Is there anyway to let WebStorm understand the aliases in .eslinrc made using eslint-import-resolver-alias - webstorm

In my project, I used eslint-import-resolver-alias for imports like below in .eslintrc:
"alias": [
["pckg", "pckg/src"]
And I use as below in my .js files
import pckg from 'pckg'
But when I try to find the declaration using a Cmd+Click by clicking on 'pckg' in the import statement, WebStorm says that there is no declaration to go to. I realize that WebStorm is not able to understand the import alias resolver plugin, but is there anyway to make it work

You can try using webpack aliases instead: create a dummy webpack configuration file with aliases like
alias: {
'pckg': path.resolve(__dirname, './pckg/src'),
and specify a path to it in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Webpack, or use a workaround from
create a file config.js (you can use a different name if you like) in your project root dir
define your aliases there using the following syntax:
"paths": {
"pckg/*": "./pckg/src/*"


Problems with Ember, PostCSS, SASS and #apply

I'm trying to use TailwindCSS in my ember app and I ended up using this add-on to do this. But unfortunately some other add-ons require to include their 'scss' files to app styles. So I tried to add 'postcss-sass' to make it work. But it doesn't want to work with "#apply" command. Is it possible to use postcss and sass and #apply command at the moment?
My ember-cli-build.js:
postcssOptions: {
compile: {
extension: 'scss',
enabled: true,
parser: require('postcss-scss'),
plugins: [
module: require('#csstools/postcss-sass'),
options: {
includePaths: ['node_modules']
...isProduction ? [purgeCSS] : []
And I'm getting an error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid mapping: {"generated":{"line":53,"column":-1},"source":"../../out-338-broccoli_merge_trees_full_application/app/styles/app.scss","original":{"line":52,"column":25},"name":null}
This is precisely where #apply appeared the first time.
It turned out the problem was with a missing semicolon in "app.scss". It worked fine when it was a plain css, and stopped working when I converted it to SASS.

How to mock global Vue.js variable in JEST test

I have a global property/variable with my app urls:
Vue.prototype.$apiUrls = {
root: 'http://localhost:8080/',
api: 'api/v1/'
// etc.
I use it inside my components as axios request:
Now I want to test my component's code, I've mocked axios already, but still I receive an error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '$apiUrls' of undefined
I've tried to define/mock this property inside each test and/or in JEST's setup file, like e.g.
global.$apiUrls = {...}
// or
Vue.prototype.$apiUrls = {...}
// or
Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {$apiUrls: {...}})
I've also tried mocking it to window or this (yeah, thats silly), but with no success - I still receive that error - please help.
There is two ways to achieve this. One is using the Config option, as mentioned by #Aldarund. You can read about it here.
If you are using Jest, I recommend doing this in the jest.init.js file:
import { config } from '#vue/test-utils'
config.mocks['$apiUrls'] = {
Then add this to the jest section of your package.json:
"setupFiles": [
Now it is globally mocked. If you want to do this on a per test basis, you can use the mocks mounting option:
const wrapper = shallowMount(Foo, {
mocks: {
$apiUrls: 'some/endpoint'
Hopefully this helps!
If you are interested I am compiling a collection of simple guides on how to test Vue components here. It's under development, but feel free to ask make an issue if you need help with other related things to testing Vue components.
I don't think the answers above work anymore (in 2020).
Here's what worked for me:
For vue-test-utils 1.x.x (Vue 2)
Create a new file, name it eg. jest.init.js
Give it the following content:
import { config } from "#vue/test-utils";
config.mocks["yourGlobalProperty"] = label => label; //you can replace it with your own mock
Add this to your jest.config.js (actually write "rootDir", don't replace anything with a real path)
module.exports = {
setupFiles: ["<rootDir>/jest.init.js"]
These files will be only ran before jest runs unit tests.
Note that I'm importing {config}, not the default export. I don't know why the default didn't work for me. Even the documentation for vue test utils doesn't import the default export anymore
Also make sure you're not trying to import from the old vue-test-utils package. (The new one is #vue/test-utils)
For #vue/test-utils 2.x.x (vue-test-utils-next) (Vue 3)
Follow steps like for 1.x.x above, but in step two, do this instead:
import { config } from "#vue/test-utils"; //2.0.0-beta.5 = {
yourGlobalProperty: label => label
You can do it with vue-test-utils beta 15 and later.
Here docs
And some example would be:
import VueTestUtils from '#vue/test-utils'
VueTestUtils.config.mocks['$apiUrls'] = {

Jest globalSetup option not working

I'm trying to make a function called loadFixtures available to all Jest tests.
I have the following line within the jest config object inside package.json:
"globalSetup": "<rootDir>/src/test/js/config/setup-globals.js"
setup-globals.js contains:
module.exports = function() {
function loadFixtures(filename) {'loadFixtures is working');
Within my tests I have, for example:
beforeEach(() => {
However when I run Jest I get the following for each test:
ReferenceError: loadFixtures is not defined
I verified that the setup-globals.js file is definitely being found and loaded in by Jest before the tests execute.
Can anyone assist in identifying where I've gone wrong here? I've spent pretty much an entire day trying to debug without luck.
You should be using setupFiles and not globalSetup.
// jest config
"setupFiles": [
then src/test/js/config/setup-globals.js:
global.loadFixtures(filename) {'loadFixtures is working');
If you bootstrapped your application using npx create-react-app (CRA), you do not need to add the setupFiles key under your jest key in the package.json file (CRA prevents overriding that key).
what you simply need to do is to add the file setupTests.js in the root of your SRC folder, and populate it with the snippet below:
import { configure } from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
adapter: new Adapter(),
remember you must have earlier installed the right versions of enzyme and enzyme-adapter-react
CRA has been wired to automatically load the setupTests.js file in the src folder if it exists. Hence after adding these, you can then go over to your test and do import {shallow} from enzyme without triggering an error.
if you are not using Create-react-app, all you need to do, in addition to adding the file above to your src folder is to add the key setupFiles into the jest key in your package.json. it should look like this:
"jest": {
"setupFiles": ['<rootDir>/src/setupTests.js'],
and you are good to go.
You're defining a function in a different scope. How about you create a separate module and import it directly in your test files. Or if you really want to define it in the global scope, try using the following code in your setup-globals.js file.
module.exports = function() {
global.loadFixtures = function(filename) {'loadFixtures is working');

Babel ignore equivalent in ember engines?

In a traditional Ember app, I have something along the lines of this in my ember-cli-build.js:
module.exports = function(defaults) {
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
babel: {
includePolyfill: true,
ignore: ['my-ember-ui/models/myFile.js'] // <-- question is here
Is there an equivalent to this when using an Ember Engine (or addon)? I couldn't find anything within ember-cli-babel or ember-engines.
I understand that ember-cli-build.js is just for the dummy app when using an engine, so I wouldn't make the change there. I attempted similar to above in the index.js file, but did not have any luck. The file was not ignored by babel. I need a way to ignore a particular file. Thanks!
Well, adding new rules to is ok depends on what you want to do. However, I may have another solution that you can give it a try.
Babel will look for a .babelrc in the current directory of the file being transpiled. If one does not exist, it will travel up the directory tree until it finds either a .babelrc, or a package.json with a "babel": {} hash within.(.babelrc files are serializable JSON).
"plugins": ["transform-react-jsx"],
"ignore": [
"name": "my-package",
"version": "1.0.0",
"babel": {
// my babel config here
There should be another way which seems ok to use. the following does work:
babel src --out-dir build --ignore "**/*.test.js" // or simply add your file
For more information, you can read Babel document

Jasmine tests AngularJS Directives with templateUrl

I'm writing directive tests for AngularJS with Jasmine, and using templateUrl with them:
However, when I run the test I get the error included in the gist:
Error: Unexpected request: GET views/currency-select.html
From what I've read in the docs I thought I was doing this correctly, but it doesn't seem so - what am I missing here?
If you're using ngMockE2E or ngMock:
all HTTP requests are processed locally using rules you specify and none are passed to the server. Since templates are requested via HTTP, they too are processed locally. Since you did not specify anything to do when your app tries to connect to views/currency-select.html, it tells you it doesn't know how to handle it. You can easily tell ngMockE2E to pass along your template request:
Remember that you can also use regular expressions in your routing paths to pass through all templates if you'd like.
The docs discuss this in more detail:$httpBackend
Otherwise use this:
You'll need to use the $injector to access the new backend. From the linked docs:
var $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
$httpBackend.whenGET('views/currency-select.html').respond(200, '');
the Karma way is to load the template html dynamically into $templateCache. you could just use html2js karma pre-processor, as explained here
this boils down to adding templates '.html' to your files in the conf.js file
as well
preprocessors = {
'.html': 'html2js'
and use
beforeEach(module('...html', '...html'));
into your js testing file
If this is a unit-test, you won't have access to $httpBackend.passthrough(). That's only available in ngMock2E2, for end-to-end testing. I agree with the answers involving ng-html2js (used to be named html2js) but I would like to expand on them to provide a full solution here.
To render your directive, Angular uses $http.get() to fetch your template from templateUrl. Because this is unit-testing and angular-mocks is loaded, angular-mocks intercepts the call to $http.get() and give you the Unexpected request: GET error. You can try to find ways to by pass this, but it's much simpler to just use angular's $templateCache to preload your templates. This way, $http.get() won't even be an issue.
That's what the ng-html2js preprocessor do for you. To put it to work, first install it:
$ npm install karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor --save-dev
Then configure it by adding/updating the following fields in your karma.conf.js
files: [
// all your other files
//your htmp templates, assuming they're all under the templates dir
preprocessors: {
// your other preprocessors
// tell karma to use the ng-html2js preprocessor
"templates/**/*.html": "ng-html2js"
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
// Make up a module name to contain your templates.
// We will use this name in the jasmine test code.
// For advanced configs, see
moduleName: 'test-templates',
Finally, in your test code, use the test-templates module that you've just created. Just add test-templates to the module call that you typically make in beforeEach, like this:
beforeEach(module('myapp', 'test-templates'));
It should be smooth sailing from here on out. For a more in depth look at this and other directive testing scenarios, check out this post
You could perhaps get the $templatecache from the injector and then do something like
where in place of <div.....> you would be putting your template.
After that you setup your directive and it should work just fine!
If this is still not working , use fiddler to see the content of the js file dynamically generated by htmltojs processor and check the path of template file.
It should be something like this
angular.module('app/templates/yourtemplate.html', []).run(function($templateCache) {
In my case , it was not same as I had in my actual directive which was causing the issue.
Having the templateURL exactly same in all places got me through.
As requested, converting a comment to an answer.
For the people who want to make use of #Lior's answer in Yeoman apps:
Sometimes the way the templates are referenced in karma config and consequently - the names of modules produced by ng-html2js don't match the values specified as templateUrls in directive definitions.
You will need adjusting generated module names to match templateUrls.
These might be helpful:
this is example how to test directive that use partial as a templateUrl
describe('with directive', function(){
var scope,
beforeEach(module('myApp'));//myApp module
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile, $templateCache){
scope = $rootScope.$new();
compile = $compile;
'<ul><li>{{ foo }}</li>' +
'<li>{{ bar }}</li>' +
'<li>{{ baz }}</li>' +
scope.template = {
url: 'view/url.html'
}; = 'foo'; = 'bar';
scope.baz = 'baz';
element = compile(angular.element(
'<section>' +
'<div ng-include="template.url" with="{foo : foo, bar : bar, baz : baz}"></div>' +
'<div ng-include="template.url" with=""></div>' +
it('should copy scope parameters to ngInclude partial', function(){
var isolateScope = element.find('div').eq(0).scope();
If you are using the jasmine-maven-plugin together with RequireJS you can use the text plugin to load the template content into a variable and then put it in the template cache.
define(['angular', 'text!path/to/template.html', 'angular-route', 'angular-mocks'], function(ng, directiveTemplate) {
"use strict";
describe('Directive TestSuite', function () {
beforeEach(inject(function( $templateCache) {
$templateCache.put("path/to/template.html", directiveTemplate);