Can't open AVD manager in Visual Studio, internet connection error message - visual-studio-2017

I am new to Xamarin and trying to set up a virtual device using the ADM (Android Device Manager) in Visual Studio 2017. When I click to open the ADM it looks like it's loading for a moment and then pops up the error message "Android SDK instance could not be loaded. Please check your internet connection."
I know that I am connected to the internet, I was even able to download and install packages in VS. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? I'm guessing it's some sort of issue with VS not knowing where my SDK is installed. I also tried opening the SDK manager (tools >android >android sdk manager) and navigating to the folder to show Visual Studio where my SDK is installed but even that window won't load up properly so I can't set the path! It gives the error message "Loading SDK component information failed. Please Retry." I did retry but nothing changes.

I found a solution
In Visual Studio Go to Tools->Android->Android SDK Manager
When the SDK manager starts, go to the bottom right hand corner and click the button with a cog on it
Go to Repository and select Google (Unsupported)
I was then able to use the Android Device Manager and create a new device
You can change it back to the Microsoft (Supported) when complete
I am using Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.5

Is this due to capacity issues in Azure. I'm sure this worked with the current version of Visual Studio 2017 I have been using 15.9.5


Why can't Team Explorer connect?

After having issues with VS2017 Enterprise memory leaks, but none with Team Explorer functionality, I've uninstalled and installed community edition.
tf settings connections shows I'm connected
tf vc checkin works just fine.
where tf shows it is running the 2017 TF.exe
removed my account from both the tfs section, and the vs sign-in in visual studio and added back.
going to the project in a browser at shows my login works just fine there too.
removed connection from team explorer manager and it no longer has any hosted repositories showing in the Connect to a Project dialog
devenv /resetuserdata as an administrator did not fix it
going in the visual studio baked-in web browser, it comes up as already logged in and shows the projects just fine.
I'm not behind a proxy
deleted project's .suo file
removed stored Microsoft account credentials from Windows 10 credential manager
tried opening vs stand-alone (not opening a project to open it) and connecting
What causes VS2017 to refuse to show VSTS projects?
I experienced the same behavior today with version 15.9.5.
I also tried other options like deleting the VS related folders in %LocalAppData%, etc. to no avail.
The solution is to remove your account from within Visual Studio by selecting 'Account Settings' from the drop-down after clicking your name in the upper-right. Now remove the VSTS account, restart Visual Studio, enter your VSTS credentials anew and voila.

How to publish a website in Visual Studio 2017

I am migrating from Visual Studio 2008 to VS 2017.
In 2008 I had a menu item: Build -> Publish Website.
I configured that to put the website on a share on the webserver so I pretty much could use that menu item to deploy to the test server so the users could test.
I cannot find that menu option on 2017.
The functionality seems to be moved to the Publish Web Site Tool described here:
I can not find how to install this. I can not find it in the Visual Studio Installer utility.
I can find instructions for publishing, but those instructions include creating the project from scratch. I need to do this on an existing project.
Visual Studio 2017 has these features from the Build menu...
Or, right-click your project...
A wizard will start asking how you want to publish your project. There is ample documentation for this on the web.

VS2017 Web Publish Preview - unable to exclude files

When publishing a web application in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise I can do a preview on the files that are changed by clicking the preview link. The window comes up and I can uncheck files I dont want BUT, there is only a cancel button, and I am not able to update the file list.
There use to be the ability to click Publish from that view to only update the selected files but now that is no longer the case.
Is there an alternative "tools" way in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise to publish and exclude certain files from being updated for example the web.config?
I don't have an alternative tool however according to the forums this has been patched and will be deployed in the next public release (15.3).
I've been getting around this by copying the files that I don't want and replacing them back after I publish.
I can confirm that this has now been fixed as of the latest update 15.3 which was released this week

Cannot create Win32 Console Application in VS 2013, Windows 8.1

Iam unable to create a new win32 console Application in VS 2013.
To create the console application I went to New Project-->chose win32 console application under visual c++-->changed the name of project and clicked OK.
But nothing happens and New Project dialog blinked and came back again.
I clicked OK again and again and It keeps coming back...
I googled and found nothing helpful.
I checked the logs and found nothing related to this.
Initially I was unable to create a new MVC application just after the installation of VS 2013, and I went through so many answers regarding it and couldn't solve the problem. At last I went to Extensions and Updates option under Tools and noticed that there were two nuget packages installed
1) Nuget Package Manager
2) Nuget Package manager for Visual studio with a blue icon
I uninstalled the second one and then the problem was solved.
Just now I noticed the problem with win32 console application.
Please help..
Thanks to Hans Passant
I started the vs_community.exe from command prompt with /Uninstall/force option.
After completing it I again started vs_community.exe with /Repair option.
That did the trick.
Now everything working perfectly for me.

I got following error When i open SiteCore website in Visual Studio 4.0

I got the following two errors when I open Sitecore 6.3 website in Visual Studio 4.0:
Error 1 The virtual path
maps to another application, which is not allowed.
Error 2 Unknown
server tag 'ds:DateSelector'.
I simply install Sitecore 6.3 (website save into c:/inetpub/wwwroot/sitecoresite/website). When I open this site in Visual Studio 4.0, it shows error.
Can any body tell to me how can I open this or what mistake did I make?
As far as I understand your question, you get the error when you browse the newly installed Sitecore website, which is set up to run under ASP.NET 4.0 application pool. If that's the case, then I should inform you that it is supported to run Sitecore under ASP.NET 4.0 application pools starting from version 6.4.0.
So, you have two options here:
setup your application pool to use ASP.NET 2.0 (make sure .NET 2.0 is installed)
upgrade a Sitecore instance to the 6.4.0+ (which might not be acceptable)
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure if you are having issues because of the way you are opening the project, there are a few issues if you open it as a File-System website project you will want to create a Web Application Project and go from there.
You can look at this blog post :
Simplify Sitecore Visual Studio Project Creation (or the previous version) for information on how to setup a Visual Studio Project correctly for Sitecore.
I actually think this might just be as simple as a missing tilde. So rather having
you should have