Vue AWS Amplify fail to get credentials - amazon-web-services

i am using AWS Amplify for authentication in a Vue app.
i am able to login successfully but cannot get credentials using Auth.currentUserCredentials() and Auth.currentCredentials().
i'd appreciate any help to sort out the problem.
i use Amplify's Hub event listener to listen to the auth channel for authorization events and the logger to debug.
on signing in, i notice this:
this is running in developer mode but exact same errors appear if built and run on website.
it seems that a POST to the localhost is causing the problem. but why does it call localhost when running a production build?
here's the whole log from signing in until after calling Auth.currentCredentials():
here's the code for the login form:
My App
here's my aws-exports.js file:
const awsmobile = {
"aws_project_region": "eu-west-1",
"aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "eu-west-1:xyz....-4144-4b70-b021-e3486dbb1d43",
"aws_cognito_region": "eu-west-1",
"aws_user_pools_id": "eu-west-1_xyz....",
"aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "xyz....",
"oauth": {}
export default awsmobile;

seems there was a bug which has now been fixed so working now


How to troubleshoot zoom Oauth2 integration with ngrok and cookie usage in a MERN stack application?

I'm testing a local zoom app build. To be specific, zoom docs differentiate their app types, and what i want is a web view opened in the zoom client app view, therefore what ive developed is technically referred to as a "Zoom App" (more info here)
In the zoom docs, it mentions you cant setup the redirect urls to be localhost:8080 for example, it has to be set up with ngrok or a public url (more info here)
So ngrok is properly working (setup with cli command ngrok http 8080 ). I also tried this command with other values set for the --host-header flag. some attempts include --host=header=rewrite, --host-header=localhost, and --host-header=localhost:8080
Express server on :8080, react client on :3000
Express is linked into multiple oauth providers, google and zoom are 2 examples. google integration is working properly with the same oauth middleware, and route controllers on the api side (but google integration doesnt require the ngrok setup)
with zoom, and the ngrok setup, the request to the /callback route once the user confirms the zoom authorization, everything works fine, except the cookie that is returned by the server setting the header set-cookie is not set into the browsers application storage. nothing is registered in the cookies tab for oauth that goes through ngrok
the very next request confirms no cookie is stored, as there is no cookie: ... header in the request. interestingly, there are no errors on this cookie that is sent in the initial response headers of the servers /callback endpoint
Oauth Requests through Ngrok:
Oauth Requests without Ngrok:
Heres the controller that run after successful oauth verification/tokenization, triggered in both cases:
const oauth = catchAsync(async (req, res) => {
const user = req.user;
const tokens = await tokenService.generateAuthTokens(user);
.cookie('refreshToken', tokens.refresh.token, {
maxAge: tokens.refresh.maxAge,
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: "none",
secure: true,
// domain: "" // test
I tried manually setting the domain value of the cookie config. Some values i tried include
, but to no avail
Heres the devserver webpack config, which usually has nothing extra, although i did also try with all for allowedHosts
But Im hopeful for a solution that works in both production and development
module.exports = {
// Extend/override the dev server configuration used by CRA
// See:
devServer: function (configFunction) {
return function (proxy, allowedHost) {
const config = configFunction(proxy, allowedHost);
// config.headers = {
// // "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "credentialless",
// // "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin",
// // 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'cross-origin',
// // 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
// };
config.allowedHosts = ['all']
return config;
So maybe this is just a development environment issue? After all, google oauth works fine in prod/dev, maybe its just ngrok. So i've tested this by adding my live api url to the oauth redirect/allowedhost in zoom app web portal and ran this in production, and got the same issue.
Any one else go through this with a zoom app?

Connecting Next.js API with Next.js client on AWS Amplify

there is monorepo for development where are two folders - client, api. Developing on localhost is working very fine. But a problem, of course, is on AWS. My whole setting is in next.config.js which is
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/api/:slug*',
destination: `${process.env.API_URL}/api/:slug*`
but this is not working on AWS Amplify. I suspect that should be more setting in Rewrites and redirects or AWS Cloudfront, but I don`t have any clue. Do you have some experience with that?
403 Bad request. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
Problem was on client folder, where wasn't directory pages/api with any file and AWS CloudFront couldn't detect the directory for some internal settings. Look at the image bellow - There wasn't Path pattern - 'api/*', now it is. :)

Problems with AWS Amplify, Next.js and authenticated SSR

I've got a Next.js application that uses AWS Cognito userpools for authentication. I have a custom UI and am using the aws-amplify package directly invoking signIn/signOut/etc... in my code. (I previously used the AWS Hosted UI and had the same problem set out below - I hoped switching and digging into the actual APIs who reveal my problem but it hasn't)
Everything in development (running on localhost) is working correctly - I'm able to login and get access to my current session both in a page's render function using
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
export default const MyPage = (props) => {
useEffect(async () => {
const session = await Auth.currentSession();
and during SSR
import { withSSRContext } from 'aws-amplify';
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const SSR = withSSRContext(context);
const session = await SSR.Auth.currentSession();
However, when I deploy to AWS Amplify where I run my staging environment, the call to get the current session during SSR fails. This results in the page rendering as if the user is not logged in then switching when the client is able to determine that the user is in fact logged in.
Current Hypothesis - missing cookies(??):
I've checked that during the login process that the AWS cookies are being set correctly in the browser. I've also checked and devtools tells me the cookies are correctly being sent to the server with the request.
However, if I log out context.req.headers inside getServerSideProps in my staging environment, the cookie header is missing (whereas in my dev environment it appears correctly). If this is true, this would explain what I'm seeing as getServerSideProps isn't seeing my auth tokens, etc... but I can't see why the cookie headers would be stripped?
Has anyone seen anything like this before? Is this even possible? If so, why would this happen? I assume I'm missing something, e.g. config related, but I feel like I've followed the docs pretty closely - my current conf looks like this
Auth: {...}
ssr: true
Next.js version is 11.1.2 (latest)
Any help very much appreciated!
You have to use Next#11.0.0 to use getServerSideProps, withSSRContext and Auth module in production.
I had same issue.
My solution was that disconnect a branch has an authentication problem once and reconnect the branch.
What are your build settings? I guess you are using next build && next export in which case this getServerSideProps shall not work. See
To use SSR with AWS amplify see or consider deploying on a node server that is actually a server that you can start with next start like AWS EC2 or deploy on Vercel.
Otherwise if you use next export have to make do with client side data fetch only with client side updates only and cannot use dynamic server side features of nextjs.
One reason for context.req.headers not having any cookie in it is because CloudFront distribution is not forwarding any cookies.
This “CloudFront Behaviour” can be changed in two ways:
Forward all cookies, OR
Forward specified cookies (i.e. array of cookie names)
To change the behaviour, navigate to CloudFront on AWS console > Distributions > your_distribution > Behaviors Tab.
Then Edit existing or Create new behaviour > Change cookies settings (for example set it to "All")

SignalR can't connect when deployed behind AWS EB

I am trying to use SignalR on an application hosted in AWS EB, with an application loadbalancer in front.
It works perfectly fine when I test it locally, but when deployed, the websocket can not establish a connection and returns:
"Error: Failed to start the connection: Error: There was an error with the transport."
"There was an error with the transport. at WebSocket.o.onerror [as __zone_symbol__ON_PROPERTYerror]"
I have tried adding a middleware at the very start of my pipeline, that logs if i get a request for my hub, and this works, so I dont think it is the load balancer or anything AWS Related.
If i call the URL with Postman websocket, I get a status code 400.
I have followed the MS guide and added the configuration for JWT auth
jwtTokenOptions.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnMessageReceived = context =>
var accessToken = context.Request.Query["access_token"];
// If the request is for our hub...
var path = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken) &&
// Read the token out of the query string
context.Token = accessToken;
return Task.CompletedTask;
And as I said, it works fine locally. Any suggestions are most welcome
I fixed this by enabling web sockets for the IIS on the eb instance.
I did this by creating an eb extension with the following command
command: "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-WebSockets"
ignoreErrors: true

How to solve Apollo Studio Sanbox Cors?

I can't use apollo Studio. After migration for Graphql playground. When I try to run in localhost and redirect me to apollo studio sanbox Unable to connect to localhost.
Please help to solve this
Add CORS configuration options for the server's CORS behavior.
const server = new ApolloServer({
cors: {
"origin": "",
"credentials": true
I was able to solve my problem. I had added the helmet middleware to Express and just needed to update the contentSecurityPolicy setting.
export default async (app: express.Application) => {
app.use(config.graphqlPath, express.json());
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? undefined : false
Not sure if that helps since there were not a lot of details on the environment in the original post, but maybe this can help someone else in the future.
Original Post
I'm having the same issue only with Apollo Sandbox. I just get a page stating that I appear to be offline. I checked the console and there are a number of CORS errors.
I also attempted to switch to the GraphQL Playground as a plugin. It displayed the initial loading screen, but never progressed past that point. I checked the console and also saw similar CORS errors.
I'm using apollo-server-express. I've created Apollo servers in the past and have never run into this while trying to run tools locally.
Apollo now supports an embedded version of the Apollo Sandbox & Apollo Explorer that you can host on your Apollo Server endpoint urls. This will remove the need to whitelist the Apollo Studio endpoint in your CORS configuration to use our Explorer. You can use the Explorer right on your server endpoint.
For local development endpoints, pass embed: true to the ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault plugin in your Apollo Server config. See more details here.
For production endpoints, pass a graphRef and embed: true to the ApolloServerPluginLandingPageProductionDefault plugin in your Apollo Server config. See more details here.