OpenAL playing audio from certain timestamp - c++

I am writing a dialogue system for my game engine in C++. In order to group dialogue together I am having different dialogue sections placed within one file, and one buffer. Therefore how do I tell OpenAL to play the buffer from a specific time (or sample it doesn't really matter to me) into the buffer. Thanks for any help in advance!

void PlayFromSpecifiedTime(ALfloat seconds) const
alSourcef(source, AL_SEC_OFFSET, seconds);
Or, if you want to play from a certain sample from the buffer:
void PlayFromSpecifiedSample(ALint sample) const
alSourcei(source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, sample);
You can also add a check at the beginning to see if you're not trying to skip to a certain time (or sample) beyond the total amount from the buffer. If it does, you simply return; out of it. This assumes you know what you're doing.


How to copy every N-th byte(s) of a C array

I am writing bit of code in C++ where I want to play a .wav file and perform an FFT (with fftw) on it as it comes (and eventually display that FFT on screen with ncurses). This is mainly just as a "for giggles/to see if I can" project, so I have no restrictions on what I can or can't use aside from wanting to try to keep the result fairly lightweight and cross-platform (I'm doing this on Linux for the moment). I'm also trying to do this "right" and not just hack it together.
I'm using SDL2_audio to achieve the playback, which is working fine. The callback is called at some interval requesting N bytes (seems to be desiredSamples*nChannels). My idea is that at the same time I'm copying the memory from my input buffer to SDL I might as well also copy it in to fftw3's input array to run an FFT on it. Then I can just set ncurses to refresh at whatever rate I'd like separate from the audio callback frequency and it'll just pull the most recent data from the output array.
The catch is that the input file is formatted where the channels are packed together. I.E "(LR) (LR) (LR) ...". So while SDL expects this, I need a way to just get one channel to send to FFTW.
The audio callback format from SDL looks like so:
void myAudioCallback(void* userdata, Uint8* stream, int len) {
SDL_memset(stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
SDL_memcpy(stream, audio_pos, len);
audio_pos += len;
where userdata is (currently) unused, stream is the array that SDL wants filled, and len is the length of stream (I.E the number of bytes SDL is looking for).
As far as I know there's no way to get memcpy to just copy every other sample (read: Copy N bytes, skip M, copy N, etc). My current best idea is a brute-force for loop a la...
// pseudocode
for (int i=0; i<len/2; i++) {
fftw_in[i] = audio_pos + 2*i*sizeof(sample)
or even more brute force by just reading the file a second time and only taking every other byte or something.
Is there another way to go about accomplishing this, or is one of these my best option? It feels kind of kludgey to go from a nice one line memcpy to send to the data to SDL to some sort of weird loop to send it to fftw.
Very hard OP's solution can be simplified (for copying bytes):
// pseudocode
const char* s = audio_pos;
for (int d = 0; s < audio_pos + len; d++, s += 2*sizeof(sample)) {
fftw_in[d] = *s;
If I new what fftw_in is, I would memcpy blocks sizeof(*fftw_in).
Please check assembly generated by #S.M.'s solution.
If the code is not vectorized, I would use intrinsics (depending on your hardware support) like _mm_mask_blend_epi8

Seek in libarchive, how to reset header?

Is it possible to read decompressed file once again?
Let imagine I used archive_read_next_header(a, &entry),
and I read an unknown number of bytes using archive_read_data(a, ptr_to_buffer, buffer_size). Right now I want to reset it and start reading again from the beginning. I trying to override seekoff(std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir way, std::ios_base::openmode which). I understand that might be impossible to just seek inside decompressed data because of inner work of compression algorithms, and data is not stored anywhere except a limited number of bytes in libarchive internal buffer.
The idea is to just reset it all, and read std::streamoff off bytes, that way I could create backward seek. Forward seek would be easy, just read std::streamoff off bytes. It's really inefficient, but let's hope, seek won't be used much.
Whole structure archive was initialized that way:
archive_read_set_read_callback(a, read_callback);
archive_read_set_callback_data(a, container);
archive_read_set_seek_callback(a, seek_callback);
archive_read_set_skip_callback(a, skip_callback);
int r = (archive_read_open1(a));
where container contains most of all std::istream, and callbacks are functions which manipulate that stream.
Template of what I would like to achive
std::streampos seek_beg(std::streamoff off) {
if(off >= 0) {
// read/skip 'off' bytes
} else {
// reset (a)
// read/skip 'off' bytes
// return position
also my underflow() method is implemented that way:
int underflow() {
int r = archive_read_data(ar, ptr, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (r < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR");
} else if (r == 0) {
return std::streambuf::traits_type::eof();
} else {
setg(ptr, ptr, ptr + r);
return std::streambuf::traits_type::to_int_type(*ptr);
Libarchive documentation, more precisely, wishlist in libarchive wiki on GitHub says:
A few people have asked for the ability to efficiently "re-read"
particular archive entries. This is a tricky subject. For many
formats, the performance gains from this would be very modest. For
example, with a little performance work, the seeking Zip reader could
support very fast re-reading from the beginning since it only involves
re-parsing the central directory. The cases where there would be real
gains (e.g., tar.gz) are going to be very difficult to handle. The
most likely implementation would be some form of checkpointing so that
clients can explicitly ask for a checkpoint object and then restore
back to that checkpoint. The checkpoint object could be complex if you
have a series of stacked read filters plus state in the format handler
As I see seeking in archives with help of libarchive is not right now possible, so a solution to my problem was to remember all read data only if I have some suspicion that I would want to re-read it, and alternatively push it back to stream.

C++ read text line-by-line, speed/efficiency savings needed

I have a series of large text files (10s - 100s of thousands of lines) that I want to parse line-by-line. The idea is to check if the line has a specific word/character/phrase and to, for now, record to a secondary file if it does.
The code I've used so far is:
ifstream infile1("c:/test/test.txt");
while (getline(infile1, line)) {
if (line.empty()) continue;
if (line.find("mystring") != std::string::npos) {
outfile1 << line << '\n';
The end goal is to be writing those lines to a database. My thinking was to write them to the file first and then to import the file.
The problem I'm facing is the time taken to complete the task. I'm looking to minimize the time as far as possible, so any suggestions as to time savings on the read/write scenario above would be most welcome. Apologies if anything is obvious, I've only just started moving into C++.
I should say that I'm using VS2015
So this was my own dumb fault, when switching to Release and changing the architecture type I had noticeable speed increases. Thanks to everyone for pointing me in that direction. I'm also looking at the mmap stuff and that's proving useful too. Thanks guys!
When you use ifstream to read and process to/from really big files, you have to increase the default buffer size that is used (normally 512 bytes).
The best buffer size depends on your needs, but as a hint you can use the partition block size of the file(s) your reading/writing. To know that information you can use a lot of tools or even code.
Example in Windows:
fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:
Now, you have to create a new buffer to ifstream like this:
size_t newBufferSize = 4 * 1024; // 4K
char * newBuffer = new char[newBufferSize];
ifstream infile1;
infile1.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(newBuffer, newBufferSize);"c:/test/test.txt");
while (getline(infile1, line)) {
/* ... */
delete newBuffer;
Do the same with the output stream and don't forget set new buffer before open file or it may not work.
You can play with values to find the very best size for you.
You'll note the difference.
C-style I/O functions are much faster than fstream.
You may use fgets/fputs to read/write each text line.

iOS waveform generator connected via AUGraph

I have created a simple waveform generator which is connected to an AUGraph. I have reused some sample code from Apple to set AudioStreamBasicDescription like this
void SetCanonical(UInt32 nChannels, bool interleaved)
// note: leaves sample rate untouched
mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
int sampleSize = SizeOf32(AudioSampleType);
mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsCanonical;
mBitsPerChannel = 8 * sampleSize;
mChannelsPerFrame = nChannels;
mFramesPerPacket = 1;
if (interleaved)
mBytesPerPacket = mBytesPerFrame = nChannels * sampleSize;
else {
mBytesPerPacket = mBytesPerFrame = sampleSize;
mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved;
In my class I call this function
mClientFormat.SetCanonical(2, true);
mClientFormat.mSampleRate = kSampleRate;
while sample rate is
#define kSampleRate 44100.0f;
The other setting are taken from sample code as well
// output unit
CAComponentDescription output_desc(kAudioUnitType_Output, kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO, kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple);
// iPodEQ unit
CAComponentDescription eq_desc(kAudioUnitType_Effect, kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodEQ, kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple);
// multichannel mixer unit
CAComponentDescription mixer_desc(kAudioUnitType_Mixer, kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer, kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple);
Everything works fine, but the problem is that I am not getting stereo sound and my callback function is failing (bad access) when I try to reach the second buffer
Float32 *bufferLeft = (Float32 *)ioData->mBuffers[0].mData;
Float32 *bufferRight = (Float32 *)ioData->mBuffers[1].mData;
// Generate the samples
for (UInt32 frame = 0; frame < inNumberFrames; frame++)
switch (generator.soundType) {
case 0: //Sine
bufferLeft[frame] = sinf(thetaLeft) * amplitude;
bufferRight[frame] = sinf(thetaRight) * amplitude;
So it seems I am getting mono instead of stereo. The pointer bufferRight is empty, but don't know why.
Any help will be appreciated.
I can see two possible errors. First, as #invalidname pointed out, recording in stereo probably isn't going to work on a mono device such as the iPhone. Well, it might work, but if it does, you're just going to get back dual-mono stereo streams anyways, so why bother? You might as well configure your stream to work in mono and spare yourself the CPU overhead.
The second problem is probably the source of your sound distortion. Your stream description format flags should be:
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger |
kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian |
Also, don't forget to set the mReserved flag to 0. While the value of this flag is probably being ignored, it doesn't hurt to explicitly set it to 0 just to make sure.
Edit: Another more general tip for debugging audio on the iPhone -- if you are getting distortion, clipping, or other weird effects, grab the data payload from your phone and look at the recording in a wave editor. Being able to zoom down and look at the individual samples will give you a lot of clues about what's going wrong.
To do this, you need to open up the "Organizer" window, click on your phone, and then expand the little arrow next to your application (in the same place where you would normally uninstall it). Now you will see a little downward pointing arrow, and if you click it, Xcode will copy the data payload from your app to somewhere on your hard drive. If you are dumping your recordings to disk, you'll find the files extracted here.
reference from link
I'm guessing the problem is that you're specifying an interleaved format, but then accessing the buffers as if they were non-interleaved in your IO callback. ioData->mBuffers[1] is invalid because all the data, both left and right channels, is interleaved in ioData->mBuffers[0].mData. Check ioData->mNumberBuffers. My guess is it is set to 1. Also, verify that ioData->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels is set to 2, which would indicate interleaved data.
Also check out the Core Audio Public Utility classes to help with things like setting up formats. Makes it so much easier. Your code for setting up format could be reduced to one line, and you'd be more confident it is right (though to me your format looks set up correctly - if what you want is interleaved 16-bit int):
CAStreamBasicDescription myFormat(44100.0, 2, CAStreamBasicDescription::kPCMFormatInt16, true)
Apple used to package these classes up in the SDK that was installed with Xcode, but now you need to download them here:
Anyway, it looks like the easiest fix for you is to just change the format to non-interleaved. So in your code: mClientFormat.SetCanonical(2, false);

How I can control speed of one song with libmpg123?

If I use the stock libmpg123 code:
while (mpg123_read(mh, buffer, buffer_size, &done) == MPG123_OK)
if((ao_play(dev, (char*)buffer, done)==0)){
How I can edit this for play at 2x speed, 3x speed, - 2x speed?
libmpg123 just handles the MP3 decoding. At least, I just reviewed the mpg123.h header file and didn't find anything to indicate that it would handle trick mode play. Further, I don't think libao (your selected audio output method) handles this either, based on a perusal of ao.h. I'm pretty sure you need to perform the algorithmic trickery yourself (or bring in another library to do it). Apply transforms after decoding, but before playback.