Resolving undefined dependencies in C++ - c++

Hey guys I'm really new to C++ so please be patient. I think I have a really easy problem to solve for you. I need to compile a C++ file in a virtual machine for university.
My Input:
g++ decrypt_me.cpp
I get the following errors:
undefined reference to `SHA1_Init'
undefined reference to `SHA1_Update'
undefined reference to `SHA1_Final'
I know this has something to do with putting -lssl with it, but non of my trys worked so far.
Thank you in advance!


Undefined Reference when Compiling Kobuki ROS examples from source

I have been trying to compile the kobuki_keyop example in ROS Indigo from source on Ubuntu 14.04, I basically wrote a simple cpp file like the following:
#include "/opt/ros/indigo/include/kobuki_keyop/include/keyop_core/keyop_core.hpp"
using namespace keyop_core;
int main()
KeyOpCore keyy;
then I compiled with the following:
g++ test.cpp -L/opt/ros/indigo/lib/kobuki_keyop -o test
but it keeps giving me the same old holy grail of cpp errors:
/tmp/ccsh6f87.o: In function `main':
test.cpp:(.text+0x25): undefined reference to `keyop_core::KeyOpCore::KeyOpCore()'
test.cpp:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to `keyop_core::KeyOpCore::~KeyOpCore()'
as was pointed out by #Danh, there are solutions in the following link:
What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?
however, my question is ROS related, I did not write the header files that might cause the problem, and I can't poke around all of the interlinked ones hoping to find a needle in the haystack, I was just hoping someone with background in ROS who had a similar problem might pick this up and point me to their solution.
Thank You.

RcppGSL Windows installation trouble

I'm trying to install RcppGSL as presented in
Linking GSL library to RcppGSL on Windows machine
after copping the library as presented in the link above to C:/local323
and moving all the files in x64 up one directory into into LIB_GSL/lib as presented in the link. I used the following code.
Sys.setenv("LIB_GSL" = "C:/local323") # this is where the library is located
Sys.setenv("PKG_LIBS"="-L(LIB_GSL)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas")
I added the line
Sys.setenv("PKG_LIBS"="-L(LIB_GSL)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas")
after getting the following error(and I still got the same error) after doing some research and thought there might be a linking problem(just guessing).
The error I received was
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x916): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_alloc'
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x945): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_set'
RcppExports.o:RcppExports.cpp:(.text+0x993): undefined reference to `gsl_vector_calloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x122): undefined reference to `gsl_vector_calloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x131): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_alloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear_alloc'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x16d): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x175): undefined reference to `gsl_multifit_linear_free'
fastLm.o:fastLm.cpp:(.text+0x24f): undefined reference to `gsl_matrix_diagonal'
setErrorHandler.o:setErrorHandler.cpp:(.text+0x104): undefined reference to `gsl_set_error_handler_off'
setErrorHandler.o:setErrorHandler.cpp:(.text+0x133): undefined reference to `gsl_set_error_handler'
any help is greatly appreciated!
Very best,
I would try this on the command-line, ie in cmd.exe -- not from R.
That way you should see the compilation and linking steps which may help when something go south.
"It builds at CRAN ..." so with the right files in the right location, and the proper env var set it should for you too.
Well I do not know why the following worked but I'm able to use RcppGSL
I followed the procedure from the link I posted exactly. Then instead of using
I downloaded the zip file from CRAN and installed the package via the R GUI with the option to install from a zip. These should be identical I know, but using install.packages("RcppGSL").
Sys.setenv("LIB_GSL" = "C:/local323")
is required anytime I try to compile an Rcpp file that uses the library.
I'm not sure why, but I can use the library at least.
Dirk thank you for your help. I will go over the tutorial on R-extensions to see if I can figure out what is going on.

Build errors in C++ project with OpenCV in Eclipse: undefined reference to `SelectObject#8' + many others

I'll start by saying that I don't have much experience at all with compiled languages, this may be obvious but I've done a few solid hours searching and have come up empty-handed.
I am trying to build this project in Eclipse. I have built and imported OpenCV 3.1, and everything seems okay until I go to build the project. At that point I get a wide array of error messages saying that I have 'undefined references'.
For example:
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL15icvRemoveWindowP8CvWindow+0x11b): undefined reference to `SelectObject#8'
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL15icvRemoveWindowP8CvWindow+0x126): undefined reference to `DeleteObject#4'
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL15icvRemoveWindowP8CvWindow+0x138): undefined reference to `DeleteDC#4'
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL16icvGetBitmapDataP8CvWindowP7tagSIZEPiPPv.isra.0+0x1e): undefined reference to `GdiFlush#0'
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL16icvGetBitmapDataP8CvWindowP7tagSIZEPiPPv.isra.0+0x32): undefined reference to `GetCurrentObject#8'
C:\dev\opencv\build\x64\mingw_s\lib/libopencv_highgui310.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL16icvGetBitmapDataP8CvWindowP7tagSIZEPiPPv.isra.0+0x6d): undefined reference to `GetObjectA#12'
Full console output is here.
From what I've seen, the causes of this error in general can be varied, perhaps the specifics of my case would allow a more precise answer.
I get the feeling that I'm not importing something correctly, or not setting an appropriate flag, but I have no idea what it is, or how to accomplish it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
All your missing functions are in Gdi32.lib Search "msdn SelectObject" (for example) - scroll down to requirements add missing libraries to project
-- comment by Richard Critten

Programming with Kinect on Ubuntu Linux

First time asking a question here so please bear with me if I'm not entirely coherent.
I've been attempting to learn how to use the OpenNI, libfreenect, and SensorKinect libraries to create some code for the kinect. However, the issue I'm running into is that I cannot seem to get the kinect setup properly so that I may actually test code and understand how everything works. The issue that has been the most problematic has been when I try to compile I receive a plethora of undefined reference errors and the compiler quits.
/tmp/ccnXAyOZ.o: In function `main':
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x9a): undefined reference to `xnEnumerationErrorsAllocate'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0xb6): undefined reference to `xnGetStatusString'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0xfa): undefined reference to `xnInitFromXmlFileEx'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x12a): undefined reference to `xnEnumerationErrorsToString'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x148): undefined reference to `xnEnumerationErrorsFree'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x169): undefined reference to `xnGetStatusString'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x18a): undefined reference to `xnEnumerationErrorsFree'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x1a4): undefined reference to `xnEnumerationErrorsFree'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x1bf): undefined reference to `xnFindExistingRefNodeByType'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x1db): undefined reference to `xnGetStatusString'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x202): undefined reference to `xnAllocateDepthMetaData'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x227): undefined reference to `xnWaitOneUpdateAll'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x243): undefined reference to `xnGetStatusString'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x273): undefined reference to `xnGetDepthMetaData'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x2fe): undefined reference to `xnOSWasKeyboardHit'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x31a): undefined reference to `xnFreeDepthMetaData'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x329): undefined reference to `xnProductionNodeRelease'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x338): undefined reference to `xnProductionNodeRelease'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text+0x347): undefined reference to `xnContextRelease'
/tmp/ccnXAyOZ.o: In function `xn::NodeWrapper::SetHandle(XnInternalNodeData*)':
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x39): undefined reference to `xnGetRefContextFromNodeHandle'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x54): undefined reference to `xnContextUnregisterFromShutdown'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x60): undefined reference to `xnContextRelease'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x6f): undefined reference to `xnProductionNodeRelease'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x82): undefined reference to `xnProductionNodeAddRef'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0x91): undefined reference to `xnGetRefContextFromNodeHandle'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0xb2): undefined reference to `xnContextRegisterForShutdown'
KinectDraw.cpp:(.text._ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData[_ZN2xn11NodeWrapper9SetHandleEP18XnInternalNodeData]+0xc1): undefined reference to `xnContextRelease'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The command being that receives the error is g++ KinectDraw.cpp -I /usr/include/ni -I ~/KinectLibs/OpenNI/Include. I have used to setup the kinect. If anyone has any insight into my issue or even just a good place to start reading to figure it out I would be very appreciative. Thank you for your time and assistance!
UPDATE: Thanks to lxrec's comment, I'm fairly certain that she/he and my initial assumption were correct in that I am not linking the libraries correctly. I haven't found any documentation for Linux implementations of code that include the directories used in compiling so if anyone has insight into this I would be appreciative.
UPDATE: So I've still yet to resolve the issue (I cannot figure out how to compile the code), however thinking that my installation of OpenNI or libfreenect was bad I have resinstalled them. That however did not solve my problem. Thank you to anyone who can provide insight!
UPDATE: Below is the code that I'm having issues compiling. I haven't even tried to add anything into it yet...
#include <XnCppWrapper.h>
#include <XnStatusCodes.h>
#include <XnOS.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <XnOpenNI.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace xn;
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"This is a test\n";
return 0;
OpenNI source-code should include the libs files (.so files) in its lib directory ($SOURCE_DIR/Platform/Linux/Redist/OpenNI-Bin-Dev-Linux-x64-v1.5.7.10-$YOUR_VERSION/lib). All of these files (for me there 5 files:,,, and are being copied to /usr/lib after you run the (please follow the OpenNI build/installation instructions)
Your example code needs a -lOpenNI arg to complete the compile process. So you should compile your code like this: g++ your_code.cpp -I/usr/include/ni -lOpenNI
This might already an old question, hopefully your prob are already solved, and this answer can help someone next time.

Undefined reference to "std::tr1::__detail::__prime_list" in G++4.8

I am trying to build some code with G++4.8. Operating system is FreeBSD 9.2 64-bit.
These are the errors I get:
/usr/local/lib/gcc48/include/c++/tr1/hashtable_policy.h:384: undefined reference to `std::tr1::__detail::__prime_list'
/usr/local/lib/gcc48/include/c++/bits/stl_list.h:1570: undefined reference to `std::__detail::_List_node_base::_M_unhook()'
/usr/local/lib/gcc48/include/c++/bits/stl_list.h:1562: undefined reference to `std::__detail::_List_node_base::_M_hook(std::__detail::_List_node_base*)'
I read somewhere that those functions are in libstdc++. Reading this I've added that lib at my project, but I still get those errors. I should add libstdg++ instead? Or it's something else? I don't get it.
I've got the same errors when I linked the program using cc instead of gcc because of a misconfiguration of the Makefile program.