MS Graph API - Get Access Token w/ Multi-Factor Authentication Required - postman

I'm attempting to use Postman to "Get User Access Token" with Microsoft Graph API; however, my org recently enabled multi-factor auth and this call is now failing, stating:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access...
The Microsoft documentation for MS Graph API using Postman is very well written, but it is missing clear instructions how to pass in this second factor to the request.
The error points to, but this just gives the same info.
I have the MS authenticator app which gives me this key/second factor; however, I don't know how to add this into the body/headers. I'm trying to find the specific key name for passing in the additional security token (I've tried things like 'token,' 'pcToken,' 'key,' etc.)

I was in the same predicament so here is what I did to solve it:
Firstly, I got the information from:
You will need to use the OAuth 2.0 authorisation in Postman. Using the same GET request, go to Authorization -> Change the type to 'OAuth 2.0' then click 'Get New Access Token'.
From there, you can input your own details:
(replace [TenantID] with your own)
Callback URL: The redirect URL you stated in your app authentication.
Auth URL:[TenantID]/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Access Token URL:[TenantID]/oauth2/v2.0/token
Client ID: You're application's ID.
Client Secret: You're Applications secret that you set under the 'Certificates & secrets' section.

Username Password Authentication is not supported for MFA because MFA requires interaction. But there is no interaction if you need to use Username Password Authentication to sign in.
See Username Password Authentication:
users who need to do MFA won't be able to sign-in (as there is no

The answers above do not describe anything related to MFA by-passing via code.
MFA auth you need to use broker authentication where MS Authenticator app behaves as a broker.
If you integrate the proper libraries (ADAL, MSAL) your code will be able to interact with broker properly.
On Android and iOS, brokers enable:
Single Sign On (SSO). Your users won't need to sign-in to each
Device identification (by accessing the device
certificate which was created on the device when it was workplace
joined). We use Intune-managed devices for this purpose.
Application identification verification (is it really outlook which
calls me?). The way it works is when an application calls the broker,
it passes its redirect url, and the broker verifies it:
On iOS, the redirect URL is, for instance, ms-word://, the broker
parses and gets the appId (after the //) and verifies it's the same
as the appId of the calling app, which it knows (by the OS).
On Android the redirect URLs have the following form msauth://com.msft.word/.
To enable one of these features, the application developers need to set the UseBroker Boolean to true in the platform parameters. They also need to implement a delegate to react to the broker calling back the application as described in Platform parameters properties specific to brokers on Android and iOS.
Please refer to the MS docs for broker auth examples:


Is it possible to login to Amazon Cognito via REST API without using the SDK

I'm looking at AWS Cognito documentaion here
Authentication with a User Pool
Actually I looked at many links in the documentation without finding clear information about this.
In AWS Cognito, I successfully created user pool, app client and integrated signup and login in Android and iOS using the platform provided SDK (amplify). But I want to do that directly from REST client, for testing purposes to generate user tokens. I want to submit the required credentials, username and password and get the user token as I do from the SDK.
I also tried the answer here but it gives an error
"__type": "NotAuthorizedException",
"message": "Unable to verify secret hash for client 1034me0p4rkfm17oidu7mkunu5"
Is this is something possible and how?
I just managed to get it done. There is a setting while you create an application client in Cognito console Enable Client Secret
To get that functionality to work, You need to create another App client with Enable Client Secret disabled. Then use the example mentioned in this answer

How to authenticate with third party system using RestAssured

I'm trying to hit a web service using RestAssured. I'm struggling with authentication which is actually performed by a third party system. Details are given below:
My web service requires session ID & Cookie in the request header. Otherwise the service call will be failed.
For that I need to fetch Session Id & Cookie after the authentication.
Authentication is done by third party service and it takes the windows credentials for authentication.
When I launch my app URL on browser, say: '' it will be redirected to authentication service using a URL like:
After the authentication it will again be redirected to actual application back.
I tried below code but it says: "401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials." even though my credentials are correct.
RestAssured.given().auth().basic("userID", "password").get("")
I'm confused no idea what I've missed here..
I did some trial and error and finally understood that I need to use .auth().ntlm(userId, password,"","") as the authentication. Here I'm using windows credentials as basic or any other auth type won't work in this case.
This answer can help someone in need.

Django Oauth Toolkit Application Settings

Django Oauth Toolkit docs don't describe the redirect uris, authorization grant type, or client type fields when registering your application.
The tutorial says to set client type to confidential, grant type to password, and leave uris blank.
What do the other options do?
e.g. What is client type public vs confidential? What do the grant type password, credentials, authorization, implicit do? And what are the redirect uris for?
I have found sparse information about them but no actual explanations as they pertain to django rest framework and django oauth toolkit.
You'll get answer to all your questions once you read about Oauth2 Protocol from here
But I'll try to answer your questions in brief:
I'll be using the words client and Resource Server frequently. In Oauth2 protocol, client means the system which accesses resources, data or service. (It could be your mobile app or javascript app consuming REST API's of your API Backend (or Resource Server) . If you have implemented Facebook login in your mobile/JS apps, chances are, your API backend requests Facebook for user's information. In that case your API backend is being a client and Facebook is Resource Server)
Client Types:
Client type is either confidential or public depending on whether that client can keep it's client_secret a secret. (For example, an AngularJS app cannot keep it's client_secret hidden, since anyone can do "Inspect Element" in a browser and search for it, so such a client has to be registered as public.)
Authorization Grant Types:
There are four kinds of Authorization Grant Types in Oauth2 protocol.
Authorization Code:
In this grant type, the client requests for an authorization code first, then exchanges that authorization code for an access token. It's a two step procedure. Use this if the client is an outsider (more on it in Resource-owner password based).
Usually used along with public client_type. Instead of a two-step procedure above, the client gets access token in one go.
Resource-owner password based:
This is used when there is a high degree of trust between client and Resource Server. This is the case between your API backend and your Mobile app. (There is high degree of trust between your API backend and Javascript app too, but since it cannot keep it's client_secret a secret, you have to use Implicit Grant type with it). Facebook or Google etc. will never give you this kind of Authorization Grant because, for them, your API backend is an outsider.
Client Credentials:
It is least commonly used. Please read about it in above mentioned document.
Redirect URI's:
Now, as far as Redirect URI's are concerned, they are needed only in Authorization Code or Implicit grant types (Not sure about Client Credentials one, somebody please enlighten me on this in comments).
Redirect URI is given so that the Resource Server knows where to send the access token. Imagine if you are implementing Facebook login. In that case you will go to and register your application (like you did with django-oauth-toolkit), while registering your application, you will specify a Redirect URI.
Specifying a Redirect URI is a way of saying. "Hey Facebook, send the access token on this URI". So if you set Redirect URI something like, Facebook will redirect to your specified Redirect URI at the end of Oauth2 process and give Access Token in the form of GET parameter, like

Bluemix, SSO: Calling REST service from mobile app (public client, native application)

I have a Bluemix web application (Liberty for Java), which implements some web services. These web services should be called from a mobile application (Android). I have now secured this web application by binding it to the Bluemix Single Sign On service (SSO) with a cloud directory created in the SSO service. Using the web app from a web browser works fine; but, I have problems obtaining an access token from the SSO service, which would allow the mobile application to invoke the services.
From the OAuth2 specification (IETF RFC 6749), I figured that the appropriate way of doing this would be the "native application" profile with a "public client" (as specified in Clause 2.1 of the OAuth2 Spec) using the "password" grant type (OAuth2 spec, Clause 4.3 "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant").
I used the Spring for Android framework for this purpose, and code for this would look like this:
ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resourceDetails =
new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();
OAuth2RestTemplate restTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails);
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
UserPosition newPosition = restTemplate.postForObject(
POST_POSITION_SERVICE_URI, position, UserPosition.class);
But, I don't think that this code matters, and ultimately made my experiments with obtaining access tokens directly with curl:
Actually, I tried using two different clients with different OAuth2 token endpoints:
I created a client (and client credentials) in the Cloud directory, that I had created in the Bluemix SSO service. And I tried the OAuth2 Token Endpoint URI and the created client credentials. But it appears that this endpoint does not support the grant type "password" at all. It appears that this client is not considered a public client by the endpoint.
I also tried the credentials and OAuth Token Endpoint URI for the Web application itself (which I looked up in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable). This end point seems to support the grant type "password"; but all variants of requests I could think of, kept responding: invalid_resource_owner_credential.
As I said, I used curl to try out many different variations of requests to these
token endpoints:
used the token endpoint URI of both the SSO services with the web app credentials
as well as the one created in the cloud directory API Access
tried GET and POST (did not make any difference)
tried Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and
Content-Type: application/json (both of them seemed to work with the same effect)
providing the client_id only (which always was unsuccessful)
providing the client credentials in the body or parameters, as well as
authenication information in the header (actually, I do not like the idea
of providing the client secret to the Android app, but I tried that too);
as user name, I tried the name as I had created it in the web browser redirection
when registering a new user; but I also tried the user name which the Principal of
the security context of a request would provide (when successfully invoking
a service from a web browser with the user logged in); I even tried the principal's
accessId (non of these worked, I always got: invalid_resource_owner_credential)
used different scopes, and none at all
None of the above (and different combinations of that) would result in a successful
response and an access token for the user. The "best" I could get was a response
invalid_resource_owner_credential (making me believe that at least the client was
accepted in some situations).
Unfortunately, I did not find many things that could be configured concerning client
access (and public clients, in particular), and I did not find much documentation on
which subset of the OAuth2 protocol (grant types and profiles) is supported by the
Bluemix SSO service and the attached cloud directory.
Can anyone could tell me how to authenticate with a Bluemix web application
(Liberty for Java) from a mobile app (Android) as a public client or how to set
up the Bluemix web app and the SSO service to which it is bound so that this is
possible. In case it would matter, I am working with Bluemix in the "US South"
region and under an IBM Academic Initiative membership account for Bluemix.
I would prefer a solution, where the mobile app would not need to know the client
secret, but if this is the only way to make this work for now, adding the client
credentials to the mobile app would be OK.
I would appreciate any help with this problem, thanks in advance,
Bluemix has a mobile-specific service called Mobile Client Access that could help to facilitate security for your mobile app. To read about it, log into Bluemix and look for it under the Mobile category. To ask questions about it here, use or search using the [bluemix-mobile-services] tag.

Django Rest Framework authentication with OAuth2 [duplicate]

I'm building an API using Django Rest Framework. Later this API is supposed to be consumed by iOS and Android devices. I want to allow my users to sign-up with oauth2-providers like Facebook and Google. In this case, they shouldn't have to create an account with my platform at all. But users should also be able to sign-up when not having a Facebook/Google account, for which I'm using django-oauth-toolkit, so I have my own oauth2-provider.
For external providers I'm using python-social-auth, which works fine and automatically creates the user objects.
I want the clients to authenticate by using bearer tokens, which works fine for users that signed up with my provider (django-oauth-toolkit provides authentication scheme and permission classes for Django REST Framework).
However, python-social-auth only implements session based authentication, so there is no straightforward way to make authenticated API requests on behalf of users that registered by an external oauth2 provider.
If I use an access_token that has been generated by django-oauth-toolkit, doing a request like this works:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <token_generated_by_django-oauth-toolkit>" http://localhost:8000/api/
However, the following doesn't work since there is no corresponding authentication scheme for Django REST Framework and the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS provided by python-social-auth only work for session-based authentication:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer <token_stored_by_python-social-auth>" http://localhost:8000/api/
Using the browseable API provided by Django REST Framework after authenticating with python-social-auth works just fine, only API calls without a session cookie don't work.
I'm wondering what the best approach is for this problem. The way I see it, I have basically two options:
A: When a user signs up with an external oauth2 provider (handled by python-social-auth), hook into the process to create an oauth2_provider.models.AccessToken and continue to use 'oauth2_provider.ext.rest_framework.OAuth2Authentication', now authenticating also users that registered with an external provider. This approach is suggested here:
B: Use python-social-auth for API request authentication. I could get my own users into python-social-auth by writing a custom backend and using register_by_access_token. However, since API calls cannot utilize Django sessions this would mean I would have to write an authentication scheme for Django Rest Framework that utilizes the data stored by python-social-auth. Some pointers on how to do this can be found here:
However, the way I understand it python-social-auth only verifies the token when doing a login and relies on the Django session afterwards. This would mean I would have to find a way to prevent python-social-auth from doing the whole oauth2-flow for each stateless API request and rather check against the data stored in the DB, which isn't really optimized for querying since it's stored as JSON (I could use UserSocialAuth.objects.get(extra_data__contains=) though).
I would also have to take care of verifying the scopes of an access token and use them to check permissions, something django-oauth-toolkit already does (TokenHasScope, required_scopes etc).
At the moment, I'm leaning towards using option A, since django-oauth-toolkit provides good integration with Django Rest Framework and I get everything I need out of the box. The only drawback is that I have to "inject" the access_tokens retrieved by python-social-auth into the AccessToken model of django-oauth-toolkit, which feels wrong somehow, but would probably be by far the easiest approach.
Does anybody have any objections on doing that or has maybe tackled the same problem in a different way? Am I missing something obvious and making my life harder than necessary?
If anybody has already integrated django-oauth-toolkit with python-social-auth and external oauth2 providers I would be very thankful for some pointers or opinions.
A lot of the difficulty in implementing OAuth comes down to understanding how the authorization flow is supposed to work. This is mostly because this is the "starting point" for logging in, and when working with a third-party backend (using something like Python Social Auth) you are actually doing this twice: once for your API and once for the third-party API.
Authorizing requests using your API and a third-party backend
The authentication process that you need is go through is:
Mobile App -> Your API : Authorization redirect
Your API -> Django Login : Displays login page
Django Login -> Facebook : User signs in
Facebook -> Django Login : User authorizes your API
Django Login -> Your API : User signs in
Your API -> Mobile App : User authorizes mobile app
I'm using "Facebook" as the third-party backend here, but the process is the same for any backend.
From the perspective of your mobile app, you are only redirecting to the /authorize url provided by Django OAuth Toolkit. From there, the mobile app waits until the callback url is reached, just like in the standard OAuth authorization flow. Almost everything else (Django login, social login, etc.) is handled by either Django OAuth Toolkit or Python Social Auth in the background.
This will also be compatible with pretty much any OAuth libraries that you use, and the authorization flow will work the same no matter what third party backend is used. It will even handle the (common) case where you need to be able to support Django's authentication backend (email/username and password) as well as a third-party login.
Mobile App -> Your API : Authorization redirect
Your API -> Django Login : Displays login page
Django Login -> Your API : User signs in
Your API -> Mobile App : User authorizes mobile app
What's also important to note here is that the mobile app (which could be any OAuth client) never receives the Facebook/third-party OAuth tokens. This is incredibly important, as it makes sure your API acts as an intermediary between the OAuth client and you user's social accounts.
Mobile App -> Your API : Authorization redirect
Your API -> Mobile App : Receives OAuth token
Mobile App -> Your API : Requests the display name
Your API -> Facebook : Requests the full name
Facebook -> Your API : Sends back the full name
Your API -> Mobile App : Send back a display name
Otherwise, the OAuth client would be able to bypass your API and make requests on your behalf to the third-party APIs.
Mobile App -> Your API : Authorization redirect
Your API -> Mobile App : Receives Facebook token
Mobile App -> Facebook : Requests all of the followers
Facebook -> Mobile App : Sends any requested data
You'll notice that at this point you would have lost all control over the third-party tokens. This is especially dangerous because most tokens can access a wide range of data, which opens the door to abuse and eventually goes down under your name. Most likely, those logging into your API/website did not intend on sharing their social information with the OAuth client, and were instead expecting you to keep that information private (as much as possible), but instead you are exposing that information to everyone.
Authenticating requests to your API
When the mobile application then uses your OAuth token to make requests to your API, all of the authentication happens through Django OAuth Toolkit (or your OAuth provider) in the background. All you see is that there is a User associated with your request.
Mobile App -> Your API : Sends request with OAuth token
Your API -> Django OAuth Toolkit : Verifies the token
Django OAuth Toolkit -> Your API : Returns the user who is authenticated
Your API -> Mobile App : Sends requested data back
This is important, because after the authorization stage it shouldn't make a difference if the user is coming from Facebook or Django's authentication system. Your API just needs a User to work with, and your OAuth provider should be able to handle the authentication and verification of the token.
This isn't much different from how Django REST framework authenticates the user when using session-backed authentication.
Web Browser -> Your API : Sends session cookie
Your API -> Django : Verifies session token
Django -> Your API : Returns session data
Your API -> Django : Verifies the user session
Django -> Your API : Returns the logged in user
Your API -> Web Browser : Returns the requested data
Again, all of this is handled by Django OAuth Toolkit and does not require extra work to implement.
Working with a native SDK
In most cases, you are going to be authenticating the user through your own website and using Python Social Auth to handle everything. But the one notable exception is when using a native SDK, as authentication and authorization is handled through the native system, which means you are bypassing your API entirely. This is great for applications which need to sign in with a third party, or applications which don't use your API at all, but it's a nightmare when both come together.
This is because your server can't validate the login and is forced to assume that the login is valid and genuine, which means it bypasses any and all security that Python Social Auth gives you.
Mobile App -> Facebook SDK : Opens the authorization prompt
Facebook SDK -> Mobile App : Gets the Facebook token
Mobile App -> Your API : Sends the Facebook token for authorization
Your API -> Django Login : Tries to validate the token
Django Login -> Your API : Returns a matching user
Your API -> Mobile App : Sends back an OAuth token for the user
You'll notice that this skips over your API during the authentication phase, and then forces your API to make assumptions about the token that is passed in. But there are definitely cases where this risk may be worth it, so you should evaluate that before throwing it out. It's a trade off between quick and native logins for your user and potentially handling bad or malicious tokens.
I solved it by using your A. option.
What I do is registering users that use a third party to sign up by their third party access token.
This way, I can issue a GET request like this one:
GET http://localhost:8000/register-by-token/facebook/?access_token=123456
And register_by_access_token gets called. request.backend.do_auth will query the provider for the user info from the token and magically register a user account with the info or sign in the user if he's already registered.
Then, I create a token manually and return it as JSON for letting the client query my API.
from oauthlib.common import generate_token
def register_by_access_token(request, backend):
# This view expects an access_token GET parameter, if it's needed,
# request.backend and request.strategy will be loaded with the current
# backend and strategy.
third_party_token = request.GET.get('access_token')
user = request.backend.do_auth(third_party_token)
if user:
login(request, user)
# We get our app!
app = Application.objects.get(name="myapp")
# We delete the old token
old = AccessToken.objects.get(user=user, application=app)
# We create a new one
my_token = generate_token()
# We create the access token
# (we could create a refresh token too the same way)
expires=now() + timedelta(days=365),
return "OK" # you can return your token as JSON here
return "ERROR"
I'm just not sure about the way I generate the token, is this good practice? Well, in the mean time, it works!!
Maybe django-rest-framework-social-oauth2 is what you're looking for. This package depends on python-social-auth and django-oauth-toolkit, which you already use. I quickly scanned through the documentation, and it seems to implement just what you are trying to do.
I was doing React Native with expo and Django with Django REST framework. This blogpost ended being the way I solved registration (signup) with facebook
tldr; use django-rest-auth
use Django-allauth