Legacy Print driver is fuzzy - c++

We have an old Print driver which takes a document and sends PCL to the spooler. The client then processes this PCL and displays everything as TIFF. Our users have been complaining that the TIFF is fuzzy and the image is not sharp. I am given this stupid task of solving the mystery
Is the PCL itself bad. I don't have enough knowledge about a PCL and if it has resolution. How do I trap the output of a driver that's being sent to the spooler?
Or is it the client that is somehow not rendering the PCL with a good resolution. Do I need to go through the pain of learning how to debug this driver. I will but is it going to help me fix a resolution issue. I have never done driver development so its going to be a curve for me. But if I need to do then thats ok. Where should I start? Is the PCL thats bad or the client that converts PCL to bitmap bad?
This is the C++ code
BOOL firstPage,
char *pageText
Routine Description:
Creates standard PCL end-of-document lines.
SURFOBJ - Surface Object
BOOL - First Page ?
char * Page Text
Return Value:
BOOL - True if successful
PDEVOBJ pDevObj = (PDEVOBJ)pso->dhpdev;
DWORD dwOffset = 0;
DWORD dwWritten = 0;
DWORD dwPageBufferSize = 0;
int i = 0;
ULONG n = 0;
BYTE bitmapRow[1050];
BYTE compRow[2100];
DWORD dwRowSize = 0;
DWORD dwCompPCLBitmapSize = 0;
//wchar_t traceBuff[256];
pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize = 0;
// TRACE OUT ----------------------------------------------------
//ZeroMemory(traceBuff, 256);
//StringCchPrintf(traceBuff, 256, L"Top of CreatePCLRasterGraphicPage");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Invert color
for (n = 0; n < pso->cjBits; n++)
*(((PBYTE &)pso->pvBits) + n) ^= 0xFF;
// compress each row and store in a buffer with PCL line headings
for (i = 0; i < pso->sizlBitmap.cy; i++) {
// Zero Memory hack for bottom of form black line
if (*(((PBYTE &)pso->pvScan0) + (i * pso->lDelta) + 319) == 0xFF)
ZeroMemory(((PBYTE &)pso->pvScan0) + (i * pso->lDelta), 320);
// Copy the bitmap scan line into bitmapRow and send them off to be compressed
ZeroMemory(bitmapRow, 1050);
ZeroMemory(compRow, 2100);
MoveMemory(bitmapRow, ((PBYTE &)pso->pvScan0) + (i * pso->lDelta), pso->lDelta);
dwRowSize = CompressBitmapRow(compRow, bitmapRow, pso->lDelta);
// Create PCL Row Heading
char bufPCLLineHead[9];
StringCchPrintfA(bufPCLLineHead, 9, "%c%s%d%s", 27, "*b", dwRowSize, "W");
if ((dwCompPCLBitmapSize + dwRowSize + strlen(bufPCLLineHead))
> pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize) {
if (!GrowCompBitmapBuf(pOemPDEV)) {
//ZeroMemory(traceBuff, 256);
//StringCchPrintf(traceBuff, 256,
// L"Compressed bitmap buffer could not allocate more memory.");
if (pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart) {
// write the PCL line heading to the buffer
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart + dwCompPCLBitmapSize,
bufPCLLineHead, strlen(bufPCLLineHead));
dwCompPCLBitmapSize += strlen(bufPCLLineHead);
// write the compressed row to the buffer
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart + dwCompPCLBitmapSize,
compRow, dwRowSize);
dwCompPCLBitmapSize += dwRowSize;
// Calculate size and create buffer
dwPageBufferSize = 21;
if (!firstPage)
bGrowBuffer(pOemPDEV, dwPageBufferSize);
// Add all Raster Header Lines
if (!firstPage)
// Add a Form Feed
char bufFormFeed[2];
StringCchPrintfA(bufFormFeed, 2, "%c", 12); // 1 char
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pBufStart + dwOffset, bufFormFeed, 2);
dwOffset += 1;
// Position cursor at X0, Y0
char bufXY[8];
StringCchPrintfA(bufXY, 8, "%c%s", 27, "*p0x0Y"); // 7 chars
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pBufStart + dwOffset, bufXY, 8);
dwOffset += 7;
// Start Raster Graphics
char bufStartRas[6];
StringCchPrintfA(bufStartRas, 6, "%c%s", 27, "*r1A"); // 5 chars
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pBufStart + dwOffset, bufStartRas, 6);
dwOffset += 5;
// Raster Encoding - Run-Length Encoding
char bufRasEncoding[6];
StringCchPrintfA(bufRasEncoding, 6, "%c%s", 27, "*b1M"); // 5 chars
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pBufStart + dwOffset, bufRasEncoding, 6);
dwOffset += 5;
// Write out bitmap header PCL
dwWritten = pDevObj->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(pDevObj, pOemPDEV->pBufStart, dwPageBufferSize);
// Write out PCL plus compressed bitmap bytes
dwWritten = pDevObj->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(pDevObj, pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart, dwCompPCLBitmapSize);
// End Raster Graphics
char bufEndRas[5];
StringCchPrintfA(bufEndRas, 5, "%c%s", 27, "*rB"); // 4 chars
MoveMemory(pOemPDEV->pBufStart + dwOffset, bufEndRas, 5);
// Write out PCL end bitmap
dwWritten = pDevObj->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(pDevObj, bufEndRas, 4);
// Free Compressed Bitmap Memory
if (pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart) {
pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart = NULL;
pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize = 0;
dwPageBufferSize = 0;
// Free Memory
// Write Page Text to the spooler
size_t charCount = 0;
StringCchLengthA(pageText, 32767, &charCount);
char bufWriteText[15];
ZeroMemory(bufWriteText, 15);
StringCchPrintfA(bufWriteText, 15, "%c%s%d%s", 27, "(r", charCount, "W");
dwWritten = pDevObj->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(pDevObj, bufWriteText, strlen(bufWriteText));
dwWritten = pDevObj->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(pDevObj, pageText, charCount);
return TRUE;
Routine Description:
Grows memory by 1000 bytes (per call) to hold compressed
bitmap and PCL data.
POEMPDEV - Pointer to the private PDEV structure
Return Value:
BOOL - True is successful
DWORD dwOldBufferSize = 0;
PBYTE pNewBuffer = NULL;
dwOldBufferSize = pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart ? pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize : 0;
pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize = dwOldBufferSize + 4096;
pNewBuffer = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize);
if (pNewBuffer == NULL) {
pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart = NULL;
pOemPDEV->dwCompBitmapBufSize = 0;
return FALSE;
if (pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart) {
CopyMemory(pNewBuffer, pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart, dwOldBufferSize);
pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart = pNewBuffer;
else {
pOemPDEV->pCompBitmapBufStart = pNewBuffer;
return TRUE;
RLE encoding (I have not had a chance to add this yet). I was looking at different forums as how the code should like and this is what I came up with. I will add, test the document and update the post
public virtual sbyte[] decompressRL(sbyte[] data, int startOffset, int width, int count)
/*type 1 compression*/
int dataCount = count;
List<sbyte> decompressed = new List<sbyte>();
int numberOfDecompressedBytes = 0;
int dataStartOffset = startOffset;
while (dataCount-- > 0)
int cntrlByte = (int) data[dataStartOffset++];
// Repeated pattern
int val = data[dataStartOffset++];
while (cntrlByte >= 0)
decompressed.Insert(numberOfDecompressedBytes++, new sbyte?((sbyte) val));
mMaxUncompressedByteCount = numberOfDecompressedBytes;
return getBytes(decompressed);
This is how fuzzy the users claim that the image looks. This is when printed from a word document to the driver. The original is very clear.


VP8 C/C++ source, how to encode frames in ARGB format to frame instead of from file

I'm trying to get started with the VP8 library, I'm not building it in the standard way they tell you to, I just loaded all of the main files and the "encoder" folder into a new Visual Studio C++ DLL project, and just included the C files in an extern "C" dll export function, which so far builds fine etc., I just have no idea where to start with the C++ API to encode, say, 3 frames of ARGB data into a very basic video, just to get started
The only example I could find is in the examples folder called simple_encoder.c, although their premise is that they are loading in another file already and parsing its frames then converting it, so it seems a bit complicated, I just want to be able to pass in a byte array of a few ARGB frames and have it output a very simple VP8 video
I've seen How to encode series of images into VP8 using WebM VP8 Encoder API? (C/C++) but the accepted answer just links to the build instructions and references the general specification of the vp8 format, the closest I could find there is the example encoding parameters but I just want to do everything from C++ and I can't seem to find any other examples, besides for the default one simple_encoder.c?
Just to cite some of the relevant parts I think I understand, but still need more help on
//in int main...
vpx_image_t raw;
if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, info.frame_width,
info.frame_height, 1)) {
//"Failed to allocate image." error
So that part I think I understand for the most part, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 is the only part that's not made in this file itself, but its in vpx_image.h, first as
//then after...
typedef enum vpx_img_fmt {
VPX_IMG_FMT_RGB24, /**< 24 bit per pixel packed RGB */
///some other formats....
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, /**< 32 bit packed ARGB, alpha=255 */
} vpx_img_fmt_t; /**< alias for enum vpx_img_fmt */
So I guess part of my question is answered already just from writing this, that one of the formats is VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, although I don't where where it's defined, but I'm guessing in the above code I would replace it with
const VpxInterface *encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name("v8");
vpx_image_t raw;
VpxVideoInfo info = { 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0 } };
info.frame_width = 1920;
info.frame_height = 1080;
info.codec_fourcc = encoder->fourcc;
info.time_base.numerator = 1;
info.time_base.denominator = 24;
bool didIt = vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB,
info.frame_width, info.frame_height/*example width and height*/, 1)
//check didIt..
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
vpx_codec_ctx_t codec;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//check if !res for error
cfg.g_w = info.frame_width;
cfg.g_h = info.frame_height;
cfg.g_timebase.num = info.time_base.numerator;
cfg.g_timebase.den = info.time_base.denominator;
cfg.rc_target_bitrate = 200;
VpxVideoWriter *writer = NULL;
writer = vpx_video_writer_open(outfile_arg, kContainerIVF, &info);
//check if !writer for error
bool startIt = vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//not even sure where codec was set actually..
//check !startIt for error starting
//now the next part in the original is where it reads from the input file, but instead
//I need to pass in an array of some ARGB byte arrays..
//thing is, in the next step they use a while loop for
//vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/YV12formatVideo", "rb"))
//to set the contents of the raw vpx image allocated earlier, then
//they call another program that writes it to the writer object,
//but I don't know how to read the actual ARGB data directly into the raw image
//without using fopen, so that's one question (review at end)
//so I'll just put a placeholder here for the **question**
//assuming I have an array of byte arrays stored individually
//for simplicity sake
int size = 1920 * 1080 * 4;
uint8_t imgOne[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgTwo[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgThree[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t *images[] = {imgOne, imgTwo, imgThree};
int framesDone = 0;
int maxFrames = 3;
//so now I can replace the while loop with a filler function
//until I find out how to set the raw image with ARGB data
while(framesDone < maxFrames) {
magicalFunctionToSetARGBOfRawImage(&raw, images[framesDone]);
encode_frame(&codec, &raw, framesDone, 0, writer);
//now apparently it needs to be flushed after
while(encode_frame(&codec, 0, -1, 0, writer)){}
bool isDestroyed = vpx_codec_destroy(&codec);
//check if !isDestroyed for error
//now we gotta define the encode_Frames function, but simpler
//(and make it above other function for reference purposes
//or in header
static int encode_frame(
vpx_codex_ctx_t *coydek,
vpx_image_t pic,
int currentFrame,
int flags,
VpxVideoWriter *koysayv/*writer*/
) {
//now to substitute their encodeFrame function for
//the actual raw calls to simplify things
const DidIt = vpx_codec_encode(
1,//duration I think
flags,//whatever that is
VPX_DL_REALTIME//different than simlpe_encoder
if(!DidIt) return;//error here
vpx_codec_iter_t iter = 0;
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = 0;
int gotThings = 0;
(pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(
)) != 0
) {
gotThings = 1;
== VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT //don't exactly
//understand this part
) {
keyframe = (
) != 0; //don'texactly understand the
//& operator here or how it gets the keyframe
bool wroteFrame = vpx_video_writer_write_frame(
//I'm guessing this is the encoded
//frame data
if(!wroteFrame) return; //error
return gotThings;
Thing is though, I don't know how to actually read the
ARGB data into the RAW image buffer itself, as mentioned
above, in the original example, they use
vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/file", "rb"))
but if I'm starting off with the byte arrays themselves
then what function do I use for that instead of the file?
I have a feeling it can be solved by the source code for the vpx_img_read found in tools_common.c function:
int vpx_img_read(vpx_image_t *img, FILE *file) {
int plane;
for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
unsigned char *buf = img->planes[plane];
const int stride = img->stride[plane];
const int w = vpx_img_plane_width(img, plane) *
((img->fmt & VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) ? 2 : 1);
const int h = vpx_img_plane_height(img, plane);
int y;
for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
if (fread(buf, 1, w, file) != (size_t)w) return 0;
buf += stride;
return 1;
although I personally am not experienced enough to necessarily know how to get a single frames ARGB data in, I think the key part is fread(buf, 1, w, file) which seems to read parts of file into buf which represents img->planes[plane];, which I think then by reading into buf that automatically reads into img->planes[plane];, but I'm not sure if that is the case, and also not sure how to replace the fread from file to just take in a bye array that is alreasy loaded into memory...
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB is not defined because not supported by libvpx (as far as I have seen). To compress an image using this library, you must first convert it to one of the supported format, like I420 (VPX_IMG_FMT_I420). The code here (not mine) : https://gist.github.com/racerxdl/8164330 do it well for the RGB format. If you don't want to use libswscale to make the conversion from RGB to I420, you can do things like this (this code convert a RGBA array of bytes to a I420 vpx_image that can be use by libvpx):
unsigned int tx = <width of your image>
unsigned int ty = <height of your image>
unsigned char *image = <array of bytes : RGBARGBA... of size ty*tx*4>
vpx_image_t *imageVpx = <result that must have been properly initialized by libvpx>
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_U ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_V ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = tx;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = tx;
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
unsigned char *planeY = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ];
unsigned char *planeU = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ];
unsigned char *planeV = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ];
unsigned char *planeA = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
for (unsigned int y=0; y<ty; y++)
if (!(y % 2))
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x+=2)
int r = *image++;
int g = *image++;
int b = *image++;
int a = *image++;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, (( 66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
*planeU++ = max(0, min(255, ((-38*r + -74*g + 112*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeV++ = max(0, min(255, ((112*r + -94*g + -18*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeA++ = a;
r = *image++;
g = *image++;
b = *image++;
a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x++)
int const r = *image++;
int const g = *image++;
int const b = *image++;
int const a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));

GDALWarpRegionToBuffer & Tiling when Dst Frame not strictly contained in Src Frame

I'm currently working with gdal api C/C++ and I'm facing an issue with gdal warp region to buffer functionality (WarpRegionToBuffer).
When my destination dataset is not strictly contained in the frame of my source dataset, the area where there should be no data values is filled with random data (see out_code.tif enclosed). However gdalwarp command line functionality, which also uses WarpRegionToBuffer function, does not seem to have this problem.
1/ Here is the code I use:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gdal.h"
#include "gdalwarper.h"
#include "cpl_conv.h"
int main(void)
std::string pathSrc = "in.dt1";
//these datas will be provided by command line
std::string pathDst = "out_code.tif";
double resolutionx = 0.000833333;
double resolutiony = 0.000833333;
//destination corner coordinates: top left (tl) bottom right (br)
float_t xtl = -1;
float_t ytl = 45;
float_t xbr = 2;
float_t ybr = 41;
//tile size defined by user
int tilesizex = 256;
int tilesizey = 256;
float width = std::ceil((xbr - xtl)/resolutionx);
float height = std::ceil((ytl - ybr)/resolutiony);
double adfDstGeoTransform[6] = {xtl, resolutionx, 0, ytl, 0, -resolutiony};
GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, hDstDS;
// Open input file
hSrcDS = GDALOpen(pathSrc.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
GDALDataType eDT = GDALGetRasterDataType(GDALGetRasterBand(hSrcDS,1));
// Create output file, using same spatial reference as input image, but new geotransform
GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( "GTiff" );
hDstDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, pathDst.c_str(), width, height, GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDS), eDT, NULL );
OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
char *pszWKT = NULL;
//force geo projection
oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );
oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszWKT );
GDALSetProjection( hDstDS, pszWKT );
//Fetches the coefficients for transforming between pixel/line (P,L) raster space,
//and projection coordinates (Xp,Yp) space.
GDALSetGeoTransform( hDstDS, adfDstGeoTransform );
// Setup warp options
GDALWarpOptions *psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();
psWarpOptions->hSrcDS = hSrcDS;
psWarpOptions->hDstDS = hDstDS;
psWarpOptions->nBandCount = 1;
psWarpOptions->panSrcBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[0] = 1;
psWarpOptions->panDstBands = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
psWarpOptions->panDstBands[0] = 1;
psWarpOptions->pfnProgress = GDALTermProgress;
//these datas will be calculated in order to warp tile by tile
//current tile size
int cursizex = 0;
int cursizey = 0;
double nbtilex = std::ceil(width/tilesizex);
double nbtiley = std::ceil(height/tilesizey);
int starttilex = 0;
int starttiley = 0;
// Establish reprojection transformer
psWarpOptions->pTransformerArg =
FALSE, 0.0, 1);
psWarpOptions->pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
// Initialize and execute the warp operation on region
GDALWarpOperation oOperation;
for (int ty = 0; ty < nbtiley; ty++) {
//handle last tile size
//if it last tile change size otherwise keep tilesize
for (int tx = 0; tx < nbtilex; tx++) {
//if it last tile change size otherwise keep tilesize
starttiley = ty * tilesizey;
starttilex = tx * tilesizex;
cursizex = std::min(starttilex + tilesizex, (int)width) - starttilex;
cursizey = std::min(starttiley + tilesizey, (int)height) - starttiley;
float * buffer = new float[cursizex*cursizey];
memset(buffer, 0, cursizex*cursizey);
//warp source
CPLErr ret = oOperation.WarpRegionToBuffer(
starttilex, starttiley, cursizex, cursizey,
if (ret != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("warp error");
//write the fuzed tile in dest
ret = GDALRasterIO(GDALGetRasterBand(hDstDS,1),
starttilex, starttiley, cursizex, cursizey,
buffer, cursizex, cursizey,
0, 0);
if (ret != 0) {
CEA_SIMONE_ERROR("raster io write error");
throw std::runtime_error("raster io write error");
// Clean memory
GDALDestroyGenImgProjTransformer( psWarpOptions->pTransformerArg );
GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWarpOptions );
GDALClose( hDstDS );
GDALClose( hSrcDS );
return 0;
The result:
output image of previous sample of code (as png, as I can't enclose TIF img)
The GdalWarp command line:
gdalwarp -te -1 41 2 45 -tr 0.000833333 0.000833333 in.dt1 out_cmd_line.tif
The command line result:
output image of previous command line (as png, as I can't enclose TIF img)
Can you please help me find what is wrong with my use of GDAL C/C++ API in order to have a similar behaviour as gdalwarp command line? There is probably an algorithm in gdalwarp that computes a mask of useful pixels in destination frame before calling WarpRegionToBuffer, but I didn't find it.
I would really appreciate help on this problem!
Best regards

Image Packing Using FreeImage C++ Library, Pixel Values of all images are not adding

I was trying to pack multiple images in a single image, using Bin Packing algorithm. In the part of adding images in a single image I was trying with collecting all the image pixel values and put them in the empty frame, but this is not working. Is there any suggestions?
Hi Edited the question,
` FIBITMAP *out_bmp = FreeImage_Allocate(4096, 4096, 32, 0, 0, 0);
BYTE *out_bits = FreeImage_GetBits(out_bmp);
int out_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(out_bmp);
// copy all the images to the final one
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
string s = "PathToFile" + files[i];
FIBITMAP* img0 = FreeImage_Load(FreeImage_GetFileType(s.c_str(), 0), s.c_str());
// make sure the input picture is 32-bits
if (FreeImage_GetBPP(img0) != 32) {
FIBITMAP *new_bmp = FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits(img0);
img0 = new_bmp;
int img_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(img0);
BYTE *img_bits = FreeImage_GetBits(img0);
BYTE *out_bits_ptr = out_bits + out_pitch *
FreeImage_GetHeight(img0) + 4 * FreeImage_GetWidth(img0);
for (int y = 0; y < FreeImage_GetHeight(img0); y += 1) {
memcpy(out_bits_ptr, img_bits, FreeImage_GetWidth(img0) * 4);
out_bits_ptr += out_pitch;
img_bits += img_pitch;

DirectShow ISampleGrabber: samples are upside-down and color channels reverse

I have to use MS DirectShow to capture video frames from a camera (I just want the raw pixel data).
I was able to build the Graph/Filter network (capture device filter and ISampleGrabber) and implement the callback (ISampleGrabberCB). I receive samples of appropriate size.
However, they are always upside down (flipped vertically that is, not rotated) and the color channels are BGR order (not RGB).
I tried setting the biHeight field in the BITMAPINFOHEADER to both positive and negative values, but it doesn't have any effect. According to MSDN documentation, ISampleGrapper::SetMediaType() ignores the format block for video data anyways.
Here is what I see (recorded with a different camera, not DS), and what DirectShow ISampleGrabber gives me: The "RGB" is actually in red, green and blue respectively:
Sample of the code I'm using, slightly simplified:
// Setting the media type...
AM_MEDIA_TYPE* media_type = 0 ;
this->ds.device_streamconfig->GetFormat(&media_type); // The IAMStreamConfig of the capture device
// Find the BMI header in the media type struct
if (media_type->formattype != FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
bmi_header = &((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)media_type->pbFormat)->bmiHeader;
} else if (media_type->formattype != FORMAT_VideoInfo2) {
bmi_header = &((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)media_type->pbFormat)->bmiHeader;
} else {
return false;
// Apply changes
media_type->subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
bmi_header->biWidth = width;
bmi_header->biHeight = height;
// Set format to video device
// Set format for sample grabber
// bmi_header->biHeight = -(height); // tried this for either and both interfaces, no effect
// Connect filter pins
IPin* out_pin= getFilterPin(this->ds.device_filter, OUT, 0); // IBaseFilter interface for the capture device
IPin* in_pin = getFilterPin(this->ds.sample_grabber_filter, IN, 0); // IBaseFilter interface for the sample grabber filter
out_pin->Connect(in_pin, media_type);
// Start capturing by callback
this->ds.sample_grabber->SetCallback(this, 1);
// start recording
this->ds.media_control->Run(); // IMediaControl interface
I'm checking return types for every function and don't get any errors.
I'm thankful for any hint or idea.
Things I already tried:
Setting the biHeight field to a negative value for either the capture device filter or the sample grabber or for both or for neither - doesn't have any effect.
Using IGraphBuilder to connect the pins - same problem.
Connecting the pins before changing the media type - same problem.
Checking if the media type was actually applied by the filter by querying it again - but it apparently is applied or at least stored.
Interpreting the image as total byte reversed (last byte first, first byte last) - then it would be flipped horizontally.
Checking if it's a problem with the video camera - when I test it with VLC (DirectShow capture) it looks normal.
My quick hack for this:
void Camera::OutputCallback(unsigned char* data, int len, void *instance_)
Camera *instance = reinterpret_cast<Camera*>(instance_);
int j = 0;
for (int i = len-4; i > 0; i-=4)
instance->buffer[j] = data[i];
instance->buffer[j + 1] = data[i + 1];
instance->buffer[j + 2] = data[i + 2];
instance->buffer[j + 3] = data[i + 3];
j += 4;
Transport::RTPPacket packet;
packet.payload = instance->buffer;
packet.payloadSize = len;
It's correct on RGB32 color space, for other color spaces this code need to be corrected
I noticed that when using the I420 color space turning disappears.
In addition, most current codecs (VP8) is used as a format raw I/O I420 color space.
I wrote a simple mirroring frame function in color space I420.
void Camera::OutputCallback(unsigned char* data, int len, uint32_t timestamp, void *instance_)
Camera *instance = reinterpret_cast<Camera*>(instance_);
Transport::RTPPacket packet;
packet.rtpHeader.ts = timestamp;
packet.payload = data;
packet.payloadSize = len;
if (instance->mirror)
Video::ResolutionValues rv = Video::GetValues(instance->resolution);
int k = 0;
// Chroma values
for (int i = 0; i != rv.height; ++i)
for (int j = rv.width; j != 0; --j)
int l = ((rv.width * i) + j);
instance->buffer[k++] = data[l];
// U values
for (int i = 0; i != rv.height/2; ++i)
for (int j = (rv.width/2); j != 0; --j)
int l = (((rv.width / 2) * i) + j) + rv.height*rv.width;
instance->buffer[k++] = data[l];
// V values
for (int i = 0; i != rv.height / 2; ++i)
for (int j = (rv.width / 2); j != 0; --j)
int l = (((rv.width / 2) * i) + j) + rv.height*rv.width + (rv.width/2)*(rv.height/2);
if (l == len)
instance->buffer[k++] = 0;
instance->buffer[k++] = data[l];
packet.payload = instance->buffer;

Get HBITMAPs For *ALL* Sizes and Depths of a File Type Icon (C++)

Compiler: MinGW/GCC
I'm trying to get the HICON of a file type based on what icon windows has registered for that file type, and then grab all of the HICON's images.
The problem is, I can't seem to get anything other than the 32x32 or 16x16 icon. Also, I've looked at GetIconInfoEx() but that function doesn't allow me to choose the icon size that I'm wanting, it just sort of arbitrarily pukes up whatever Windows feels like handing me at the time.
I want to at least have all of the 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 icons, but I would really enjoy being able to extract every size that's in the HICON that I pass in.
Here's the code I'm currently working with (copy and pasted most of this from the web and stitched it together):
HBITMAP GetFileTypeIcon(const char* ext, int type, int depth)
HICON hIcon;
SHFILEINFO sfi= {0};
int wh = 16;
wh = 16; flag|=SHGFI_SMALLICON;
wh = 32; flag|=SHGFI_LARGEICON;
wh = 48; flag|=SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX;
case FILE_ICON_SIZE_256:
wh = 256; flag|=SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX;
HRESULT hr = SHGetFileInfo(ext,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,&sfi,sizeof(sfi),flag);
if((type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_48) || (type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_256))
// THIS PART DOESN'T COMPILE: undeclared function/indentifiers
// HIMAGELIST* imageList;
// hr = SHGetImageList(((type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_256)?SHIL_JUMBO:SHIL_EXTRALARGE), IID_IImageList, (void**)&imageList);
// if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// //Get the icon we need from the list. Note that the HIMAGELIST we retrieved
// //earlier needs to be casted to the IImageList interface before use.
// hr = ((IImageList*)imageList)->GetIcon(sfi.iIcon, ILD_TRANSPARENT, &hIcon);
// }
// Convert to an HBITMAP (to get it out of the icon...)
HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
HBITMAP hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, wh, wh);
HGDIOBJ hOrgBMP = SelectObject(hMemDC, hMemBmp);
DrawIconEx(hMemDC, 0, 0, hIcon, wh, wh, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
SelectObject(hMemDC, hOrgBMP);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
return hMemBmp;
I don't even know what to do about color depths. I'll hazard a guess: make a DC that has a certain color depth (rather than just a compatible DC) and pass that into DrawIconEx()?
Edit: I answered my own question after much research/work.
See my answer below for a way to find and parse the raw icon data.
I basically had to do everything myself (with the help of the web, Stack Overflow, and several MSDN articles) so I think I'll just post my own solution here.
I ended up parsing the registry to find the locations of the icons of each previously registered file extension, since the API functions that should have easily gotten me the information I wanted have some... problems.
After that I spent several days manually observing the data formats at hand by observing output of an icon program, and with this information in hand I was able to construct an image loader.
I used Allegro game library to make dealing with BITMAP images easier - Win32/GDI is a bit too much to deal with and would have made the code exorbitantly messy.
Finding the Icon Location and Index:
(1) Look for extension under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, eg HKCR\.foo\(default) = "foofile"
(2) Default data of this is the next key to look at, eg HKCR\foofile\
(3) Default data here is the description eg HKCR\foofile\(default) = "Foo Document"
(4) The icon location may be in one of two places that I know of:
Either in HKCR\foofile\DefaultIcon\(default) or there may be an entry something like HKCR\foofile\CurVer\(default) = "foofile.1" which tells you to look at the key HKCR\foofile.1\DefaultIcon\(default) for the icon location.
Parsing the Icon Location String:
The string is simply a path followed by a comma, white space, possibly a negative sign, and a number indicating the "index" of the icon.
Here's the big gotcha: Let the icon index be N. If N is negative (might want to check for negative zeros!), it is a resource ID within the file specified. If N is positive, it means to find the N'th icon within the file, but the icon is not necessarily at resource ID number N.
Parsing Icon Structures Manually:
This is the bulk of the code and time spent, but it works beautifully. First off, here's the data formats for the various sections of color and mask data.
Data Block Formats:
32bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 4 byte ARGB values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
24bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 3 byte RGB values.
Tightly Packed (NO PADDING).
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
16bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 2 byte RGB values. 5 bits each with MSB = 0.
Tightly Packed (NO PADDING).
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
8bit ... Palette & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There *might* be up to 256 palette entries.
If number of colors is reported as zero, assume 256 color entires.
The Pixels are 1 byte index values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
4bit ... Palette & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There *might* be up to 16 palette entries.
If number of colors is reported as zero, assume 16 color entires.
The Pixels are nybble-length index values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
Mask Data:
Is a string of bytes with mask bits starting at MSB and going towards LSB.
There are ((imagewidth+31)>>5) DWORDS per row in *BIG ENDIAN* order.
Like the color data, there is a set of DWORDS for each row.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
Set unused padding bits/pixels at end of each row to 1.
0 indicates opaque and 1 indicates transparent.
1bit ... XOR Mask, AND Mask, & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There should be exactly 2 palette entries: usually 0x00000000 and 0x00FFFFFF.
The two masks follow the Mask Data format decribed above.
The following results from combining two mask bits:
0 0 Color #0 (Black)
0 1 Transparent
1 0 Color #1 (White)
1 1 Invert Destination Bitmap
Of course I wouldn't have left it at this. There's code to be had!
The following code will load up and convert all of the icon images for a given icon location to a vector of 32bpp BITMAPs. If loading a given image fails, it will simply just not be added to the vector (or, in the case of a corrupt icon, it will most likely generate a corrupted image, so be careful).
The code does not support the "invert" color in monochrome images, and will just generate a different color that still has zero alpha.
WARNING: Some psuedo-code is included to shorten things to just the essentials.
Icon Loader Code (Supports: EXE, DLL, 32bit ICL, ICO):
// Code written by Simion32.
// Please feel free to use it anywhere.
// Credit would be nice but isn't required.
#include "include.h" //std::vectors and whatever else you need
#include <allegro.h>
#include <winalleg.h> //Allegro and Win32
#include "Shellapi.h"
// In the following block, the (required!!) pragmas
// force correct data alignment. Needed in at least GCC.
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
typedef struct
BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
BYTE bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0)
WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes
WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel
DWORD dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource?
DWORD dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image?
typedef struct
WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0)
WORD idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons)
WORD idCount; // How many images?
ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em)
typedef struct
BITMAPINFOHEADER icHeader; // DIB header
RGBQUAD icColors[1]; // Color table
BYTE icXOR[1]; // DIB bits for XOR mask
BYTE icAND[1]; // DIB bits for AND mask
#pragma pack( pop)
#pragma pack( push, 2 )
typedef struct
BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
BYTE bReserved; // Reserved
WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes
WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel
DWORD dwBytesInRes; // total size of the RT_ICON resource referenced by the nID member.
WORD nID; // resourceID of RT_ICON (LockResource to obtain a pointer to its ICONIMAGE)
typedef struct
WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0)
WORD idType; // Resource type (1 for icons)
WORD idCount; // How many images?
GRPICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // The entries for each image
#pragma pack( pop )
uint32_t Convert16BitToARGB(uint16_t value)
return (0xFF000000|((value >> 7) & 0x0000F8)|((value << 6) & 0x00F800)|((value << 19) & 0xF80000));
uint32_t GetMaskBit(uint8_t* data, int x, int y, int w, int h)
uint32_t mask_data_rowsize = (((w+31)>>5) * 4);
return ((~(data[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) & 1) * 0xFFFFFFFF);
uint32_t GetColorMonochrome(uint8_t* xordata, uint8_t* anddata, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t* pal)
uint32_t mask_data_rowsize = (((w+31)>>5) * 4);
uint32_t xor_bit = (((xordata[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) << 1) & 2);
uint32_t and_bit = (((anddata[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) ) & 1);
uint32_t value = (xor_bit | and_bit);
return pal[value];
BITMAP* CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(void* data, int size, int depth, int w, int h, int colors)
char* pngheader = "\211PNG\r\n\032\n";
char* cpd = (char*)data;
bool is_png = ((cpd[0]==pngheader[0])
&& (cpd[1]==pngheader[1])
&& (cpd[2]==pngheader[2])
&& (cpd[3]==pngheader[3])
&& (cpd[4]==pngheader[4])
&& (cpd[5]==pngheader[5])
&& (cpd[6]==pngheader[6])
&& (cpd[7]==pngheader[7]));
//# PSEUDO-CODE: Somehow convert the PNG file into a bitmap.
BITMAP* result = ConvertPngFileToBmp32bpp(data, size);
return result;
uint32_t ignore_size = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biSize;
BITMAP* bmp = create_bitmap_ex(32,w,h);
uint32_t pixel_count = (w * h);
uint32_t color_data_size = ((((((w * depth)+7) >> 3) +3) & ~3) * h);
default: return bmp; break;
case 32:
uint32_t* src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
//There should never be any padding to jump over here.
return bmp;
case 24:
uint32_t* src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,((src[0] & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)-1); //go back a byte due to packing
padding_checker += 3;
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)+1);
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 16:
//Note: there might be a color table present! ignore it.
uint16_t* src = (uint16_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,Convert16BitToARGB(src[0]) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
padding_checker += 2;
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
src = (uint16_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)+1);
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 8:
if(colors > 256) colors = 256; //Color Count must be restricted to 256 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 256; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 256.
uint8_t* src = (((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint32_t* pal = ((uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
uint8_t color = src[0];
if(color < colors){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,(pal[color] | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 4:
if(colors > 16) colors = 16; //Color Count must be restricted to 16 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 16; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 16.
uint8_t* src = (((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint32_t* pal = ((uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
uint8_t color = src[0];
if(xx & 1) color = ( color & 0x0F);
else color = ((color >> 4) & 0x0F);
if(color < colors){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,(pal[color] | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
if(xx & 1)
padding_checker &= 3;
//if the pointer hasn't incremented to the next byte yet, do so.
if(w & 1) //odd width
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 1:
if(colors > 2) colors = 2; //Color Count must be restricted to 2 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 2; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 2.
uint32_t* pal = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
uint8_t* bitmaskXOR = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint8_t* bitmaskAND = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
uint32_t ret_colors[4] = {pal[0]|0xFF000000, 0x00FF00FF, pal[1]|0xFF000000, 0x0000FF00};
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,GetColorMonochrome(bitmaskXOR, bitmaskAND, xx, yy, w, h, ret_colors));
return bmp;
return bmp;
vector< BITMAP* > ResourceToBitmapVector(HMODULE hm, HRSRC hr, bool is_group_icon)
vector< BITMAP* > results;
HGLOBAL hg = LoadResource(hm,hr);
GRPICONDIR* gd = (GRPICONDIR*)LockResource(hg);
if(gd->idType == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < gd->idCount; ++i)
//WARNING: The GRPICONDIRENTRY's data might be wrong!
HRSRC ihr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(ie->nID),RT_ICON);
if(ihr != NULL)
HGLOBAL ihg = LoadResource(hm,ihr);
void* data = (void*)LockResource(ihg);
DWORD size = SizeofResource(hm,ihr);
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
HGLOBAL ihg = LoadResource(hm,hr);
void* data = (void*)LockResource(ihg);
DWORD size = SizeofResource(hm,hr);
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
return results;
vector< BITMAP* > IconFileToBitmapVector(void* icon_data, uint32_t icon_size)
vector< BITMAP* > results;
ICONDIR* gd = (ICONDIR*)icon_data;
if(gd->idType == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < gd->idCount; ++i)
//WARNING: The ICONDIRENTRY's data might be wrong!
DWORD offset = gd->idEntries[i].dwImageOffset;
DWORD size = gd->idEntries[i].dwBytesInRes;
void* data = (void*)(((uint8_t*)icon_data) + ((uint32_t)offset));
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
return results;
vector< BITMAP* > UnearthIconResource(string& file, bool self_refrence, bool res_index, int index)
//prevents a negative indexing error
// (the boolean res_index handles whether it's icon index VS resource ID)
index = abs(index);
vector< BITMAP* > results; //array of results to return (pointers to 32bpp images)
//extract and 'demangle' the file extension by convertng to lowercase.
string ext = get_file_extension(file.c_str());
for(int i = 0; i < ext.size(); ++i) ext[i] = tolower(ext[i]);
bool is_icl = false;
if((ext == "exe") || (ext == "dll") || (ext == "scr") || (is_icl = (ext == "icl")))
// Portable Executable Resource (works for both DLL and EXE)
// Also works for any 32bit Icon Library (Microangelo Studio?)
HMODULE hm = LoadLibraryEx(file.c_str(), NULL,
if(hm != NULL)
//The icon we want is at the resource ID (==index)
bool is_single_icon = false;
hr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(index),RT_GROUP_ICON);
if(hr == NULL)
hr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(index),RT_ICON);
is_single_icon = (hr != NULL);
if(hr != NULL)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, !is_single_icon);
//The icon we want is the (index)'th icon in the file
//We must preform a manual search for the resource ID!
//WARNING: Using EnumResourceNames() *DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY* for this.
for(int nicon = 0, i = 0; i < 0x8000; ++i)
bool is_single_icon = false;
if(hr != NULL)
if(nicon == index)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, true);
//The icon we want is the "first" icon in the file.
//Happens when location is a %1.
//We must preform a manual search for the resource ID!
//WARNING: Using EnumResourceNames() *DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY* for this.
for(int i = 0; i < 0x8000; ++i)
bool is_single_icon = false;
if(hr != NULL)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, true);
else /*if(is_icl)
{//OH NOES. We have to load a *16bit* .icl file!
//not supported yet. sorry. left as another excecise to the programmer.
else if(ext == "ico")
//Single Icon File
//# PSEUDO-CODE: Do the file loading yourself ;)
void* data_pointer = NULL;
uint32_t data_size = 0;
if(data_pointer = MyLoadFile(file.c_str(), &data_size))
results = IconFileToBitmapVector((void*)data_pointer, data_size);
return results;
I think that almost covers it all...
One last thing I should mention: Be sure to ignore the size and bit depth information coming from the icon directory entries. They can often be wrong. I've seen a few 256-color images reported as 24bit, causing data corruption inside the image loader.
Wow, talk about reinventing the wheel!
With all due respect, this code is so bloated for nothing. I (and probably thousands of others) achieved the exact same result with 1/10 of this code. Also, this solution contains many inaccuracies.
Here's a quick run-down:
Why parse the registry manually? You state the API has some problems; like what? I've used reg parsing API extensively and never had a problem! The Indexing vs ResID logic is correct though.
Why do all the icon to bitmap conversions manually? This can be achieved with 3 to 5 lines of code using the right Icon API calls. Here's a complete reference.
Why limit the conversion to 32bpp? Again, using the right APIs will generate a device dependent hIcon handle with the max color bit-depth supported by that device. Check out the CreateIconFromResourceEx() API function. All you need to do is combine it with the Find/Load/Lock Resource APIs that you're already using. Using this technique will load icons of any size and color depth (from monochrome up to alpha-channel 32bpp icons).
Finally, regarding the search for icon resources by group (RT_GROUP_ICON), or by single icons (RT_ICON), and matching for a given index instead of resource, it could be done much more efficiently using EnumResourceNames(). It might be that you've failed to account for string resource identifiers when parsing the Enum return, because it seems you've omitted such case in your manual search and match procedure. This might be the source of your problems with EnumResourceNames(). It works perfectly fine for me and for others in countless online samples. At the very least, the "manual" search should match up to 0xFFFF rather than 0x8000. Res IDs are recommended in the 0x0001 to 0x8000 range, but legal in the 0x0000 to 0xFFFF range.
If it does have not to be platform independent:
a bit time ago i wrote a little class that reads a file and extract all icons.
It retreives a std::vector with HICONs.
With GetIconInfo you can retreive the HBITMAP for pixeldata an pixelmask.
The function is a little bit heuristic. It scans the binary Data for a typical icon begin and tries to load them.
The function also works on dlls, exe or icl (16bit dlls that just contain icon resources)
#ifndef __ICON_LIST_H__
#define __ICON_LIST_H__
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
class IconFile: public std::vector<HICON>{
IconFile(std::string i_filename){
int addIconsFromFile(std::string i_fileName){
int iCount=0;
HANDLE file = CreateFile( i_fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
int size = GetFileSize(file,NULL);
DWORD actRead;
BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[size];
ReadFile(file, buffer, size, &actRead, NULL);
int ind = -1;
for(int p = 0; p< size-4; ++p){
if(buffer[p]==40 && buffer[p+1]==0 && buffer[p+2]==0 && buffer[p+3]==0){
HICON icon = CreateIconFromResourceEx(&buffer[p], size-p, true, 0x00030000,0,0,0);
delete[] buffer;
return iCount;
#endif //__ICON_LIST_H__