How to implement inheritance in Ballerina - wso2

I can see the following description in Ballerina docs regarding type equivalence and inheritance.
Ballerina is based on type equivalence, rather than type inheritance. The type system in Ballerina is based on set theory and, therefore, type equivalence has more meaning for this domain than type inheritance.
So can somebody please let me know how this set theory can be used to implement the concept of 'inheritance' or the a similar functionality? How we can do re-use of functions/class variables, etc? Is there a standard way of doing so? And please share if there are examples/blogs I can refer to.

If I'm not mistaken, you are trying to map the OOP concepts found in popular languages such as Java to Ballerina right? While it's tempting to do so, that can actually be a counter productive effort. Instead of attempting to think of a solution to a problem in an object oriented manner and trying to write OOP-style code in Ballerina, it would be better to take time to get familiar with the type system and other constructs Ballerina provides and build up the solution using those constructs. The Ballerina by Examples (BBEs) would be a good place to start.
Having said that, I'll try to briefly answer the questions you've raised. The Ballerina type system is structural. In Java, any user defined type is an object and you use inheritance to establish the relationships between the types. In Ballerina, we compare the "shape" of the value to check if it is compatible with a particular type. Every value has a shape, and a type is a set of such shapes. Here's what the 2020R1 spec of the language says regarding this and subtyping:
A type denotes a set of shapes. Subtyping in Ballerina is semantic: a type S is a subtype of type T if the set of shapes denoted by S is a subset of the set of shapes denoted by T. Every value has a corresponding shape. A shape is specific to a basic type: if two values have different basic types, then they have different shapes.
Let's take a concrete example using records to further explain this.
type Person record {
string name;
int age;
type Student record {
string name;
int age;
string school;
public function main() {
Student st = {name: "John Doe", age: 18, school: "XYZ Academy"};
Person p = st; // this is a valid assignment
In the above code snippet we can safely use a Person reference to manipulate a Student value since a Student value is guaranteed to have the same fields as a Person value.
The Student record definition can be written as follows as well:
type Student record {
*Person; // this is a type reference
string school;
Referring a type as given above copies all the fields in the specified record to the current record. While this may look like inheritance, it's not. The definition above is equivalent to the the original definition we saw earlier.
In Ballerina, code is organized by modules. Similar to packages in Java, except that a module is made up of functions, type definitions (e.g., records, objects), services, listeners, constants etc. While objects are supported, it's just another type of values; not a unit of organization for code. Functions are a module level construct and if you intend to reuse it in other modules, it needs to have the public access modifier. To call the function, you need to import the module and qualify the function call with the module name. e.g.,
int x = foo:barFunction();
Sharing variables across modules is not allowed in Ballerina. However, you can have public constants in a module. e.g.,
public const PI = 3.14;
Hope this clears things up. If you are interested in the design of the language, you can refer to the language spec I mentioned earlier and to the following blog posts from James:
Ballerina Programming Language - Part 0: Context
Ballerina Programming Language - Part 1: Concept
Also, note that 0.991 is a heavily outdated version. I'd recommend taking a look at the current version (1.2.2).

Ballerina does not support the implementation inheritance or class-based inheritance that you see in OO languages like Java. What this means is that you cannot inherit code from types in Ballerina (e.g. Ballerina objects).
The term inheritance is an overloaded term. If you want to know more about sybtyping in Ballerina, then read Pubudu's answer. It explains how you can achieve interface inheritance in Ballerina. You can map his answer to Ballerina objects as well.


Text Adventure Game - How to Tell One Item Type from Another and How to Structure the Item Classes/Subclasses?

I'm a beginner programmer (who has a bunch of design-related scripting experience for video games but very little programming experience - so just basic stuff like loops, flow control, etc. - although I do have a C++ fundamentals and C++ data structures and algorithm's course under my belt). I'm working on a text-adventure personal project (I actually already wrote it in Python ages ago before I learned how classes work - everything is a dictionary - so it's shameful). I'm "remaking" it in C++ with classes to get out of the rut of having only done homework assignments.
I've written my player and room classes (which were simple since I only need one class for each). I'm onto item classes (an item being anything in a room, such as a torch, a fire, a sign, a container, etc.). I'm unsure how to approach the item base class and derived classes. Here are the problems I'm having.
How do I tell whether an item is of a certain type in a non-shit way (there's a good chance I'm overthinking this)?
For example, I set up my print room info function so that in addition to whatever else it might do, it prints the name of every object in its inventory (i.e. inside of it) and I want it to print something special for a container object (the contents of its inventory for example).
The first part's easy because every item has a name since the name attribute is part of the base item class. The container has an inventory though, which is an attribute unique to the container subclass.
It's my understanding that it's bad form to execute conditional logic based on the object's class type (because one's classes should be polymorphic) and I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that it'd be weird and wrong to put a getHasInventory accessor virtual function in the item base class (my assumption here is based on thinking it'd be crazy to put virtual functions for every derived class in the base class - I have about a dozen derived classes - a couple of which are derived classes of derived classes).
If that's all correct, what's an acceptable way to do this? One obvious thing is to add an itemType attribute to the base and then do conditional logic but this strikes me as wrong since it seems to just be a re-skinning of the checking class type solution. I'm unsure whether the above-mentioned assumptions are correct and what a good solution might be.
How should I structure my base class/classes and my derived classes?
I originally wrote them such that the item class was the base class and most other classes used single inheritance (except for a couple which had multi-level).
This seemed to present some awkwardness and repeating myself though. For example, I want a sign and a letter. A sign is a Readable Item > Untakeable Item > Item. A letter is a Readable Item > Takeable Item > Item. Because they all use single inheritance I need two different Readable Items, one that's takeable and one that's not (I know I could just make takeable and untakeable into attributes of the base in this instance and I did but this works as an example because I still have similar issues with other classes).
That seems icky to me so I took another stab at it and implemented them all using multiple inheritance & virtual inheritance. In my case that seems more flexible because I can compose classes of multiple classes and create a kind of component system for my classes.
Is one of these ways better than the other? Is there some third way that's better?
One possible way to solve your problem is polymorphism. By using polymorphism you can (for example) have a single describe function which when invoked leads the item to describe itself to the player. You can do the same for use, and other common verbs.
Another way is to implement a more advanced input parser, which can recognize objects and pass on the verbs to some (polymorphic) function of the items for themselves to handle. For example each item could have a function returning a list of available verbs, together with a function returning a list of "names" for the items:
struct item
// Return a list of verbs this item reacts to
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_verbs() = 0;
// Return a list of name aliases for this item
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_names() = 0;
// Describe this items to the player
virtual void describe(player*) = 0;
// Perform a specific verb, input is the full input line
virtual void perform_verb(std::string verb, std::string input) = 0;
class base_torch : public item
std::vector<std::string> get_verbs() override
return { "light", "extinguish" };
// Return true if the torch is lit, false otherwise
bool is_lit();
void perform_verb(std::string verb, std::string) override
if (verb == "light")
// TODO: Make the torch "lit"
// TODO: Make the torch "extinguished"
class long_brown_torch : public base_torch
std::vector<std::string> get_names() override
return { "long brown torch", "long torch", "brown torch", "torch" };
void describe(player* p) override
p->write("This is a long brown torch.");
if (is_lit())
p->write("The torch is burning.");
Then if the player input e.g. light brown torch the parser looks through all available items (the ones in the players inventory followed by the items in the room), get each items name-list (call the items get_names() function) and compare it to the brown torch. If a match is found the parser calls the items perform_verb function passing the appropriate arguments (item->perform_verb("light", "light brown torch")).
You can even modify the parser (and the items) to handle adjectives separately, or even articles like the, or save the last used item so it can be referenced by using it.
Constructing the different rooms and items is tedious but still trivial once a good design has been made (and you really should spend some time creating requirement, analysis of the requirements, and creating a design). The really hard part is writing a decent parser.
Note that this is only two possible ways to handle items and verbs in such a game. There are many other ways, to many to list them all.
You are asking some excellent questions reg. how to design, structure and implement the program, as well as how to model the problem domain.
OOP, 'methods' and approaches
The questions you ask indicate that you have learned about OOP (object-oriented programming). In a lot of introductory material on OOP, it is common to encourage modelling the problem domain directly through objects and subtyping and implementing functionality by adding methods to them. A classical example is modelling animals, with for instance an Animal type and two sub-types, Duck and Cat, and implementing functionality, for instance walk, quack and mew.
Modelling the problem domain directly with objects and subtyping can make sense, but it can also very much be overkill and bothersome compared to simply having a single or a few types with different fields describing what it is. In your case, I do believe a more complex modelling like you have with objects and subtypes or alternative approaches can make sense, since among other aspects you have functionality that varies depending on the type as well as somewhat complex data (like a container with an inventory). But it is something to keep in mind - there are different trade-offs, and sometimes, having a single type with multiple different fields for modelling the domain can make more sense overall.
Implementing the desired functionality through methods on a base class and subtypes likewise have different trade-offs, and it is not always a good approach for the given case. For one of your questions, you could do something like adding a print method or similar to the base type and each subtype, but this is not always that nice in practice (a simple example is that of a calculator application where simplifying the arithmetic expression the user enters (like (3*x)*4/2) might be bothersome to implement if one uses the approach of adding methods to the base class).
Alternative approach - Tagged unions/sum types
There is a very nice fundamental abstraction known as "tagged union" (it is also known by the names "disjoint union" and "sum type"). The main idea about the tagged union is that you have a union of several different sets of instances, where which set the given instance belongs to matters. They are a superset of the feature in C++ known as enum. Regrettably, C++ does not currently support tagged unions, though there are research into it (for instance , though this may be somewhat beyond you if you are a beginner programmer). As far as I can see, this fits very well with the example you have given here. An example in Scala would be (many other languages support tagged unions as well, such as Rust, Kotlin, Typescript, the ML-languages, Haskell, etc.):
sealed trait Item {
val name: String
case class Book(val name: String) extends Item
case object Fire extends Item {
val name = "Fire"
case class Container(val name: String, val inventory: List[Item]) extends Item
This describes your different kinds of items very well as far as I can see. Do note that Scala is a bit special in this regard, since it implements tagged unions through subtyping.
If you then wanted to implement some print functionality, you could then use "pattern matching" to match which item you have and do functionality specific to that item. In languages that support pattern matching, this is convenient and non-fragile, since the pattern matching checks that you have covered each possible case (similar to switch in C++ over enums checking that you have covered each possible case). For instance in Scala:
def getDescription(item: Item): String = {
item match {
case Book(_) | Fire =>
case Container(name, inventory) =>
name + " contains: (" +
.mkString(", ") +
val description = getDescription(
Container("Bag", List(Book("On Spelunking"), Fire))
You can copy-paste the two snippets in here and try to run them: .
This kind of modelling works very well with what one might call "data types", where you have no or very little functionality in the classes themselves, and where the fields inside the classes basically are part of their interface ("interface" in the sense that you would like to change the implementations that uses the types if you ever add to, remove or change the fields of the types).
Conversely, I find a more conventional subtyping modelling and approach more convenient when the implementation inside of a class is not part of its interface, for instance if I have a base type that describes a collision system interface, and each of its subtypes have different performance characteristics, handy for different situations. Hiding and protecting the implementation since it is not part of the interface makes a lot of sense and fits very well with what one might call "mini-modules".
In C++ (and C), sometimes people do use tagged unions despite the lack of language support, in various ways. One way that I have seen being used in C is to make a C union (though do be careful reg. aspects such as memory and semantics) where an enum tag was used to differentiate between the different cases. This is error-prone, since you might easily end up accessing a field in one enum case that is not valid for that enum case.
You could also model your command input as a tagged union. That said, parsing can be somewhat challenging, and parsing libraries may be a bit involved if you are a beginner programmer; keeping the parsing somewhat simple might be a good idea.
C++ is a special languages - I do not quite like it for cases where I do not care much about resource usage or runtime performance and the like for multiple different reasons, since it can be annoying and not that flexible to develop in. And it can be challenging to develop in, because you must always take great care to avoid undefined behaviour. That said, if resource usage or runtime performance do matter, C++ can, depending on case, be a very good option. There are also a number of very useful and important insights in the C++ language and its community, such as RAII, ownership and lifetimes. My recommendation is that learning C++ is a good idea, but that you should also learn other languages, maybe for instance a statically-typed functional programming language. FP (functional programming) and languages supporting FP, has a number of advantages and drawbacks, but some of their advantages are very, very nice, especially reg. immutability as well as side-effects.
Of these languages, Rust may be the closest to C++ in certain regards, though I don't have experience with Rust and cannot therefore vouch for either the language or its community.
As a side-note, you may be interested in this Wikipedia-page: .

How to describe a member function with "void*" as input in UML?

I'm new to UML, how to describe the following class with a member function that takes void*?
// used on linux
#include <unistd.h>
class LinuxReadWrapper
LinuxReadWrapper(){/** Ctor */}
~LinuxReadWrapper(){/** Dtor */}
ssize_t WrapperRead(void* buf)
return read(fd, buf, cnt);
int fd{-1};
size_t cnt{0};
One solution is maybe to create a void or void* type in your model.
Then type your input parameter with it cf below.
This also dependsif you need this for documentation purpose only or also for code generation/reverse. In the last case, this will depends of the tool used...
Although Red Bear's answer is a very practical one, it is worth to remind that:
UML build-in primitive types are limited to: Integer, String, Boolean, UnlimitedNatural and Real
UML types can be extended with the help of a profile. Such a profile can extend the UML standard metamodel and introduce new «datatype». A profile is a package that you can import in all the models that need it. It is common to have a programming-language profile for the programming-language specific types.
A pointer (e.g. my_type *) requires extra-care, because in general the pointer is not the type relevant for the the UML model, since the pointer's purpose is to implements an association with an plain object (e.g. of class my_type).
In this regard a void* pointer is somewhat special, since it points to an object of unknown type, so keeping it as it is in the model is an understandable approach.
The good news is that datatypes are a standard feature of UML. So in any decent modelling tool you should find a way. For example:
Enterprise Architect lets you add new datatypes to your project
StarUML lets you add new datatypes to your project
Visual Pardigm lets you add new datatypes to the project configuration
Many tools just allow you to use whatever type you want. Visual Studio for example just lets you use any data type and will add unrecognized types to the model.

Progressive Disclosure in C++ API

Following my reading of the article Programmers Are People Too by Ken Arnold, I have been trying to implement the idea of progressive disclosure in a minimal C++ API, to understand how it could be done at a larger scale.
Progressive disclosure refers to the idea of "splitting" an API into categories that will be disclosed to the user of an API only upon request. For example, an API can be split into two categories: a base category what is (accessible to the user by default) for methods which are often needed and easy to use and a extended category for expert level services.
I have found only one example on the web of such an implementation: the db4o library (in Java), but I do not really understand their strategy. For example, if we take a look at ObjectServer, it is declared as an interface, just like its extended class ExtObjectServer. Then an implementing ObjectServerImpl class, inheriting from both these interfaces is defined and all methods from both interfaces are implemented there.
This supposedly allows code such as:
public void test() throws IOException {
final String user = "hohohi";
final String password = "hohoho";
ObjectServer server = clientServerFixture().server();
server.grantAccess(user, password);
ObjectContainer con = openClient(user, password);
server.ext().revokeAccess(user); // How does this limit the scope to
// expert level methods only since it
// inherits from ObjectServer?
// ...
My knowledge of Java is not that good, but it seems my misunderstanding of how this work is at an higher level.
Thanks for your help!
Java and C++ are both statically typed, so what you can do with an object depends not so much on its actual dynamic type, but on the type through which you're accessing it.
In the example you've shown, you'll notice that the variable server is of type ObjectServer. This means that when going through server, you can only access ObjectServer methods. Even if the object happens to be of a type which has other methods (which is the case in your case and its ObjectServerImpl type), you have no way of directly accessing methods other than ObjectServer ones.
To access other methods, you need to get hold of the object through different type. This could be done with a cast, or with an explicit accessor such as your ext(). a.ext() returns a, but as a different type (ExtObjectServer), giving you access to different methods of a.
Your question also asks how is server.ext() limited to expert methods when ExtObjectServer extends ObjectServer. The answer is: it is not, but that is correct. It should not be limited like this. The goal is not to provide only the expert functions. If that was the case, then client code which needs to use both normal and expert functions would need to take two references to the object, just differently typed. There's no advantage to be gained from this.
The goal of progressive disclosure is to hide the expert stuff until it's explicitly requested. Once you ask for it, you've already seen the basic stuff, so why hide it from you?

UML representation for C/C++ function pointers

What would be the best representation of a C/C++ function pointer (fp) in an UML structural diagram?
I'm thinking about using an interface element, may be even if 'degenerate' with the constraint of having at most a single operation declared.
I found some proposal in this document: C and UML Synchronization User Guide, Section 5.7.4. But this sounds quite cumbersome and not very useful in practice. Even if right from a very low level of semantic view. Here's a diagram showing their concept briefly:
IMHO in C and C++ function pointers are used as such a narrowed view of an interface which only provides a single function and it's signature. In C fp's would be used also to implement more complex interfaces declaring a struct containing a set of function pointers.
I think I can even manage to get my particular UML tool (Enterprise Architect) to forward generate the correct code, and synchronizing with code changes without harm.
My questions are:
Would declaration of fp's as part of interface elements in UML proivde a correct semantic view?
What kind of stereotype should be used for single fp declaration? At least I need to provide a typedef in code so this would be my guts choice.(I found this stereotype is proprietary for Enterprise Architect) and I need to define an appropriate stereotype to get the code generation adapted. Actually I have chosen the stereotype name 'delegate', does this have any implications or semantic collisions?
As for C++, would be nesting a 'delegate' sterotyped interface with in a class element enough to express a class member function pointer correctly?
Here's a sample diagram of my thoughts for C language representation:
This is the C code that should be generated from the above model:
struct Interface1;
typedef int (*CallbackFunc)(struct Interface1*);
typedef struct Interface1
typedef void (*func1Ptr)(struct Interface1*, int, char*);
typedef int (*func2Ptr)(struct Interface1*, char*);
typedef int (*func3Ptr)(struct Interface1*, CallbackFunc);
func1Ptr func1;
func2Ptr func2;
func3Ptr func3;
void* instance;
/* The following extern declarations are only dummies to satisfy code
* reverse engineering, and never should be called.
extern void func1(struct Interface1* self, int p1, char* p2) = 0;
extern int func2(struct Interface1* self, char*) = 0;
extern int func3(struct Interface1* self, CallbackFunc p1) = 0;
The whole problem boils down what would be the best way with the UML tool at hand and its specific code engineering capabilities. Thus I have added the enterprise-architect tag.
EA's help file has the following to say on the subject of function pointers:
When importing C++ source code, Enterprise Architect ignores function pointer declarations. To import them into your model you could create a typedef to define a function pointer type, then declare function pointers using that type. Function pointers declared in this way are imported as attributes of the function pointer type.
Note "could." This is from the C++ section, the C section doesn't mention function pointers at all. So they're not well supported, which in turn is of course due to the gap between the modelling and programming communities: non-trivial language concepts are simply not supported in UML, so any solution will by necessity be tool-specific.
My suggestion is a bit involved and it's a little bit hacky, but I think it should work pretty well.
Because in UML operations are not first-class and cannot be used as data types, my response is to create first-class entities for them - in other words, define function pointer types as classes.
These classes will serve two purposes: the class name will reflect the function's type signature so as to make it look familiar to the programmer in the diagrams, while a set of tagged values will represent the actual parameter and return types for use in code generation.
0) You may want to set up an MDG Technology for steps 1-4.
1) Define a tagged value type "retval" with the Detail "Type=RefGUID;Values=Class;"
2) Define a further set of tagged value types with the same Detail named "par1", "par2" and so on.
3) Define a profile with a Class stereotype "funptr" containing a "retval" tagged value (but no "par" tags).
4) Modify the code generation scripts Attribute Declaration and Parameter to retrieve the "retval" (always) and "par1" - "parN" (where defined) and generate correct syntax for them. This will be the tricky bit and I haven't actually done this. I think it can be done without too much effort, but you'll have to try it. You should also make sure that no code is generated for "funptr" class definitions as they represent anonymous types, not typedefs.
5) In your target project, define a set of classes to represent the primitive C types.
With this, you can define a function pointer type as a «funptr» class with a name like "long(*)(char)" for a function that takes a char and returns a long.
In the "retval" tag, select the "long" class you defined in step 4.
Add the "par1" tag manually, and select the "char" class as above.
You can now use this class as the type of an attribute or parameter, or anywhere else where EA allows a class reference (such as in the "par1" tag of a different «funptr» class; this allows you to easily create pointer types for functions where one of the parameters is itself of a function pointer type).
The hackiest bit here is the numbered "par1" - "parN" tags. While it is possible in EA to define several tags with the same name (you may have to change the tagged value window options to see them), I don't think you could retrieve the different values in the code generation script (and even if you could I don't think the order would necessarily be preserved, and parameter order is important in C). So you'd need to decide the maximum number of parameters beforehand. Not a huge problem in practice; setting up say 20 parameters should be plenty.
This method is of no help for reverse engineering, as EA 9 does not allow you to customize the reverse-engineering process. However, the upcoming EA 10 (currently in RC 1) will allow this, although I haven't looked at it myself so I don't know what form this will take.
Defining of function pointers is out of scope of UML specification. What is more, it is language-specific feature that is not supported by many UML modeling software. So I think that the general answer to your first question suggests avoiding of this feature. Tricks you provided are relevant to Enterprise Architect only and are not compatible with other UML modeling tools. Here is how function pointers is supported in some other UML software:
MagicDraw UML uses <<C++FunctionPtr>> stereotypes for FP class members and <<C++FunctionSignature>> for function prototype.
Sample of code (taken from official site -- see "Modeling typedef and function pointer for C++ code generation" viewlet):
class Pointer
void (f*) ( int i );
Corresponding UML model:
Objecteering defines FP attributes with corresponding C++ TypeExpr note.
Rational Software Architect from IBM doesn't support function pointers. User might add them to generated code in user-defined sections that are leaved untouched during code->UML and UML->code transformations.
Seems correct to me. I'm not sure you should dive into the low-level details of descripting the type and relation of your single function pointer. I usually find that description an interface is enough detalization without the need to decompose the internal elements of it.
I think you could virtually wrap the function pointer with a class. I think UML has not to be blueprint level to the code, documenting the concept is more important.
My feeling is that you desire to map UML interfaces to the struct-with-function-pointers C idiom.
Interface1 is the important element in your model. Declaring function pointer object types all over the place will make your diagrams illegible.
Enterprise Architect allows you to specify your own code generators. Look for the Code Template Framework. You should be able to modify the preexisting code generator for C with the aid of a new stereotype or two.
I have been able to get something sort of working with Enterprise Architect. Its a bit of a hacky solution, but it meets my needs. What I did:
Create a new class stereotype named FuncPtr. I followed the guide here:
When I did this I made a new view for the profile. So I can keep it contained outside of my main project.
Modified the Class code templates. Basically selecting the C language and start with the Class Template and hit the 'Add New Stereotype Override' and add in FuncPtr as a new override.
Add in the following code to that new template:
typedef %classTag:"returnType"% (*%className%)(
%list="Attribute" #separator=",\n" #indent=" "%
Modified the Attribute Declaration code template. Same way as before, adding in a new Stereotype
Add in the following code to the new template:
%PI=""% %attConst=="T" ? "const" : ""%
%attContainment=="By Reference" ? "*" : ""%
That's all that I had to do to get function pointers in place in Enterprise Architect. When I want to define a function pointer I just:
Create a regular class
Add in the tag 'returnType' with the type of return I want
Add in attributes for the parameters.
This way it'll create a new type that can be included as attributes or parameters in other classes (structures), and operators. I didn't make it an operator itself because then it wouldn't have been referenced inside the tool as a type you can select.
So its a bit hacky, using special stereotyped classes as typedefs to function pointers.
Like your first example I would use a Classifier but hide it away in a profile. I think they've included it for clarity of the explaining the concept; but in practice the whole idea of stereotypes is abstract away details into profiles to avoid the 'noise' problem. EA is pretty good for handling Profiles.
Where I differ from your first example is that I would Classify the Primitive Type Stereotype not the Data Type stereotype. Data Type is a Domain scope object, while Primitive Type is an atomic element with semantics defined out side the scope of UML. That is not to say you cannot add notes, especially in the profile or give it a very clear stereotype name like functionPointer.

Game entity type allocation

I am migrating a tile based 2D game to C++, because I am really not a fan of Java (some features are nice, but I just can't get used to it). I am using TMX tiled maps. This question is concerning how to translate the object definitions into actual game entities. In Java, I used reflection to allocate an object of the specified type (given that it derived from the basic game entity).
This worked fine, but this feature is not available in C++ (I understand why, and I'm not complaining. I find reflection messy, and I was hesitant to use it in Java, haha). I was just wondering what the best way was to translate this data. My idea was a base class from which all entities could derive from (this seems pretty standard), then have the loader allocate the derived types based on the 'type' value from the TMX map. I have thought of two ways to do this.
A giant switch-case block. Lengthy and disgusting. I'm doubtful that anyone would suggest this (but it is the obvious).
Use a std::map, which would map arbitrary type names to a function to allocate said classes corresponding to said type names.
Lastly, I had thought of making entities of one base class, and using scripting for different entity types. The scripts themselves would register their entity type with the system, although the game would need to load said entity type scripts upon loading (this could be done via one main entity type declaration script, which would bring the number of edits per entity down to 2: entity creation, and entity registration).
while option two looks pretty good, I don't like having to change 3 pieces of code for each type (defining the entity class, defining an allocate function, and adding the function to the std::map). Option 3 sounds great except for two things in my mind: I'm afraid of the speed of purely script driven entities. Also, I know that adding scripting to my engine is going to be a big project in itself (adding all the helper functions for interfacing with the library will be interesting).
Does anyone know of a better solution? Maybe not better, but just cleaner. With less code edits per entity type.
You can reduce the number of code changes in solution 2, if you use a self registration to a factory. The drawback is that the entities know this factory (self registration) and this factory has to be a global (e.g. a singleton) instance. If tis is no problem to you, this pattern can be very nice. Each new type requires only compilation an linking of one new file.
You can implement self registration like this:
// foo.cpp
bool dummy = FactoryInstance().Register("FooKey", FooCreator);
Abstract Factory, Template Style, by Jim Hyslop and Herb Sutter