How to deploy our own TensorFlow Object Detection Model in amazon Sagemaker? - amazon-web-services

I have my own trained TF Object Detection model. If I try to deploy/implement the same model in AWS Sagemaker. It was not working.
I have tried TensorFlowModel() in Sagemaker. But there is an argument called entrypoint- how to create that .py file for prediction?

entrypoint is a argument which contains the file name,which means,once you create a endpoint and try to predict the image using the invoke endpoint api. the instance will be created based on you mentioned and it will go to the script and execute the process.
Link : Documentation for tensor-flow model deployment in amazon sage-maker
The inference script must contain a methods input_handler and output_handler or handler which will cover both the function in script, this for pre and post processing of your image.
Example for Deploying the tensor flow model
In the above link, i have mentioned a medium post, this will be helpful for your doubts.


Error when invoking pre-trained model: NotFittedError("Vocabulary not fitted or provided")

I'm new to AWS SageMaker and I'm trying to deploy a simple pre-trained model to SageMaker to create endpoint and then make predictions.
The model is a sklearn linear regression model, the input is a vectorized sparse matrix, derived from a string of text (customer's review), and output the star-rating value (1 to 5).
I have trained the model locally and export its artifact to a model.joblib file.
Then I configure the file to zip it together with the model.joblib file into a model.tar.gz file, which is then uploaded to S3 for model registration and endpoint creation.
However, when I invoke the endpoint on a sample text, the following error is returned in the CloudWatch log:
File "/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/feature_extraction/", line 498, in _check_vocabulary
raise NotFittedError("Vocabulary not fitted or provided")
I understand that this means SageMaker is complaining about the trained model artifact being not fitted, and there is no problem with other parts (such as the file). However the pre-trained model was fitted before exporting.
I'm not sure which part was wrong, so I didn't upload any more codes not to cluster.
Thank you.

VertexAI Batch Inference Failing for Custom Container Model

I'm having trouble executing VertexAI's batch inference, despite endpoint deployment and inference working perfectly. My TensorFlow model has been trained in a custom Docker container with the following arguments:
command=["python3", ""],
I have a Flask endpoint defined for predict and health essentially defined below:
def health_check_batch():
return 200"/predict")
def predict_batch(request_body: dict):
pred_df = pd.DataFrame(request_body['instances'],
columns = request_body['parameters']['columns'])
# do some model inference things
return {"predictions": predictions.tolist()}
As described, when training a model and deploying to an endpoint, I can successfully hit the API with JSON schema like:
{"instances":[[1,2], [1,3]], "parameters":{"columns":["first", "second"]}}
This also works when using the endpoint Python SDK and feeding in instances/parameters as functional arguments.
However, I've tried performing batch inference with a CSV file and a JSONL file, and every time it fails with an Error Code 3. I can't find logs on why it failed in Logs Explorer either. I've read through all the documentation I could find and have seen other's successfully invoke batch inference, but haven't been able to find a guide. Does anyone have recommendations on batch file structure or the structure of my APIs? Thank you!

Pytorch models deployment to sagemaker

I have trained my yolov5 model, and have, now I need to deploy it using sagemaker, for that I need to create an endpoint.
I'm following this tutoriel
Since I'm working using images I'm trying to customise input_fn,output_fn functions but unfortunately when I run inference I always get errors, my question is what logic should I follow in order to customise these functions ?
Each of these functions have a different purpose. Using the input_fn you want to prepare your input for what your model is expecting. Using the model_fn you want to load up your pytorch model. Using the predict_fn you want to have your predict/inference function code. Using output_fn you can shape the output that you return from your endpoint. Check out this article for an understanding of each of these handlers more in depth as well as examples:

After training in AI Platform, where can I find model.bst or other model file?

I trained a XGBoost model using AI Platform as here.
Now I have the choice in the Console to download the model, as follows (but not Deploy it, since "Only models trained with built-in algorithms can be deployed from this page"). So, I click to download.
However, in the bucket the only file I see is a tar, as follows.
That tar (directory tree follows) holds only some training code, and not a model.bst, model.pkl, or model.joblib, or other such model file.
Where do I find model.bst or the like, which I can deploy?
Following the answer, below, we see that the "Download model" button is misleading as it sends us to the job directory, not the output directory (which is set arbitrarily in the codel the model is at census_data_20210527_215945/model.bst )
bucket = storage.Client().bucket(BUCKET_ID)
blob = bucket.blob('{}/{}'.format('census_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'),
Only in-build algorithms automatically store the model in Google Cloud storage.
In your case, you have a custom training application.
You have to take care of saving the model on your own.
Referring to your example this is implemented as listed here.
The model is uploaded to Google Cloud Storage using the cloud storage client.

Beginners guide to Sagemaker

I have followed an Amazon tutorial for using SageMaker and have used it to create the model in the tutorial (
This is my first time using SageMaker, so my question may be stupid.
How do you actually view the model that it has created? I want to be able to see a) the final formula created with the parameters etc. b) graphs of plotted factors etc. as if I was reviewing a GLM for example.
Thanks in advance.
If you followed the SageMaker tutorial you must have trained an XGBoost model. SageMaker places the model artifacts in a bucket that you own, check the output S3 location in the AWS SageMaker console.
For more information about XGBoost you can check the AWS SageMaker documentation and the example notebooks, e.g.
To consume the XGBoost artifact generated by SageMaker, check out the official documentation, which contains the following code:
# SageMaker XGBoost uses the Python pickle module to serialize/deserialize
# the model, which can be used for saving/loading the model.
# To use a model trained with SageMaker XGBoost in open source XGBoost
# Use the following Python code:
import pickle as pkl
model = pkl.load(open(model_file_path, 'rb'))
# prediction with test data
pred = model.predict(dtest)