does shrink_to_fit() function removes null pointers? - c++

I wanted to ask you about the vector::shrink_to_fit() function.
Lets say i've got a vector of pointers to objects (or unique_ptr in my case)
and i want to resize it to the amount of objects that it stores.
At some point i remove some of the objects from the vector by choice using the release() function of unique_ptr
so there is a null pointer in that specific place in the vector as far as i know.
So i want to resize it and remove that null pointer in between the elements of the vector and i'm asking if i could do that with shrink_to_fit() function?

No, shrink_to_fit does not change the contents or size of the vector. All it might do is release some of its internal memory back to a lower level library or the OS, etc. behind the scenes. It may invalidate iterators, pointers, and references, but the only other change you might see would be a reduction of capacity(). It's also valid for shrink_to_fit to do absolutely nothing at all.
It sounds like you want the "Erase-remove" idiom:
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), nullptr), vec.end());
The std::remove shifts all the elements which don't compare equal to nullptr left, filling the "gaps". But it doesn't change the vector's size; instead it returns an iterator to the position in the vector just after the sequence of shifted elements; the rest of the elements still exist but have been moved from. Then the erase member function gets rid of those unnecessary end elements, reducing the vector's size.
Or as #chris notes, C++20 adds an erase overload to std::vector and a related erase_if, which makes things easier. They may already be supported in MSVC 2019. Using the new erase could just look like:

This quick test show that u can't do like this.
int x = 1;
vector<int*> a;
cout << a.capacity() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
cout << a.capacity() << endl;
a[9] = nullptr;
cout << a.capacity() << endl;

m_gates[index].release(); m_gates.shrink_to_fit();
Based on your comment, what you're looking for is simply to erase this single element from your vector right then and there. Replace both of these statements with:
m_gates.erase(m_gates.begin() + index);
Or a more generic version if swapping containers in the future is a possibility:
using std::begin;
m_gates.erase(std::next(begin(m_gates), index));
erase supports iterators rather than indices, so there's a conversion in there. This will remove the pointer from the vector while calling its destructor, which causes unique_ptr to properly clean up its memory.
Now erasing elements one by one could potentially be a performance concern. If it does end up being a concern, you can do what you were getting at in the question and null them out, then remove them all in one go later on:
// At some point in the program's future:
std::erase(m_gates, nullptr);
What you have right now is highly likely to be a memory leak. release releases ownership of the managed memory, meaning you're now responsible for cleaning it up, which isn't what you were looking for. Both erase and reset (or equivalently, = {} or = nullptr) will actually call the destructor of unique_ptr while it still has ownership and properly clean up the memory. shrink_to_fit is for vector capacity, not size, and is unrelated.

at the end the solution that i found was simple:
void Controller::delete_allocated_memory(int index)
m_vec.erase(m_vec.begin() + index);
it works fine even if the vector is made of unique_ptrs, as far as i know it doesn't even create the null pointer that i was talking about and it shifts left all existing objects in the vector.
what do you think?


Vector of pointers undefined behaviour

I'm trying to make a vector of pointers whose elements are pointing to vector of int elements. (I'm solving a competitive programming-like problem, that's why it sounds kinda nonsense).
but here's the code:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int ct = 0;
vector<int> vec;
vector<int*> rf;
void addRef(int n){
int main(){
for(int i = 0; i < ct; i++){
cout << *rf[i] << ' ';
cout << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < ct; i++){
cout << vec[i] << ' ';
When I execute the code, it's showing weird behaviour that I don't understand. The first element of rf (vector<int*>) seems not pointing to the vec's (vector<int>) element, where the rest of the elements are pointing to it.
here's the output when I run it on Dev-C++:
1579600 2 5
1 2 5
When I tried to run the code here, the output is even weirder:
1197743856 0 5
1 2 5
The code is intended to have same output between the first line and the second.
Can you guys explain why it happens? Is there any mistake in my implementation?
Adding elements to a std::vector with push_back or similar may invalidate all iterators and references to its elements. See
The idea is that in order to grow the vector, it may not have enough free memory to expand into, and thus may have to move the whole array to some other location in memory, freeing the old block. That means in particular that your pointers now point to memory that has been freed, or reused for something else.
If you want to keep this approach, you will need to resize() or reserve() a sufficient number of elements in vec before starting. Which of course defeats the whole purpose of a std::vector, and you might as well use an array instead.
The vector is changing sizes and the addresses you are saving might not be those you want. You can preallocate memory using reserve() and the vector will not resize.
The problem occurs when you call vec.push_back(n) and vec’s internal array is already full. When that happens, the std::vector::push_back() method allocates a larger array, copies the contents of the full array over to the new array, then frees the old/full array and keeps the new one.
Usually that’s all you need, but your program is keeping pointers to elements of the old array inside (rf), and these pointers all become dangling/invalid when the reallocation occurs, hence the funny (undefined) behavior.
An easy fix would be to call vec.reserve(100) (or similar) at the top of your program (so that no further reallocations are necessary). Or alternatively you could postpone the adding of pointers to (rf) until after you’ve finished adding all the values to (vec).
Just do not take pointer from a vector that may change soon. vector will copy the elements to a new space when it enlarges its capacity.
Use an array to store the ints instead.

C++: std::vector with space reserving for both ends

Just some thoughts:
I wanted to erase x elements from the beginning of a std::vector with size n > x. Since a vector uses an array internally, this could be as easy as setting the pointer for vector.begin() to the index of the first element which is kept. But instead, erase shifts all elements in the array to that the first element actually starts at index 0, making the erase operation take much more time than it could.
Furthermore, if the valid 'zone' of the internal array was really controlled by just some start and end indices / pointers of the vector structure, then there would be also the option to reserve space in front of the first element. E.g., a vector is initialized and 20 spaces are reserved at the end and 10 at the beginning. Internally, then an array of space 30 (or 32) is created, where the start index/pointer points to the 11th value of the internal array, allowing to include new elements to the front of the 'vector' in constant speed.
Well, my point is, I think such a data structure would be somewhat useful, at least for my purposes. I'm pretty sure someone already thought of this and already implemented it. So I want to ask: How is the data structure called that I'm describing? If it exists, I'd love to use it. I think this is not a double-linked list, since there, every element is kind of a struct containing the element value and additional pointers to the neighbors (to my knowledge).
EDIT: And yes, such a structure would probably use more memory than necessary, especially when erasing some elements from the beginning, because then, the internal array still has the initial size. But well, memory isn't a big issue anymore for most problems, and there could be a (time-expensive) 'memory-optimize' operation to create a new, smaller array, copying over all old values and deleting the old internal array to use the smallest possible size.
Expanding on #Kerrek SB's comment, boost::circular_buffer<> does I think what you need, for example:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
int main()
boost::circular_buffer<int> cb(3);
for( auto i : cb) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
// Increase to hold two more items
for( auto i : cb) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
// Increase to hold two more items
for( auto i : cb) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
TBH - I have not looked at the implementation, so cannot comment on whether it moves data around (I'd be highly surprised.) but if you pull down the source, take a quick peek to satisfy if performance is a concern...
EDIT: Quick look at the code reveals that the push_xxx operations does not indeed move data around, however the xxx_capacity operations do result in a move/copy - to avoid that, ensure the ring has enough capacity at the start and it will work as you wish...

Use of pointer to vector which involved the use of 'new'

I would like to create a vector of pointers to struct
vector<myStruct*> vec
For elements in the vector, not all of them contain data. Some of them may point to NULL.
So, should I create space by new in each of the element first
for(int i = 0; vec.size() ;i++){
if (thisSpaceIsValid(i)) = new myStruct;
else = NULL;
The problem comes:
-If I use new for each element, it would be very slow. How can I speed it up a bit? Is there a way the create all the spaces that I need , that automatically access the pointer of such space to the vector(vec here)?
-If later I use delete to free the memory, would the problem of speed still bother me?
If I use "new" for each element, it would be very slow. How can I speed it up a bit? Is there a way the create all the spaces that I need , that automatically access the pointer of such space to the vector("vec" here)?
You can do that.
Let's say the size of your vector is M and you only need N of those elements to have pointers to objects and other elements are null pointers. You can use:
myStruct* objects = new myStruct[N];
and then, use:
for(int i = 0, j = 0; vec.size(); i++)
if (thisSpaceIsValid(i))
if ( j == N )
// Error. Do something.
vec[i] = objects+j;
vect[i] = NULL;
You have to now make sure that you are able to keep track of the value of objeccts so you can safely deallocate the memory by using
delete [] objects;
There might be a better and more elegant solution to your problem. It will be worth your while to spend a bit more time thinking over that.
After reading the question again, it seems I misunderstood the question. So here is an edited answer.
If you only need to execute the code during some kind of initialization phase, you can create all the instances of myStruct in an array and then just point to those from the vector as already proposed by R Sahu. Note that the solution requires you to create and delete all instances at the same time.
However, if you execute this code several times and/or don't know exactly how many myStruct instances you will need, you could overwrite new and delete for the struct and handle memory allocation yourself.
See Callling object constructor/destructor with a custom allocator for an example of this. See the answer by Jerry Coffin.
BTW - you don't need as you are iterating from 0 to size. vec[i] is okay and should perform a better.
You can do
vector<myStruct*> vec(10000, nullptr);
to generate a vector with for instance 10000 elements all initialized to nullptr
After that you can fill the relevant elements with pointer to the struct.
For delete just
for (auto e : vec) delete e;
cause it is safe to do deleteon a nullptr
If you need a vector of pointers, and would like to avoid calling new, then firstly create a container of structs themselves, then assign pointers to the elements into your vec. Be careful with choosing the container of structs. If you use vector of structs, make sure to reserve all elements in advance, otherwise its elements may move to a different memory location when vector grows. Deque on the other hand guarantees its elements don't move.
Multiple small new and delete calls should be avoided if possible in c++ when performance matters a lot.
The more I think about it, the less I like #RSahu's solution. In particular, I feel memory management in this scenario would be a nightmare. Instead I suggest using a vector of unique_ptr's owning memory allocated via custom alloctor. I believe, sequential allocator would do.

C++ Iterate through an expanding container

What will happen if I expand a container while iterating through it, may I meet the new elements or just the old ones
std::vector<int> arr(0);
for (auto& ele : arr) {
if (4 == ele) std::cout << "meet new eles" << endl;
push_back may invalidate any iterator to the vector, what you have there is undefined behaviour.
std::vector internally allocates an array with its elements stored contiguously in memory. To do so it needs to preallocate an estimate of the size it may need, that's known as the capacity of the vector. At push_back if the capacity is reached it allocates a new bigger array, copies/moves all the contents of the previous array to the new one and then deletes the old one. That invalidates the iterators, that keep pointing to a deleted array.
Also worth mentioning that the allocation of the new array adds a considerable performance hit. If you know the size that your vector will have always use reserve() to preallocate memory.
Now, true is that if you reserve capacity before hand and never push back exceeding that capacity the iterators won't be invalidated (only the past-end iterator) and you can keep incrementing them since they point to an array of contiguous elements. But I wouldn't advice to do so, IMO the risk of reallocating the vector by mistake is not worth it.
If you are guaranteed to never remove elements the simplest solution would still be to use a regular for loop.
for(size_t i=0, n=arr.size(); i<n; ++i)
if(/* something */)
arr.push_back(/* ... */);
I know it's a trivial solution, but others maybe searching and will find this question.
Good note from #Long_GM. This will not work on every container. std::map for example cannot be iterated in this manner whether or not you insert any values.

c++ vectors and pointers

As i understand if i dont store pointers, everything in c++ gets copied, which can lead to bad performance (ignore the simplicity of my example). So i thought i store my objects as pointers instead of string object inside my vector, thats better for performance right? (assumining i have very long strings and lots of them).
The problem when i try to iterate over my vector of string pointers is i cant extract the actual value from them
string test = "my-name";
vector<string*> names(20);
vector<string*>::iterator iterator = names.begin();
while (iterator != names.end())
std::cout << (*iterator) << ":" << std::endl;
// std::cout << *(*iterator); // fails
See the commented line, i have no problem in receiving the string pointer. But when i try to get the string pointers value i get an error (i couldnt find what excatly the error is but the program just fails).
I also tried storing (iterator) in a new string variable and but it didnt help?
You've created the vector and initialized it to contain 20 items. Those items are being default initialized, which in the case of a pointer is a null pointer. The program is having trouble dereferencing those null pointers.
One piece of advice is to not worry about what's most efficient until you have a demonstrated problem. This code would certainly work much better with a vector<string> versus a vector<string*>.
No, no, a thousand times no.
Don't prematurely optimize. If the program is fast, there's no need to worry about performance. In this instance, the pointers clearly reduce performance by consuming memory and time, since each object is only the target of a single pointer!
Not to mention that manual pointer programming tends to introduce errors, especially for novices. Sacrificing correctness and stability for performance is a huge step backwards.
The advantage of C++ is that it simplifies the optimization process by providing encapsulated data structures and algorithms. So when you decide to optimize, you can usually do so by swapping in standard parts.
If you want to learn about optimizing data structures, read up on smart pointers.
This is probably the program you want:
vector<string> names(20, "my-name");
for ( vector<string>::iterator iterator = names.begin();
iterator != names.end();
++ iterator )
std::cout << *iterator << '\n';
Your code looks like you're storing a pointer to a stack-based variable into a vector. As soon as the function where your string is declared returns, that string becomes garbage and the pointer is invalid. If you're going to store pointers into a vector, you probably need to allocate your strings dynamically (using new).
Have a look at your initialization:
string test = "my-name";
vector<string*> names(20);
You first create a std::vector with 20 elements.
Then you use push_back to append a 21st element, which points to a valid string. That's fine, but this element is never reached in the loop: the first iteration crashes already since the first 20 pointers stored in the vector don't point to valid strings.
Dereferencing an invalid pointer causes a crash. If you make sure that you have a valid pointers in your vector, **iterator is just fine to access an element.
if (*iterator)
std::cout << *(*iterator) << ":" << std::endl;
Mark Ransom explains why some of the pointers are now
string test = "my-name";
vector<string*> names(20);
The size of vector is 20, meaning it can hold 20 string pointers.
With the push_back operation, you are leaving out the first 20 elements and adding a new element to the vector which holds the address of test. First 20 elements of vector are uninitialized and might be pointing to garbage. And the while loop runs till the end of vector whose size is 21 and dereferencing uninitialized pointers is what causing the problem. Since the size of vector can be dynamically increased with a push_back operation, there is no need to explicitly mention the size.
vector<string*> names; // Not explicitly mentioning the size and the rest of
// the program should work as expected.