Connecting to the realize signal: strange window sizing behavior - c++

I am using Gtkmm3 (Ubuntu) to make a small GUI application. In this application, I have a couple windows to create which basically all follow the same pattern:
registering a main layout (Gtk::Grid);
configuring window properties (icon, title, etc);
configuring layout properties (expanding, sub-layouts, etc);
configuring window widgets (adding them to layouts, labels, etc).
In hope of not having to rewrite all of this logic every time I create a new window, I have written the following base class:
template<typename GtkmmWindow>
class Window
virtual int Show() = 0;
virtual void ConfigureWindow() = 0;
virtual void ConfigureLayouts() = 0;
virtual void ConfigureWidgets() = 0;
void Init();
Gtk::Grid m_mainLayout;
GtkmmWindow m_window;
template<typename GtkmmWindow>
// When signal 'realize' is sent, 'Init' will be triggered.
// This happens after construction, so virtual methods can
// be used safely:
// Initialize child window according to its own needs:
template<typename GtkmmWindow>
void Window<GtkmmWindow>::Init()
// If this line is removed, no widgets are shown.
The goal of this class is to make sure points 1 to 4 are implemented by all windows the same way. It does so by calling appropriate virtual methods (to be redefined in concrete child classes) when the realize signal is sent. This is because when the realize signal is sent, I know the window constructors have been called and that I can safely use virtual methods.
For example, here is how I use it to create an application main window:
class MyWindow : public Window<Gtk::ApplicationWindow>
MyWindow(Gtk::Application& p_app) : m_app{p_app} {}
int Show() override
Gtk::Application& m_app;
Gtk::Button m_button;
void ConfigureWindow() override
m_window.set_title("SO Question");
// If I set this to false, the window shrinks to fit the button size:
void ConfigureLayouts() override
void ConfigureWidgets() override
m_mainLayout.attach(m_button, 0, 0, 1, 1);
This main window sets the main layout to have a yellow background, has a Gtk::Button with label "Hello" registered in the main layout. The problem I have with this strategy is that when I run the code, I get weird window/layout sizing:
Notice the yellow layout is way bigger than the only widget (the button) contained in it. This is the result I would have expected:
That is, the window and main layout should shrink to the size of their only contained widget. Weirdly, if I make the window set_resizable(false), I get the sizing I want, but then I can't resize it anymore, which is often not acceptable.
Why is it no so (why is the layout taking so much extra space)?
How can I achieve this without duplicating the base code for every window?
You can build this code using g++ by adding it to:
#include <memory>
#include <gtkmm.h>
// Add here...
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "so.realize");
std::unique_ptr<MyWindow> mainWindow = std::make_unique<MyWindow>(*(app.get()));
return mainWindow->Show();
and running:
g++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -o example.out `pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 --cflags --libs`

That's the default behavior of grid. You can try a simple example, with a single window, a grid and a button. The elements inside grid doesn't expand automatically to occupy the allocated grid size. To do that, you need to add
Here is a good reference on grid vs box.


How do I pack a Gtk::Entry into a Gtk::HeaderBar so the entry completely fills the header bar?

I'm making a program in gtkmm-3.0 which has a Gtk::HeaderBar as the title bar.
I'm trying to pack a Gtk::Entry into it using this code:
Gtk::HeaderBar headerBar;
Gtk::Entry entry;
The entry is correctly packed, but it only fills half the space of the header bar, which is very confusing. Using headerBar.add(entry) or headerBar.pack_end(entry) does not help the slightest (The entry still fills half the space it's supposed to take).
Also, using headerBar.pack_start() with a Gtk::Button before the headerBar.pack_start(entry) line will put the button in its place, but the entry will stop the expansion at the same point that it stopped before, being shorter than before.
How can I make the entry fill the whole header bar?
The problem is that Gtk::HeaderBar also has a "title" widget taking space. You could set a title, resulting in this:
An you see why only half the screen was given to the entry. One workaround is to define your own, custom, header bar. Here is an extremely minimal example:
#include <gtkmm.h>
class MainWindow : public Gtk::ApplicationWindow
Gtk::Box m_customHeaderBar;
Gtk::Entry m_entry;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.gtkmm.examples.base");
MainWindow window;
return app->run(window);
Which results in this:
Of course, you will have to add a close button and everything yourself (I would recommend making a class). I will leave this part to you.

Gtkmm - Proper way to close a window and then show another

I am building a gtkmm application. The program open with a setting window asking the user to specify some information, and when sanity checks are done, this window should be closed, and the maih window of the application should open.
Right now, opening the main window, and hiding the setting window completely close the application.
From the setting windows, I am doing:
MainWindow* main_window = new MainWindow();
How can I get the behavior described above ?
Apparently, you can add and remove windows from a Gtk::App. Would it does what I described, and does it mean I would have to pass to my window the Gtk::App pointer ? Thanks.
What seems to be the proper solution is to pass to the window the application pointer (m_app), add the new window to it, show that window and hide the current one. Removing the current one from the application will let the run() function return:
MainWindow* main_window = new MainWindow(m_app);
This work, but this might not be the proper way of doing things.
Although the question is quite old, I will show my approach which may help someone else to deal with this task.
I use a general application object which holds all window objects: MainApplication.cpp
MainApplication::MainApplication(int argc, char **argv)
// Creating the main application object as first
mainApp = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, APPLICATION_ID);
// Create the entry window
int MainApplication::run()
if (!isRunning) {
// Set the current window to entry window for startup
currentWindow = entryWindow;
return mainApp->run(*entryWindow);
} else {
return -1;
void MainApplication::createEntryWindow()
// Load the layout with the Gtk::Builder Api
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder = Gtk::Builder::create_from_file("../layout/");
// Calls the constructor of my own derived widget class which details are specified inside the builder file
builder->get_widget_derived(WND_ENTRY, entryWindow);
// Set this main application object to the new window
static const int WS_ENTRY = 100;
static const int WS_SOMETHING = 200;
class MainApplication {
MainApplication(int argc, char* argv[]);
int run();
void switchCurrentWindow(int specifier);
void createEntryWindow();
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> mainApp;
Gtk::Window* currentWindow = nullptr;
EntryWindow* entryWindow = nullptr;
bool isRunning = false;
The MainApplication object will be created inside the main() and after that run() is called: main.cpp
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Create main application object
MainApplication mainApplication(argc, argv);
// Starts the event loop
// No events propagate until this has been called
The EntryWindow.cpp looks like this (just a simple example):
EntryWindow::EntryWindow(BaseObjectType* object, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& refGlade)
: Gtk::Window(object), builder(refGlade)
// Set widgets to builder
builder->get_widget(btnName, btn);
// Set on click methods for signal_clicked
btn->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EntryWindow::onBtnClicked));
void EntryWindow::onBtnClicked()
void EntryWindow::setMainApplicationContext(MainApplication* mainApplication)
this->mainApplicationContext = mainApplication;
class EntryWindow : public Gtk::Window {
EntryWindow(BaseObjectType* object, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& refGlade);
void setMainApplicationContext(MainApplication* mainApplication);
void onBtnClicked();
const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder;
Gtk::Button* btn;
MainApplication* mainApplicationContext = nullptr;
const Glib::ustring btnName = BTN_NAME;
So now when the button was clicked, you can switch the windows with following function inside the MainApplication class:
void MainApplication::switchCurrentWindow(int specifier)
// Check if the passed specifier exist
int tmpSpecifier = 0;
switch (specifier) {
case WS_ENTRY:
tmpSpecifier = WS_ENTRY;
tmpSpecifier = WS_SOMETHING;
tmpSpecifier = 0;
// If the specifier exist
if (tmpSpecifier != 0) {
// Increase the use counter of the main application object
// Hide the current window
// Remove the current window
} else {
switch (tmpSpecifier) {
case WS_ENTRY:
currentWindow = entryWindow;
currentWindow = somethingWindow;
// Add the new current window
// Show the new window
// Decrease the use counter of the main application object
Summary: Create an Object which holds all windows. So whenever you need to have a new window, you have to create it inside this object. This main application object will be called by the main() and there it will call run() when the application is ready to start. After that you will handle which window is shown and hidden by the main application object only.
In response to your answer: delete->this is a pure syntax error, and even without ->, writing delete this is usually a code smell. Barring that, what you did seems like it will work, if perhaps not be as intuitive as it could be.
However, doing things in that sequence is not always possible. For example, you may not know what the next Window will be. Perhaps which window opens next depends on an HTTP response that may take a while to arrive.
The general solution is to call Application.hold() before removing the Window. Calling .hold() increments the use count of the GApplication, just as adding a window does. The app quits when its use count is zero. Saying its life is controlled by windows is just a quick way to approximate an explanation of that (and is obviously only relevant to GtkApplication, not the base GApplication). Removing a window decrements the use count.
So, in this case, you would now go from a use count of 2 to 1 - not 1 to 0 - so removing the 1st window would no longer make the app quit. Then, after you add the 2nd window, however much later that occurs, call .release() to remove the extra use count, so the remaining window(s) now exclusively control the application's lifetime again.

QML OpenGL plugin not redrawing at 60Hz

The Situation
My company has a QML-based application which displays some content using a custom OpenGL-based render plugin (MyGame). This plugin has a few critical needs:
To be able to effect changes in the renderer in response to QML-based signals.
(e.g. change the position of an object rendered by the game)
To only process these changes at a specific spot in MyGame's redraw loop.
(This is very important; MyGame is very sensitive about when changes are allowed.)
To have the plugin redraw at 60Hz (at least).
The Problem
The code we have right now honors (1) and (2), but fails (3); the plugin does not get visually updated consistently. (The updates are erratic, at an estimated 5-10Hz.) I believe that the plugin we have created—based on QQuickFramebufferObject—is not taking proper advantage of how Qt/QML intended the scene graph to be updated.
How can I re-structure my plugin so that I get all three of the above?
The Code
The plugin creates a QQuickFramebufferObject (MyPlugin) and a QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer (MyRenderer).
When MyRenderer::render() is called it calls MyGame::Redraw() itself, and then calls update().
MyGame::Redraw() does what it needs to, and at the right spot where changes can be accepted, emits a timeToMakeChanges QML signal on MyPlugin.
QML listens for the onTimeToMakeChanges signal and invokes methods on the plugin that affect MyGame.
To workaround the problem of low-frequency visual updates, I've found that if I overlay a QML Canvas over my plugin and redraw the canvas frequently using a Timer, my plugin starts to get visually updated at what appears to be around 60Hz. Clearly this is a gross hack.
Following is a summary of the code setup. Please forgive missing/incorrect code; I'm trying to distill thousands of lines of glue code down to the essentials for this question.
#include <QOpenGLFramebufferObject>
#include <QQuickFramebufferObject>
class MyPlugin : public QQuickFramebufferObject {
virtual ~MyPlugin();
virtual QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer* createRenderer() const;
void timeToMakeChanges();
public slots:
void makeChanges(QVariant inValue);
void HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow *inWindow);
MyGame* GetGame() { ... }
#include "MyPlugin.h"
#include <MyGame.h>
// ******************************************************************
class MyRenderer:
public QObject,
public QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer,
protected QOpenGLFunctions
virtual void render();
static void RequestGameChanges();
void MyRenderer::render() {
if ( !m_Initialized ) {
QOpenGLFramebufferObject *theFbo = this->framebufferObject();
InitializeGl( theFbo ); // Not shown
m_MyGame = &MyGame::Create();
m_Initialized = true;
// Tell QML that we want to render again as soon as possible
// This gets invoked in the middle of m_MyGame->Redraw()
void MyRenderer::RequestGameChanges() {
emit m_PluginItem->timeToMakeChanges();
// ******************************************************************
MyPlugin::MyPlugin() {
this, SIGNAL(windowChanged(QQuickWindow*)),
this, SLOT(HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow*))
void MyPlugin::HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow *inWindow) {
void MyPlugin::makeChanges(QVariant inValue) {
MyGame *theGame = GetGame();
// Send the requested changes to theGame
QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer* MyPlugin::createRenderer() const {
m_Renderer = new MyRenderer( *this );
import MyPlugin 1.0
Window {
MyPlugin {
property var queuedUpChanges: ([])
onSomeOtherSignal: queueUpChangesToMake();
onTimeToMakeChanges: makeChanges( queuedUpChanges );
Canvas { id:hack }
Timer {
interval:10; running:true; repeat:true
onTriggered: hack.changeWhatYouShow();
Bonus Points
The main question is "How do I modify my code so that I get 60Hz updates?" However, as seen in the QML, the setup above requires me to queue up all changes in QML so that they are able to be applied during the right spot in the MyGame::Render().
Ideally, I'd prefer to write QML without timeToMakeChanges, like:
MyPlugin {
onSomeOtherSignal: makeChanges( ... );
If there's a way to accomplish this (other than queuing up the changes in C++ instead)—perhaps something related to synchronize() I'd love to know about it.
I'd make a timer in QML that calls the makeChanges regularly. But store all the state in MyPlugin. Then, in Renderer::synchronize(), copy from MyPlugin to MyRenderer, so it can be used by the MyGame.
(although, I wouldn't do any gamelogic-related calculations in QML ever in the first place)

Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget

Everywhere only just "before QPaintDevice" questions and nowhere is my error. So, here we go.
I need an extern QWidget to be able to get access to it from outside (because I don't know any other ways to do it). Basically, I need this: Create 2 QWidgets from 1 window, go to first window and from there hide main window and show second window created by main window (although main window is not main(), it is QWidget too).
I added
extern QWidget *widget = new QWidget
everywhere and everyhow in possible ways, and I still got this message. I suppose, it means that I need to create my QApplication (in main.cpp) and only then declare any QWidgets. But then HOW can I access those QWidgets from another QWidgets?
Code is here:
P.S. The final goal is to be able show and hide both gamewindow.cpp and world.cpp from battle.cpp (just regular class)
And btw, adding Q_OBJECT and #include both don't work.
Anyway, if I cannot use functions from one window to another, than what's the point? I can have one window in another, and then another in that one, and then one in that another... but I can't do anything from the last to the previous. After years on Delphi that seems strange to me.
Don't use extern or otherwise static variables which lead to creation of the widget before the QApplication is created in main. The QApplication must exist before the constructor of the QWidget is executed.
Instead of sharing the variable via extern, either make the other windows members of the main window, and then make the windows known to each other by passing around pointers, or keep them private in MainWindow and request the actions from the subwindows e.g. via signal/slots. As a generic rule, don't use global variables but class members.
In the following FirstWindow (which is supposed hide main window and secondWindow) gets the main window and the second window passed via pointers and then just calls show/hide on them directly.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWindow;;
return app.exec();
In main window, have two members for the two other windows, say FirstWindow and SecondWindow:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {
FirstWindow *m_firstWindow;
SecondWindow *m_secondWindow;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) {
m_firstWindow = new FirstWindow; //not pass this as parent as you want to hide the main window while the others are visible)
m_secondWindow = new SecondWindow;
m_firstWindow->show(); //Show first window immediately, leave second window hidden
MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
//Manual deletion is necessary as no parent is passed. Alternatively, use QScopedPointer
delete m_firstWindow;
delete m_secondWindow;
FirstWindow, inline for brevity:
class FirstWindow : public QWidget {
explicit FirstWindow(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent) {}
void setMainWindow(MainWindow *mainWindow) { m_mainWindow = mainWindow); }
void setSecondWindow(SecondWindow *secondWindow) { m_secondWindow = secondWindow; }
private Q_SLOTS:
void somethingHappened() { //e.g. some button was clicked
MainWindow* m_mainWindow;
SecondWindow* m_secondWindow;
Maybe not helping the former author, but others facing the problem.
I simply got this error by mistaking a debug-library with a release one. So check your linker settings, if you are sure the implementation is done right (first instancing application and then using widgets).

Draw pixel based graphics to a QWidget

I have an application which needs to draw on a pixel by pixel basis at a specified frame rate (simulating an old machine). One caveat is that the main machine engine runs in a background thread in order to ensure that the UI remains responsive and usable during simulation.
Currently, I am toying with using something like this:
class QVideo : public QWidget {
QVideo(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f), screen_image_(256, 240, QImage::Format_RGB32) {
void draw_frame(void *data) {
// render data into screen_image_
void start_frame() {
// do any pre-rendering prep work that needs to be done before
// each frame
void end_frame() {
update(); // force a paint event
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter p(this);
p.drawImage(rect(), screen_image_, screen_image_.rect());
QImage screen_image_;
This is mostly effective, and surprisingly not very slow. However, there is an issue. The update function schedules a paintEvent, it may not hapen right away. In fact, a bunch of paintEvent's may get "combined" according to the Qt documentation.
The negative effect that I am seeing is that after a few minutes of simulation, the screen stops updating (image appears frozen though simulation is still running) until I do something that forces a screen update for example switching the window in and out of maximized.
I have experimented with using QTimer's and other similar mechanism to have the effect of the rendering being in the GUI thread so that I can force immediate updates, but this resulted in unacceptable performance issues.
Is there a better way to draw pixels onto a widget constantly at a fixed interval. Pure Qt solutions are preferred.
EDIT: Since some people choose to have an attitude instead of reading the whole question, I will clarify the issue. I cannot use QWidget::repaint because it has a limitation in that it must be called from the same thread as the event loop. Otherwise, no update occurs and instead I get qDebug messages such as these:
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
QWidget::repaint: Recursive repaint detected
QPainter::begin: A paint device can only be painted by one painter at a time.
QWidget::repaint: It is dangerous to leave painters active on a widget outside of the PaintEvent
QWidget::repaint: It is dangerous to leave painters active on a widget outside of the PaintEvent
EDIT: to demonstrate the issue I have created this simple example code:
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPainter>
class QVideo : public QWidget {
QVideo(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0) : QWidget(parent, f), screen_image_(256, 240, QImage::Format_RGB32) {
void draw_frame(void *data) {
// render data into screen_image_
// I am using fill here, but in the real thing I am rendering
// on a pixel by pixel basis
void start_frame() {
// do any pre-rendering prep work that needs to be done before
// each frame
void end_frame() {
//update(); // force a paint event
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter p(this);
p.drawImage(rect(), screen_image_, screen_image_.rect());
QImage screen_image_;
#include <QApplication>
#include <QThread>
#include <cstdio>
#include "QVideo.h"
struct Thread : public QThread {
Thread(QVideo *v) : v_(v) {
void run() {
while(1) {
v_->draw_frame(0); // contents doesn't matter for this example
QVideo *v_;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QVideo w;;
Thread t(&w);
return app.exec();
I am definitely willing to explore options which don't use a temporary QImage to render. It is just the only class in Qt which seems to have a direct pixel writing interface.
Try emitting a signal from the thread to a slot in the event loop widget that calls repaint(), which will then execute right away. I am doing something like this in my graphing program, which executes the main calculations in one thread, then tells the widget when it is time to repaint() the data.
In similar cases what I did was still using a QTimer, but doing several simulation steps instead of just one. You can even make the program auto-tuning the number of simulation steps to be able to get whatever frames per seconds you like for the screen update.