Table with all dates between last sales day and defined N periods - powerbi

How to get Dates for N last full months. I want the last month to be determined by Sales amount.
This is the whole table for the example.
The expected result is a calculated table of Date column from 2020-05-01 to 2020-07-31. Looks like this:
What have I tried? First, a measure to get the last date with sales:
MaxDate =
EOMONTH( MAX( T[Date] ), 0),
ALL( T ),
T[Amount] > 0
And the calculated table:
T_Range =
var a = [MaxDate]
var b = DATESINPERIOD( T[Date] , a, -3, MONTH )
But it returns only 3 days, not the whole range from 2020-05-01 to 2020-07-31.
The table to reproduce the problem:
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("ZcrLCQAgDATRXnJWSNZ/LWL/bShIQFyY02PmFCg0qp0kiMkKTmBKTJmpROCjyldj6pceGb+YkhgJXNYG", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Date = _t, Amount = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"Amount", Int64.Type}})
#"Changed Type"

Please check if this helps -
Created a new column with 'Max date' measure you provided.
Then crated min date column with below DAX.
Min Date = EDATE([MaxDate],-3)+1
Created new table using below.
T_Range = CALENDAR(MAX(T[Min Date]),MAX(T[Max Date]))


CONVERT FY format to exact date in Power BI

I have a string formatted date field which says "FY23Q1", now assuming the fiscal year starts in October and ends in September, I want to recode the string into 10/01/2022. ie the first date of the month
INPUT Expected output:
FY23Q1 10/01/2022
FY23Q2 01/01/2023
FY23Q3 04/01/2023
Add a new custom column in PQ and paste in the following code. Make sure [Column1] refers to your column with FY23Q1 date in it.
year = Number.From(Text.Middle([Column1], 2,2)),
quarter = Number.From(Text.Middle([Column1], 5,6)),
startDate = Date.AddQuarters( #date(year-1+2000, 10, 1), quarter - 1)
in startDate
Full working example:
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45Wcos0Mg40VIrVgTKNEExjBNMExjQBqY0FAA==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Column1 = _t]),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each let
year = Number.From(Text.Middle([Column1], 2,2)),
quarter = Number.From(Text.Middle([Column1], 5,6)),
startDate = Date.AddQuarters( #date(year-1+2000, 10, 1), quarter - 1)
in startDate)
#"Added Custom"

Power BI calculate workdays in month

I have a lot to learn of Power BI and I am currently stuck with a column I need to add in my Calendar table.
I have to calculate a workday column that should flag each day of the month with it's workday number (from 1 to the maximum number of working days for that month).
I was able to find a solution online with RANKX (I have a column, NonWorkday that flags with 1 for all days that are either weekends or holidays) but it's not complete:
Workday =
VAR CurrentMonth = Calendar[MonthYear]
VAR MonthTable = FILTER( ALL( Calendar ), Calendar[NonWorkDay] = 0 && Calendar[MonthYear] = CurrentMonth )
IF( Calendar[NonWorkDay] = 1, BLANK(), RANKX(MonthTable, CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Calendar[DayofMonth])), ,ASC))
What I'm missing is that, for weekends and holidays I don't want blank, I want it to have the same workday number as the previous workday and if the month starts with a non-working day, that will be 0. An example image below:
It would be great if anyone can help me with a solution or point me in the right direction, either DAX or M query.
Thank you!
LE: Adding MVE code, as per #Marco_CH request:
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("bdJBDoMwDATAv+RciXgTSPIW1P9/oxTbar34wGUQCWvveRbZZEMFyqvI9dTyfp0FGbYMe4b7D+v94otHRNw4IrYbZzxTcWUoNVWJp3ZVRN1VW9RDtUcdqnu8zfRIlZJN1Rl1qS6aly2hEuscQelEJwnamXPLmQKKTg68OR0daHeiswNlFB0eKKToREAbNG41Z05pA9zwbBYiwtqKZ7N6xG5txf8PdGtrgiN+vltb8SzQiji8rUg6IfGq6W3NtKVKsZa3FUmr5CAW7yuSVgmls57Iiv/h9ak589a6NxZZqyijM4X0snHK4Y2Nh0xvbMqc8prg+wM=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Date = _t, NonWorkDay = _t, WantedWorkday = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"NonWorkDay", Int64.Type}, {"WantedWorkday", Int64.Type}})
#"Changed Type"
LE2: My final calculation based on the answered provided by #msta42a:
WD =
var day ='Calendar'[Date]
VAR CurrentMonth = Calendar[MonthYear]
CALCULATE( COUNTROWS('Calendar'), FILTER('Calendar', Calendar[MonthYear] = CurrentMonth && 'Calendar'[Date] <= day && 'Calendar'[NonWorkDay] <> 1)) +0
You can calculate this like "running count/total" here my example (in your code you should add a clause for month/year)
Workday =
var day ='Calend'[Date]
CALCULATE( COUNTROWS('Calend'), FILTER('Calend', 'Calend'[Date] <= day && 'Calend'[Weekend]="wd" && Calend[Nonworking] <> 0)) +0

How to calculate frequency received data from time column in Power BI?

I have a table with received time like the below:
As you see, the frequency of received data in some rows is different and they are 1000ms, 1001ms, 998ms.
How can I calculate the average frequency of received time in ms?
I suggest using Power Query to
add a column that is the original date_time column offset by 1
Then add another column showing the difference between current row and previous row
This method, at least in M Code, is faster than using an Index column to refer to previous row
Then you can do your mathematical analyses.
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("dc27DcAgDAXAVRA1An9iO2EVxP5rgEQZXn3FjZGjsTUh4cRdqctTwy3P8heD4lv8KgHl3RJX+dCjBIXRo3JkLg==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [date_time = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"date_time", type datetime}}),
//add column containing previous rows data
//usually faster than using and INDEX column
prevList = {null} & List.RemoveLastN(#"Changed Type"[date_time]),
tbl1 = Table.FromColumns(
{#"Changed Type"[date_time],prevList},
{"date_time","Prev Row"}
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(tbl1, "Difference", each /*if [Prev Row] = null then 0
else*/ Duration.TotalSeconds([date_time] - [Prev Row])),
#"Changed Type1" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Added Custom",{
{"date_time", type datetime}, {"Prev Row", type datetime}, {"Difference", type number}})
#"Changed Type1"
In PowerQuery add an Index column to your data so that you can address singe rows. Then with DAX add a calulated column to the table:
Milliseconds =
VAR NextIndex = 'Table'[Index] + 1
VAR MaxIndex = MAX(Table[Index])
VAR Difference =
'Table'[Index] = MaxIndex,
'Table'[date_time] -
'Table'[Index] = NextIndex
CONVERT(ABS(Difference * 3600 * 24 * 1000), INTEGER)
Now you are looking for AVERAGE( Milliseconds ).
Note: Things would have been easier if you provided copyable data instead of a screenshot.

Power Bi DAX: Show data from 6 months past start date

i have been having trouble trying to figure out how to show my data past a date that is 6 months past the start date.
I need to show the values that are after the 6 months past the start date.
Each date is different for each person
i have the formula as a calculated column for the 6 months:
+6m = DATEADD('Employee List'[Emp. Dates].[Date], +6, MONTH)
A measure will not work because i cannot apply it to my table as it comes up with an error.
How do i get it to work?
Should i scrap the +6m column for a new formula?
Basic measure:
Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Total Sales])
As long as you do not provide sample data, it is just guessing what you want. It might be it:
YourMeasure =
[Total Sales],
'Employee List'[Emp. Dates].[Date] -- it is better to use here 'Calendar'[Date]
This will give you a good start.
Sample data:
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45WMjIwMtA1MAQiJR0lQ6VYHZiQEaaQMaaQCaaQKaaQGaaQOaaQBaaQJYaQoQGmEKbrDdFdb4jpR0NkP8YCAA==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Date = _t, Amount = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"Amount", Int64.Type}})
#"Changed Type"
Measure =
var MinDate = CALCULATE( MIN(T[Date]), REMOVEFILTERS(T[Date]) )
var SixMonthAfter = CALCULATE( DATEADD( T[Date], 6 , MONTH ), T[Date] = MinDate )
CALCULATE( SUM( T[Amount] ), FILTER( T, T[Date] > SixMonthAfter ) )

PowerBi timeseries duration

In PowerBI, I have a simple table with 3 columns:
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("TYzBCcAwDAN38dugyk5bdxaT/deICzXN77hDyhSKCkHYwafwbJyaYiUc9I4XaH/1MgHeXQO+bcf7ux0XW3x5Lg==", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [id = _t, start = _t, end = _t]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"id", Int64.Type}, {"start", type date}, {"end", type date}})
#"Changed Type"
From which I can create the following visual
My challenge is to calculate the total duration in days of the times series based on filter selected above. Any help would be appreciated.
I have tried the following DAX formula but it gives me crazy results as shown above.
YTDDuration =
var current_Start=MAX(Table2[start])
var current_end=MAX(Table2[end])
var bigif=IF(current_end>start_Date&&current_Start<end_Date,DATEDIFF(MAX(start_Date,current_Start),MIN(end_Date,current_end),DAY),0)
CALCULATE(SUMX(Table2, bigif),FILTER(ALL(Table2), Table2[start] <= max(Table2[end])))
Expected output would be:
The key here is to account for gaps in dates and consolidate overlapping dates.
You can iterate through your calendar table and count the number of days where that day falls into one of the id time periods.
YTDDuration =
var current_Start = CALCULATE(MIN(Table2[start]), ALL(Table2))
var current_end = MAX(Table2[end])
FILTER('CALENDAR', 'CALENDAR'[Date] <= current_end),
MAXX(ALL(Table2), IF([Date] > [start] && [Date] <= [end], 1, 0))
This starts at the minimal start date and adds 1 for each day where that Date is between start and end for some row in Table2. If none of the rows contains that Date, the max is over just zeros and returns zero. If one or more matches, you get a max of one and we count that day.
YTD Duration by end: