Google App Engine deferred.defer task not getting executed - python-2.7

I have a Google App Engine Standard Environment application that has been working fine for a year or more, that, quite suddenly, refuses to enqueue new deferred tasks using deferred.defer.
Here's the Python 2.7 code that is making the deferred call:
# Find any inventory items that reference the product, and change them too.
# because this could take some time, we'll do it as a deferred task, and only
# if needed.
if upd:
updater = deferredtasks.InvUpdate()
deferred.defer(, product_key)
My app.yaml file has the necessary bits to support deferred.defer:
- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
script: google.appengine.ext.deferred.deferred.application
login: admin
- deferred: on
And my deferred task has logging in it so I should see it running when it does:
# DEFERRED routine that updates the inventory items for a particular product. Should be callecd
# when ANY changes are made to the product, because it should trigger a re-download of the
# inventory record for that product to the iPad.
class InvUpdate(object):
def __init__(self):
self.to_put = []
self.product_key = None
self.updcount = 0
def run(self, product_key, batch_size=100):
updproduct = product_key.get()
if not updproduct:
logging.error("DEFERRED ERROR: Product key passed in does not exist")
return"DEFERRED BEGIN: beginning inventory update for: {}".format(
self.product_key = product_key
self._continue(None, batch_size)
When I run this in the development environment on my development box, everything works fine. Once I deploy it to the App Engine server, the inventory updates never get done (i.e. the deferred task is not executed), and there are no errors (and no other logging from the deferred task in fact) in the log files on the server. I know that with the sudden move to get everybody on Python 3 as quickly as possible, the deferred.defer library has been marked as not recommended because it only works with the 2.7 Python environment, and I planned on moving to task queues for this, but I wasn't expecting deferred.defer to suddenly stop working in the existing python environment.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

I'm pretty sure you cant pass the method of an instance to appengine taskqueue, because that instance will not get exist when your task runs since it will be running in a different process. I actually dont understand how your task ever worked when running remotely in the first place (and running locally is not an accurate representation of how things will run remotely)
Try changing your code to this:
if upd:
deferred.defer(deferredtasks.InvUpdate.run_cls, product_key)
and then InvUpdate is the same but has a new function run_cls:
class InvUpdate(object):
def run_cls(cls, product_key):
And I'm still on the process of migrating to cloud tasks and my deferred tasks still work


Gunicorn reflect changed code dynamically

I am developing a django web application where a user can modify the code of certain classes, in the application itself, through UI using ace editor (think of as gitlab/github where you can change code online). But these classes are ran by django and celery worker at some point.
Once code changes are saved, the changes are not picked by django due to gunicorn but works fine with celery because its different process. (running it locally using runserver works fine and changes are picked by both django and celery).
Is there a way to make gunicorn reflects the changes of certain directory that contain the classes without reloading the whole application? and if reloading is necessary, is there a way to reload gunicorn's workers one-by-one without having any downtime?
the gunicron command:
/usr/local/bin/gunicorn config.wsgi --bind --chdir=/app
The wsgi configuration file:
import os
import sys
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
app_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(app_path, 'an_application'))
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings.production")
application = get_wsgi_application()
The reload option is "intended for development". There's no strong wording saying you shouldn't use it in production. The reason you shouldn't use it in production is because people make typos, change in one file, may need several other changes in others, etc etc. So, you can make your site inaccessible and then you don't have a working app to fix it again.
For a dev, that's no problem as you look at the logs/output in your shell and restart it. This is why #Krzysztof's suggestion is the best one. Push the code changes to your repo, make it go through the CI/CD and switch over the pod. If CI fails, then CD won't happen so you're good.
Of course, that's a scope far too large for a Q&A site.
Why not save the code in a separate text file or database and the relevant method can simply load the code dynamically as a string and execute it using exec()?
Let say you have a function function1 which can be edited by a user. When the user submits the changes, process the input (separate out the functions so that you know which function has what definition), and save them all individually, like function1, function2 etc., in a database or a text file as strings.
One you need to execute function1, just load its value that you saved and use exec to execute the code.
This way, you won't need to reload gunicorn since all workers will always fetch the updated function definition at run time!
Something in the lines of:
def function1_original():
# load function definition
f = open("function1.txt", "r")
# execute the string
exec( # this will just load the function definition
function1() # this will execute the user defined function
So the user will define:
def function1():
# user defined code
# blah blah
I was able to solve this by changing the extension of the python scripts to anything but .py
Then I loaded these files using the following function:
from importlib import util
from immportlib.machinary import SourceFileLoader
def load_module(module_name, modele_path):
module_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "/path/to/your/files{}.anyextension".format(module_name))
spec = util.spec_from_loader(module_name,
SourceFileLoader(module_name, module_path))
module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module
In this case, they are not loaded by Gunicorn in RAM and I was able to apply the changes on fly without the need to apply eval or exec functiong.

Use TensorBoard with Keras Tuner

I ran into an apparent circular dependency trying to use log data for TensorBoard during a hyper-parameter search done with Keras Tuner, for a model built with TF2. The typical setup for the latter needs to set up the Tensorboard callback in the tuner's search() method, which wraps the model's fit() method.
from kerastuner.tuners import RandomSearch
tuner = RandomSearch(build_model, #this method builds the model
hyperparameters=hp, objective='val_accuracy'), y=train_y,
validation_data=(val_x, val_y),
In practice, the tensorboard_cb callback method needs to set up the directory where data will be logged and this directory has to be unique to each trial. A common way is to do this by naming the directory based on the current timestamp, with code like below.
log_dir = time.strftime('trial_%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S')
tensorboard_cb = TensorBoard(log_dir)
This works when training a model with known hyper-parameters. However, when doing hyper-parameters search, I have to define and specify the TensorBoard callback before invoking This is the problem: will invoke build_model() multiple times and each of these trials should have its own TensorBoard directory. Ideally defining log_dir will be done inside build_model() but the Keras Tuner search API forces the TensorBoard to be defined outside of that function.
TL;DR: TensorBoard gets data through a callback and requires one log directory per trial, but Keras Tuner requires defining the callback once for the entire search, before performing it, not per trial. How can unique directories per trial be defined in this case?
The keras tuner creates a subdir for each run (statement is probably version dependent).
I guess finding the right version mix is of importance.
Here is how it works for me, in jupyterlab.
pip requirements
(2.) jupyterlab installed, built and running [standard compile arguments: production:minimize]
Here is the actual code. First i define the log folder and the callback
# run parameter
log_dir = "logs/" +"%m%d-%H%M")
# training meta
stop_callback = EarlyStopping(
monitor='loss', patience=1, verbose=0, mode='auto')
hist_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(
print("log_dir", log_dir)
Then i define my hypermodel, which i do not want to disclose. Afterwards
i set up the hyper parameter search
from kerastuner.tuners import Hyperband
hypermodel = get_my_hpyermodel()
tuner = Hyperband(
which i then execute
validation_data=(val_data, val_labels),
While the notebook with this code searches for adequate hyper parameters i control the loss in another notebook. Since tf V2 tensorboard can be called via a magic function
Cell 1
import tensorboard
Cell 2
%load_ext tensorboard
Cell 3
%tensorboard --logdir 'logs/'
Sitenote: Since i run jupyterlab in a docker container i have to specifiy the appropriate address and port for tensorboard and also forward this in the dockerfile.
The result is not really predictable for me... I did not understand yet, when i can expect histograms and distributions in tensorboard.
Some runs the loading time seems really excessive... so have patience
Under scalars i find a list of the turns as follows

returned array referencing the same memory spot but returning different values

I'm setting up a basic dynamic web page to display EC2 instance data and I need to be checking and passing arrays with the data inside to display with D3. Im using multiprocess to run the collection in the background.
Running python3.7 and the newest version of Flask. Code
def experiment():
type = request.args.get('type')
resource = request.args.get('resource')
action = request.args.get('action')
if 'test' not in session:
thread = multiprocessing.Process(target=exp.transmitTest)
session['test'] = 'started'
print(f"Looking for Data at {hex(id(exp.getData()))} found {exp.getData()}")
return render_template('experiment.html', data=exp.getData(), type=request.args.get('type'), resource=request.args.get('resource'), action=request.args.get('action'))
Backend Code
def transmitTest(self):
for i in range(5):,100))
print(f"Data: {} at {hex(id(}")
def getData(self):
My JS scheduler runs '/experiment' every 5 seconds. The print statements show that the array im writing to and getting from the getter are at the same memory space, but one is empty and the other has the data. Can anyone help me understand this?
so I figured it out. When calling object methods in processes in flask python creates copies of the objects and then differentiates between the two copies even if they do take up the same memory space. I needed to add a backend queue through redisqueue ( so that I could make asynchronous calls to my backend without disrupting flask's routing.

PyMongo find query returns empty/partial cursor when running in a Django+uWsgi project

We developed a REST API using Django & mongoDB (PyMongo driver). The problem is that, on some requests to the API endpoints, PyMongo cursor returns a partial response which contains less documents than it should (but it’s a completely valid JSON document).
Let me explain it with an example of one of our views:
def get_data(key):
return collection.find({'key': key}, limit=24)
def my_view(request):
key = request.POST.get('key')
query = get_data(key)
res = [app for app in query]
return JsonResponse({'list': res})
We're sure that there is more than 8000 documents matching the query, but in
some calls we get less than 24 results (even zero). The first problem we've
investigated was that we had more than one MongoClient definition in our code. By resolving this, the number of occurrences of the problem decreased, but we still had it in a lot of calls.
After all of these investigations, we've designed a test in which we made 16 asynchronous requests at the same time to the server. With this approach, we could reproduce the problem. On each of these 16 requests, 6-8 of them had partial results. After running this test we reduced uWsgi’s number of processes to 6 and restarted the server. All results were good but after applying another heavy load on the server, the problem began again. At this point, we restarted uwsgi service and again everything was OK. With this last experiment we have a clue now that when the uwsgi service starts running, everything is working correctly but after a period of time and heavy load, the server begins to return partial or empty results again.
The latest investigation we had was to run the API using python with DEBUG=False, and we had the problem again after a period of time in this situation.
We can't figure out what the problem is and how to solve it. One reason that we can think of is that Django closes pymongo’s connections before completion. Because the returned result is a valid JSON.
Our stack is:
nginx (with no cache enabled)
MemCached (disabled during debugging procedure)
Django (v1.8 on python 3)
PyMongo (v3.0.3)
Your help is really appreciated.
Mongo version:
db version v3.0.7
git version: 6ce7cbe8c6b899552dadd907604559806aa2e9bd
We are running single mongod instance. No sharding/replicating.
We are creating connection using this snippet:
con = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
Update 2
Subject thread in Pymongo issue tracker.
Pymongo cursors are not thread safe elements. So using them like what I did in a multi-threaded environment will cause what I've described in question. On the other hand Python's list operations are mostly thread safe, and changing snippet like this will solve the problem:
def get_data(key):
return list(collection.find({'key': key}, limit=24))
def my_view(request):
key = request.POST.get('key')
query = get_data(key)
res = [app for app in query]
return JsonResponse({'list': res})
My very speculative guess is that you are reusing a cursor somewhere in your code. Make sure you are initializing your collection within the view stack itself, and not outside of it.
For example, as written, if you are doing something like:
import ...
import con
collection = con.documents
# blah blah code
def my_view(request):
key = request.POST.get('key')
query = collection.find({'key': key}, limit=24)
res = [app for app in query]
return JsonResponse({'list': res})
You could end us reusing a cursor. Better to do something like
import ...
import con
# blah blah code
def my_view(request):
collection = con.documents
key = request.POST.get('key')
query = collection.find({'key': key}, limit=24)
res = [app for app in query]
return JsonResponse({'list': res})
EDIT at asker's request for clarification:
The reason you need to define the collection within the view stack and not when the file loads is that the collection variable has a cursor, which is basically how the database and your application talk to each other. Cursors do things like keep track of where you are in a long list of data, in addition to a bunch of other stuff, but thats the important part.
When you create the collection cursor outside the view method, it will re-use the cursor on each request if it exists. So, if you make one request, and then another really, really fast right after that (like what happened when you applied high load), the cursor might only be half way through talking to the database, and so some of your data goes to the first request, and some to the second. The reason you would get NO data in a request would be if a cursor finished fetching data but hadn't been closed yet, so the next request tried to fetch data from the cursor, and there was none left to fetch in the query.
By moving the collection definition (and by association, the cursor definition) into the view stack, you will ALWAYS get a new cursor when you process a new request. You wont get any cross talking between your cursors and different requests, as each request cycle will have its own.

testing django-tasks

I am trying to write a test that involves running a django-tasks task. The problem is I can't seem to get the tasks to go beyond the "scheduled" status.
I have set
in my settings, for simplicity.
ptask = djangotasks.task_for_function(f)
while ptask.status!='successful':
ptask = djangotasks.task_for_function(f)
print ptask.status
This is what I'm attempting, which works well outside of tests.
edit: fixed typo
I think you didn't assign a task worker. In your django directory :
> python taskd run
your scheduled tasks would be executed by this "taskd".