check for invalid characters in (possible) chinese strings - c++

So I have this function in a large codebase that checks for invalid characters that looks something like this :
validateMe(std::string myString)
for (int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++)
if ((myString[i] == 0x7E) || ...)
before calling validateMe, the string was converted to UTF8.
Now, this worked fine until it was tested for Chinese characters.
I'm going through, trying to understand better everything, but its like a pretty deep rabit hole I'm getting into.
I guess I have to somehow find the code points, test if each is in a valid range where the invalid characters are, and if so I can look for the invalid characters. But how do I find the code points?
I've read that std::string should be able to handle this, but
myString.find("~") != std::string::npos
fails with chinese characters, I guess because the first bites of the chinese character are 0x7E. At least the ones I've tried.
So, how to check for invalid characters in a string that could be written in Chinese? Lets assume by Chinese EUC-CN.
validateMe("testme") should pass
validateMe("test~me") should NOT pass
when the user puts the characters "啊是的发" (that is, the first character for each letter in "asdf" in Chinese EUC-CN) through the GUI, the function fails. In fact, it finds "~" or 0x7E. The VS debugger indeed translates the input as 啊是的å‘, which has a '~'.

You can't use std::string with unicode characters like Chinese, because std::string only supports ASCII characters. Instead, you can use std::wstring.


Decoding %E6%B0%94%E6%97%8B%E5%93%88%E5%88%A9.txt to a valid string

I am trying to decode a filename*= field of content disposition header. I get a string something like:
What I have figured out that replacing % to \x works fine and I get the correct file name:
Is there a standard way of doing this in C++? Is there any library available to decode this?
I tried
boost::replace_all(name, "%x","\\x");
std::locale::generator gen;
std::locale locl = gen.generate("en_US.utf-8");
decoded_data = boost::locale::conv::from_utf( encoded_data, locl);
But it prints the replaced string instead of chinese characters.
Any Idea where am I going wrong?
Replacing escape code like "\xE6" only work in string and character literals, not generally in strings. That's because it's handled by the compiler when it compiles the program.
However, it's not very hard to do yourself, using a simple loop that check for the '%' character, gets the next two characters and convert them to a number and use that number as a "character".

find if string starts with \U in Python 3.3

I have a string and I want to find out if it starts with \U.
Here is an example
myStr = '\U0001f64c\U0001f60d\U0001f4a6\U0001f445\U0001f4af'
I was trying this:
but I get False.
How can I detect \U in a string?
The larger picture:
I have a list of strings, most of them are normal English word strings, but there are a few that are similar to what I have shown in myStr, how can I distinguish them?
The original string does not have the character \U. It has the unicode escape sequence \U0001f64c, which is a single Unicode character.
Therefore, it does not make sense to try to detect \U in the string you have given.
Trying to detect the \U in that string is similar to trying to detect \x in the C string "\x90".
It makes no sense because the interpreter has read the sequence and converted it. Of course, if you want to detect the first Unicode character in that string, that works fine.
Note that if you define the string with a real \U, like this, you can detect it just fine. Based on some experimentation, I believe Python 2.7.6 defaults to this behavior.
myStr = r'\U0001f64c\U0001f60d\U0001f4a6\U0001f445\U0001f4af'
myStr.startswith('\\U') # Returns True.
Update: The OP requested a way to convert from the Unicode string into the raw string above.
I will show the solution in two steps.
First observe that we can view the raw hex for each character like this.
>>> [hex(ord(x)) for x in myStr]
['0x1f64c', '0x1f60d', '0x1f4a6', '0x1f445', '0x1f4af']
Next, we format it by using a format string.
formatString = "".join(r'\U%08x' for x in myStr)
output = formatString % tuple(myChars)
output.startswith("\\U") # Returns True.
Note of course that since we are converting a Unicode string and we are formatting it this way deliberately, it guaranteed to start with \U. However, I assume your actual application is not just to detect whether it starts with \U.
Update2: If the OP is trying to differentiate between "normal English" strings and "Unicode Strings", the above approach will not work, because all characters have a corresponding Unicode representation.
However, one heuristic you might use to check whether a string looks like ASCII is to just check whether the values of each character are outside the normal ASCII range. Assuming that you consider the normal ASCII range to be between 32 and 127 (You can take a look here and decide what you want to include.), you can do something like the following.
def isNormal(myStr):
myChars = [ord(x) for x in myStr]
return all(x < 128 and x > 31 for x in myChars)
This can be done in one line, but I separated it to make it more readable.
Your string:
myStr = '\U0001f64c\U0001f60d\U0001f4a6\U0001f445\U0001f4af'
is not a foraign language text. It is 5 Unicode characters, which are (in order):
If you want to get strings that only contain 'normal' characters, you can use something like this:
if'[^A-Za-z0-9\s]', myStr):
# String contained 'weird' characters.
Note that this will also trip on characters like é, which will sometimes be used in English on words with a French origin.

Unrecognizable character in C++

I'm programming an application that converts .txt files to bags of words for text mining. However, I keep getting non-alphabetic characters ( like ¾ and =) even though my application filters non-alphabetic characters:
My vector passes through a loop which erases strings that begins with a char with an ASCII value other than [65,90] (from A to Z). These characters also pass the isalpha test. It seems like these characters can't be distinguished from alphabetic characters.
I don't see how I can remove these weird strings dynamically from my vector of strings. I need help.
My code because it is quite long for a forum post.
This part of my code fails to get rid of the strings beginning with non-aphabetic characters:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<token24.size();i++){
string temp = token24[i];
char c = temp[0];
I also tried with the condition
You could always do a string replace the characters with whitespace, but that just handles the specific cases of specific characters, not the larger problem.
I don't think we can do anything for you until we see the code.
The most important part in programs like yours is handling the content of .txt file. Such file can be a Unicode text, which in turn can be encoded, for eample, with UTF-8. Then, single byte can be only a part of a character, not character itself. Are you sure you load (and possibly, decode) the file in a proper way?
Also, don't you think that lower letters are also valid alpha characters?

How to read a message from a file, modifying only words?

Suppose I have the following text:
My name is myName. I love
stackoverflow .
Hi, Guys! There is more than one space after "Guys!" 123
And also after "123" there are 2 spaces and newline.
Now I need to read this text file as it is. Need to make some actions only with alphanumeric words. And after it I have to print it with changed words but spaces and newlines and punctuations unchanged and on the same position. When changing alphanumeric words length remains same. I have tried this with library checking for alphanumeric values, but code get very messy. Is there anyother way?
You can read your file line-by-line with fgets() function. It will fill char array and you can work with this array, e.g. iterate over this array, split it into alnum words; change the words and then write fixed string into new file with "fwrite()" function.
If you prefer C++ way of working with files (iostream), you can use istream::getline. It will save spaces; but it will consume "\n". If you need to save even "\n" (it can be '\r' and '\r\n' sometimes), you can use istream::get.
Maybe you should look at Boost Tokenizer. It can break of a string into a series of tokens and iterate through them. The following sample breaks up a phrase into words:
int main()
std::string s = "Hi, Guys! There is more...";
boost::tokenizer<> tok(s);
for(boost::tokenizer<>::iterator beg = tok.begin(); beg != tok.end(); ++beg)
std::cout << *beg << "\n";
return 0;
But in your case you need to provide a TokenizerFunc that will break up a string at alphanumeric/non-alphanumeric boundaries.
For more information see Boost Tokenizer documentation and implementation of an already provided char_separator, offset_separator and escaped_list_separator.
The reason that your code got messy is usually because you didn't break down your problem in clear functions and classes. If you do, you will have a few functions that each do precisely one thing (not messy). Your main function will then just call these simple functions. If the function names are well chosen, the main function will become short and clear, too.
In this case, your main function needs to do:
Loop: Read every line of a file
On every line, check if and where a "special" word occurs.
If a special word occurs, replace it
Extra hints: a line of text can be stored as a std::string and can be read by std::getline(std::cin, line)

C++ new line not translating

First off, I'm a complete beginner at C++.
I'm coding something using an API, and would like to pass text containing new lines to it, and have it print out the new lines at the other end.
If I hardcode whatever I want it to print out, like so
it does come out as separate lines in the other end, but if I retrieve the text from the app using a method that returns a const char then pass it straight to printInApp (which takes const char as argument), it comes out as a single line.
Why's this and how would I go about to fix it?
It is the compiler that process escape codes in string literals, not the runtime methods. This is why you can for example have "char c = '\n';" since the compiler just compiles it as "char c = 10".
If you want to process escape codes in strings such as '\' and 'n' as separate characters (eg read as such from a file), you will need to write (or use an existing one) a string function which finds the escape codes and converts them to other values, eg converting a '\' followed by a 'n' into a newline (ascii value 10).