Skipping till -(hyphen), and storing the name - c++

I want to use regular expressions to skip until i find a (-)Hyphen and store whatever comes after. I tried a few things but it didn't work out.
This is an example string:
Fall Down Seven Times; Stand Up Eight." -Naoki Higashida
I am just learning regular expressions and want to use them in my project to skip until I encounter different symbols.
*edit 1: this is what I have used so far, with some other stuff I found online.
Thank you for your help.

You can use .*-(.*). The capture group will contain everything after the hyphen.
.* matches anything
- matches literal hyphen
(.*) matches anything and captures it
Here's a demo.


Regex: extract characters from two patterns

I have the following string:
I'd like to extract jbkwe3.ho4eho.8495GETD or abcde2.hopeho.3345GETD. Anything between the {weekday}/ and the ?weatherType=.
I've tried (?<=sunday\/)$.*?(?=\?weatherType=) but it only works for the first line and I want to make it applicable to all strings regardless the value of {weekday}.
I tried (?<=\/.*\/)$.*?(?=\?weatherType=) but it didn't work. Could anyone familiar with Regex can lend some help? Thank you!
I'm new to regex but I was experimenting it on sublime text editor via the "find" functionality which I think should be PCRE (according to this post)
Try this regex:
Click for Demo
Link to Code
(?:sun|mon|tues|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day - matches the day of a week i.e, sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday
\/ - matches /
\K - unmatches whatever has been matched so far and pretends that the match starts from the current position. This can be used for the PCRE.
[^?]+ - matches 1 or more occurences of any character that is not a ?
(?=\?weatherType) - the above subpattern[^?]+ will match all characters that are not ? until it reaches a position which is immediately followed by a ? followed by weatherType
To make the match case-insensitive, you can prepend the regex with (?i) as shown here
In the examples given, you actually only need to grab the characters between the last forward slash ("/") and the first question mark ("?").
You didn't mention what flavor regex (ie, PCRE, grep, Oracle, etc) you're using, and the actual syntax will vary depending on this, but in general, something like the following (Perl) replacement regex would handle the examples given:
There are other (and more efficient) ways, but this will do the job.

How to extract characters from a string with optional string afterwards using Regex?

I am in the process of learning Regex and have been stuck on this case. I have a url that can be in two states EXAMPLE 1:
I need to extract the 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA ID
So far I am using this: (?<=track\/)(.*)(?=\?)? which works well for Example 2 but it includes the ?si=Nf5w1q9MTKu3zG_CJ83RWA when matching with Example 1.
BUT if I remove the ? at the end of the expression then it works for Example 1 but not Example 2! Doesn't that mean that last group (?=\?) is optional and should match?
Where am I going wrong?
I searched a handful of "Questions that may already have your answer" suggestions from SO, and didn't find this case, so I hope asking this is okay!
The capturing group in your regular expression is trying to match anything (.) as much as possible due to the greediness of the quantifier (*).
When you use:
only 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA from the first example is captured, as there is no question mark in your second example.
When using:
You are effectively making the positive lookahead optional, so the capturing group will try to match as much as possible (including the question mark), so that 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA?si=Nf5w1q9MTKu3zG_CJ83RWA and 1HYcYZCOpaLjg51qUg8ilA are matched, which is not the desired output.
Rather than matching anything, it is perhaps more appropriate for you to match alphanumerical characters \w only.
Alternatively, if you are expecting other characters , let's say a hyphen - or a underscore _, you may use a character class.
Or you might want to capture everything except a question mark ? with a negated character class.
As pointed out by gaganso, a look-behind is not necessary in this situation (or indeed the lookahead), however it is indeed a good idea to start playing around with them. The look-around assertions do not actually consume the characters in the string. As you can see here, the full match for both matches only consists of what is captured by the capture group. You may find more information here.
This should work:
Please see here.
Since track is part of both the strings, and the ID is formed from alphanumeric characters, the above regex which matches the string "track/" and captures the alphanumeric characters after that string, should provide the required ID.
Regex : (\w+(?=\?))|(\w+&)
See the demo for the regex, .
This will first try to search for word which has '?' just after it and if thats unsuccessful it will fetch the last word.

Regex Match between brackets (...)

I'm trying to grab 2 items from a simple line.
EDIT: actually a url looking to display called it description because i want it displayed not actually parsed.
Grabbing between the brackets (...) doesn't seem to work at all for me. I've googled and found several variations with no luck, Thanks in advance :)
Tried the following:
and a cpl more I cant find again
The first regex you listed almost has it right. Try using this regex instead:
As #PM 77-1 pointed out, you need to escape the brackets by placing a backslash in front of them. The reason for this is that brackets are special regex metacharacters, or characters which have a special meaning. Brackets tell the regex engine to look for classes of characters contained inside of it.
Your original regex [(.+?)]\((.*)\) is actually doing this:
[(.+?)] match a period '.' 1 or more times
\((.*)\) match (anything), i.e. anything contained in parentheses
So this regex would match .....(stuff) but would not match [Title](Description), the latter which is what you really want.
Here is a link where you can test out the working regex:
Regex 101

regex negative lookbehind - pcre

I'm trying to write a rule to match on a top level domain followed by five digits. My problem arises because my existing pcre is matching on what I have described but much later in the URL then when I want it to. I want it to match on the first occurence of a TLD, not anywhere else. The easy way to check for this is to match on the TLD when it has not bee preceeded at some point by the "/" character. I tried using negative-lookbehind but that doesn't work because that only looks back one single character.
e.g.: How it is currently working
matches .com/12345 even though I do not want this match because it is not the first TLD in the URL
e.g.: How I want it to work
matches on .net/12345 and ignores the later match on .com/12345
My current expression
EDIT: rewrote it so perhaps the problem is clearer in case anyone in the future has this same issue.
You're pretty close :)
You just need to be sure that before matching what you're looking for (i.e: (\.[a-z]{2,4})/\d{5}), you haven't met any / since the beginning of the line.
I would suggest you to simply preppend ^[^\/]*\. before your current regex.
Thus, the resulting regex would be:
How does it work?
^ asserts that this is the beginning of the tested String
[^\/]* accepts any sequence of characters that doesn't contain /
\.([a-z]{2,4})/\d{5} is the pattern you want to match (a . followed by 2 to 4 lowercase characters, then a / and at least 5 digits).
Here is a permalink to a working example on regex101.
You can use this regex:
Online Demo:

Notepad++ regex group capture

I have such txt file:
Trying to delete all subdomains with such regex:
Find: .+\.((.*?)\.(ru|ua|com\.ua|com|net|info))$
Replace with: \1
Why last line becomes instead of ?
This works without look around:
Find: [a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$
Replace: \1\.\2
It finds something with at least 2 periods and only letters, numbers, and dashes following the last two periods; then it replaces it with the last 2 parts. More intuitive, in my opinion.
There's something funny going on with that leading xxx. It doesn't appear to be plain ASCII. For the sake of this question, I'm going to assume that's just something funny with this site and not representative of your real data.
Interestingly, I previously had an incorrect answer here that accumulated a lot of upvotes. So I think I should preserve it:
Find: [a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.(.+)$
Replace: \1\.\2
It just finds a host name with at least 2 periods in it, then replaces it with everything after the first dot.
The .+ part is matching as much as possible. Try using .+? instead, and it will capture the least possible, allowing the option to match.
This answer still uses the specific domain names that the original question was looking at. As some TLD (top level domains) have a period in them, and you could theoretically have a list including multiple subdomains, whitelisting the TLD in the regex is a good idea if it works with your data set. Both current answers (from 2013) will not handle the difference between "" and "" correctly.
Here is a quick explanation of why this psnig's original regex isn't working as intended:
The + is greedy.
.+ will zip all the way to the right at the end of the line capturing everything,
then work its way backwards (to the left) looking for a match from here:
With the regex engine will first fail to match a,
then it will move the token one place to the left to look at "ua"
At that point, ua from the regex (the second option) is a match.
The engine will not keep looking to find "" because ".ua" met that requirement.
Niet the Dark Absol's answer tells the regex to be "lazy"
.+? will match any character (at least one) and then try to find the next part of the regex. If that fails, it will advance the token, .+ matching one more character and then evaluating the rest of the regex again.
The .+? will eventually consume: srfsf.jwbefw before matching the period, and then matching
But the implimentation of ? also creates issues.
Adding in the question mark makes that first .+ lazy, but then causes group1 to match instead of
This is because that first period after the bb will match, then inside group 1 (.*?) will match bb.prontube. before \.(ru|ua|com\.ua|com|net|info))$ matches .ru
To avoid this, change that third group from (.*?) to ([\w-]*?) so it won't capture . only letters and numbers, or a dash.
resulting regex:
Note that you don't need to capture any groups other than the first. Adding ?: makes the TLD options non-capturing.
last change:
Search what: .+?\.(\w+\.(?:ru|com|com\.au))
Replace with: $1
Look in the picture above, what regex capture referring
It's color the way you will not need a regex explaination anymore ....