How do I create calculated column in power bi? - powerbi

I am new to Power BI and was wondering if someone can help me.
I have a table
A B Status
Asset1 B1 Compliant
Asset1 B2 N/A
Asset2 B1 Non- Compliant
Asset2 B2 Compliant
Asset3 B1 Compliant
Asset3 B2 Compliant
I have to find the Asset which are 100% compliant(Count of Asset where status of all the rows of Column B is Compliant and not non Compliant and we need to ignore N/A.
Out put I want
A 100%Compliant
Asset1 Y
Asset2 N
Asset3 Y

You can create an extra column in your table:
100% Cpmpliant =
var asset = Compliant[A]
var allRows = CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(Compliant); FILTER(Compliant; Compliant[A] = asset && Compliant[Status] <> "N/A"))
var compliantRows = CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(Compliant); FILTER(Compliant; Compliant[A] = asset && Compliant[Status] = "Compliant"))
return if (allRows = compliantRows; "Y";"N")
This calculates the rows of the asset without the N/A and compares it against teh rowcount of the compliant. If this is equal, they are all compliant-
Next you can create a visual with two columns ass below:

You can create a measure:
IsCompliant =
VAR NumNonCompliant = CALCULATE(COUNTAX('Table', [B]), 'Table'[Status] = "Non - Compliant")
RETURN IF(NumNonCompliant = 0, "Y", "N")
The variable NumConCompliant calculates the number of rows with status = "Non - Compliant". Then it is compared with 0 to find any non-compliance.
Then the measure returns the state of "A" in the given context. This gives you the flexibility of assigning compliance measure to a combination of assets. For example if you filter data on "A = Asset1", the result would be "Y", and (A = Asset1 || A = Asset2) results in a "N". (Since the combination of Asset1 & Asset2 are non-compliant).
Refer to this doc about measures and contexts.


I am trying to get the difference of measure values in DAX but getting 0

I will like to get the difference between two measure values using DAX
AADPMAU_Increase = [AADPMAU_End] - [AADPMAU_Start]
But when I do the subtraction, I am getting 0
I have tried different things, but nothing is working
The two values are start and end values that are set by date selector filters. It appears that the calculation is always treating both as equal therefore returning 0
AADPMAU_Start = CALCULATE(AADPTable[AADPMAU_Sum],FILTER(DimDate,DimDate[StartDate] = DimDate[StartDate]))
AADPMAU_End = CALCULATE(AADPTable[AADPMAU_Sum],FILTER(DimDate,DimDate[EndDate] = DimDate[EndDate]))
AADPMAU Increase =
var at_end = AADPTable[AADPMAU_End]
var at_start = AADPTable[AADPMAU_Start]
return at_end - at_start

PowerBI | Categorise revenues as new customers in a new column

I'm hoping you all have a great day and maybe someone can make mine great too.
date; opportunity; customerID; revenue
01.01.2001; a; A; 50
01.01.2001; b; A; 50
03.04.2001; c; A; 50
05.05.2001; d; B; 150
26.10.2001; e; A; 100
I wanted to add a new calculated column with DAX which says if an revenue entry is either from a new customer or from an existing one. My thinking was that a new-customer-revenue is defined as all revenues of the first day an customer bought something. Which makes row 1, 2 and 4 of the sample data table above new-customer-revenues.
My thoughts somehow where:
new customer =
VAR var_Customer = 'sampleData'[customerID]
VAR var_SubTable = FILTER('sampleData', 'sampleData'[customerID] = var_Customer)
VAR var_firstDate = MIN(var_SubTable[date])
IF('sampleData'[date] = var_firstDate, "New Customer", "Existing Customer")
But the problem is that MIN() needs a column and I cant return a single column from var_SubTable... I also didn't find other suitable solutions for the problem. For me it would be really nice to have a new column, but if theres only a solution by using a measure that's also interesting to hear...
You are almost there.
Try using the following DAX Formula:
new customer =
VAR __Customer = 'sampleData'[customerID]
VAR __SubTable = FILTER('sampleData', 'sampleData'[customerID] = __Customer)
VAR __FirstDate = CALCULATE(MIN(sampleData[date]), __SubTable)
IF('sampleData'[date] = __FirstDate, "New Customer", "Existing Customer")
It's basically the same but using calculate to get the min date.

Google Sheets Apps Script - How to add an Arrayformula and multiple associated IF functions within a script (Without showing the formula within UI)

I was wondering if someone is able to assist?
I'm trying to add an Arrayformula consisting of two IF functions, so I'm wanting to merge the following two formulas into one cell:
So the first section of the sheet needs to be multiplied by 20, and then the figure has changed and needs to be multiplied by 25 (which is cell C4)
Is it possible to merge these into one cell containing an Arrayformula+the two IF functions (or is there another/easier way for this)
Is it possible to add this into Google Apps Script so that it works in the backend (so not just a script that applies the formula into a cell - but doesn't show in the frontend or sheet)
More of a general question - When using Arrayformula with IF; and for example the output is specific text e.g. "Test Complete" associated to the range F2:F (checking if E2:E contains a particular phrase e.g. "Done") - for the empty cells in between (due to setting the False outcome as "") is it possible to somehow randomly add data into these blank cells without interrupting the formula? (so I have to option for automated text if the cell to the left states a particular term/word, but still have the option to manually add random data into blank cells)
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
As for 1st and 2nd questions: it looks like a task for a custom function. Something like this:
function MULTI() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var row = cell.getRow();
var value = sheet.getRange('K'+row).getValue();
return (row < 105) ? value * 20 : value * 25;
It gets a value from column K and multiplies it by 20 if the row less than 105 and by 25 for the rest of rows.
Here is the variant of the same formula that uses the cell 'C4':
function MULTIC4() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var cell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var row = cell.getRow();
var value = sheet.getRange('K'+row).getValue();
var c4 = sheet.getRange('C4').getValue();
return (row < 105) ? value * 20 : value * c4;
And it can be done with the trigger onEdit():
function onEdit(e) {
var col = e.range.columnStart;
if (col != 11) return; // 11 = K
var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
if (sheet.getName() != 'Sheet1') return;
var c4 = sheet.getRange('C4').getValue();
var row = e.range.rowStart;
var dest_cell = sheet.getRange('D'+row);
var value = sheet.getRange(row,col).getValue();
var result = (row < 105) ? value * 20 : value * c4;
It recalculates automatically the value in the cell of column 'D' (current row) every time when you're changing value in the cell of column 'K'. On the sheet 'Sheet1'.

DAX: How do I write an IF statement to return a calculation for multiple (specific) values selected?

This is driving me nuts. Let's say we want to use a slicer which has two distinct values to choose from a dimension. There is A and B.
Let us also say that my Fact table is connected to this dimension, however it has the same dimension with more options.
My slicer now has A, B and (Blank). No biggie.
Let's now say I want to list out all of the possible calculation outcomes by selecting the slicer in a DAX formula, but in my visual I need all those outcomes to be listed in an IF() branched formula:
I can list out A:
IF(MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "A", CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A")
I can list out B:
IF(MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "A", CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A")
I can list out the (Blank) calculation too:
CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = Blank())
And I've managed to get a calculation out of it even when all of the slicer elements are on or off, using:
NOT(ISFILTERED(SlicerDim[Column])), CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A" || SlicerDim[Column] = "B")
Notice I need this IF() branch to actually return a calculation using A & B values, so now I have returns for when A or B or (Blank) or All or None are selected; BUT NOT when multiple values of A & B are selected!
How do I write out this IF() branch for it to return the same thing, but when both A & B are selected? Since there are only two real options in the slicer - I managed to use MIN() and MAX() get it to work by using their names or Index numbers.
IF((MIN(SlicerDim[Column]) = "A" && MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "B") || NOT(ISFILTERED(Paslauga[Paslauga])), CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A" || SlicerDim[Column] = "B")
BUT - I want a more understandable/robust/reusable formula, so that I could list out many selectable values from the slicer and have it return a calculation for specifically selected slicer values.
Please, help.
I've been searching high and low and there seems to not be an easy way to fix this albeit scraping the IF route and just using a damn slicer for this type of dilemma.
How do I write an IF() branch calculation using DAX to get an outcome when All/None or non-blank or Specific slicer values are selected?
My best effort:
I am looking to improve the first IF() branch to not have to use MIN/MAX, because I would like to be able to reuse this type of formula if there were more than two real options in the slicer:
IF_branch =
IF((MIN(SlicerDim[Column]) = "A" && MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "B" || NOT(ISFILTERED(SlicerDim[Column])), CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A" || SlicerDim[Column] = "B"),
IF(MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "A", CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "A"),
IF(MAX(SlicerDim[Column]) = "B", CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = "B"),
CALCULATE([Calculation], SlicerDim[Column] = BLANK()))))
Think what you are looking for is CONTAINS and VALUES
VALUES will give you the distinct current selection in scope.
CONTAINS lets you check if a table contains any row with a set of values.
selected Scenarios = CONCATENATEX(VALUES(DimScenario[ScenarioName]);[ScenarioName];";")
Contains Forecast and Budget? =
CONTAINS(VALUES(DimScenario[ScenarioName]);[ScenarioName];"Forecast") &&

Google Sheets - formula for expense sheet

I need a formula that will help me calculate the $ expense amount for my milage rates.
Here is my sheet
On the tab that's expenses, I need to check the year of my date in Col A (because different years have different rates), then check Col D to see if it says Milage, then check Col E for what type of milage (there are 4 types), then return the number input in Col I times the appropriate rate for that year and type of milage. I have a table set up with the rates in another tab.
I'm thinking it will be a long IF and AND formula. Any help would be great!
In 'Essentials Log', I've changed the format of your year start-end dates to state the year you're referencing. I've added a column for "Milage".
Expense Reference Screenshot
In 'Expenses'!M2, I tried this and it seems to work:
=ARRAYFORMULA(iferror(if(isblank(A2:A),"",I2:I*vlookup(D2:D&year(A2:A)&E2:E,query({'Essentials Log'!Y2:Y&'Essentials Log'!Z2:Z&'Essentials Log'!AA2:AA,'Essentials Log'!AB2:AB},"Select *"),2,false))))
Working Example Screenshot
Have a look (I copied your example sheet): Milage expense
I solved this with creating an app script.
I realized I didn't want to use a formula because in my $ col most entries will be keyed in and so I didn't want to copy and paste a formula every time.
Here is the code if anyone might need it. I added it to the menu so the calculation is done with a click.
function expenseMilageCalculation() {
var auditionsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var expensesTab = auditionsSheet.getActiveSheet();
var activeCell = expensesTab.getActiveCell();
var activeRow = activeCell.getRow();
var expenseDate = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 1).getValue();
var expenseYear = expenseDate.getFullYear();
var expenseType = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 4).getValue();
var expenseDetails = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 5).getValue();
var numMiles = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 9).getValue();
var essentialsLogTab = auditionsSheet.getSheetByName("Essentials Log")
//2018 Business Milage
if (expenseYear == 2018 && expenseType == "Milage" && expenseDetails == "Business") {
var milageBusinessRate2018 = essentialsLogTab.getRange(3, 27).getValue();
var dollarMilesDeduction = numMiles * milageBusinessRate2018
expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 8).setValue(dollarMilesDeduction)
//2019 Business Milage
if (expenseYear == 2019 && expenseType == "Milage" && expenseDetails == "Business") {
var milageBusinessRate2019 = essentialsLogTab.getRange(8, 27).getValue();
var dollarMilesDeduction = numMiles * milageBusinessRate2019
expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 8).setValue(dollarMilesDeduction)