Calculate memory usage of a tree structure in C++ - c++

I have a tree structure
struct TrieNode {
std::unordered_map<std::string, TrieNode> children;
std::vector<std::string> terminals;
Some details about its usage:
The tree is not modified after it's been populated.
The keys in unordered map are short strings (do not exceed 5 characters).
This structure can grow very large. And I need to calculate its size in memory. This size does not need to be very precise.
Are there any existing approaches to do that?
If no I was thinking of these options:
I can keep track of modifications to this structure separately.
Use a custom allocator for containers that keeps track of the space (is there a common implementation for that?).
Overload new operator for my structure to keep track of memory (not sure how to keep track of insertions into vector after that).
Calculate the size after the tree was populated by traversing the entire tree (last resort as for the large tree it would take really long time but the result is more precise).
What would be the best approach?

The last one. I have following reasons:
It's the simplest among the four approaches.
because the tree is fixed after populated, lazily evaluating the size makes more sense, because:
when the size is not used, we can save the time spend on calculating the size.
It won't take extra time, for the time complexity is also O(n), the only extra time spend is call on recursive functions.
it avoids the presence of global variable


Difference between multimap and unordered_multimap in c++? [duplicate]

I have a simple requirement, i need a map of type . however i need fastest theoretically possible retrieval time.
i used both map and the new proposed unordered_map from tr1
i found that at least while parsing a file and creating the map, by inserting an element at at time.
map took only 2 minutes while unordered_map took 5 mins.
As i it is going to be part of a code to be executed on Hadoop cluster and will contain ~100 million entries, i need smallest possible retrieval time.
Also another helpful information:
currently the data (keys) which is being inserted is range of integers from 1,2,... to ~10 million.
I can also impose user to specify max value and to use order as above, will that significantly effect my implementation? (i heard map is based on rb trees and inserting in increasing order leads to better performance (or worst?) )
here is the code
map<int,int> Label // this is being changed to unordered_map
fstream LabelFile("Labels.txt");
// Creating the map from the Label.txt
if (LabelFile.is_open())
while (! LabelFile.eof() )
getline (LabelFile,inputLine);
catch(char* strerr)
Tentative Solution: After review of comments and answers, i believe a Dynamic C++ array would be the best option, since the implementation will use dense keys. Thanks
Insertion for unordered_map should be O(1) and retrieval should be roughly O(1), (its essentially a hash-table).
Your timings as a result are way OFF, or there is something WRONG with your implementation or usage of unordered_map.
You need to provide some more information, and possibly how you are using the container.
As per section 6.3 of n1836 the complexities for insertion/retreival are given:
One issue you should consider is that your implementation may need to continually be rehashing the structure, as you say you have 100mil+ items. In that case when instantiating the container, if you have a rough idea about how many "unique" elements will be inserted into the container, you can pass that in as a parameter to the constructor and the container will be instantiated accordingly with a bucket-table of appropriate size.
The extra time loading the unordered_map is due to dynamic array resizing. The resizing schedule is to double the number of cells each when the table exceeds it's load factor. So from an empty table, expect O(lg n) copies of the entire data table. You can eliminate these extra copies by sizing the hash table upfront. Specifically
Label.reserve(expected_number_of_entries / Label.max_load_factor());
Dividing by the max_load_factor is to account for the empty cells that are necessary for the hash table to operate.
unordered_map (at least in most implementations) gives fast retrieval, but relatively poor insertion speed compared to map. A tree is generally at its best when the data is randomly ordered, and at its worst when the data is ordered (you constantly insert at one end of the tree, increasing the frequency of re-balancing).
Given that it's ~10 million total entries, you could just allocate a large enough array, and get really fast lookups -- assuming enough physical memory that it didn't cause thrashing, but that's not a huge amount of memory by modern standards.
Edit: yes, a vector is basically a dynamic array.
Edit2: The code you've added some some problems. Your while (! LabelFile.eof() ) is broken. You normally want to do something like while (LabelFile >> inputdata) instead. You're also reading the data somewhat inefficiently -- what you apparently expecting is two numbers separated by a tab. That being the case, I'd write the loop something like:
while (LabelFile >> node >> label)
Label[node] = label;

How to store game objects in quadtree efficiently

I'm implementing a quadtree structure, for simplifying collision code,. but I'm unsure as to the best practice for doing so. Currently, the quadtree creates subtrees during setup down to a preset maximum depth, then I insert objects into its appropriate tree, for use in pair generation(the actual maths stuff).
However, I've heard of other approaches, which only generate subtrees when a certain number of objects are stored.
I know my method has a space overhead, but might be computationally faster during update cycles.
What would be the best way to handle it?
One approach is to store k elements in each node, starting with one parent node which spans the entire collision space. When inserting element k+1, you subdivide the space and place the new element in the correct quadrant.
Additionally you can use this approach to statically allocate the data structure, assuming you know the maximum number of nodes that will be used, and that there will be some maximum density. This requires a fixed array of nodes and elements to be allocated for the life of the application, but it avoids costly dynamic allocations, which should be a speed gain.

Difference in performance between map and unordered_map in c++

I have a simple requirement, i need a map of type . however i need fastest theoretically possible retrieval time.
i used both map and the new proposed unordered_map from tr1
i found that at least while parsing a file and creating the map, by inserting an element at at time.
map took only 2 minutes while unordered_map took 5 mins.
As i it is going to be part of a code to be executed on Hadoop cluster and will contain ~100 million entries, i need smallest possible retrieval time.
Also another helpful information:
currently the data (keys) which is being inserted is range of integers from 1,2,... to ~10 million.
I can also impose user to specify max value and to use order as above, will that significantly effect my implementation? (i heard map is based on rb trees and inserting in increasing order leads to better performance (or worst?) )
here is the code
map<int,int> Label // this is being changed to unordered_map
fstream LabelFile("Labels.txt");
// Creating the map from the Label.txt
if (LabelFile.is_open())
while (! LabelFile.eof() )
getline (LabelFile,inputLine);
catch(char* strerr)
Tentative Solution: After review of comments and answers, i believe a Dynamic C++ array would be the best option, since the implementation will use dense keys. Thanks
Insertion for unordered_map should be O(1) and retrieval should be roughly O(1), (its essentially a hash-table).
Your timings as a result are way OFF, or there is something WRONG with your implementation or usage of unordered_map.
You need to provide some more information, and possibly how you are using the container.
As per section 6.3 of n1836 the complexities for insertion/retreival are given:
One issue you should consider is that your implementation may need to continually be rehashing the structure, as you say you have 100mil+ items. In that case when instantiating the container, if you have a rough idea about how many "unique" elements will be inserted into the container, you can pass that in as a parameter to the constructor and the container will be instantiated accordingly with a bucket-table of appropriate size.
The extra time loading the unordered_map is due to dynamic array resizing. The resizing schedule is to double the number of cells each when the table exceeds it's load factor. So from an empty table, expect O(lg n) copies of the entire data table. You can eliminate these extra copies by sizing the hash table upfront. Specifically
Label.reserve(expected_number_of_entries / Label.max_load_factor());
Dividing by the max_load_factor is to account for the empty cells that are necessary for the hash table to operate.
unordered_map (at least in most implementations) gives fast retrieval, but relatively poor insertion speed compared to map. A tree is generally at its best when the data is randomly ordered, and at its worst when the data is ordered (you constantly insert at one end of the tree, increasing the frequency of re-balancing).
Given that it's ~10 million total entries, you could just allocate a large enough array, and get really fast lookups -- assuming enough physical memory that it didn't cause thrashing, but that's not a huge amount of memory by modern standards.
Edit: yes, a vector is basically a dynamic array.
Edit2: The code you've added some some problems. Your while (! LabelFile.eof() ) is broken. You normally want to do something like while (LabelFile >> inputdata) instead. You're also reading the data somewhat inefficiently -- what you apparently expecting is two numbers separated by a tab. That being the case, I'd write the loop something like:
while (LabelFile >> node >> label)
Label[node] = label;

Most efficient tree structure for what I'm trying to do

I'm wondering what the most generally efficient tree structure would be for a collection that has the following requirements:
The tree will hold anywhere between 0 and 232 - 1 items.
Each item will be a simple structure, containing one 32-bit unsigned integer (the item's unique ID, which will be used as the tree value) and two pointers.
Items will be inserted and removed from the tree very often; some items in the tree will remain there for the duration of the program, while others will only be in the tree very briefly before being removed.
Once an item is removed, its unique ID (that 32-bit unsigned integer) will be recycled and reused for a new item.
The tree structure needs to support efficient inserts and deletions, as well as quick lookups by the unique ID. Also, finding the first available unused unique ID needs to be a fast operation.
What sort of tree would be best-suited for these requirements?
EDIT: This tree is going to be held only in memory; at no point will it be persisted to disk. I don't need to worry about hitting the disk, or disk caching, or anything of the sort. This is also why I'm not looking into using something like SQLite.
Depending on how fast you need this to be you might just treat the whole thing as a single, in-memory table mmap-ed onto a file. Addressing is by direct computation. You can simply chain the free slots so you always know exactly where the next free one is. Most accesses will have a max of 1 or 2 disk accesses (depending on underlying filesystem requirements). Put a buttload of memory on the machine and you might not hit the disk at all.
I know this sounds pretty brute force, but you'd be amazed how fast it can be.
Update in response to: "I'm not looking for a disk-persistable solution"
Well, if you truly are going to have as many as 2^32 items in this structure (times how big it is) then you either need enough memory on the machine to hold this puppy or the kernel will start to swap things in and out of memory for you. This still translates to hitting the disk. If you let it swap, don't forget to check the size of the swap area, there's a good chance you'll have to bump it. Using mmap (or something similar) is sort of like creating your own private swap area and it will probably have less impact on other processes running on the same system.
I'll note that once this thing exceeds your available physical memory (whether you are using swap space or mmap or B-trees or Black-Red or extensible hashing or whatever) it becomes critical to understand
your access pattern. If you are hopscotching all over the place you're going to be hitting the disk a lot. One of the primary reasons for using a structure like a B-tree (or any one of several similar structures) is that the top level of the tree (containing the index) tends to stay in memory (because most paging algorithms use LRU) and you only eat a disk access when you touch a leaf page.
Bottom line: it either fits in memory or it doesn't. If it doesn't then your 10^-9 sec memory access turns into a 10^-3 disk access. I.e. 1 million times slower.
Have you considered something like a trie? Lookup is linear in key length, which in your case means essentially constant, and storage can be more compact due to nodes sharing common substrings.
Keep in mind, though, that if your data set is actually filling large amounts of your key space your bigger efficiency concern is likely to be caching and disk access, not lookups.
I would go for a red-black tree, because it balances the tree on insertion to ensure optimal insertion/deletion/retrieval. An AVL tree is an option, but it's slightly slower for insertions because it's more rigid about balancing on insertions.
My reflex would tell me to reach for a standard implementation, such as the one in stl. But suppose you have reasons to implement your own I would typically go for either Red-Black Trees, which performs well on all operations. Alternatively I would try splay trees which can be really fast but have amortized complexity, i.e. some individual operations might take a little longer.
Stay away from AVL trees as you need to do a lot of updates. AVL trees are good for when you have a lot of lookups but few updates as the updated can be fairly slow.
Do you expect your tree to really hold 2^32-1 entries? Even half that and I would definitely try this with SQLite. You may be able to fit it all in memory, but if you page once, a database will be faster. Database are meant to handle huge data sets efficiently, especially when the whole set won't fit in memory at once.
I you do intend to do this yourself, look at some database code and use a BTree. A red-black will be faster with smaller datasets but with that much data your bottle neck isn't going to be processor speed but memory and harddrive speed.
All that said I can't imagine a map of pointers that large being useful. You'll be pushing the limits of modern memory just storing the map. You won't have anything left over for the map to point to.
boost::unordered_map has amortized constant time insertions, deletions and lookups. It's the best data structure for what you described.
Its only downside is that it's, well, unordered as the name says.. And also if you're REALLY unlucky it could end up being linear time if every single hash clashes. However that can be easily avoided using boost's default boost::hash function. Additionally hashing integers is trivial; so that worst case scenario will not happen to you.
(Note: it's not a tree but a hash table, and you asked specifically for a "Tree".. Maybe you thought that the most efficient way was some sort of tree (it's not)?)
Why a tree at all?
To me it seems you need a database. If you expect lower count of nodes, Hash Table could be enough.
I'm going to warn you about the memory. If you fill up whole tree (2^32 items) you will need 4 gigabytes for the values themselves another 8GB for the pointers. Consider the database, if this is likely.
Each item is represented by a 32-bit identity, which is its key, and two pointers. Are the pointers associated with the tree, or do they have to do with the identity?
If they're just part of implementing the tree, ditch them. You don't need them. Represent whether a number is there or not as a bit in a really big bitmap. Finding the lowest unused bit isn't fast, but I don't think it can be. It's only about 512M of main memory, which isn't that bad.
If the pointers are meaningful data, use an array. You're going to have to allocate space for four giganodes plus pointers to make up the map anyway, so allocate space for four giganodes plus one indicator each for whether the node is active or not. Use memset() to set the whole thing to zero, and keep a lowest-unused-node pointer. Use that to add a node. When you delete a node, mark it as unused, and use the pointers to maintain a two-way linked free list. You'll have to find the next lower unused node, and that might take a while, but again I don't see how to keep this fast. (If you just need an unused node, not the lowest one, just put the released node on the free list somewhere.)
This is likely to take about 64G or 96G of RAM, but that's less than a map solution.

Need to store string as id for objects in some fast data structure

I'm implementing a session store for a web-server. Keys are string
and stored objects are pointers. I tried using map but need something
faster. I will look up an object 5-20 times
as frequent than insert.
I tried using hash-map but failed. I felt like I got more constraints than more free time.
I'm coding c/c++ under Linux.
I don't want to commit to boost, since my web server is going to outlive boost. :)
This is a highly relevant question since the hardware (ssd disk) is
changing rapidly. What was the right solution will not be in 2 years.
I was going to suggest a map, but I see you have already ruled this out.
I tried using map but need something
These are the std::map performance bounds courtesy of the Wikipedia page:
Searching for an element takes O(log n) time
Inserting a new element takes O(log n) time
Incrementing/decrementing an iterator takes O(log n) time
Iterating through every element of a map takes O(n) time
Removing a single map element takes O(log n) time
Copying an entire map takes O(n log n) time.
How have you measured and determined that a map is not optimised sufficiently for you? It's quite possible that any bottlenecks you are seeing are in other parts of the code, and a map is perfectly adequate.
The above bounds seem like they would fit within all but the most stringent scalability requirements.
The type of data structure that will be used will be determined by the data you want to access. Some questions you should ask:
How many items will be in the session store? 50? 100000? 10000000000?
How large is each item in the store (byte size)?
What kind of string input is used for the key? ASCII-7? UTF-8? UCS2?
Hash tables generally perform very well for look ups. You can optimize them heavily for speed by writing them yourself (and yes, you can resize the table). Suggestions to improve performance with hash tables:
Choose a good hash function! this will have preferably even distribution among your hash table and will not be time intensive to compute (this will depend on the format of the key input).
Make sure that if you are using buckets to not exceed a length of 6. If you do exceed 6 buckets then your hash function probably isn't distributing evenly enough. A bucket length of < 3 is preferable.
Watch out for how you allocate your objects. If at all possible, try to allocate them near each other in memory to take advantage of locality of reference. If you need to, write your own sub-allocator/heap manager. Also keep to aligned boundaries for better access speeds (aligned is processor/bus dependent so you'll have to determine if you want to target a particular processor type).
BTrees are also very good and in general perform well. (Someone can insert info about btrees here).
I'd recommend looking at the data you are storing and making sure that the data is as small as possible. use shorts, unsigned char, bit fields as necessary. There are other additional ways to squeeze out improved performance as well such as allocating your string data at the end of your struct at the same time that you allocate the struct. i.e.
struct foo {
int a;
char my_string[0]; // allocate an instance of foo to be
// sizeof(int) + sizeof(your string data) etc
You may also find that implementing your own string compare routine can actually boost performance dramatically, however this will depend upon your input data.
It is possible to make your own. But you shouldn't have any problems with boost or std::tr1::unordered_map.
A ternary trie may be faster than a hash map for a smaller number of elements.