Long time taking to load the oracle apex form page - oracle-apex

There are 60 Items in a region showing as a group of 10 rows, 6 Items each.
Initially Items are hidden and each group is getting shown based on a button click.
But the page is taking too long time (10 sec apx) to load the page, same goes for validation also.
Any help here...?

Did you take a look at the debug data ? It shows very clearly what specific section is consuming a lot of time. Once you know what is causing the page to be slow you can start working on a solution.
You can read about debug here: https://docs.oracle.com/database/apex-18.1/HTMDB/utilizing-debug-mode.htm#HTMDB10003

Try to uncheck the True or False Actions of DA which Fire on Page load as much as you can.
Page will load fast or we can move few conditions to validation with a generic condition can be another approach of this solution.


Assigning links having a certain word to an array using iMacros

I use Windows 10, iMacro 12.6.
I am new to iMacros. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I want to do something very simple but don't know how to do this.
I want to extract all the links having a certain word in a web page.
For example, I want to extract all the links having 'JCC' like:
1) http://JCC.domain-name.com/any_number_or_letter_or_whatever
2) http://JCC.domain-name.com/any_number_or_letter_or_whatever
3) http://JCC.domain-name.com/any_number_or_letter_or_whatever
... and so on
After extracting all the links above, I want to move to each web page one by one.
I mean, after visiting the first web page, I want do something, and then, I want to move to the 2nd web page, and then wait for 7 seconds, using 'WAIT SECONDS=7' command, to load the web page completely, and I want to do something... and so on.
I MUST NOT visit the web page I'd already paid a visit.
Q1) How can I assign each link having a certain word to an array? Can I assign the links to an array AT RANDOM or FROM TOP TO BOTTOM as shown in the HTML page?
Q2) How can I move to each web page using the array variable?
Sometimes, the web page doesn't show all the links having JCCs, so I have to hit the F5 key to reload the web page.
Sometimes I get nothing, sometimes 1 to 10 more new links.
Q3) I want to add all the new links from the reloaded the web page, and then, assign them to the previous array. How can I do this?
I don't know how many times I have to reload the web page but I guess 2 to 5 would be good within 5 minutes.
Q4) I need to use this macro later in order to get some new links having JCCs. I MUST NOT visit the web page I'd already visited. How can I make iMacros do this?
Thank you very much in advance. : )
BTW, I posted this at forum.imacros.net but it's not showing. : (

Allow to check only one checkbox in Oracle apex

I created classic report with check boxes using apex_item.checkbox .I want to know how to allow to check only checkbox.That is if i click more than checkbox alert message should display.Please help me out
Thanks in advance.
If you want to do this via dynamic actions then you will want do a dynamic action on event Change, Selection Type jQuery Selector and the jQuery Selector being input[name = "something"]
This something you can figure out by running the page as is, and if you click F12 on your keyboard, the console will open. Then select the element that is your checkbox and find its name and this should be your "something". Play around with this to make it work(set the DA to run an alert or something to see when its triggered).
Then perhaps have a page item that is filled when this DA runs, and then if the page item is already filled and the DA runs, throw up an error saying you cant do this.
Or if you want to clear the previously checked box, you could save the name of currently checked box in the page item. And have the DA do a javascript function that clears the value in the field in the page item.
Basically have the DA get the name of the checked box from the item where you store it, and do some dynamic javascript. When I needed to do something similair I created a var in javascript that was formed like $s(" + checked_box + ", ""); assembling this with concat. And then do an eval(this_concacted_instruction).
I hope my ramblings guide you to a solution. I remember the first time I was working with this stuff I took a week to get one page sorted(although it was a bit more difficult than your problem), but it felt sooo good when I got it done. So keep on trying.

How to analyse the result of django debug toolbar?

From the debug result, I can see my website browser timing is really long.
Basically I create 13000 items for the blog table. Seems like it takes not a long time to do sql query.
The debug result
My questions is how can I identify bottlenecks from debug result. Why it loads so slowly, takes near 20s. How can I reduce the domContentLoadedEvent and domloading Time.
Here's a direct answer to your question using Debug Toolbar: enable the profiling panel.
Note: this will remove the other panels if you don't have the default panels in the dictionary, as in the example.

Load X items until user reaches limit, then load X more items - Django

Using Django, and for example purposes, is there a way to load 50 pictures to start... Once the user reaches the end of the 50 pictures, load 50 more?
I would like to do this to decrease page loading time. If not, would anyone have a better suggestion?
I know you can do foo = Bar.objects.all()[:50], but then I'm stuck to only 50. I could see setting that for maybe 300, overall, if there are a lot of images, but is there a way to load them in increments?
Thanks in advance!
You can look into Django Endless Pagination. It provides Twitter- and Digg-style pagination, with multiple and lazy pagination and optional Ajax support.
There is another application infinite-scroll-pagination which might help you in implementing the infinite scroll like functionality.
Finally, there is one more library infinite-scroll. Its a jQuery Plugin which you can use but currently it is no longer maintained.

How to renumber pages in an Oracle APEX application?

I've just finished my first "real" APEX app but it's looking a bit messy. Is there any way I can renumber the pages so that they're back in order of the application flow?
Copy the page in question and set the new number
Change any references leading to the old page to the new page
Delete the old page
Numbers are arbitrary. Don't go to the hassle of renumbering everything, as you'll need to test all the branches, tabs, breadcrumbs....
The following advice won't help you much with your current application, but I find it useful to plan out the general page numbering in advance.
I start by splitting my application into groups of pages, say, Accounting, Reports and Administration, and then assign 100 (or 1000) pages to each of those groups.
For example:
100 - Accounting (main page)
200 - Reports (main page)
300 - Administration (main page)
Then I assign sub-pages within each group, based on which pages my requirement analysis tells me I will likely need:
100 - Accounting (main page)
110 - List Invoices
120 - Edit Invoice
121 - Edit Invoice - Details Screen
130 - Add new invoice - step 1
131 - Add new invoice - step 2
132 - Add new invoice - step 3
200 - Reports (main page)
300 - Administration (main page)
And so on, you get the idea. Leave some room between the numbers (110, 120, etc.) to be able to add a few pages later.
Of course, it's difficult to plan everything out in advance, so some out-of-place page numbers pages will have to be used after a while, but in my experience a bit of up-front planning makes it much more manageable (and easy to work with).
As Gary suggests, it's better to consider page numbers to be arbitrary.
You could export the application, edit the SQL script with the new page numbers (remembering to search for all locations where a page number is referenced), then re-import the application - and test it thoroughly :) - hopefully you don't have references to the pages in other applications though :)
In Apex 3.2 and later you can put your pages into Groups, which can be useful for sorting the pages out and make it easier to find the page you're interested in.
Step 1: Create a copy of a page(s)
Step 2: And delete your previous page(s).
And Here you go.
But, you'll need to test all the branches, tabs, breadcrumbs etc.
If you are willing to do this, I will suggest you to go through your order of page creation (means, create a copy of first page that you've created at the start of your application). It will help you to get hint which branches,tabs,breadcrumbs needs to be update.