My task is to form a list Z by summing the elements of two lists.
If it is simpler, then I have two lists X {x1, x2, ... xn} & Y {y1, y2, ..yn} - >> I need to form Z.
X & Y size is the same.
Zi = Xi + Yi
I solve this problem, but I can’t. How can I solve the problem?
void IndividualTask(list<float>& lisX, list<float>& lisY) {
list<float> Z;
int i = 0;
list<float>::iterator x = lisX.begin();
list<float>::iterator y = lisY.begin();
for (list<float>::iterator it = lisX.begin(); it != lisX.end(); ++it) {
Z.push_back((x + i) + (y + i));
You need to make sure you increment both iterators so you have access to both elements:
std::list<float> IndividualTask(std::list<float>& lisX, std::list<float>& lisY) {
std::list<float> Z;
for (auto x = lisX.begin(), y = lisY.begin(); x != lisX.end() && y != lisY.end(); ++x, ++y) {
Z.push_back(*x + *y);
return Z;
std::list has no random accesss iterators, which means you can't add an a numeric value to it to advance them by several positions. You can only increment or decrement such an iterator by one at a time.
So the idea is to take two iterators and increment both inside the loop, add the values of both iterators and push the result to Z. Something like this:
void IndividualTask(const list<float>& lisX, const list<float>& lisY) {
list<float> Z;
auto x = lisX.begin();
auto y = lisY.begin();
while(x != lisX.end() && y != lisY.end()) {
Z.push_back(*x + *y);
Research std::accumulate in your favorite C++ reference:
std::list<float> numbers;
const float sum = std::accumulate(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), 0.0);
2nd task:
For a function f : R^n → R the gradient at a point ~x ∈ R^n is to be calculated:
- Implement a function
CMyVector gradient(CMyVector x, double (*function)(CMyVector x)),
which is given in the first parameter the location ~x and in the second parameter the function f as function pointer in the second parameter, and which calculates the gradient ~g = grad f(~x) numerically
gi = f(x1, . . . , xi-1, xi + h, xi+1 . . . , xn) - f(x1, . . . , xn)/h
to fixed h = 10^-8.
My currently written program:
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
class CMyVektor
/* data */
int Dimension = 0;
//Public Method
void set_Dimension(int Dimension /* Aktuelle Dim*/);
void set_specified_Value(int index, int Value);
double get_specified_Value(int key);
int get_Vector_Dimension();
int get_length_Vektor();
double& operator [](int index);
string umwandlung()
CMyVektor::CMyVektor(/* args */)
Vector.resize(0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < Vector.size(); i++)
delete Vector[i];
void CMyVektor::set_Dimension(int Dimension /* Aktuelle Dim*/)
void CMyVektor::set_specified_Value(int index, int Value)
if (Vector.empty())
else {
Vector[index] = Value;
double CMyVektor::get_specified_Value(int key)
// vom intervall anfang - ende des Vectors
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Vector.size(); i++)
if (Vector[i] == key) {
return Vector[i];
int CMyVektor::get_Vector_Dimension()
return Vector.size();
// Berechnet den Betrag "länge" eines Vectors.
int CMyVektor::get_length_Vektor()
int length = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Vector.size(); i++)
length += Vector[i]^2
return sqrt(length);
// [] Operator überladen
double& CMyVektor::operator [](int index)
return Vector[index];
#include <iostream>
#include "ClassVektor.h"
using namespace std;
CMyVektor operator+(CMyVektor a, CMyVektor b);
CMyVektor operator*(double lambda, CMyVektor a);
CMyVektor gradient(CMyVektor x, double (*funktion)(CMyVektor x));
int main() {
CMyVektor V1;
CMyVektor V2;
CMyVektor C;
C= V1 + V2;
std::cout << "Addition : "<< "(";;
for (int i = 0; i < C.get_length_Vector(); i++)
std::cout << C[i] << " ";
std::cout << ")" << endl;
C = lamda * C;
std::cout << "Skalarprodukt: "<< C[0]<< " ";
// Vector Addition
CMyVektor operator+(CMyVektor a, CMyVektor b)
int ai = 0, bi = 0;
int counter = 0;
CMyVektor c;
// Wenn Dimension Gleich dann addition
if (a.get_length_Vector() == b.get_length_Vector())
while (counter < a.get_length_Vector())
c[counter] = a[ai] + b[bi];
return c;
//Berechnet das Skalarprodukt
CMyVektor operator*(double lambda, CMyVektor a)
CMyVektor c;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < a.get_length_Vector(); i++)
c[0] += lambda * a[i];
return c;
* Differenzenquotient : (F(x0+h)+F'(x0)) / h
* Erster Parameter die Stelle X - Zweiter Parameter die Funktion
* Bestimmt numerisch den Gradienten.
CMyVektor gradient(CMyVektor x, double (*funktion)(CMyVektor x))
My problem now is that I don't quite know how to deal with the
CMyVector gradient(CMyVector x, double (*function)(CMyVector x))
function and how to define a function that corresponds to it.
I hope that it is enough information. Many thanks.
The function parameter is the f in the difference formula. It takes a CMyVector parameter x and returns a double value. You need to supply a function parameter name. I'll assume func for now.
I don't see a parameter for h. Are you going to pass a single small value into the gradient function or assume a constant?
The parameter x is a vector. Will you add a constant h to each element?
This function specification is a mess.
Function returns a double. How do you plan to turn that into a vector?
No wonder you're confused. I am.
Are you trying to do something like this?
You are given a function signature
CMyVector gradient(CMyVector x, double (*function)(CMyVector x))
Without knowing the exact definition I will assume, that at least the basic numerical vector operations are defined. That means, that the following statements compile:
CMyVector x {2.,5.,7.};
CMyVector y {1.,7.,4.};
CMyVector z {0.,0.,0.};
double a = 0.;
// vector addition and assigment
z = x + y;
// vector scalar multiplication and division
z = z * a;
z = x / 0.1;
Also we need to know the dimension of the CMyVector class. I assumed and will continue to do so that it is three dimensional.
The next step is to understand the function signature. You get two parameters. The first one denotes the point, at which you are supposed to calculate the gradient. The second is a pointer to the function f in your formula. You do not know it, but can call it on a vector from within your gradient function definition. That means, inside of the definition you can do something like
double f_at_x = function(x);
and the f_at_x will hold the value f(x) after that operation.
Armed with this, we can try to implement the formula, that you mentioned in the question title:
CMyVector gradient(CMyVector x, double (*function)(CMyVector x)) {
double h = 0.001;
// calculate first element of the gradient
CMyVector e1 {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
double result1 = ( function(x + e1*h) - function(x) )/h;
// calculate second element of the gradient
CMyVector e2 {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
double result2 = ( function(x + e2*h) - function(x) )/h;
// calculate third element of the gradient
CMyVector e3 {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
double result3 = ( function(x + e3*h) - function(x) )/h;
// return the result
return CMyVector {result1, result2, result3};
There are several thing worth to mention in this code. First and most important I have chosen h = 0.001. This may like a very arbitrary choice, but the choice of the step size will very much impact the precision of your result. You can find a whole lot of discussion about that topic here. I took the same value that according to that wikipedia page a lot of handheld calculators use internally. That might not be the best choice for the floating point precision of your processor, but should be a fair one to start with.
Secondly the code looks very ugly for an advanced programmer. We are doing almost the same thing for each of the three dimensions. Ususally you would like to do that in a for loop. The exact way of how this is done depends on how the CMyVector type is defined.
Since the CMyVektor is just rewritting the valarray container, I will directly use the valarray:
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
using namespace std;
using CMyVektor = valarray<double>;
CMyVektor gradient(CMyVektor x, double (*funktion)(CMyVektor x));
const double h = 0.00000001;
int main()
// sum(x_i^2 + x_i)--> gradient: 2*x_i + 1
auto fun = [](CMyVektor x) {return (x*x + x).sum();};
CMyVektor d = gradient(CMyVektor{1,2,3,4,5}, fun);
for (auto i: d) cout << i<<' ';
return 0;
CMyVektor gradient(CMyVektor x, double (*funktion)(CMyVektor x)){
CMyVektor grads(x.size());
CMyVektor pos(x.size());
for (int i = 0; i<x.size(); i++){
pos[i] = 1;
grads[i] = (funktion(x + h * pos) - funktion(x))/ h;
pos[i] = 0;
return grads;
The prints out 3 5 7 9 11 which is what is expected from the given function and the given location
I have a std::vector<PLY> that holds a number of structs:
struct PLY {
int x;
int y;
int greyscale;
Some of the PLY's could be duplicates in terms of their position x and y but not necessarily in terms of their greyscale value. What is the best way to find those (position-) duplicates and replace them with a single PLY instace which has a greyscale value that represents the average greyscale of all duplicates?
E.g: PLY a{1,1,188} is a duplicate of PLY b{1,1,255}. Same (x,y) position possibly different greyscale.
Based on your description of Ply you need these operators:
auto operator==(const Ply& a, const Ply& b)
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
auto operator<(const Ply& a, const Ply& b)
// whenever you can be lazy!
return std::make_pair(a.x, a.y) < std::make_pair(b.x, b.y);
Very important: if the definition "Two Ply are identical if their x and y are identical" is not general valid, then defining comparator operators that ignore greyscale is a bad ideea. In that case you should define separate function objects or non-operator functions and pass them around to function.
There is a nice rule of thumb that a function should not have more than a loop. So instead of a nested 2 for loops, we define this helper function which computes the average of consecutive duplicates and also returns the end of the consecutive duplicates range:
// prereq: [begin, end) has at least one element
// i.e. begin != end
template <class It>
auto compute_average_duplicates(It begin, It end) -> std::pair<int, It>
// (sadly not C++17) concepts:
//requires requires(It i) { {*i} -> Ply; }
auto it = begin + 1;
int sum = begin->greyscale;
for (; it != end && *begin == *it; ++it) {
sum += it->greyscale;
// you might need rounding instead of truncation:
return std::make_pair(sum / std::distance(begin, it), it);
With this we can have our algorithm:
auto foo()
std::vector<Ply> v = {{1, 5, 10}, {2, 4, 6}, {1, 5, 2}};
std::sort(std::begin(v), std::end(v));
for (auto i = std::begin(v); i != std::end(v); ++i) {
decltype(i) j;
int average;
std::tie(average, j) = compute_average_duplicates(i, std::end(v));
// C++17 (coming soon in a compiler near you):
// auto [average, j] = compute_average_duplicates(i, std::end(v));
if (i + 1 == j)
i->greyscale = average;
v.erase(i + 1, j);
// std::vector::erase Invalidates iterators and references
// at or after the point of the erase
// which means i remains valid, and `++i` (from the for) is correct
You can apply lexicographical sorting first. During sorting you should take care of overflowing greyscale. With current approach you will have some roundoff error, but it will be small as i first sum and only then average.
In the second part you need to remove duplicates from the array. I used additional array of indices to copy every element not more than once. If you have some forbidden value for x, y or greyscale you can use it and thus get along without additional array.
struct PLY {
int x;
int y;
int greyscale;
int main()
struct comp
bool operator()(const PLY &a, const PLY &b) { return a.x != b.x ? a.x < b.x : a.y < b.y; }
vector<PLY> v{ {1,1,1}, {1,2,2}, {1,1,2}, {1,3,5}, {1,2,7} };
sort(begin(v), end(v), comp());
vector<bool> ind(v.size(), true);
int s = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i)
if (v[i].x == v[i - 1].x &&v[i].y == v[i - 1].y)
v[s].greyscale += v[i].greyscale;
ind[i] = false;
int d = i - s;
if (d != 1)
v[s].greyscale /= d;
s = i;
s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
if (ind[i])
if (s != i)
v[s] = v[i];
So you need to check, is PLY a1 { 1,1,1 }; duplicates PLY a2 {2,2,1};
So simple method is to override operator == to check a1.x == a2.x and a1.y == a2.y. After you can write own function removeDuplicates(std::vector<PLU>& mPLY); which will use iterators of this vector, compare and remove. But better to use std::list if you want to remove from middle of array too frequently.
I started with the requirements below:
m,n are integers. Search(x,y,z) with
x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = m
And my code
for(int x = 1; x<n; x++)
for(int y = 1; y<n; y++)
for(int z=1; z<n; z++)
if((x*x*x + y*y*y + z*z+z*z == m) &&(x+y+z==n))
cout<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<z;
And BigO = n^3
With the block code above, the algorithm is very slow. Have you any idea how to boost speed?
There's no need for the inner loop; given x and y, you can take z = n-x-y. This reduces it to O(n^2).
The second loop only needs to loop while x+y<n, since beyond that there's no positive z such that x+y+z==n. This halves the remaining work.
Once you've done this, there's no need for the second test (since you've already chosen z to make that true); fix the typo in the first test and you get
for (int x = 1; x<n; x++) {
for (int y = 1; x+y<n; y++) {
int z = n-x-y;
if (x*x*x + y*y*y + z*z*z == m) {
// found it
You do not need the internal for z loop. Once you have x and y, you can easily determine z as n-x-y. This makes it O(N^2).
UPD: I think you can even make in O(N log N) using binary search approach.
Iterate over x. For a given x, you need to find such y and z that y+z=n-x and y^3+z^3=m-x^3. Assume n'=n-z and m'=m-x^3.
The problem is symmetric with respect to y and z, so we can safely assume y<=z. This makes y<=n'/2.
We need to find such y that y^3+(n'-y)^3=m'. I am almost sure (though not checked this) that the function f(y)=y^3+(n'-y)^3 is monotonic on the [1, n'/2] interval, so you can use binary search to find the root for f(y)=m' equation.
So, for a given x you can find needed y in O(log N) time, which makes O(N log N) running time in total.
This one is O(n^2)
for(int x = 1; x<n; x++)
int n1 = n - x ;
for(int y = 1; y<n1; y++)
int z = n - x - y ;
if (x*x*x + y*y*y+z*z*z==m)
cout<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<z;
I want to find the maximum of the absolute of two variables, and return the actual value of that variable, rather than the absolute value of that variable.
For example:
int x = 3;
int y = -5;
int z = max(abs(x), abs(y))
Will just set z to 5, whereas I want it to return -5. Is there a C++ function to perform this?
If you're using C++11, with the STL you could use a vector of int, max_element and a lambda Compare
std::vector<int> values = {3, -5};
int largest_abs = *std::max_element(values.begin(), values.end(), [](const int& a, const int& b)
return abs(a) < abs(b);
This returns the iterator between the start and end of values, whose absolute value is the largest. (this is found through the comparator) The * is then used to convert the iterator (returned by std::max_element) to an int
It's not a commonly used function, but writing your own function is trivial.
int max_abs(int x, int y)
if (x == INT_MIN || y == INT_MIN)
return INT_MIN;
return (abs(x) > abs(y)) ? x : y;
int z = (max(abs(x), abs(y)) == abs(x)) ? x : y;
This is like an if-condition. Its equivalent to
int z = x;
if(max(abs(x), abs(y)) != abs(z))
z = y;
But much shorter.
There is no function in the STL to fit into your needs directly, so you need to make your own and this one could be one version.
A more handy one can be int z = (abs(y) < abs(x)) ? x : y thought.
How would you solve the problem of finding the points of a (integer) grid within a circle centered on the origin of the axis, with the results ordered by norm, as in distance from the centre, in C++?
I wrote an implementation that works (yeah, I know, it is extremely inefficient, but for my problem anything more would be overkill). I'm extremely new to C++, so my biggest problem was finding a data structure capable of
being sort-able;
being able to save an array in one of its elements,
rather than the implementation of the algorithm. My code is as follows. Thanks in advance, everyone!
typedef std::pair<int, int[2]> norm_vec2d;
bool norm_vec2d_cmp (norm_vec2d a, norm_vec2d b)
bool bo;
bo = (a.first < b.first ? true: false);
return bo;
int energy_to_momenta_2D (int energy, std::list<norm_vec2d> *momenta)
int i, j, norm, n=0;
int energy_root = (int) std::sqrt(energy);
norm_vec2d temp;
for (i=-energy_root; i<=energy_root; i++)
for (j =-energy_root; j<=energy_root; j++)
norm = i*i + j*j;
if (norm <= energy)
temp.first = norm;
temp.second[0] = i;
temp.second[1] = j;
(*momenta).push_back (temp);
return n;
How would you solve the problem of finding the points of a (integer) grid within a circle centered on the origin of the axis, with the results ordered by norm, as in distance from the centre, in C++?
I wouldn't use a std::pair to hold the points. I'd create my own more descriptive type.
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
int square() const { return x*x + y*y; }
Point(int x = 0, int y = 0)
: x(x), y(y) {}
bool operator<(const Point& pt) const {
if( square() < pt.square() )
return true;
if( pt.square() < square() )
return false;
if( x < pt.x )
return true;
if( pt.x < x)
return false;
return y < pt.y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Point& pt) {
return os << "(" << pt.x << "," << pt.y << ")";
This data structure is (probably) exactly the same size as two ints, it is less-than comparable, it is assignable, and it is easily printable.
The algorithm walks through all of the valid points that satisfy x=[0,radius] && y=[0,x] && (x,y) inside circle:
GetListOfPointsInsideCircle(double radius = 1) {
std::set<Point> result;
// Only examine bottom half of quadrant 1, then
// apply symmetry 8 ways
for(Point pt(0,0); pt.x <= radius; pt.x++, pt.y = 0) {
for(; pt.y <= pt.x && pt.square()<=radius*radius; pt.y++) {
result.insert(Point(-pt.x, pt.y));
result.insert(Point(pt.x, -pt.y));
result.insert(Point(-pt.x, -pt.y));
result.insert(Point(pt.y, pt.x));
result.insert(Point(-pt.y, pt.x));
result.insert(Point(pt.y, -pt.x));
result.insert(Point(-pt.y, -pt.x));
return result;
I chose a std::set to hold the data for two reasons:
It is stored is sorted order, so I don't have to std::sort it, and
It rejects duplicates, so I don't have to worry about points whose reflection are identical
Finally, using this algorithm is dead simple:
int main () {
std::set<Point> vp = GetListOfPointsInsideCircle(2);
std::copy(vp.begin(), vp.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<Point>(std::cout, "\n"));
It's always worth it to add a point class for such geometric problem, since usually you have more than one to solve. But I don't think it's a good idea to overload the 'less' operator to satisfy the first need encountered. Because:
Specifying the comparator where you sort will make it clear what order you want there.
Specifying the comparator will allow to easily change it without affecting your generic point class.
Distance to origin is not a bad order, but for a grid but it's probably better to use row and columns (sort by x first then y).
Such comparator is slower and will thus slow any other set of points where you don't even care about norm.
Anyway, here is a simple solution using a specific comparator and trying to optimize a bit:
struct v2i{
int x,y;
v2i(int px, int py) : x(px), y(py) {}
int norm() const {return x*x+y*y;}
bool r_comp(const v2i& a, const v2i& b)
{ return a.norm() < b.norm(); }
std::vector<v2i> result;
for(int x = -r; x <= r; ++x) {
int my = r*r - x*x;
for(int y = 0; y*y <= my; ++y) {
if(y > 0)
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), r_comp);