Pyomo - adding/removing decision variables - pyomo

Colleagues and I are building an optimization model using Pyomo and are trying to reuse the sample concrete model to solve several instances. There are two types of changes in the instances: (1) change in the constraints; and (2) change in the number of decision variables (to coincide with the constraints).
While I have found deactivate/activate for constraints, I have not been able to find how to change the number of decision variables within a model between calls to a solver. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The equivalent for variables to the activate/deactivate for constraints is the fix/unfix method.
For instance, model.X.fix(0) to fix the variable to a value of 0 (essentially rendering it a non-decision variable). To unfix it, simply write model.X.unfix().


Enforce value type semantics/immutability in Fortran?

Looking at our code base, I see many cases, where fields of derived types make you expect them to remain unchanged once initialized and ideally, to be initialized all at once and never changed afterwards (like a "value type").
In practice, quick solutions have built up, such that whether a field changes or even what it contains may depend on the code path, leading to large IF-ELSE cascades everywhere, making the code hard to follow and brittle against changes.
This made me wonder: Is it possible to enforce constraints such as immutability of fields?
you can use the "parameter" key word to make a variable a constant.
real, parameter :: g = 9.81
You would have to know the values at compile time so this may not be what you're looking for. If it's not, could you give us some clarification and we can try to help you?
As others have stated above, if you need to be able to set the variable at runtime, then getters and setters are the way to go.
You can either make the variable private and write a getter and a setter for it or if you make the variable protected then you only need to write a setter for it.

Where should the user-defined parameters of a framework be ?

I am kind of a newbie and I am creating a framework to evolve objects in C++ with an evolutionary algorithm.
An evolutionary algorithm evolves objects and tests them to get the best solution (for example, evolve the weights neural network and test it on sample data, so that in the end you get a network which has a good accuracy, without having trained it).
My problem is that there are lots of parameters for the algorithm (type of selection/crossover/mutation, probabilities for each of them...) and since it is a framework, the user should be able to easily access and modify them.
For now, I created a header file parameters.h of this form:
//mutation type
#define FLIP 1
static const int TYPE_OF_MUTATION = FLIP;
The user modifies the static variables TYPE_OF_MUTATION and then my mutation function tests what the value of TYPE_OF_MUTATION is and calls the right mutation function.
This works well, but it has a few drawbacks:
when I change a parameter in this header and then call "make", no change is taken into account, I have to call "make clean" then "make". From what I saw, it is not a problem in the makefile but it is how building works. Even if it did re-build when I change a parameter, it would mean re-compile the whole project as these parameters are used everywhere; it is definitely not efficient.
if you want to run the genetic algorithm several times with different parameters, you have to run it a first time then save the results, change the parameters then run it a second time etc.
I thought about taking these parameters as arguments of the top-level function. The problem is that the function would then take 20 arguments or so, it doesn't seem really readable...
What I mean about the top-level function is that for now, the evolutionary algorithm is run simply by doing this:
PopulationManager myPop;
If I defined the parameters as arguments, we would have something like:
PopulationManager myPop;
You can see how hellish it may be to always define parameters in the right order !
The frameworks I know make you build your algorithm yourself from pre-defined functions, but the user shouldn't have to go through all the code to change parameters one by one.
It may be useful to indicate that this framework will be used internally, for a definite set of projects.
Any input about the best way to define these parameters is welcome !
If the options do not change I usually use a struct for this:
enum class MutationType {
struct Options {
// Documentation for mutation_type.
MutationType mutation_type = MutationType::Flip;
// Documentation for integer option.
int integer_option = 10;
And then provide a constructor that takes these options.
Options options;
options.mutation_type = MutationType::AddConnection;
PopulationManager population(options);
C++11 makes this really easy, because it allows specifying defaults for the options, so a user only needs to set the options that need to be different from the default.
Also note that I used an enum for the options, this ensures that the user can only use correct values.
This is a classic example of polymorphism. In your proposed implementation you're doing a switch on constant to decide which polymorphic mutation algorithm you will choose to decide how to mutate the parameter. In C++, the corresponding mechanisms are templates (static polymorphism) or virtual functions (dynamic polymorphism) to select the appropriate mutating algorithm to apply to the parameter.
The templates way has the advantage that everything is resolvable at compile time and the resulting mutating algorithm could be inlined entirely, depending on the implementation. What you give up is the ability to dynamically select parameter mutation algorithms at runtime.
The virtual function way has the advantage that you can defer the choice of mutation algorithm until runtime, allowing this to vary based on input from the user or whatnot. The disadvantage is that the mutation algorithm can no longer be inlined and you pay the cost of a virtual function call (an extra level of indirection) when you mutate the parameter.
If you want to see a real example of how "algorithmic mutation" can work, look at evolve.cpp in my Iterated Dynamics repository on github. This is C code converted to C++ so it is neither using templates nor using virtual functions. Instead it uses function pointers and a switch-on-constant to select the appropriate code. However, the idea is the same.
My recommendation would be to see if you can use static polymorphism (templates) first. From your initial description you were fixing the mutation at compile-time anyway, so you're not giving anything up.
If that was just a prototyping phase and you intended to support switching of mutation algorithms at runtime, then look at virtual functions. As the other answer recommended, please shun C-style coding like #define constants and instead use proper enums.
To solve the "long parameter list smell", the idea of packing all the parameters into a structure is a good one. You can achieve more readability on top of that by using the builder pattern to build up the structure of parameters in a more readable way than just assigning a bunch of values into a struct. In this blog post, I applied the builder pattern to the resource description structures in Direct3D. That allowed me to more directly express these "bags of data" with reasonable defaults and directly reveal my intent to override or replace default values with special values when necessary.

Dealing with hard to avoid large numbers of const members in a C++ class

This is a followup question on my previous question:
Initialize const members using complex function in C++ class
In short, I have a program that has a class Grid that contains the properties of a 3D grid. I would like the properties of this grid to be read-only after creation, such that complex functions within the class cannot accidentally mess the grid up (such as if(bla = 10), instead of if(bla == 10)) etc. Now, this question has been answered well in the previous discussion: calling an initializer lists via a create function.
Here comes my new problem. My Grid has many properties that just plainly describe the grid (number of grid points, coordinates at grid points etc.) for which it just does not make sense to redistribute them among different objects. Still, basic textbooks in C++ always link functions with a large number of parameters to bad design, but I need them in order to be able to have const member variables.
Are there any standard techniques to deal with such problems?
The answer depends on what you're trying to protect.
If you're trying to assure that users of the class can't inadvertently alter the critical parameters, then the way to do that is to declare these members as private or protected and only provide const getters if they're needed at all outside the class implementation.
If you're trying to assure that the implementer of the Grid class doesn't alter these values, then there a few ways to do so. One simple way is to create a subclass that contains just those parameters and then the answer looks just like 1. Another way is to declare them const in which case they must be initialized when a Grid instance is constructed.
If the answer is 2, then there are also some other things that one can do to prevent inadvertently altering critical values. During the time that you're writing and testing the class implementation, you could temporarily use fixed dummy const values for the critical parameters, assuring that the other functions you write cannot alter those values.
One more trick to avoid specifically the if (i=7) ... error when you meant to write if (i == 7) ... is to always put the constant first. That is, write if (7 == i) .... Also, any decent compiler should be able to flag a warning for this kind of error -- make sure you're taking advantage of that feature by turning on all of the warning and error reporting your compiler provides.

Single-use class

In a project I am working on, we have several "disposable" classes. What I mean by disposable is that they are a class where you call some methods to set up the info, and you call what equates to a doit function. You doit once and throw them away. If you want to doit again, you have to create another instance of the class. The reason they're not reduced to single functions is that they must store state for after they doit for the user to get information about what happened and it seems to be not very clean to return a bunch of things through reference parameters. It's not a singleton but not a normal class either.
Is this a bad way to do things? Is there a better design pattern for this sort of thing? Or should I just give in and make the user pass in a boatload of reference parameters to return a bunch of things through?
What you describe is not a class (state + methods to alter it), but an algorithm (map input data to output data):
result_t do_it(parameters_t);
Why do you think you need a class for that?
Sounds like your class is basically a parameter block in a thin disguise.
There's nothing wrong with that IMO, and it's certainly better than a function with so many parameters it's hard to keep track of which is which.
It can also be a good idea when there's a lot of input parameters - several setup methods can set up a few of those at a time, so that the names of the setup functions give more clue as to which parameter is which. Also, you can cover different ways of setting up the same parameters using alternative setter functions - either overloads or with different names. You might even use a simple state-machine or flag system to ensure the correct setups are done.
However, it should really be possible to recycle your instances without having to delete and recreate. A "reset" method, perhaps.
As Konrad suggests, this is perhaps misleading. The reset method shouldn't be seen as a replacement for the constructor - it's the constructors job to put the object into a self-consistent initialised state, not the reset methods. Object should be self-consistent at all times.
Unless there's a reason for making cumulative-running-total-style do-it calls, the caller should never have to call reset explicitly - it should be built into the do-it call as the first step.
I still decided, on reflection, to strike that out - not so much because of Jalfs comment, but because of the hairs I had to split to argue the point ;-) - Basically, I figure I almost always have a reset method for this style of class, partly because my "tools" usually have multiple related kinds of "do it" (e.g. "insert", "search" and "delete" for a tree tool), and shared mode. The mode is just some input fields, in parameter block terms, but that doesn't mean I want to keep re-initializing. But just because this pattern happens a lot for me, doesn't mean it should be a point of principle.
I even have a name for these things (not limited to the single-operation case) - "tool" classes. A "tree_searching_tool" will be a class that searches (but doesn't contain) a tree, for example, though in practice I'd have a "tree_tool" that implements several tree-related operations.
Basically, even parameter blocks in C should ideally provide a kind of abstraction that gives it some order beyond being just a bunch of parameters. "Tool" is a (vague) abstraction. Classes are a major means of handling abstraction in C++.
I have used a similar design and wondered about this too. A fictive simplified example could look like this:
FileDownloader downloader(url);;
downloader.result(); // get the path to the downloaded file
To make it reusable I store it in a boost::scoped_ptr:
boost::scoped_ptr<FileDownloader> downloader;
// Download first file
downloader.reset(new FileDownloader(url1));
// Download second file
downloader.reset(new FileDownloader(url2));
To answer your question: I think it's ok. I have not found any problems with this design.
As far as I can tell you are describing a class that represents an algorithm. You configure the algorithm, then you run the algorithm and then you get the result of the algorithm. I see nothing wrong with putting those steps together in a class if the alternative is a function that takes 7 configuration parameters and 5 output references.
This structuring of code also has the advantage that you can split your algorithm into several steps and put them in separate private member functions. You can do that without a class too, but that can lead to the sub-functions having many parameters if the algorithm has a lot of state. In a class you can conveniently represent that state through member variables.
One thing you might want to look out for is that structuring your code like this could easily tempt you to use inheritance to share code among similar algorithms. If algorithm A defines a private helper function that algorithm B needs, it's easy to make that member function protected and then access that helper function by having class B derive from class A. It could also feel natural to define a third class C that contains the common code and then have A and B derive from C. As a rule of thumb, inheritance used only to share code in non-virtual methods is not the best way - it's inflexible, you end up having to take on the data members of the super class and you break the encapsulation of the super class. As a rule of thumb for that situation, prefer factoring the common code out of both classes without using inheritance. You can factor that code into a non-member function or you might factor it into a utility class that you then use without deriving from it.
YMMV - what is best depends on the specific situation. Factoring code into a common super class is the basis for the template method pattern, so when using virtual methods inheritance might be what you want.
Nothing especially wrong with the concept. You should try to set it up so that the objects in question can generally be auto-allocated vs having to be newed -- significant performance savings in most cases. And you probably shouldn't use the technique for highly performance-sensitive code unless you know your compiler generates it efficiently.
I disagree that the class you're describing "is not a normal class". It has state and it has behavior. You've pointed out that it has a relatively short lifespan, but that doesn't make it any less of a class.
Short-lived classes vs. functions with out-params:
I agree that your short-lived classes are probably a little more intuitive and easier to maintain than a function which takes many out-params (or 1 complex out-param). However, I suspect a function will perform slightly better, because you won't be taking the time to instantiate a new short-lived object. If it's a simple class, that performance difference is probably negligible. However, if you're talking about an extremely performance-intensive environment, it might be a consideration for you.
Short-lived classes: creating new vs. re-using instances:
There's plenty of examples where instances of classes are re-used: thread-pools, DB-connection pools (probably darn near any software construct ending in 'pool' :). In my experience, they seem to be used when instantiating the object is an expensive operation. Your small, short-lived classes don't sound like they're expensive to instantiate, so I wouldn't bother trying to re-use them. You may find that whatever pooling mechanism you implement, actually costs MORE (performance-wise) than simply instantiating new objects whenever needed.

Most efficient way to add data to an instance

I have a class, let's say Person, which is managed by another class/module, let's say PersonPool.
I have another module in my application, let's say module M, that wants to associate information with a person, in the most efficient way. I considered the following alternatives:
Add a data member to Person, which is accessed by the other part of the application. Advantage is that it is probably the fastest way. Disadvantage is that this is quite invasive. Person doesn't need to know anything about this extra data, and if I want to shield this data member from other modules, I need to make it private and make module M a friend, which I don't like.
Add a 'generic' property bag to Person, in which other modules can add additional properties. Advantage is that it's not invasive (besides having the property bag), and it's easy to add 'properties' by other modules as well. Disadvantage is that it is much slower than simply getting the value directly from Person.
Use a map/hashmap in module M, which maps the Person (pointer, id) to the value we want to store. This looks like the best solution in terms of separation of data, but again is much slower.
Give each person a unique number and make sure that no two persons ever get the same number during history (I don't even want to have these persons reuse a number, because then data of an old person may be mixed up with the data of a new person). Then the external module can simply use a vector to map the person's unique number to the specific data. Advantage is that we don't invade the Person class with data it doesn't need to know of (except his unique nubmer), and that we have a quick way of getting the data specifically for module M from the vector. Disadvantage is that the vector may become really big if lots of persons are deleted and created (because we don't want to reuse the unique number).
In the last alternative, the problem could be solved by using a sparse vector, but I don't know if there are very efficient implementations of a sparse vector (faster than a map/hashmap).
Are there other ways of getting this done?
Or is there an efficient sparse vector that might solve the memory problem of the last alternative?
I would time the solution with map/hashmap and go with it if it performs good enough. Otherwise you have no choice but add those properties to the class as this is the most efficient way.
Alternatively, you can create a subclass of Person, basically forward all the interface methods to the original class but add all the properties you want and just change original Person to your own modified one during some of the calls to M.
This way module M will see the subclass and all the properties it needs but all other modules would think of it as just an instance of Person class and will not be able to see your custom properties.
The first and third are reasonably common techniques. The second is how dynamic programming languages such as Python and Javascript implement member data for objects, so do not dismiss it out of hand as impossibly slow. The fourth is in the same ballpark as how relational databases work. It is possible, but difficult, to make relational databases run the like the clappers.
In short, you've described 4 widely used techniques. The only way to rule any of them out is with details specific to your problem (required performance, number of Persons, number of properties, number of modules in your code that will want to do this, etc), and corresponding measurements.
Another possibility is for module M to define a class which inherits from Person, and adds extra data members. The principle here is that M's idea of a person differs from Person's idea of a person, so describe M's idea as a class. Of course this only works if all other modules operating on the same Person objects are doing so via polymorphism, and furthermore if M can be made responsible for creating the objects (perhaps via dependency injection of a factory). That's quite a big "if". An even bigger one, if nothing other than M needs to do anything life-cycle-ish with the objects, then you may be able to use composition or private inheritance in preference to public inheritance. But none of it is any use if module N is going to create a collection of Persons, and then module M wants to attach extra data to them.