correct way of updating a QGraphicsView from QGraphicsScene - c++

I have implemented a QGraphicsScene to contain instances of QGraphicsItem of a few different classes implemented by me. What I still don't understand is how the QGraphicsView associated with this scene is updated.
When I call addItem(QGraphicsItem) the scene seems to redraw displaying the newly added items.
When I change properties of my QGraphicsItem instances (e.g. calling setVisible(bool)) it seems that the view is not updated automatically.
I currently call QGraphicsScene::update() without any arguments to draw the new state. this works in most cases, however in some of them it fails ( QGraphicsItem's paint() method is not called. I set a breakpoint there but whether it is reached or not depends on the zoom level in the QGraphicsView. I have to zoom out to a certain level for it to get called again).
It doesn't work when I pass the bounding box of the changed item (scene coordinates) to QGraphicsScene::update(QRect). I can't see objects changing.
Can anybody give me a hint what is the correct way of implementing this? How do I notify the view correctly of changes in certain areas, what does the behaviour depend on. I think there's something wrong with my assumptions about coordinate systems. Thanks a lot for your explanations.


Qt | creating a dynamic object in a customized scene

Good day to all!
I would like to learn from the respected community how it is possible using Qt Designer to create a simple GUI that performs what is shown in the attached image. Namely: after a single click of the LMB, a marker is placed at the place of the click, indicating the beginning of the polygon, and a temporary polygon of the desired type (but of different sizes) begins to follow the mouse cursor until we click on the LMB again, after which the final polygon will be built from the point of the first click of the LMB to the point of the second click. Such a ready-made polygon will have to be stored somewhere in memory for further work with it.
As a polygon here, I show a complex sector built on some calculated points, but as a simple example, you can take a straight line - I don't think that the essence of the program changes much.
I have already looked at many examples of different implementations of different things on QGraphicsScene, but I could not figure out exactly how to create an object in the way I needed. That is, I know that we need a separate class describing the polygon and calculating the coordinates of which it consists, but I don't quite understand how to implement the dynamics - with each mousemoveivent, delete the temporary polygon and draw a new one for the new coordinates, or how?
P.S. If it won't be so difficult, could someone also show how to implement what was conceived through the redefined paintScene class, replacing the standard QGraphicsScene class and inheriting from it? I am faced with the fact that when creating a custom class of the scene object, clicking on the objects attached to it is ignored by the program, and instead of, for example, dragging an object on the scene when clicking on it, the mousePressEvent of the scene, not the object, is triggered, and I do not understand what the problem is.
P.P.S. I apologize for my English and thank everyone for any help!

Is it not possible to have multiple objects in Qt being painted simultaneously?

I read the following in the Qt Documentation.
Qt documentation on QPainter
The original question on SO, that I looked into.
So, I had two classes, with their own paint() functions. The paint functions would be called upon receiving their respective paint events, that were triggered on different and independent actions by the user. This worked fine.
Now for some reason, I need to show and update both the objects at the same time.
So simply, adding both of the items to the scene does not work. Only one of them is shown and updated. Refactoring the code is not an issue for me. I can re-arrange the two classes so that they are both drawn from one paint().
But this really makes me wonder then, and this is my question (for which I've googled a bit too), how are scenes with many dozens of objects then painted simultaneously (at least they give an illusion of concurrency)? Using threads somehow or through some time-based interleaving?
Maybe it's a silly question. I dunno.
It is indeed a silly question about an imaginary problem that doesn't not exist in reality. The graphics view will schedule consecutive draws for the items in the order needed to produce the desired result. Now if your code doesn't implement the desired result, that's a whole different subject. There is no concurrency, those are consecutive operations that only take place in the main thread.
If your drawing is very complex, draw using a secondary thread on a QImage and use the QImage as cache to draw your items in their respective paint functions.
Now for some reason, I need to show and update both the objects at the
same time.
What might that reason be? What does "at the same time" mean? In a single frame? Is a millisecond apart too much to qualify for "at the same time"?
Re QWidget painting: The paint events are delivered to individual widgets by the widget compositor. The way it works with the default raster back end is as follows: The topmost widget in the hierarchy is backed by a QImage. When any of the sub-widgets are to be repainted, the compositor delivers composite paint events to the widgets that overlay the area to be repainted. This is done sequentially as the compositor traverses the widget graph.
Re QGraphicsItem painting: The paint "events" are delivered to individual items by the scene. The items to be painted are selected basing on what area needs updating, what items were explicitly marked for update, etc. The painter is set up to correctly composite the item with the rest of the scene. The calls to paint are done sequentially as the scene traverses the item graph.
It would be, in general, impossible to do these in parallel due to data dependencies, and the fact that there are no requirements for the paintEvent or paint to be thread-safe.
Your problem is not directly related to this at all, you need to show a complete code example that reproduces your issue. Most likely your implementation of the item ignores some of the requirements for the item's behavior.

Prevent QGraphicsItem::itemAt() On a "Background Item"

I am trying to set up a GUI using plugins. In my current phase I need the user to click and specify locations of points.
The plugin architecture I have setup requires the plugin to return QGraphicsItem that the plugin wishes to use. In the main program (which future plugin writers won't have access to), I set a background image to guide clicks. The plugins can sneakily access the scene() using an itemChange() and installing an eventFilter() on the scene being set. This allows for the plugins to have access to scene clicks and process whatever information it needs. However, the background picture is being returned by itemAt() calls.
I wish to prevent this background Pixmap from returning with an itemAt() for all future plugins. Is this possible?
setEnabled(false); //No success
This doesn't answer your question directly, but it should solve your problem: I suggest reimplementing QGraphicsScene::drawBackground() and drawing your pixmap there. That's what the method is for.
A similar approach would be to put the pixmap in a resources file, then use style sheets to set it as the background of either the QGraphicsView or its viewport widget (I think these have slightly different effects).
To make an item invisible to itemAt() (or any of the other collision detection methods) you can make the boundingRect() method return a QRectF with zero width and height.
This though has the side effect of making any of the partial viewport update modes of QGraphicsView malfunction, because QGV doesn't have any idea where the item is going to paint itself. This can be remedied by having QGV do full updates on every repaint (setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate)). Depending on your scene this might be an acceptable compromise. If you're using the OpenGL graphics backend the viewport updates will always be full updates anyway.
After so many years, here is the answer.
Make your own subclass of QGraphicsItem and override the shape() method
QPainterPath shape() const override
return {};
Ref to docs:
The shape is used for many things, including collision detection, hit tests, and for the QGraphicsScene::items() functions.
So this will effectively make the item invisible for itemAt() and others.
And you still have the boundingRect() which is used to filter what items should be painted.

Display custom image and have the ability to catch mouse input

I am trying to display several images in the MainWindow and have the ability to perform certain actions when these images receive mousePressEvent.
For this, I thought I would create a new class, derived from QWidget, which had a QImage private member. With this, I as able to override the paintEvent and the mousePressEvent to both display the image and catch mouse input.
However, the problem is that the image drawn in the MainWindow has the widget size and its form (rectangular), and the image does not possess the same form (not even a regular form). This causes some problems because I am able to catch the mousePressEvent on parts that do not belong to my Image, but do belong to the Widget area.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
I am still very new to QT, so don't please don't mind any huge mistake :)
Ok, I tried another approach.
I now have a graphicView on my MainWindow, with a graphicScene linked to it. To this scene, I added some graphicItems.
To implement my graphicItems I had to overload the boundingRect and paint method. As far as the documentation goes, my understanding is that QT uses shape method (which calls boundingRect) to determine the shape of the object to draw. This could possibly be the solution to my problem, or at least one solution to improve the accuracy of the drawn shape.
As of now, i am returning a square with my image size in boundingRect. Does anyone know how I can "adapt" the shape to my image (which resembles a cylinder)?
If you want to use QWidget you should take look at the mask concept to refine the space occupied by your images (be careful about the performance of this implementation).
If you decide to go with the QGraphicsItems you can re-implement the virtual method QPainterPath QGraphicsItem::shape () const to return a path representing as well as possible the boundary of your images.
The Qt documentation says :
The shape is used for many things, including collision detection, hit tests, and for the QGraphicsScene::items() functions.
I encourage you to go with the QGraphics system, it's sounds more appropriate in your case.
What I understand is that you want to shrink/expand/transform your image to fit a custom form (like a cylinder).
What I suggest is to use the OpenGL module QGLWidget and to map each coordinate of your rectangular image (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) to a custom form created in OpenGL.
It will act as a texture mapping.
Edit: you can still catch mouse input in OpenGL

How to do precise mouse event handling in QGraphicsScene when ItemClipsChildrenToShape is enabled?

I have a QGraphicsItem that clips its child items (I enabled its ItemClipsChildrenToShape flag). I noticed that clipping makes assigning the mouse event to the children items imprecise: instead of the precise shape of the items their bounding rectangles are used for detecting which item is located at the specific position so the children receive mouse events in their whole bounding rectangle. When clipping is not enabled it works fine as expected.
Setting the bounding region granularity of the child items to 1.0 didn't help. I'm using qt 4.5.0.
The program that I tested this issue with is available at
I could not find anything about this behaviour in the qt docs. I'd like to know whether it's a bug in qt and whether there's a workaround for it.
I know this is an old question, but I ran into the same problem.
The documentation for QGraphicsItems says:
The shape() function is used for many things, including collision detection, hit tests, and for the QGraphicsScene::items() functions.
The default implementation calls boundingRect() to return a simple rectangular shape, but subclasses can reimplement this function to return a more accurate shape for non-rectangular items.
So overriding the shape() function with a QPainterPath fixed the problem for me.