How can I reorder this file's data for better compression? - compression

I have a file of pieces of data that can be reordered arbitrarily. Each piece of data is typically around 0-300 bytes. What tools or algorithms are out there that I can use to reorder them so that the compressed version of the file is smaller? It has to be compressed (for various reasons) using zip in deflate mode, level 6.
Things like the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm and the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm seem promising, but perhaps I need something more specifically tailored to this case.


most common way to deal with endianness and files C++

I started out just reading/writing 8-bit integers to files using chars. It was not very long before I realized that I needed to be able to work with more than just 256 possible values. I did some research on how to read/write 16-bit integers to files and became aware of the concept of big and little endian. I did even more research and found a few different ways to deal with endianness and I also learned some ways to write endianness-independent code. My overall conclusion was that I have to first check if the system I am using is using big or little endian, change the endianness depending on what type the system is using, and then work with the values.
The one thing I have not been able to find is the best/most common way to deal with endianness when reading/writing to files in C++ (no networking). So how should I go about doing this? To help clarify, I am asking for the best way to read/write 16/32-bit integers to files between big and little endian systems. Because I am concerned about the endianness between different systems, I would also like a cross-platform solution.
The most common way is simply to pass your in-memory values through htons() or htonl() before writing them to the file, and also pass the read data through ntohs() or ntohl() after reading it back from the file. (htons()/ntohs() handle 16-bit values, htonl()/ntohl() handle 32-bit values)
When compiled for a big-endian CPU, these functions are no-ops (they just return the value you passed in to them verbatim), so the values will get written to the file in big-endian format. When compiled for a little-endian CPU, these functions endian-swap the passed-in value and return the swapped version, so again the values will get written to the file in big-endian format.
That way the values in the file are always stored in big-endian format, and they always get converted to/from the appropriate (CPU-native) format when being transferred to/from memory. This is the simplest way to do it (since you don't have to write or debug any conditional logic), and the most common (these functions are implemented and available on just about all platforms)
In practice, a good habit is to avoid binary data (to exchange data between computers) and prefer text files and textual protocols to exchange data. You could use textual formats like JSON, YAML, XML, .... (or sometimes invent your own). There are many C++ libraries related to them, e.g. jsoncpp.
Textual data is indeed more verbose (takes more disk space) and slightly slower to parse (but the disk I/O is often the bottleneck, not the CPU time "wasted" in parsing or encoding formats like JSON) but is much easier to work on.
Read also about serialization. You'll find lots of libraries doing that (using some "common" well defined data format such as XDR or ASN1). Many file formats contain some header describing the concrete encoding. The elf(5) format is a good example of that.
Be aware that most of the time the data is more valuable (economically) than the software working on it. So it is very important to document very well how your data is organized in files.
Consider also using databases. Sometimes simply using sqlite with tables containing JSON is very effective.
PS. Without an actual real world case, your question is too broad, and has no meaningful universal answer. There is no single best way!
Basile, I agree that there is no universal answer.
In my world, embedded real time systems, using a text representation is blasphemy. Textual representations and JSON is at least 2 orders of magnitude slower than binary representations. It may be fine for the web. But that makes a difference when you have to process several kilo bytes of data per seconds (to handle voice for instance) across DSPs and GPPs.
For a more in depth discussion on this toppic, check out chapter 7 of the ZeroMQ book.

Strings vs binary for storing variables inside the file format

We aim at using HDF5 for our data format. HDF5 has been selected because it is a hierarchical filesystem-like cross-platform data format and it supports large amounts of data.
The file will contain arrays and some parameters. The question is about how to store the parameters (which are not made up by large amounts of data), considering also file versioning issues and the efforts to build the library. Parameters inside the HDF5 could be stored as either (A) human-readable attribute/value pairs or (B) binary data in the form of HDF5 compound data types.
Just as an example, let's consider as a parameter a polygon with three vertex. Under case A we could have for instance a variable named Polygon with the string representation of the series of vertices, e.g. for instance (1, 2); (3, 4); (4, 1). Under case B, we could have instead a variable named Polygon made up by a [2 x 3] matrix.
We have some idea, but it would be great to have inputs from people who have already worked with something similar. More precisely, could you please list pro/cons of A and B and also say under what circumstances which would be preferable?
Speaking as someone who's had to do exactly what you're talking about a number of time, rr got it basically right, but I would change the emphasis a little.
For file versioning, text is basically the winner.
Since you're using an hdf5 library, I assume both serializing and parsing are equivalent human-effort.
text files are more portable. You can transfer the files across generations of hardware with the minimal risk.
text files are easier for humans to work with. If you want to extract a subset of the data and manipulate it, you can do that with many programs on many computers. If you are working with binary data, you will need a program that allows you to do so. Depending on how you see people working with your data, this can make a huge difference to the accessibility of the data and maintenance costs. You'll be able to sed, grep, and even edit the data in excel.
input and output of binary data (for large data sets) will be vastly faster than text.
working with those binary files in a new environmnet (e.g. a 128 bit little endian computer in some sci-fi future) will require some engineering.
similarly, if you write applications in other languages, you'll need to handle the encoding identically between applications. This will either mean engineering effort, or having the same libraries available on all platforms. Plain text this is easier...
If you want others to write applications that work with your data, plain text is simpler. If you're providing binary files, you'll have to provide a file specification which they can follow. With plain text, anyone can just look at the file and figure out how to parse it.
you can archive the text files with compression, so space concerns are primarily an issue for the data you are actively working with.
debugging binary data storage is significantly more work than debugging plain-text storage.
So in the end it depends a little on your use case. Is it meaningful to look at the data in the myriad tools that handle plain-text? Is it only meaningful to look at it with big-data hdf5 viewers? Will writing plain text be onerous to you in terms of time and space?
In general, when I'm faced with this issue, I basically always do the same thing: I store the data in plain text until I realize the speed problems are more irritating than working with binary would be, and then I switch. If you don't know in advance if you're crossing that threshold start with plain-text, and write your interface to your persistence layer in such a way that it will be easy to switch later. This is tiny bit of additional work, which you will probably get back thanks to plain text being easier to debug.
If you expect to edit the file by hand often (like XMLs or JSONs), then go with human readable format.
Otherwise go with binary - it's much easier to create a parser for it and it will run faster than any grammar parser.
Also note how there's nothing that prevents you from creating a converter between binary and human-readable form later.
Versioning files might sound nice, but are you really going to inspect the diffs for files "containing large arrays"?

File Compressor In Assembly

In an effort to get better at programming assembly, and as an academic exercise, I would like to write a non-trivial program in x86 assembly. Since file compression has always been kind of an interest to me, I would like to write something like the zip utility in assembly.
I'm not exactly out of my element here, having written a simple web server using assembly and coded for embedded devices, and I've read some of the material for zlib (and others) and played with its C implementation.
My problem is finding a routine that is simple enough to port to assembly. Many of the utilities I've inspected thus far are full of #define's and other included code. Since this is really just for me to play with, I'm not really interested in super-awesome compression ratios or anything like that. I'm basically just looking for the RC4 of compression algorithms.
Is a Huffman Coding the path I should be looking down or does anyone have another suggestion?
And here is a more sophisticated algorithm which should not be too hard to implement: LZ77 (containing assembly examples) or LZ77 (this site contains many different compression algorithms).
One option would be to write a decompressor for DEFLATE (the algorithm behind zip and gzip). zlib's implementation is going to be heavily optimized, but the RFC gives pseudocode for a decoder. After you have learned the compressed format, you can move on to writing a compressor based on it.
I remember a project from second year computing science that was something similar to this (in C).
Basically, compressing involves replacing a string of xxxxx (5 x's) with #\005x (the at sign, a byte with a value of 5, followed by the repeated byte. This algorithm is very simple. It doesn't work that well for English text, but works surprisingly well for bitmap images.
Edit: what I am describing is run length encoding.
Take a look at UPX executable packer. It contains some low-level decompressing code as part of unpacking procedures...

What is the best compression scheme for small data such as 1.66kBytes?

This data is stored in an array (using C++) and is a repetition of 125 bits each one varying from the other. It also has 8 messages of 12 ASCII characters each at the end. Please suggest if I should use differential compression within the array and if so how?
Or should I apply some other compression scheme onto the whole array?
Generally you can compress data that has some sort of predictability or redundancy. Dictionary based compression (e.g. ZIP style algorithms) traditionally don't work well on small chunks of data because of the need to share the selected dictionary.
In the past, when I have compressed very small chunks of data with somewhat predictable patterns, I have used SharpZipLib with a custom dictionary. Rather than embed the dictionary in the actual data, I hard-coded the dictionary in every program that needs to (de)compress the data. SharpZipLib gives you both options: custom dictionary, and keep dictionary separate from the data.
Again this will only work well if you can predict some patterns to your data ahead of time so that you can create an appropriate compression dictionary, and it's feasible for the dictionary itself to be separate from the compressed data.
You haven't given us enough information to help you. However, I can highly recommend the book Text Compression by Bell, Cleary, and Witten. Don't be fooled by the title; "Text" here just means "lossless"—all the techniques apply to binary data. Because the book is expensive you might try to get it on interlibrary loan.
Also, don't overlook the obvious Burrows-Wheeler (bzip2) or Lempel-Ziv (gzip, zlib) techniques. It's quite possible that one of these techniques will work well for your application, so before investigating alternatives, try compressing your data with standard tools.

What is the current state of text-only compression algorithms?

In honor of the Hutter Prize,
what are the top algorithms (and a quick description of each) for text compression?
Note: The intent of this question is to get a description of compression algorithms, not of compression programs.
The boundary-pushing compressors combine algorithms for insane results. Common algorithms include:
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform and here - shuffle characters (or other bit blocks) with a predictable algorithm to increase repeated blocks which makes the source easier to compress. Decompression occurs as normal and the result is un-shuffled with the reverse transform. Note: BWT alone doesn't actually compress anything. It just makes the source easier to compress.
Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM) - an evolution of arithmetic coding where the prediction model(context) is created by crunching statistics about the source versus using static probabilities. Even though its roots are in arithmetic coding, the result can be represented with Huffman encoding or a dictionary as well as arithmetic coding.
Context Mixing - Arithmetic coding uses a static context for prediction, PPM dynamically chooses a single context, Context Mixing uses many contexts and weighs their results. PAQ uses context mixing. Here's a high-level overview.
Dynamic Markov Compression - related to PPM but uses bit-level contexts versus byte or longer.
In addition, the Hutter prize contestants may replace common text with small-byte entries from external dictionaries and differentiate upper and lower case text with a special symbol versus using two distinct entries. That's why they're so good at compressing text (especially ASCII text) and not as valuable for general compression.
Maximum Compression is a pretty cool text and general compression benchmark site. Matt Mahoney publishes another benchmark. Mahoney's may be of particular interest because it lists the primary algorithm used per entry.
There's always lzip.
All kidding aside:
Where compatibility is a concern, PKZIP (DEFLATE algorithm) still wins.
bzip2 is the best compromise between being enjoying a relatively broad install base and a rather good compression ratio, but requires a separate archiver.
7-Zip (LZMA algorithm) compresses very well and is available for under the LGPL. Few operating systems ship with built-in support, however.
rzip is a variant of bzip2 that in my opinion deserves more attention. It could be particularly interesting for huge log files that need long-term archiving. It also requires a separate archiver.
If you want to use PAQ as a program, you can install the zpaq package on debian-based systems. Usage is (see also man zpaq)
zpaq c archivename.zpaq file1 file2 file3
Compression was to about 1/10th of a zip file's size. (1.9M vs 15M)