within given radius of the mouse
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse - 0.5;
float distance = dot(diff, diff); // square of distance, saves a square-root
// Add fish-eye
if(distance <= u_radius_squared) {
vec2 xy = 2.0 * (myUV - u_mouse) - 1.0;
float d = length(xy * maxFactor);
float z = sqrt(1.0 - d * d);
float r = atan(d, z) / PI;
float phi = atan(xy.y, xy.x);
myUV.x = d * r * cos(phi) + 0.5 + u_mouse.x;
myUV.y = d * r * sin(phi) + 0.5 + u_mouse.y;
vec3 tex = texture2D(tMap, myUV).rgb;
gl_FragColor.rgb = tex;
This is my first shader, so other improvements besides fixing this issue are also welcome.
Compute the vector from the current fragment to the mouse and the length of the vector:
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse;
float distance = length(diff);
The new texture coordinate is the sum of the mouse position and the scaled direction vector:
myUV = u_mouse + normalize(diff) * u_radius * f(distance/u_radius);
For instance:
uniform float u_radius;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
void main()
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse;
float distance = length(diff);
if (distance <= u_radius)
float scale = (1.0 - cos(distance/u_radius * PI * 0.5));
myUV = u_mouse + normalize(diff) * u_radius * scale;
vec3 tex = texture2D(tMap, myUV).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(tex, 1.0);

I need help converting this 2D sky shader to 3D

I found this shader function on github and managed to get it working in GameMaker Studio 2, my current programming suite of choice. However this is a 2D effect that doesn't take into account the camera up vector, nor fov. Is there anyway that can be added into this? I'm only intermediate skill level when it comes to shaders so I'm not sure exactly what route to take, or whether it would even be considered worth it at this point, or if I should start with a different example.
uniform vec3 u_sunPosition;
varying vec2 v_vTexcoord;
varying vec4 v_vColour;
varying vec3 v_vPosition;
#define PI 3.141592
#define iSteps 16
#define jSteps 8
vec2 rsi(vec3 r0, vec3 rd, float sr) {
// ray-sphere intersection that assumes
// the sphere is centered at the origin.
// No intersection when result.x > result.y
float a = dot(rd, rd);
float b = 2.0 * dot(rd, r0);
float c = dot(r0, r0) - (sr * sr);
float d = (b*b) - 4.0*a*c;
if (d < 0.0) return vec2(1e5,-1e5);
return vec2(
(-b - sqrt(d))/(2.0*a),
(-b + sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)
vec3 atmosphere(vec3 r, vec3 r0, vec3 pSun, float iSun, float rPlanet, float rAtmos, vec3 kRlh, float kMie, float shRlh, float shMie, float g) {
// Normalize the sun and view directions.
pSun = normalize(pSun);
r = normalize(r);
// Calculate the step size of the primary ray.
vec2 p = rsi(r0, r, rAtmos);
if (p.x > p.y) return vec3(0,0,0);
p.y = min(p.y, rsi(r0, r, rPlanet).x);
float iStepSize = (p.y - p.x) / float(iSteps);
// Initialize the primary ray time.
float iTime = 0.0;
// Initialize accumulators for Rayleigh and Mie scattering.
vec3 totalRlh = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 totalMie = vec3(0,0,0);
// Initialize optical depth accumulators for the primary ray.
float iOdRlh = 0.0;
float iOdMie = 0.0;
// Calculate the Rayleigh and Mie phases.
float mu = dot(r, pSun);
float mumu = mu * mu;
float gg = g * g;
float pRlh = 3.0 / (16.0 * PI) * (1.0 + mumu);
float pp = 1.0 + gg - 2.0 * mu * g;
float pMie = 3.0 / (8.0 * PI) * ((1.0 - gg) * (mumu + 1.0)) / (sign(pp)*pow(abs(pp), 1.5) * (2.0 + gg));
// Sample the primary ray.
for (int i = 0; i < iSteps; i++) {
// Calculate the primary ray sample position.
vec3 iPos = r0 + r * (iTime + iStepSize * 0.5);
// Calculate the height of the sample.
float iHeight = length(iPos) - rPlanet;
// Calculate the optical depth of the Rayleigh and Mie scattering for this step.
float odStepRlh = exp(-iHeight / shRlh) * iStepSize;
float odStepMie = exp(-iHeight / shMie) * iStepSize;
// Accumulate optical depth.
iOdRlh += odStepRlh;
iOdMie += odStepMie;
// Calculate the step size of the secondary ray.
float jStepSize = rsi(iPos, pSun, rAtmos).y / float(jSteps);
// Initialize the secondary ray time.
float jTime = 0.0;
// Initialize optical depth accumulators for the secondary ray.
float jOdRlh = 0.0;
float jOdMie = 0.0;
// Sample the secondary ray.
for (int j = 0; j < jSteps; j++) {
// Calculate the secondary ray sample position.
vec3 jPos = iPos + pSun * (jTime + jStepSize * 0.5);
// Calculate the height of the sample.
float jHeight = length(jPos) - rPlanet;
// Accumulate the optical depth.
jOdRlh += exp(-jHeight / shRlh) * jStepSize;
jOdMie += exp(-jHeight / shMie) * jStepSize;
// Increment the secondary ray time.
jTime += jStepSize;
// Calculate attenuation.
vec3 attn = exp(-(kMie * (iOdMie + jOdMie) + kRlh * (iOdRlh + jOdRlh)));
// Accumulate scattering.
totalRlh += odStepRlh * attn;
totalMie += odStepMie * attn;
// Increment the primary ray time.
iTime += iStepSize;
// Calculate and return the final color.
return iSun * (pRlh * kRlh * totalRlh + pMie * kMie * totalMie);
vec3 ACESFilm( vec3 x )
float tA = 2.51;
float tB = 0.03;
float tC = 2.43;
float tD = 0.59;
float tE = 0.14;
return clamp((x*(tA*x+tB))/(x*(tC*x+tD)+tE),0.0,1.0);
void main() {
vec3 color = atmosphere(
normalize( v_vPosition ), // normalized ray direction
vec3(0,6372e3,0), // ray origin
u_sunPosition, // position of the sun
22.0, // intensity of the sun
6371e3, // radius of the planet in meters
6471e3, // radius of the atmosphere in meters
vec3(5.5e-6, 13.0e-6, 22.4e-6), // Rayleigh scattering coefficient
21e-6, // Mie scattering coefficient
8e3, // Rayleigh scale height
1.2e3, // Mie scale height
0.758 // Mie preferred scattering direction
// Apply exposure.
color = ACESFilm( color );
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
However this is a 2D effect that doesn't take into account the camera up vector, nor fov.
If you want to draw a sky in 3D, then you have to draw the on the back plane of the normalized device space. The normalized device space is is a cube with the left, bottom near of (-1, -1, -1) and the right, top, f ar of (1, 1, 1).
The back plane is the quad with:
bottom left: -1, -1, 1
bottom right: 1, -1, 1
top right: -1, -1, 1
top left: -1, -1, 1
Render this quad. Note, the vertex coordinates have not to be transformed by any matrix, because the are normalized device space coordinates. But you have to transform the ray which is used for the sky (the direction which is passed to atmosphere).
This ray has to be a direction in world space, from the camera position to the the sky. By the vertex coordinate of the quad you can get a ray in normalized device space. You have tor transform this ray to world space. The inverse projection matrix (MATRIX_PROJECTION) transforms from normalized devices space to view space and the inverse view matrix (MATRIX_VIEW) transforms form view space to world space. Use this matrices in the vertex shader:
attribute vec3 in_Position;
varying vec3 v_world_ray;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(inPos, 1.0);
vec3 proj_ray = vec3(inverse(gm_Matrices[MATRIX_PROJECTION]) * vec4(, 1.0));
v_world_ray = vec3(inverse(gm_Matrices[MATRIX_VIEW]) * vec4(, 0.0));
In the fragment shader you have to rotate the ray by 90° around the x axis, but that is just caused by the way the ray is interpreted by function atmosphere:
varying vec3 v_world_ray;
// [...]
void main() {
vec3 world_ray = vec3(v_world_ray.x, v_world_ray.z, -v_world_ray.y);
vec3 color = atmosphere(
normalize( ), // normalized ray direction
vec3(0,6372e3,0), // ray origin
u_sunPosition, // position of the sun
22.0, // intensity of the sun
6371e3, // radius of the planet in meters
6471e3, // radius of the atmosphere in meters
vec3(5.5e-6, 13.0e-6, 22.4e-6), // Rayleigh scattering coefficient
21e-6, // Mie scattering coefficient
8e3, // Rayleigh scale height
1.2e3, // Mie scale height
0.758 // Mie preferred scattering direction
// Apply exposure.
color = ACESFilm( color );
fragColor = vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);

How can I transform the intrinsic and extrinsic matrix into opengl projection and view matrix correctly

I have some 3D points near origin, camera intrinsic and extrinsic matrix. I can get correct 2D points through projectPoints(using x = intrinsic * extrinsic * X) function in opencv. But when I want to render these 3D points using opengl, it can't work well.
I just transformed intrinsic matrix into glm mat4 as follow:
proj[0][0] = 2 * fx / width;
proj[1][0] = 0.0f;
proj[2][0] = (2 * cx - width) / width;
proj[3][0] = 0.0f;
proj[0][1] = 0.0f;
proj[1][1] = -2 * fy / height;
proj[2][1] = (height - 2 * cy) / height;
proj[3][1] = 0.0f;
proj[0][2] = 0.0f;
proj[1][2] = 0.0f;
proj[2][2] = -(far_clip + near_clip) / (near_clip - far_clip);
proj[3][2] = 2 * near_clip * far_clip / (near_clip - far_clip);
proj[0][3] = 0.0f;
proj[1][3] = 0.0f;
proj[2][3] = 1.0f;
proj[3][3] = 0.0f;
The fx,fy are focal length, width and height are the width and height of image, cx and cy is width / 2 and height / 2 (I get camera matrix through it).
Then I transposed the 4*4 extrinsic matrix as glm view matrix because of the column major in opengl. In my shader, I got gl_Position through
gl_Position = proj * view * vec4(3Dpointposition, 1.0f)
But I got wrong rendering result in screen. I got my camera matrix with the origin in the top-left, and the origin in opengl is in the bottom-left, It also seems that the camera in opencv looks down the positive z-axis but the opengl camera looks down the negetive z-axis. How can I modify the code to the correct version?

Procedural Texturing Checkerboard OpenGL

I encounter some difficulties to implement a procedural texture of checkerboard. Here is what I need to get:
Here is what i get:
It's close but my texture is kind of rotated in respect of what I need to get.
Here is the code of my shader:
#version 330
in vec2 uv;
out vec3 color;
uniform sampler1D colormap;
void main() {
float sx = sin(10*3.14*uv.x)/2 + 0.5;
float sy = sin(10*3.14*uv.y)/2 + 0.5;
float s = (sx + sy)/2;
color = texture(colormap,s).rgb;
colormap is a mapping from 0 to 1, where 0 correspond to red, 1 to green.
I think the problem is coming from the formula i use, (sx+sy)/2 . I need to get the square not rotated but aligned with the border of the big square.
If someone has an idea to get the good formula.
You can add a rotation operation to "uv":
mat2 R(float degrees){
mat2 R = mat2(1);
float alpha = radians(degrees);
R[0][0] = cos(alpha);
R[0][1] = sin(alpha);
R[1][0] = -sin(alpha);
R[1][1] = cos(alpha);
return R;
void main(){
ver2 new_uv = R(45) * uv;
float sx = sin(10*3.14*new_uv.x)/2 + 0.5;
float sy = sin(10*3.14*new_uv.y)/2 + 0.5;
float s = (sx + sy)/2;
color = texture(colormap,s).rgb;
Maybe something like this:
float sx = sin(10.0 * M_PI * uv.x);
float sy = sin(10.0 * M_PI * uv.y);
float s = sx * sy / 2.0 + 0.5;
Example (without texture):

Getting the true z value from the depth buffer

Sampling from a depth buffer in a shader returns values between 0 and 1, as expected.
Given the near- and far- clip planes of the camera, how do I calculate the true z value at this point, i.e. the distance from the camera?
// == Post-process frag shader ===========================================
uniform sampler2D depthBuffTex;
uniform float zNear;
uniform float zFar;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
void main(void)
float z_b = texture2D(depthBuffTex, vTexCoord).x;
float z_n = 2.0 * z_b - 1.0;
float z_e = 2.0 * zNear * zFar / (zFar + zNear - z_n * (zFar - zNear));
[edit] So here's the explanation (with 2 mistakes, see Christian's comment below) :
An OpenGL perspective matrix looks like this :
When you multiply this matrix by an homogeneous point [x,y,z,1], it gives you: [don't care, don't care, Az+B, -z] (with A and B the 2 big components in the matrix).
OpenGl next does the perspective division: it divides this vector by its w component. This operation is not done in shaders (except special cases like shadowmapping) but in hardware; you can't control it. w = -z, so the Z value becomes -A/z -B.
We are now in Normalized Device Coordinates. The Z value is between 0 and 1. For some stupid reason, OpenGL requires that it should be moved to the [-1,1] range (just like x and y). A scaling and offset is applied.
This final value is then stored in the buffer.
The above code does the exact opposite :
z_b is the raw value stored in the buffer
z_n linearly transforms z_b from [-1,1] to [0,1]
z_e is the same formula as z_n=-A/z_e -B, but solved for z_e instead. It's equivalent to z_e = -A / (z_n+B). A and B should be computed on the CPU and sent as uniforms, btw.
The opposite function is :
varying float depth; // Linear depth, in world units
void main(void)
float A = gl_ProjectionMatrix[2].z;
float B = gl_ProjectionMatrix[3].z;
gl_FragDepth = 0.5*(-A*depth + B) / depth + 0.5;
I know this is an old, old question, but I've found myself back here more than once on various occasions, so I thought I'd share my code that does the forward and reverse conversions.
This is based on #Calvin1602's answer. These work in GLSL or plain old C code.
uniform float zNear = 0.1;
uniform float zFar = 500.0;
// depthSample from depthTexture.r, for instance
float linearDepth(float depthSample)
depthSample = 2.0 * depthSample - 1.0;
float zLinear = 2.0 * zNear * zFar / (zFar + zNear - depthSample * (zFar - zNear));
return zLinear;
// result suitable for assigning to gl_FragDepth
float depthSample(float linearDepth)
float nonLinearDepth = (zFar + zNear - 2.0 * zNear * zFar / linearDepth) / (zFar - zNear);
nonLinearDepth = (nonLinearDepth + 1.0) / 2.0;
return nonLinearDepth;
I ended up here trying to solve a similar problem when Nicol Bolas's comment on this page made me realize what I was doing wrong. If you want the distance to the camera and not the distance to the camera plane, you can compute it as follows (in GLSL):
float GetDistanceFromCamera(float depth,
vec2 screen_pixel,
vec2 resolution) {
float fov = ...
float near = ...
float far = ...
float distance_to_plane = near / (far - depth * (far - near)) * far;
vec2 center = resolution / 2.0f - 0.5;
float focal_length = (resolution.y / 2.0f) / tan(fov / 2.0f);
float diagonal = length(vec3(screen_pixel.x - center.x,
screen_pixel.y - center.y,
return distance_to_plane * (diagonal / focal_length);
(source) Thanks to github user cassfalg: