Problem with programming a basic hardware - c++

I have an animation shown on LEDs. When the button is pressed, the animation has to stop and then continue after the button is pressed again.
There is a method that processes working with the button:
void checkButton(){
GPIO_PinState state;
state = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_15);
if (state == GPIO_PIN_RESET) {
state = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_15);
if (state == GPIO_PIN_SET){
//while (state == GPIO_PIN_RESET) {
//state = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_15);
GPIO_PIN_SET is the default button position. GPIO_PIN_RESET is the condition when the button is pressed. The commented section is what I tried instead of the while(1){...} loop. The checkButton() method is called in the main loop from time to time to be run. The program runs on STM32 with an extension module (here the type of an extension module does not matter).
The fact is that this method stops animation just for a moment and does not work as I would like it to. Could you correct anything about this program to make it work properly?

Could you correct anything about this program to make it work
My guess is that you are trying to add a 'human interaction' aspect to your design. Your current approach relies on a single (button position) sample randomly timed by a) your application and b) a human finger. This timing is simply not reliable, but the correction is possibly not too difficult.
Note 1: A 'simple' mechanical button will 'bounce' during it's activation or release (yes, either way). This means that the value which the software 'sees' (in a few microseconds) is unpredictable for several (tbd) milliseconds(?) near the button push or release.
Note 2: Another way to look at this issue, is that your state value exists two places: in the physical button AND in the variable "GPIO_PinState state;". IMHO, a state value can only reside in one location. Two locations is always a mistake.
The solution, then (if you believe) is to decide to keep one state 'record', and eliminate the other. IMHO, I think you want to keep the button, which seems to be your human input. To be clear, you want to eliminate the variable "GPIO_PinState state;"
This line:
state = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_15);
samples the switch state one time.
HOWEVER, you already know that this design can not rely on the one read being correct. After all, your user might have just pressed or released the button, and it is simply bouncing at the time of the sample.
Before we get to accumulating samples, you should be aware that the bouncing can last much more than a few microseconds. I've seen some switches bounce up to 10 milliseconds or more. If test equipment is available, I would hook it up and take a look at the characteristics of your button. If not, well, you can try the adjusting the controls of the following sample accumulator.
So, how do we 'accumulate' enough samples to feel confident we can know the state of the switch?
Consider multiple samples, spaced-in-time by short delays (2 controls?). I think you can simply accumulate them. The first count to reach tbr - 5 (or 10 or 100?) samples wins. So spin sample, delay, and increment one of two counters:
stateCount [2] = {0,0}; // state is either set or reset, init both to 0
// vvv-------max samples
for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) // worst case how long does your switch bounce
int sample = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_15); // capture 1 sample
stateCount[sample] += 1; // increment based on sample
// if 'enough' samples are the same, kick out early
// v ---- how long does your switch bounce
if (stateCount[sample] > 5) break; // 5 or 10 or 100 ms
// to-be-determined --------vvv --- how long does switch bounce
std::this_thread::sleep_for(1ms); // 1, 3, 5 or 11 ms between samples
// C++ provides, but use what is available for your system
// and balanced with the needs of your app
FYI - The above scheme has 3 adjustments to handle different switch-bounce durations ... You have some experimenting to do. I would start with max samples at 20. I have no recommendation for sleep_for ... you provided no other info about your system.
Good luck.
It has been a long time, but I think I remember the push-buttons on a telecom infrastructure equipment bounced 5 to 15 ms.


How to call a function every x seconds but be able to do stuff in the meantime

I'm building a tetris game and I need the pieces to fall every x seconds; something like:
The problem is, I need to be able to move the pieces left and right in the meantime, i.e., call a function while it's sleeping.
How can I do that in c++?
Both time and key presses can be events which can be used to wait on. On UNIXes you'd use something like poll() with a suitable time for timeout and the input device used to recognize key presses. On other systems there are similar facilities (I'm a UNIX persons and I have never worked on Windows specific stuff although it seems the Windows facilities are actually more flexible). Depending on the result of poll() (timeout or activity on the I/O device in that case) you'd do the appropriate action.
This problem is solvable in multiple ways (another idea that comes to mind is multithreading, but that seems overkill). One approach would be to keep track of the number of "game cycles" and execute some function every n-th cycle like this:
for(int32_t count{1};;count++)
if (!count % 5)
// do something every 5th cycle
// do something every cycle
you can measure how much time has passed since last fall and move piece down after given amount and then reset counter. In pseudo-code it could look like this:
if(counter.value() == fall_period)
// rotate pieces
If you are using typical implementation of game loop your counter can just accumulate elapsed time since last frame.

Rising edge interrupt triggering multiple times on STM32 Nucleo

I am using the STM32 NUCLEO-F401RE microcontroller board.
I have a speaker programmed to change frequency by a set amount when the joystick is pushed up/down. My issue is that sometimes (more often than not) when the joystick is pushed up/down the frequency increases/decreases multiple times, implying that the ISR is executing multiple times. Also, the InterruptIn object is set to trigger on the rising edge however sometimes it also executes on the falling edge (when the joystick is returend to neutral after pushing up/down). Any help for getting over this?
void upISR()
if (greenLED.getStatus())
myTicker.attach(callback(&spkr, &Speaker::toggle), 0.5/frequency);
int main()
InterruptIn up(A2);
InterruptIn down(A3);
InterruptIn fire(D4);
while (1){}
Mechanical switch bounce is a feature of all mechanical switches to a lesser or greater extent. It is often necessary to implement "debouncing" in software especially if the switch is directly driving an interrupt as in this case.
A quick Google search for software denounce techniques yields some rather poor techniques IMO. I seen it done poorly more times than well unfortunately.
I suggest that in the switch ISR you start (or restart in the event of a "bounce") a hardware timer for a period of say 20ms or so (longer than the switch bounce time, but shorter than the time you could possibly to genuinely release the switch). Then in the timer ISR, you test the state of the switch and change the frequency accordingly:
void upISR()
debounceTimerRestart() ;
void downISR()
debounceTimerRestart() ;
void debounceTimerISR()
debounceTimerStop() ;
tDirection dir = getJoystickDir() ;
swithc( dir )
case UP :
increaseFrquency() ;
break ;
case DN :
decreaseFrquency() ;
break ;
What this does is trigger a timer interrupt shortly ("debounce time") after the switch stops bouncing. Note the timer is "single-shot" not periodic.
Below I present an enhancement at #BenVoigt's suggestion (in comments). I am keeping it separate to make it clear it was his work. The above will generally work, but if you have a particularly poor switch the following would resolve issues, and at little cost, so you may as well:
void debounceTimerISR()
debounceTimerStop() ;
static tDirection previous_dir = CENTRE ;
tDirection dir = getJoystickDir() ;
// If the state changed...
if( previous_dir != dir )
previous_dir = dir ;
switch( dir )
case UP :
increaseFrquency() ;
break ;
case DN :
decreaseFrquency() ;
break ;
Simple do not use EXTI for mechanical yousticks and buttons.
Use regular interrupt (for example systick) to poll the status of the pins.
We clearly believe this is the normal and expected bouncing of the switch. Mechanically a switch is some piece of metal that when acted on moves that metal from one pole to another, even if they do not resemble a wiper and two poles. The metal that moves will collide and bounce, the electrical connection will show that. The bouncing is often slow enough for a processor to get multiple interrupts, although that may be an under-sampling of all the bounces possibly seen electrically. If you try to look at it on a scope the scope itself may not-intentionally be filtering some of it (but so will your chip).
One way to see the problem is as with anything, research first then write the application later. This is not a solution but a way to characterize the problem for your system
switch_isr ( void )
some_global_variable <<= 1;
some_global_variable |= (pin_state_register>>pin_number)&1;
main ( void )
some_local_variable = 0;
if(some_local_variable != some_global_variable)
some_local_variable = some_global_variable;
No reason to expect to see every state change in the shifted variable, but you should see some and get a feel for the problem. Another way is to just have a counter increment on every interrupt, print periodically in the foreground and you will see one button press may result in multiple counts. And from the time it takes for the printouts to stop changing roughly in human time the settling time.
Filtering is all about state changes per unit time though and you have to have some flavor of time, be it a loop in the foreground that polls some information set by the interrupt (up/down counters, etc), or state changes relative to a timer/clock.
I do not know what the complete rules are for your assignment, if you can only have an interrupt for each switch and not a timer, or preferably a timer instead, I do not see a clean solution that will actually work. You would have to filter in the foreground but all that is doing is polling a copy of the pin state collected by the interrupt and is that any different than not using the interrupt? You cannot use Clifford's answer if you cannot set a timer interrupt, if you could use a timer and an interrupt then you could just periodically sample the switch states with that interrupt or a copy of the pin state collected by the pin state change interrupts and filter in the timer interrupt. Not the same as Clifford's but in all cases you need state change history relative to time to see when the thing settles.
Without a time reference and states not changing with respect to time (which a pin interrupt cannot show since the state has not changed) you cannot filter out the bounces. Instead work on your dexterity and how you flick the joystick up and down.

running a background process on arduino

I am trying to get my arduino mega to run a function in the background while it is also running a bunch of other functions.
The function that I am trying to run in the background is a function to determine wind speed from an anemometer. The way it processes the data is similar to that of an odometer in that it reads the number of turns that the anemometer makes during a set time period and then takes that number of turns over the time to determine the wind speed. The longer time period that i have it run over the more accurate data i receive as there is more data to average.
The problem that i have is there is a bunch of other data that i am also reading in to the arduino which i would like to be reading in once a second. This one second time interval is too short for me to get accurate wind readings as not enough revolutions are being completed by the anemometer to give high accuracy wind data.
Is there a way to have the wind sensor function run in the background and update a global variable once every 5 seconds or so while the rest of my program is running simultaneously and updating the other data every second.
Here is the code that i have for reading the data from the wind sensor. Every time the wind sensor makes a revolution there is a portion where the signal reads in as 0, otherwise the sensor reads in as a integer larger than 0.
void windmeterturns(){
startime = millis();
endtime = startime + 5000;
windturncounter = 0;
turned = false;
int terminate = startime;
while(terminate <= endtime){
terminate = millis();
windreading = analogRead(windvelocityPin);
if(windreading == 0){
if(turned == true){
windturncounter = windturncounter + 1;
turned = false;
else if(windreading >= 1){
turned = true;
The rest of the processing of takes place in another function but this is the one that I am currently struggling with. Posting the whole code would not really be reasonable here as it is close to a 1000 lines.
The rest of the functions run with a 1 second delay in the loop but as i have found through trial and error the delay along with the processing of the other functions make it so that the delay is actually longer than a second and it varies based off of what kind of data i am reading in from the other sensors so a 5 loop counter for timing i do not think will work here
Let Interrupts do the work for you.
In short, I recommend using a Timer Interrupt to generate a periodic interrupt that measures the analog reading in the background. Subsequently this can update a static volatile variable.
See my answer here as it is a similar scenario, detailing how to use the timer interrupt. Where you can replace the callback() with your above analogread and increment.
Without seeing how the rest of your code is set up, I would try having windturncounter as a global variable, and add another integer that is iterated every second your main program loops. Then:
// in the main loop
if(iteratorVariable >= 5){
iteratorVariable = 0;
// take your windreading and implement logic here
} else {
I'm not sure how your anemometer stores data or what other challenges you might be facing, so this may not be a 100% solution, but it would allow you to run the logic from your original post every five seconds.

C++ Arduino, running two loops at once?

Okay so I have just recently dived into programming an Arduino, Currently I have the basic blink function along with a RGB LED program that changes an LED to blue, green and red in fading colors. I have 2 LEDS a simple and basic yellow LED that's supposed to function as an indicator for a "working status". And a LED that is RGB. Now I want the RGB one to transition through it's colors normally although I want to keep the Yellow LED constantly flashing.
How hould I make my code so that two processes can run at the same time?
Something like:
int timekeeper=0;
while (1)
if (timekeeper%100==0) {
if (timekeeper%100==50) {
This is done from memory, so your mileage may vary.
I've passed timekeeper to do_fade(), so you can figure out how far along the fade you are. do_fade() would update the fade, then immediately return. do_blink_on() and do_blink_off() would be similar - change what you need to change, then return. In this example, do_fade() would be called every 10 milliseconds, do_blink_off() once per second, with do_blink_on() 1/2 a second after (so on, 1/2 second, off, 1/2 second, on, 1/2 second...)
AMADANON's answer will work, however keep in mind the preferred way to do multiple tasks like this is with timer interrupts. For example, if you wanted your code to do something else after it fades, the timing of those other functions will interfere with your LED blinking. To solve this, you use timers that are built into the Arduino.
In the background, a timer is counting up, and when it hits a certain value, it resets it's counter and triggers the Interrupt Service Routine, which is where you would turn the LED on/off.
Here's a tutorial on blinking an LED with timer interrupts:
Try RTOS for Arduino.
You create tasks which are separate loops. I use it and it works fine.
Also, I recommend using PlatformIO with the Arduino environment. Then you can also import RTOS via the library.
Example code snippets:
In the setup:
void TaskMotion( void *pvParameters ); // Senses input from the motion sensor
xTaskCreate( // Create task
, "Motion" // A name just for humans
, 12800 // Stack size
, 1 // priority
, NULL );
... below the Arduino loop (having nothing but a delay(1000); in):
// ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦╔═╗╔╗╔ ╔═╗╔═╗╔╗╔╔═╗╔═╗╦═╗
// ║║║║ ║ ║ ║║ ║║║║ ╚═╗║╣ ║║║╚═╗║ ║╠╦╝
// ╩ ╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝ ╚═╝╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝╚═╝╩╚═
void TaskMotion(void *pvParameters) // This is a task.
(void) pvParameters;
// initialize stuff.
for (;;) // A Task shall never return or exit.
Serial.println("TEST MOTION");
Copy paste and change "TaskMotion" to "LED something". You can create as many tasks as you want. The RTOS manages each task. Like if one task has a delay(10), then the next 10 ms are used for another task.

Multiple functions simultaneously in Arduino

I'm working on an Arduino sketch where I created two traffic lights, one for normal traffic and one for pedestrians. I created a function for each of these two lights, which loops it through it's cycle (for example: turn yellow, wait 20 seconds, then turn red and wait again). These are called aTrafficlight() and pTrafficlight, where a is the normal light and p the one for the pedestrians. In my loop() function I set a digitalRead for a button. When this button is pressed the traffic lights should cycle through their loops one at a time (so the normal light turns red, pTrafficlight waits a bit, then turns green, blinks a few times, turns red, waits and ends the loop, so it goes to it's original state.)
This all works. But now I want to add a buzzer. This buzzer must beep once a second while the pTrafficlight is red, once a tenth second while it's green and twice per two seconds while it's flashing green.
Here I encountered a few problems:
- When waiting in original state (button's not pressed) it seems I can sometimes press the button without reaction because the loop is still going. I need to figure out how to avoid waiting in the loop when buttonState == LOW. (There's a function wait(int sec))
- When the button is pressed, it loops through the cycles. I could just write some kind of loop implementing the traffic light being red and beeping at the same time, but I'd rather keep these seperated.
- Same for the double beeps. I do not want the beeping and flashing of the light to be in the same for loop, as it's confusing and difficult to read and understand the code.
Here's my loop():
int buttonState = 0;
void loop(){
buttonState = digitalRead(pButton);
if(buttonState == LOW){
// This is where I tried to create the sound.
digitalWrite(pSound, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pSound, LOW);
} else {
Is there a way to solve my problems with multithreading? I tried to look it up at and google, but I can't find a way I understand enough to use it in my existing code.
If not, do you have any better suggestions?
You don't need multi-threading. You need to use timers, whether via interrupts (as Pawel wrote) or via another mechanism, such as the Metro library, that lets the code continue to loop through while the timer is running. See this question and answer: How Can I Create Interrupts in C for Arduino
Coincidentally, I recently posted some material both on state machines and the Arduino, as Hans Passant mentioned, and on alternatives to delay(), both with additional references you might find useful.
You could use a time-slice design. Let me just outline this in very general terms.
First code loop so that it always issues a delay(1) and set a mod 10 counter as:
int stopWhen = -1; // at startup
// etc.
x = (x+1)%10; // every time loop execs
Then when buttonState == LOW
if (stopwWhen = -1)
stopWhen = x;
// beep etc.
But on every loop:
// always exec this:
if (stopWhen == x)
stopWhen = -1;
// stop beeping.