Is there a user-controlled way to refresh data in a Dash app? - flask

I have a Dash app that makes some graphs based on data drawn from an API, and I'd like to give the user an option to change a parameter, pull new data based on this, and then redraw the graphs. It could be through a form, but I figured the simplest method would be to use the <pathname> route system from Flask. Dash allows me to do this:
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import as px
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),
#app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('page-content', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname')])
def display_page(pathname):
if pathname == '/':
return html.Div('Please append a pathname to the route')
data = get_data_from_api(int(pathname))
fig_1 = px.line(data, x="time", y="price")
fig_2 = px.line(data, x="time", y="popularity")
return html.Div(children=[
if __name__ == '__main__':
But the problem is that the API call takes a minute or two, and it seems to be constantly polling it, such that the request times out and and the graphs never redraw. What I need is something which doesn't auto-refresh, which can run the API call, update the underlying data, and then tell the app to refresh its state.
I did consider a Dash-within-Flask hybrid like this, but it seems excessively complicated for my use-case. Is there a simpler way to do this?

I think you can add a html.Button to your layout.
html.Button('Update', id='update-button')
To your Callback you can add:
#app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('page-content', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('url', 'pathname'),
dash.dependencies.Input('update-button', 'n_clicks')])
def display_page(pathname, n_clicks):
No need to process the variabel n_clicks in anyway. The Callback is always triggerd.


How to import the same flask limiter in a structured flask app

I'm trying to organize my Flask app, as it's getting quite big in length at close to 1000 lines
I am trying to separate the REST API from my main app, by using the approach shown here:
What remains in my is something like
from apiv1 import blueprint as api1
REST_API = Flask(__name__)
REST_API.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(REST_API.wsgi_app, x_for=1)
However in my app, I am using the flask limiter
# Very basic DOS prevention
limiter = Limiter(
# storage_options={"connect_timeout": 30},
strategy="fixed-window", # or "moving-window"
default_limits=["90 per minute"]
# Allow local workatation run
limiter = Limiter(
default_limits=["90 per minute"]
This is likewise placed in a decorator to my various API functions
decorators = [limiter.limit("30/minute")]
def post(self, server_id = ''):
# [..]
Now that I am splitting my REST api from the same file that declaring my endpoints, I don't know how to pass its object. The REST_API var exists only in my
How should I handle passing the limiter variable, or any other global objects for that matter?
I worked for a few hours yesterday but I finally understood the pythonic way to do this sort of thing.
I just couldn't wrap my head around how imports function so I was struggling with questions like "how do I pass the variable during import" etc.
Finally it clicked for me that I need to follow a "pull" method with my imports, instead of trying to push variables into them. I.e. I setup the center location in my package's __init__ which will import my logger module, and then my other modules will import THAT logger variable from there.
So in my app's __init__, I have
from .limiter import limiter
And in the app/apis/ I have
from .. import limiter
And this seems to finally work. I don't know if this is the expected way, meaning to play with relative module paths, so if there;s a more elegant way, please let me know

flask how to keep database queries references up to date

I am creating a flask app with two panels one for the admin and the other is for users. In the app scheme I have a utilities file where I keep most of the redundant variables besides other functions, (by redundant i mean i use it in many different parts of the application)
# ...
opening_hour = db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0] # 10:00 AM
# ...
The Table.column or let's say the opening_hour variable's value above is entered to the database by the admin though his/her web panel. This value limits the users from accessing certain functionalities of the application before the specified hour.
The problem is:
If the admin changes that value through his/her web panel, let's say to 11:00 AM. the changes is not being shown directly in the users panel."even though it was entered to the database!".
If I want the new opening_hour's value to take control. I have to manually shutdown the app and restart it "sometimes even this doesn't work"
I have tried adding gc.collect()...did nothing. There must be a way around this other than shutting and restarting the app manually. first, I doubt the admin will be able to do that. second, even if he/she can, that would be really frustrating.
If someone can relate to this please explain why is this occurring and how to get around it. Thanks in advance :)
You are trying to add advanced logic to a simple variable: You want to query the DB only once, and periodically force the variable to update by re-loading the module. That's not how modules and the import mechanism is supposed to be used.
If you want to access a possibly changing value from the database, you have to read it over and over again.
The solution is to, instead of a variable, define a function opening_hours that executes the DB query every time you check the value
def opening_hours():
return (
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0], # 10:00 AM
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[1] # 5:00 PM
Now you may not want to have to query the Database every time you check the value, but maybe cache it for a few minutes. The easiest would be to use cachetools for that:
import cachetools
cache = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=10, ttl=60) # Cache for 60 seconds
def opening_hours():
return (
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0], # 10:00 AM
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[1] # 5:00 PM
Also, since you are using Flask, you can create a route decorator that controls access to your views depending on the view of the day
from datetime import datetime, time
from functools import wraps
from flask import g, request, render_template
def only_within_office_hours(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
start_time, stop_time = opening_hour()
if start_time <= <= stop_time:
return render_template('office_hours_error.html')
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
that you can use like
def secret_page():

Django Forbid HttpResponse

I am working on a tiny movie manager by using the out-of-the-box admin module in Django.
I add a "Play" link on the movie admin page to play the movie, by passing the id of this movie. So the backend is something like this:
import subprocess
def play(request, movie_id):
m = Movie.objects.get(pk=movie_id)
subprocess.Popen([PLAYER_PATH, m.path + '/' +])
return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin/core/movie")
except Movie.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse(u"The movie is not exist!")
As the code above reveals, every time I click the "play" link, the page will be refreshed to /admin/core/movie, which is the movie admin page, I just do not want the backend to do this kind of things, because I may use the "Search" functions provided by the admin module, so the URL before clicking on "Play" may be something like: "/admin/core/movie/?q=gun", if that response takes effect, then the query criteria will be removed.
So, my thought is whether I can forbid the HttpResponse, in order to let me stay on the current page.
Any suggestions on this issue ?
Thanks in advance.
I used the custom action in admin to implement this function.
So finally I felt that actions are something like procedures, which have no return values, and requests are something like methods(views) with return values...
Thanks !

Django - show loading message during long processing

How can I show a please wait loading message from a django view?
I have a Django view that takes significant time to perform calculations on a large dataset.
While the process loads, I would like to present the user with a feedback message e.g.: spinning loading animated gif or similar.
After trying the two different approaches suggested by Brandon and Murat, Brandon's suggestion proved the most successful.
Create a wrapper template that includes the javascript from The javascript has been modified: (i) to work without a form (ii) to hide the progress bar / display results when a 'done' flag is returned (iii) with the JSON update url pointing to the view described below
Move the slow loading function to a thread. This thread will be passed a cache key and will be responsible for updating the cache with progress status and then its results. The thread renders the original template as a string and saves it to the cache.
Create a view based on upload_progress from modified to (i) instead render the original wrapper template if progress_id='' (ii) generate the cache_key, check if a cache already exists and if not start a new thread (iii) monitor the progress of the thread and when done, pass the results to the wrapper template
The wrapper template displays the results via document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=data.result
(* looking at whether step 4 might be better implemented via a redirect as the rendered template contains javascript that is not currently run by document.getElementById('main').innerHTML=data.result)
Another thing you could do is add a javascript function that displays a loading image before it actually calls the Django View.
function showLoaderOnClick(url) {
function showLoader(){
$('body').append('<div style="" id="loadingDiv"><div class="loader">Loading...</div></div>');
And then in your template you can do:
This will take some time...
Here's a quick default loadingDiv :
Note that this requires jQuery.
a more straightforward approach is to generate a wait page with your gif etc. and then use the javascript
window.location.href = 'insert results view here';
to switch to the results view which starts your lengthy calculation. The page wont change until the calculation is finished. When it finishes, then the results page will be rendered.
Here's an oldie, but might get you going in the right direction:
A workaround that I chose was to use beforunload and unload events to show the loading image. This can be used with or without window.load. In my case, it's the view that is taking a great amount of time and not the page loading, hence I am not using window.load (because it's already a lot of time by the time window.load comes into picture, and at that point of time, I do not need the loading icon to be shown anymore).
The downside is that there is a false message that goes out to the user that the page is loading even when when the request has not even reached the server or it's taking much time. Also, it doesn't work for requests coming from outside my website. But I'm living with this for now.
Update: Sorry for not adding code snippet earlier, thanks #blockhead. The following is a quick and dirty mix of normal JS and JQuery that I have in the master template.
Update 2: I later moved to making my view(s) lightweight which send the crucial part of the page quickly, and then using ajax to get the remaining content while showing the loading icon. It needed quite some work, but the end result is worth it.
$("#load-icon").hide(); // I needed the loading icon to hide once the page loads
var onBeforeUnLoadEvent = false;
window.onunload = window.onbeforeunload= function(){
if(!onBeforeUnLoadEvent){ // for avoiding dual calls in browsers that support both events
onBeforeUnLoadEvent = true;
$("#load-icon").hide();},5000); // hiding the loading icon in any case after
// 5 seconds (remove if you do not want it)
P.S. I cannot comment yet hence posted this as an answer.
Iterating HttpResponse
I found an example to sending big files with django: Then I look at FileWrapper class(django.core.servers.basehttp):
class FileWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper to convert file-like objects to iterables"""
def __init__(self, filelike, blksize=8192):
self.filelike = filelike
self.blksize = blksize
if hasattr(filelike,'close'):
self.close = filelike.close
def __getitem__(self,key):
data =
if data:
return data
raise IndexError
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
data =
if data:
return data
raise StopIteration
I think we can make a iterable class like this
class FlushContent(object):
def __init__(self):
# some initialization code
def __getitem__(self,key):
# send a part of html
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
# do some work
# return some html code
if finished:
raise StopIteration
then in
def long_work(request):
flushcontent = FlushContent()
return HttpResponse(flushcontent)
Example code, still not working:
class FlushContent(object):
def __init__(self):
def __getitem__(self,key):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
if self.index==0:
elif self.index==1:
import time
html="finished loading"
if self.index>self.stop_index:
raise StopIteration
return html
Here is another explanation on how to get a loading message for long loading Django views
Views that do a lot of processing (e.g. complex queries with many objects, accessing 3rd party APIs) can take quite some time before the page is loaded and shown to the user in the browser. What happens is that all that processing is done on the server and Django is not able to serve the page before it is completed.
The only way to show a show a loading message (e.g. a spinner gif) during the processing is to break up the current view into two views:
First view renders the page with no processing and with the loading message
The page includes a AJAX call to the 2nd view that does the actual processing. The result of the processing is displayed on the page once its done with AJAX / JavaScript

How to generate temporary URLs in Django

Wondering if there is a good way to generate temporary URLs that expire in X days. Would like to email out a URL that the recipient can click to access a part of the site that then is inaccessible via that URL after some time period. No idea how to do this, with Django, or Python, or otherwise.
If you don't expect to get a large response rate, then you should try to store all of the data in the URL itself. This way, you don't need to store anything in the database, and will have data storage proportional to the responses rather than the emails sent.
Updated: Let's say you had two strings that were unique for each user. You can pack them and unpack them with a protecting hash like this:
import hashlib, zlib
import cPickle as pickle
import urllib
my_secret = "michnorts"
def encode_data(data):
"""Turn `data` into a hash and an encoded string, suitable for use with `decode_data`."""
text = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data, 0)).encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
m = hashlib.md5(my_secret + text).hexdigest()[:12]
return m, text
def decode_data(hash, enc):
"""The inverse of `encode_data`."""
text = urllib.unquote(enc)
m = hashlib.md5(my_secret + text).hexdigest()[:12]
if m != hash:
raise Exception("Bad hash!")
data = pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(text.decode('base64')))
return data
hash, enc = encode_data(['Hello', 'Goodbye'])
print hash, enc
print decode_data(hash, enc)
This produces:
849e77ae1b3c eJzTyCkw5ApW90jNyclX5yow4koMVnfPz09JqkwFco25EvUAqXwJnA==
['Hello', 'Goodbye']
In your email, include a URL that has both the hash and enc values (properly url-quoted). In your view function, use those two values with decode_data to retrieve the original data.
The zlib.compress may not be that helpful, depending on your data, you can experiment to see what works best for you.
You could set this up with URLs like:
Your URLconf would look something like this:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^temp/(?P<hash>\w+)/$', 'yoursite.views.tempurl'),
...where tempurl is a view handler that fetches the appropriate page based on the hash. Or, sends a 404 if the page is expired.
class TempUrl(models.Model):
url_hash = models.CharField("Url", blank=False, max_length=32, unique=True)
expires = models.DateTimeField("Expires")
def generate_url(request):
# do actions that result creating the object and mailing it
def load_url(request, hash):
url = get_object_or_404(TempUrl, url_hash=hash,
data = get_some_data_or_whatever()
return render_to_response('some_template.html', {'data':data},
urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^temp/(?P<hash>\w+)/$', 'your.views.load_url', name="url"),)
//of course you need some imports and templates
It depends on what you want to do - one-shot things like account activation or allowing a file to be downloaded could be done with a view which looks up a hash, checks a timestamp and performs an action or provides a file.
More complex stuff such as providing arbitrary data would also require the model containing some reference to that data so that you can decide what to send back. Finally, allowing access to multiple pages would probably involve setting something in the user's session and then using that to determine what they can see, followed by a redirect.
If you could provide more detail about what you're trying to do and how well you know Django, I can make a more specific reply.
I think the solution lies within a combination of all the suggested solutions. I'd suggest using an expiring session so the link will expire within the time period you specify in the model. Combined with a redirect and middleware to check if a session attribute exists and the requested url requires it you can create somewhat secure parts of your site that can have nicer URLs that reference permanent parts of the site. I use this for demonstrating design/features for a limited time. This works to prevent forwarding... I don't do it but you could remove the temp url after first click so only the session attribute will provide access thus more effectively limiting to one user. I personally don't mind if the temp url gets forwarded knowing it will only last for a certain amount of time. Works well in a modified form for tracking invited visits as well.
It might be overkill, but you could use a uuidfield on your model and set up a Celerybeat task to change the uuid at any time interval you choose.
If celery is too much and it might be, you could just store the time the URL is first sent, use the timedelta function whenever it is sent thereafter, and if the elapsed time is greater than what you want just use a redirect. I think the second solution is very straightforward and it would extend easily. It would be a matter of having a model with the URL, time first sent, time most recently sent, a disabled flag, and a Delta that you find acceptable for the URL to live.
A temporary url can also be created by combining the ideas from #ned-batchelder's answer and #matt-howell's answer with Django's signing module.
The signing module provides a convenient way to encode data in the url, if necessary, and to check for link expiration. This way we don't need to touch the database or session/cache.
Here's a minimal example with an index page and a temp page:
The index page has a link to a temporary url, with the specified expiration. If you try to follow the link after expiration, you'll get a status 400 "Bad Request" (or you'll see the SuspiciousOperation error, if DEBUG is True).
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.index, name='index'),
path('<str:signed_data>/', views.temp, name='temp'),
from django.core import signing
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import reverse
MAX_AGE_SECONDS = 20 # short expiration, for illustrative purposes
def generate_temp_url(data=None):
# signing.dumps() returns a "URL-safe, signed base64 compressed JSON string"
# with a timestamp
return reverse('temp', args=[signing.dumps(data)])
def index(request):
# just a convenient usage example
return HttpResponse(f'temporary link')
def temp(request, signed_data):
# load data and check expiration
data = signing.loads(signed_data, max_age=MAX_AGE_SECONDS)
except signing.BadSignature:
# triggers an HttpResponseBadRequest (status 400) when DEBUG is False
raise SuspiciousOperation('invalid signature')
# success
return HttpResponse(f'Here\'s your data: {data}')
Some notes:
The responses in the example are very rudimentary, and only for illustrative purposes.
Raising a SuspiciousOperation is convenient, but you could e.g. return an HttpResponseNotFound (status 404) instead.
The generate_temp_url() returns a relative path. If you need an absolute url, you can do something like:
temp_url = request.build_absolute_uri(generate_temp_url())
If you're worried about leaking the signed data, have a look at alternatives such as Django's password reset implementation.