Error when setting a value to Multivalue Managed metadata field type using SharePoint REST API - sharepoint-2013

I have two managed metadata fields in my list, they both can have multiple values, the first one is 'mm' and the second one has a danish symbol Ø - 'mm_Ø'.
I fetch the fields information using SharePoint REST API endpoint:
GET https://{tenant}{site-path}/_api/Web/Lists(guid'{list-id}')/fields
In the response I see my fields definitions:
The 'mm' field is:
"odata.type": "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField",
"CanBeDeleted": true,
"ClientSideComponentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ClientSideComponentProperties": null,
"ClientValidationFormula": null,
"ClientValidationMessage": null,
"CustomFormatter": null,
"DefaultFormula": null,
"DefaultValue": "",
"Description": "",
"Direction": "none",
"EnforceUniqueValues": false,
"EntityPropertyName": "mm",
"Filterable": true,
"FromBaseType": false,
"Group": "Custom Columns",
"Hidden": false,
"Id": "f863fab3-5611-4d81-82f9-299c42e6258c",
"Indexed": false,
"IndexStatus": 0,
"InternalName": "mm",
"JSLink": "SP.UI.Taxonomy.js|SP.UI.Rte.js(d)|SP.Taxonomy.js(d)|ScriptForWebTaggingUI.js(d)",
"PinnedToFiltersPane": false,
"ReadOnlyField": false,
"Required": false,
"SchemaXml": "***",
"Scope": ***,
"Sealed": false,
"ShowInFiltersPane": 0,
"Sortable": false,
"StaticName": "mm",
"Title": "mm",
"FieldTypeKind": 0,
"TypeAsString": "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti",
"TypeDisplayName": "Managed Metadata",
"TypeShortDescription": "Managed Metadata",
"ValidationFormula": null,
"ValidationMessage": null,
"AllowMultipleValues": true,
"DependentLookupInternalNames": [],
"IsDependentLookup": false,
"IsRelationship": true,
"LookupField": "Term$Resources:core,Language;",
"LookupList": "{6eaf0d27-f293-4017-bac5-b3ef9b3fe079}",
"LookupWebId": "e0087d65-0dcb-41a5-bb7c-c4b2f94fed59",
"PrimaryFieldId": null,
"RelationshipDeleteBehavior": 0,
"UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary": false,
"AnchorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CreateValuesInEditForm": false,
"IsAnchorValid": true,
"IsKeyword": false,
"IsPathRendered": false,
"IsTermSetValid": true,
"Open": true,
"SspId": "a1796552-9a87-4f1d-95d5-b4a3fc8f143d",
"TargetTemplate": null,
"TermSetId": "8ed8c9ea-7052-4c1d-a4d7-b9c10bffea6f",
"TextField": "93148f4a-853f-4851-a600-3f76b38d030a",
"UserCreated": false
And the 'mm_Ø' field:
"odata.type": "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField",
"AutoIndexed": false,
"CanBeDeleted": true,
"ClientSideComponentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ClientSideComponentProperties": null,
"ClientValidationFormula": null,
"ClientValidationMessage": null,
"CustomFormatter": null,
"DefaultFormula": null,
"DefaultValue": "",
"Description": "",
"Direction": "none",
"EnforceUniqueValues": false,
"EntityPropertyName": "mm__x00d8_",
"Filterable": true,
"FromBaseType": false,
"Group": "Custom Columns",
"Hidden": false,
"Id": "8b6cb6c7-5bdf-4e87-95e0-8ad6db1bc60e",
"Indexed": false,
"IndexStatus": 0,
"InternalName": "mm__x00d8_",
"JSLink": "SP.UI.Taxonomy.js|SP.UI.Rte.js(d)|SP.Taxonomy.js(d)|ScriptForWebTaggingUI.js(d)",
"PinnedToFiltersPane": false,
"ReadOnlyField": false,
"Required": false,
"SchemaXml": "***",
"Scope": ***,
"Sealed": false,
"ShowInFiltersPane": 0,
"Sortable": false,
"StaticName": "mm__x00d8_",
"Title": "mm_Ø",
"FieldTypeKind": 0,
"TypeAsString": "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti",
"TypeDisplayName": "Managed Metadata",
"TypeShortDescription": "Managed Metadata",
"ValidationFormula": null,
"ValidationMessage": null,
"AllowMultipleValues": true,
"DependentLookupInternalNames": [],
"IsDependentLookup": false,
"IsRelationship": true,
"LookupField": "Term$Resources:core,Language;",
"LookupList": "{6eaf0d27-f293-4017-bac5-b3ef9b3fe079}",
"LookupWebId": "e0087d65-0dcb-41a5-bb7c-c4b2f94fed59",
"PrimaryFieldId": null,
"RelationshipDeleteBehavior": 0,
"UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary": false,
"AnchorId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CreateValuesInEditForm": false,
"IsAnchorValid": true,
"IsKeyword": false,
"IsPathRendered": false,
"IsTermSetValid": true,
"Open": true,
"SspId": "a1796552-9a87-4f1d-95d5-b4a3fc8f143d",
"TargetTemplate": null,
"TermSetId": "8ed8c9ea-7052-4c1d-a4d7-b9c10bffea6f",
"TextField": "b658e553-725e-4e24-9a6a-c911b50d68a4",
"UserCreated": false
Now, I want to create an item in that list using REST endpoint:
POST https://{tenant}{site-path}/_api/Web/Lists(guid'{list-id}')/items
First I try to create an item only filling the mm field
"Title": "Item1",
"f863fab356114d8182f9299c42e6258c": "taxonomy|24a5a5fa-7a1d-48d6-8a2d-7937429dfd71;taxonomy2|23901385-e142-458c-85f2-4b5ca5dbd812"
And it works. Now I want to do the same but filling the 'mm_Ø' field.
"Title": "ee",
"l910ce92c882443cb3134a7aeed731f7": "taxonomy|24a5a5fa-7a1d-48d6-8a2d-7937429dfd71;taxonomy2|23901385-e142-458c-85f2-4b5ca5dbd812"
The response I get:
"odata.error": {
"code": "-2130575340, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields."
Does it mean that having symbols other than English in the Managed Metadata causes SharePoint REST API to fail?

From what I can tell, if the meta data field title is too long (each non-standard English letter is 8 letters) then we are getting this error.
Couldn't find a solution except renaming to something shorter/no special characters.
Another solution is to use this new API:
=== update ===
Found a solution, might help you.
In our case, the hidden note field's title was created with wrong value.
it suppose to be "[meta data title]_0" but the special characters were cut off.
If I manually updated the hidden note field's title to "[meta data title]_0" the update works as expected.
It leads me to believe the API in the back end is relying on the field title instead of internal name/TextField property to map the value from the note field back to the meta data field.


Issues with Lex bot import

I'm using CDK to create a custom resource using lambda, the lambda deploys a Lex bot,
the lambda imports a zip bot file which it then uploads to pre signed s3 URL,
but the bot fails in the import step and getting validation error for AMAZON.FallbackIntent.
failureReasons: [
"Couldn't import the bot. AMAZON.FallbackIntent doesn't support extending the intent confirmation setting and the dialog code hook. Validation error occurred at Intent FallbackIntent for Locale en_US. Check the value and try your request again."
and this is the fallback intent json for the bot.
"name": "FallbackIntent",
"identifier": "FALLBCKINT",
"description": "Default intent when no other intent matches",
"parentIntentSignature": "AMAZON.FallbackIntent",
"sampleUtterances": null,
"intentConfirmationSetting": null,
"intentClosingSetting": null,
"initialResponseSetting": {
"initialResponse": null,
"codeHook": {
"isActive": true,
"enableCodeHookInvocation": true,
"invocationLabel": null,
"postCodeHookSpecification": {
"failureResponse": null,
"failureNextStep": {
"dialogAction": {
"type": "EndConversation",
"slotToElicit": null,
"suppressNextMessage": null
"sessionAttributes": null,
"intent": null
"failureConditional": null,
"successConditional": null,
"timeoutResponse": null,
"timeoutNextStep": {
"dialogAction": {
"type": "EndConversation",
"slotToElicit": null,
"suppressNextMessage": null
"sessionAttributes": null,
"intent": null
"timeoutConditional": null,
"successNextStep": {
"dialogAction": {
"type": "EndConversation",
"slotToElicit": null,
"suppressNextMessage": null
"sessionAttributes": null,
"intent": null
"successResponse": null
"conditional": null,
"nextStep": {
"dialogAction": {
"type": "InvokeDialogCodeHook",
"slotToElicit": null,
"suppressNextMessage": null
"sessionAttributes": null,
"intent": null
"inputContexts": null,
"outputContexts": null,
"kendraConfiguration": null,
"dialogCodeHook": {
"enabled": true
"fulfillmentCodeHook": null,
"slotPriorities": []
can anyone help me with this,

Django Framework Rest match calendar users with current user

I am doing an exercise where the goal it's to match my current calendar with other users.
To do this, I created a UserProfile App and Schedule App. Each user has a profile that can have multiple intervals.
Considering my current calendar:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 3,
"user": {
"id": 3,
"username": "john.doe",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
"calendar": [
"id": 1,
"mon": true,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": true,
"fri": true,
"sat": true,
"sun": true,
"start_date": "09:30",
"end_date": "12:20"
"id": 2,
"mon": true,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": true,
"fri": true,
"sat": true,
"sun": true,
"start_date": "14:00",
"end_date": "23:00"
When I am doing a call to the endpoint /api/search/users it returns all User Profiles with info from each user.
"count": 99,
"next": "http://localhost:8000/api/search/users?page=2",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"user": {
"id": 1,
"username": "john.bender.99",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Bender"
"calendar": [
"id": 2,
"mon": true,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": false,
"sun": false,
"start_date": "09:30",
"end_date": "12:20"
"id": 55,
"mon": false,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": false,
"sun": false,
"start_date": "14:30",
"end_date": "19:20"
Now, what I want to do actually is a search for related users with my calendar to know what days/hours we have a match.
When I do a call to this endpoint /api/search/users?related=self, I want to see this
"count": 2,
"results": [
"id": 87,
"user": {
"id": 87,
"username": "diana.taller",
"first_name": "Diana",
"last_name": "Taller"
"calendar": [
"id": 2,
"mon": true,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": false,
"sun": false,
"start_date": "10:30",
"end_date": "11:20"
"id": 55,
"mon": false,
"tue": true,
"wed": true,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": false,
"sun": false,
"start_date": "16:30",
"end_date": "17:20"
"id": 128,
"user": {
"id": 128,
"username": "therockjosh",
"first_name": "Josh",
"last_name": "Bail"
"calendar": [
"id": 2,
"mon": false,
"tue": false,
"wed": false,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": false,
"sun": false,
"start_date": "10:30",
"end_date": "11:20"
"id": 55,
"mon": false,
"tue": false,
"wed": false,
"thu": false,
"fri": true,
"sat": true,
"sun": true,
"start_date": "14:30",
"end_date": "17:00"
The interception between my availability and from users is done between per day and then each interval to see when we have a match.
Inside my Search App, I created this
if related == "self":
current_user_profile = UserProfile.objects.filter(user=self.request.user)
related_users = UserProfile.objects.filter(calendar__in=current_user_profile.calendar.all())
return related_users
If I call current_user_profile, returns me the current user data as I provided you before.
If I call UserProfile.objects.all(), returns me the user's data as I provided you before.
But for some reason, I can't call calendar from current_user_profile.calendar as this image shows.
Is anyone have some idea how could I do this?
I think you need to use get function if you wanna get the object.
if related == "self":
# not UserProfile.objects.filter in order to get the UserProfile object.
current_user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=self.request.user)
related_users = UserProfile.objects.filter(calendar__in=current_user_profile.calendar.all())
return related_users
Here we have the solution I found to exclude my user from the search.
current_user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=self.request.user)
related_users = UserProfile.objects\
.filter(calendar__in=current_user_profile.calendar.all()) \
return related_users

Parsing complex JSON using Kinesis Analytics

I have the following JSON stream coming from Twitter.
"created_at": "Thu Sep 27 21:02:00 +0000 2018",
"id": 1045418301336244224,
"id_str": "1045418301336244224",
"text": "Conditional Branching Now Supported in AWS Systems Manager Automation - #awscloud #amazon #aws",
"source": "Buffer",
"truncated": false,
"in_reply_to_status_id": null,
"in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,
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"user": {
"id": 14687423,
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"screen_name": "caseybecking",
"location": "Huntington Beach, CA",
"url": "",
"description": "I do stuff with computers for #rackspace , geek at heart! play and watch to much hockey, someday I'll make a personal website.",
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How do I parse, analyze and process this JSON using Kinesis Analytics?
The arrays should be flattened and this is very doable in Hive but need to do the same in Kinesis Analytics.

Twitter streaming API, where to find originator's name?

I am using Python to stream Twitter's Tweets via API. For example, the word "car" generates the following results:
"created_at": "Fri Sep 05 00:15:32 +0000 2014",
"id": 507683414255108096,
"id_str": "507683414255108096",
"text": "I put 'or nah' in my cousins car and Brenda & I are singing along a",
"source": "\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eCloudhopper\u003c\/a\u003e",
"truncated": false,
"in_reply_to_status_id": null,
"in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,
"in_reply_to_user_id": null,
"in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,
"in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
"user": {
"id": 84729292,
"id_str": "84729292",
"name": "Tracy Ochoa",
"screen_name": "TracyMayy",
"location": "",
"url": "http:\/\/",
"description": "New York 16 Instagram - TracyMayy Tumblr - http:\/\/ http:\/\/\/tracyochoa",
"protected": false,
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"followers_count": 1045,
"friends_count": 453,
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It looks to me the Twitter user who wrote this tweet has an id "507683414255108096", is there a way to export Twitter's API Tweets with the username of the actual Twitter users who write the corresponding Tweets?
If not through API, do I need to actually follow the people to get streams of Tweets with usernames? Or is there another way around?

Retrieving specif fields from nested object returned by elasticsearch

I am new to elasticsearch. I am trying to retrieve the selected fields from nested object returned by elasticsearch. Below is the object stored in elasticsearch index:
"_index": "xxx",
"_type": "user",
"_id": "2",
"_version": 1,
"exists": true,
"_source": {
"user": {
"user_auth": {
"username": "",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"is_active": false,
"_state": {
"adding": false,
"db": "default"
"id": 2,
"is_superuser": false,
"is_staff": false,
"last_login": "2012-07-10 21:11:53",
"password": "sha1$a6caa$cba2f821678ccddc4d70c8bf0c8e0655ab5c279b",
"email": "",
"date_joined": "2012-07-10 21:11:53"
"user_account": {},
"user_profile": {
"username": null,
"user_id": 2,
"following_count": 0,
"sqwag_count": 0,
"pwd_reset_key": null,
"_state": {
"adding": false,
"db": "default"
"personal_message": null,
"followed_by_count": 0,
"displayname": "nikhil11",
"fullname": "nikhil11",
"sqwag_image_url": null,
"id": 27,
"sqwag_cover_image_url": null
Now I want only certain fields to be returned from user.user_auth(like password,superuser etc should not be returned).
I am using django PyES and below is the code that i tried:
fields = ["user.user_auth.username","user.user_auth.first_name","user.user_auth.last_name",""]
result =,indices="xxx",doc_types="user",fields=fields)
but the result that I get is only email being retrieved (i:e only last field being returned):
"": ""
I want this abstraction for both the nested objects (i:e user_auth,user_profile)
how do I do this?
What about using latest django-haystack? It covers also ElasticSearch as a backend so you can get well binded ElasticSearch FTS to your project.