how to get aws sms delivery report programmatically? - amazon-web-services

I am using AWS SNS to send SMS to mobile.
I can see S3 Delivery Status upload on S3 Option is there. But for that, I have to run batch daily. The report will almost delayed.
The Second Option I can see on Cloudwatch.
Is it possible from cloudwatch we can publish SQS event with logs detail So that I can write SQS subscriber to fetch the message delivery status? or if any other option available which I have not explored so far please let me know.
I am using Java and aws-java-sdk to fetch detail.
Please Note I have gone through the document but unable to find something useful.
Any Suggestion is welcome.
Please I have gone through document but unable to find

To get SMS delivery status you have to do the following
Enable 'Delivery status logging' to AWS Cloudwatch More Info
set permission for the user (used in script) to access the AWS Cloudwatch log
Read the log entry from cloudwatch with awssdk.
See the below PHP code which I am using in my project, you can refer this to a create java code
require 'inc/awsSdkForPhp/aws-autoloader.php';
$params = array(
'credentials' => array(
'key' => '<YOUR KEY>',
'secret' => '<YOUR SECRET>',
'region' => 'us-east-1', // your aws from SNS region
'version' => 'latest'
$cwClient = new \Aws\CloudWatchLogs\CloudWatchLogsClient($params);
$queryRes = $cwClient->startQuery([
'endTime' => 1621231180, // UNIX TIMESTAMP
'logGroupName' => 'sns/us-east-1/***/DirectPublishToPhoneNumber', // YOUR LOG GROUP NAME
'queryString' => 'fields #timestamp, status, #message
| filter notification.messageId="5a419afc-c4b3-55b3-85f9-c3e7676b2dd2"', // YOUR MESSAGE ID
'startTime' => 1620954551 // START UNIX TIMESTAMP
$qryID = $queryRes->get('queryId');
sleep(3); // To wait the execution to be completed.
$resultObj = $cwClient->getQueryResults(array(
'queryId' => $qryID, // REQUIRED
//echo "<pre>";print_r($resultObj);echo "</pre>";
$result = $resultObj->get('results');
$jsnRs = json_decode($result[0][2]['value']); // TO get the delivery array
echo "<br>status :".$jsnRs->status;
echo "<br>phone Carrier :".$jsnRs->delivery->phoneCarrier;
echo "<br>provider Response :".$jsnRs->delivery->providerResponse;
echo "<pre>";print_r($jsnRs);echo "</pre>";
I believe it will help someone

we can use lamda to readlogs from awscloudwatch by watch awscloudwatch events.


Can I create Slack subscriptions to an AWS SNS topic?

I'm trying to create a SNS topic in AWS and subscribe a lambda function to it that will send notifications to Slack apps/users.
I did read this article -
that describes how to do it using this lambda code:
import urllib3
import json
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
def lambda_handler(event, context):
url = ""
msg = {
"channel": "#CHANNEL_NAME",
"username": "WEBHOOK_USERNAME",
"text": event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'],
"icon_emoji": ""
encoded_msg = json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8')
resp = http.request('POST',url, body=encoded_msg)
"message": event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'],
"status_code": resp.status,
but the problem is, that in that implementation I have to create a lambda function for every user.
I want to subscribe multiple Slack apps/users to one SNS topic.
Is there a way of doing that without creating a lambda function for each one?
You really DON'T need Lambda. Just SNS and SLACK are enough.
I found a way to integrate AWS SNS with slack WITHOUT AWS Lambda or AWS chatbot. With this approach you can confirm the subscription easily.
Follow the video which show all the step clearly.
Steps to follow:
Create slack channel or use existing channel
Create a work flow with selecting Webhook
Create a variable name as "SubscribeURL". The name
is very important
Add the above variable in the message body of the
workflow Publish the workflow and get the url
Add the above Url as subscription of the SNS You will see the subscription URL in the
slack channel
Follow the URl and complete the subscription
Come back to the work flow and change the "SubscribeURL" variable to "Message"
The publish the
message in SNS. you will see the message in the slack channel.
Hi i would say you should go for a for loop and make a list of all the users. Either manually state them in the lambda or get them with api call from slack e.g. this one here:
import urllib3
import json
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
def lambda_handler(event, context):
userlist = ["name1", "name2"]
for user in userlist:
url = ""
msg = {
"channel": "#" + user, # not sure if the hash has to be here
"username": "WEBHOOK_USERNAME",
"text": event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'],
"icon_emoji": ""
encoded_msg = json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8')
resp = http.request('POST',url, body=encoded_msg)
"message": event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'],
"status_code": resp.status,
Another solution you can do is set up email for the slack users, see link:
When you can just add the emails as subscribers to the sns topic. You can fileter the msg that the receiver gets with Subscription filter policy.

Unable to implement logstash pipeline for kaka as input and s3 as output with each message persisted as individual file

How can I create logstash ( pipeline to transfer a single individual message to AWS s3 bucket individual files with the file name as one of the attributes of Kafka message.
I am able to set up a simple pipeline using the following.
I am using s3 output plugin:
and Kafka input plugin :
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "mykafkaserver:9092"
topics => "document"
group_id => "xLogAna1"
auto_offset_reset => "earliest"
max_poll_records => 1
output {
access_key_id => "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
secret_access_key => "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
region => "eu-west-1"
bucket => "<my-documnt-bucket>"
size_file => 1
time_file => 5
codec => "plain"
Since I want individual messages in individual files i tweaked the parameters max_poll_records and fetch_max_bytes to get individual messages but it's no help. In resultant s3 files, i am getting numerous kafka messages

How to get the AWS S3 bucket location via PHP api call?

I am searching on the internet on how can I get the AWS s3 bucket region with an API call or directly in PHP using their library but have not luck finding the info.
I have the following info available:
Account credentials, bucket name, access key + secret. That is for multiple buckets, that I have access to, and I need to get the region programatically, so logging in to aws console and checking out is not an option.
Assuming you have an instance of the AWS PHP Client in $client, you should be able to find the location with $client->getBucketLocation().
Here is some example code:
$result = $client->getBucketLocation([
'Bucket' => 'yourBucket',
The result will look like this
'LocationConstraint' => 'the-region-of-your-bucket',
When you create a S3 client, you can use any of the available regions in AWS, even if it's not one that you use.
$s3Client = new Aws\S3\S3MultiRegionClient([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'credentials' => [
'key' => $accessKey,
'secret' => $secretKey,
$region = $s3Client->determineBucketRegion($bucketname);

Send an Email Using the AWS SDK for PHP

I am trying to set up email using AWS SDK for PHP, so far unsuccessfully. I have done the following:
verified my domain and recipient email addresses.
Generated my AWS access key
3.installed pHP version 7.0.25
4.installed nstall the AWS SDK for PHP version 3.
Created a shared credentials file.
The documentation instructs that I need to save this file to the following location: "~/.aws/credentials" (I am using MAC)
My question is i do not have ".aws" folder, so I created one (hidden aws directory) in my home directory and then saved my "credentials" file in there(containing by access key credentials). I am getting the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Aws\Exception\CredentialsException: Error
retrieving credentials from the instance profile metadata server. (Client
error: `GET
credentials/` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"htt (truncated...)
) in /home/ec2-user/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ec2-user/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(203):
#1 /home/ec2-user/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(156):
GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::callHandler(2, Array, Array)
#2 /home/ec2-user/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/TaskQueue.php(47):
#3 /home/ec2-
GuzzleHttp\Promise\TaskQueue- in /home/ec2-user/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-
php/src/Credentials/InstanceProfileProvider.php on line 79
PHP script executed in the terminal (as described by aws:
// Replace path_to_sdk_inclusion with the path to the SDK as described in
// Replace with your "From" address.
// This address must be verified with Amazon SES.
define('SENDER', '');
// Replace with a "To" address. If your account
// is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified.
define('RECIPIENT', '');
// Specify a configuration set. If you do not want to use a configuration
// set, comment the following variable, and the
// 'ConfigurationSetName' => CONFIGSET argument below.
// Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES.
define('SUBJECT','Amazon SES test (AWS SDK for PHP)');
define('HTMLBODY','<h1>AWS Amazon Simple Email Service Test Email</h1>'.
'<p>This email was sent with <a
'Amazon SES</a> using the <a href="
'AWS SDK for PHP</a>.</p>');
define('TEXTBODY','This email was send with Amazon SES using the AWS SDK for
use Aws\Ses\SesClient;
use Aws\Ses\Exception\SesException;
$client = SesClient::factory(array(
'version'=> 'latest',
'region' => REGION
try {
$result = $client->sendEmail([
'Destination' => [
'ToAddresses' => [
'Message' => [
'Body' => [
'Html' => [
'Charset' => CHARSET,
'Data' => HTMLBODY,
'Text' => [
'Charset' => CHARSET,
'Data' => TEXTBODY,
'Subject' => [
'Charset' => CHARSET,
'Data' => SUBJECT,
'Source' => SENDER,
// If you are not using a configuration set, comment or delete the
// following line
'ConfigurationSetName' => CONFIGSET,
$messageId = $result->get('MessageId');
echo("Email sent! Message ID: $messageId"."\n");
} catch (SesException $error) {
echo("The email was not sent. Error message: ".$error-
First, you do not manually create ~/.aws/credentials. Let the AWS CLI do this for you.
Install the CLI: pip install awscli --upgrade
Delete the credentials file that you created.
Configure the CLI and credentials: aws configure
Your credentials are now setup correctly.
The error message that you received is caused by the PHP SDK trying to get the credentials from the EC2 Instance Metadata. This was failing as you have not configured an IAM Role to this system. This also means that the credentials are not stored correctly in your profile (~/.aws/credentials).
Note: The better method is to NOT store credentials on your EC2 instances. Instead create an IAM Role and assign that role to the EC2 instance. All AWS SDKs know know how to extract the credentials from the instance metadata.
IAM Roles for Amazon EC2

Location to put credentials file for AWS PHP SDK

I created an EC2 Ubuntu instance.
The following is working using the AWS 2.6 SDK for PHP:
$client = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'key' => 'xxx',
'secret' => 'xxx',
'region' => 'eu-west-1'
I created a credentials file in ~/.aws/credentials.
I put this in /home/ubuntu/.aws/credentials
Trying the following does not work and gives an InstanceProfileCredentialsException :
$client = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'profile' => 'default',
'region' => 'eu-west-1'
There is a user www-data and a user ubuntu.
In what folder should I put the credentials file?
One solution to set the credentials is:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/envvars
add environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxx"
sudo service apache2 restart
After that the following works:
$client = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'region' => 'eu-west-1'
If you are calling the API from an EC2 instance, you should use IAM roles.
Using IAM roles is the preferred technique for providing credentials
to applications running on Amazon EC2. IAM roles remove the need to
worry about credential management from your application. They allow an
instance to "assume" a role by retrieving temporary credentials from
the EC2 instance's metadata server. These temporary credentials, often
referred to as instance profile credentials, allow access to the
actions and resources that the role's policy allows.
This is way too late, but the solution I found for shared servers where you can't actually use environment vars is to define a custom ini file location, like this:
require (__DIR__.'/AWSSDK/aws-autoloader.php');
use Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
$profile = 'default';
$path = '/path/to/credentials';
$provider = CredentialProvider::ini($profile, $path);
$provider = CredentialProvider::memoize($provider);
$client = new \Aws\S3\S3Client([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => 'us-west-2',
'credentials' => $provider
Note that you could even define different profiles with this method.
Documentation HERE
I have a non-EC2 server that accesses SQS and needs credentials. I can't use envvars because there are various people with differing rights who run on this server and envvars is global. For the same reason I don't think I can use an AWS credential file stored under a user's home (although I also couldn't figure out how to make that work for user www-data.)
What I have done is set up a small file AWS_Creds.php
define ("AWS_KEY", "MY KEY HERE");
define ("AWS_SECRET", "MY SECRET");
The file is stored outside of the webroot and included with include ('ABSOLUTEPATH/AWS_Creds.php') and I include the hard wired reference to the client factory.
Elegant? No. Done? Yes.
I forgot to mention: I gitignore AWS_Creds.php so that it doesn't go into our repo.
basicly you can use like this :
$client = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'key' => 'aws_key',
'secret' => 'aws_secret',
'region' => 'us-east-1'
but in documentation :
Starting with the AWS SDK for PHP version 2.6.2, you can use an AWS credentials file to specify your credentials. This is a special, INI-formatted file stored under your HOME directory, and is a good way to manage credentials for your development environment. The file should be placed at ~/.aws/credentials, where ~ represents your HOME directory.
and usage :
$dynamoDbClient = DynamoDbClient::factory(array(
'profile' => 'project1',
'region' => 'us-west-2',
more info :
After watch the source code Credential.php in aws/aws-sdk-php/src,
php can not directly access /root folder in default. You can write $_SERVER['HOME']=[your new home path] in your php, and put the credential file in newHomePath/.aws/credentials.
use Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client;
$credentials = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials('Your Access Key',
'Your Secret Key'); // Place here both key
$ec2Client = new Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => 'ap-south-1',
'credentials' => $credentials
$result = $ec2Client->describeKeyPairs();
echo '<pre>';
Reference site :