Centering the object into the 3D space with Direct3D - c++

The idea is to present a drawn 3D object "centered" in the screen. After loading the object with WaveFrontReader I got an array of vertices:
float bmin[3], bmax[3];
bmin[0] = bmin[1] = bmin[2] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
bmax[0] = bmax[1] = bmax[2] = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
for (auto& v : objx->wfr.vertices)
if (k == 0)
bmin[k] = std::min(v.position.x, bmin[k]);
bmax[k] = std::max(v.position.x, bmax[k]);
if (k == 1)
bmin[k] = std::min(v.position.y, bmin[k]);
bmax[k] = std::max(v.position.y, bmax[k]);
if (k == 2)
bmin[k] = std::min(v.position.z, bmin[k]);
bmax[k] = std::max(v.position.z, bmax[k]);
I got the idea from the Viewer in TinyObjLoader (which uses OpenGL though), and then:
float maxExtent = 0.5f * (bmax[0] - bmin[0]);
if (maxExtent < 0.5f * (bmax[1] - bmin[1])) {
maxExtent = 0.5f * (bmax[1] - bmin[1]);
if (maxExtent < 0.5f * (bmax[2] - bmin[2])) {
maxExtent = 0.5f * (bmax[2] - bmin[2]);
_3dp.scale[0] = maxExtent;
_3dp.scale[1] = maxExtent;
_3dp.scale[2] = maxExtent;
_3dp.translation[0] = -0.5 * (bmax[0] + bmin[0]);
_3dp.translation[1] = -0.5 * (bmax[1] + bmin[1]);
_3dp.translation[2] = -0.5 * (bmax[2] + bmin[2]);
However this doesn't work. With an object like this spider which has vertices that the coordinates do not extend +/-100, the scale gets to about 100x by the above formula and yet, with the current view set to 0,0,0 the object is too close and I have to put the Z translation manually to something like 50000 to view it into a full box with a D3D11_VIEWPORT viewport = { 0.0f, 0.0f, w, h, 0.0f, 1.0f };, Not to mention that the Y is not centered as well.
Is there a proper algorithm to center the object into view?
Thanks a lot

You can actually change the position of the camera itself and not the objects.
Its recommended that you edit the camera position in OpenGL tutorials.
In games the camera (which is what captures the viewpoint which the rendered objects are viewed from) are not in the middle of the view but actually further way so you can see everything going on in the view/scene.


Ray casting in rotating fan configuration produces point cloud with curvature, how to eliminate curvature?

I'm attempting to perform an intersection test using ray casting (not sure if correct term so please forgive me if not) and am outputting the intersections as a point cloud, and the point cloud shows curvature (on the Z-axis only, the point cloud is completely flat on the Y axis, and the horizontal axis in this image is the X axis):
I borrowed concepts from the Scratchapixel site, specifically
Essentially, I am generating 16 rays, all with the same origin vector. The direction vectors start at +15 degrees on the YZ plane, and continue in increments of -2 degrees down to -15. I have an axis aligned bounding box that I am testing intersection with. I use a rotation transform to rotate the 16 rays CCW around the Z axis. I am performing the intersection test for all 16 rays each 0.1 degrees, and if it returns true, I add the point to the point cloud.
Here's my intersection code:
bool test_intersect(Box b, Ray r, Vec3f& intersect_point)
float txmin = 0.0f, txmax = 0.0f, tymin = 0.0f, tymax = 0.0f, tzmin = 0.0f, tzmax = 0.0f;
float t_min = 0.0f, t_max = 0.0f, t = 0.0f;
// Determine inverse direction of ray to alleviate 0 = -0 issues
Vec3f inverse_direction(1 / r.direction.x, 1 / r.direction.y, 1 / r.direction.z);
// Solving box_min/box_max0 = O + Dt
txmin = (b.box_min.x - r.origin.x) * inverse_direction.x;
txmax = (b.box_max.x - r.origin.x) * inverse_direction.x;
tymin = (b.box_min.y - r.origin.y) * inverse_direction.y;
tymax = (b.box_max.y - r.origin.y) * inverse_direction.y;
tzmin = (b.box_min.z - r.origin.z) * inverse_direction.z;
tzmax = (b.box_max.z - r.origin.z) * inverse_direction.z;
// Depending on direction of ray tmin may > tmax, so we may need to swap
if (txmin > txmax) std::swap(txmin, txmax);
if (tymin > tymax) std::swap(tymin, tymax);
if (tzmin > tzmax) std::swap(tzmin, tzmax);
t_min = txmin;
t_max = txmax;
// If t-value of a min is greater than t-value of max,
// we missed the object in that plane.
if ((t_min > tymax) || (tymin > t_max))
return false;
if (tymin > t_min)
t_min = tymin;
if (tymax < t_max)
t_max = tymax;
if ((t_min > tzmax) || (tzmin > t_max))
return false;
if (tzmin > t_min)
t_min = tzmin;
if (tzmax < t_max)
t_max = tzmax;
if (t_min > 0)
t = t_min;
if (t_max > 0)
t = t_max;
return false;
intersect_point.x = r.origin.x + r.direction.x * t;
intersect_point.y = r.origin.y + r.direction.y * t;
intersect_point.z = r.origin.z + r.direction.z * t;
return true;
And my rotation:
// Rotation around z axis, for rotating array and checking beam intersections
void transform_rotate_z(Vec3f& in_vector, float angle)
float radians = angle * (M_PI / 180);
float result_x = cos(radians) * in_vector.x + -sin(radians) * in_vector.y;
float result_y = sin(radians) * in_vector.x + cos(radians) * in_vector.y;
in_vector.x = result_x;
in_vector.y = result_y;
I have racked my brain for quite a while but I can't seem to determine how I can prevent this curvature, I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple. I'd be grateful for any help you can provide.

DirectX/C++: Marching Cubes Indexing

I've implemented the Marching Cube algorithm in a DirectX environment (To test and have fun). Upon completion, I noticed that the resulting model looks heavily distorted, as if the indices were off.
I've attempted to extract the indices, but I think the vertices are ordered correctly already, using the lookup tables, examples at . The current build uses a 15^3 volume.
Marching cubes iterates over the array as normal:
for (float iX = 0; iX < CellFieldSize.x; iX++){
for (float iY = 0; iY < CellFieldSize.y; iY++){
for (float iZ = 0; iZ < CellFieldSize.z; iZ++){
MarchCubes(XMFLOAT3(iX*StepSize, iY*StepSize, iZ*StepSize), StepSize);
The MarchCube function is called:
void MC::MarchCubes(){
int Corner, Vertex, VertexTest, Edge, Triangle, FlagIndex, EdgeFlags;
float Offset;
float CubeValue[8];
XMFLOAT3 EdgeVertex[12];
XMFLOAT3 EdgeNorm[12];
//Local copy
for (Vertex = 0; Vertex < 8; Vertex++) {
CubeValue[Vertex] = (this->*fSample)(
in_Position.x + VertexOffset[Vertex][0] * Scale,
in_Position.y + VertexOffset[Vertex][1] * Scale,
in_Position.z + VertexOffset[Vertex][2] * Scale
FlagIndex = 0;
Intersection calculations:
//Test vertices for intersection.
for (VertexTest = 0; VertexTest < 8; VertexTest++){
if (CubeValue[VertexTest] <= TargetValue)
FlagIndex |= 1 << VertexTest;
//Find which edges are intersected by the surface.
EdgeFlags = CubeEdgeFlags[FlagIndex];
if (EdgeFlags == 0){
for (Edge = 0; Edge < 12; Edge++){
if (EdgeFlags & (1 << Edge)) {
Offset = GetOffset(CubeValue[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]], CubeValue[EdgeConnection[Edge][1]], TargetValue); // Get offset function definition. Needed!
EdgeVertex[Edge].x = in_Position.x + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][0] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][0] * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].y = in_Position.y + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][1] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][1] * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].z = in_Position.z + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][2] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][2] * Scale;
GetNormal(EdgeNorm[Edge], EdgeVertex[Edge].x, EdgeVertex[Edge].y, EdgeVertex[Edge].z); //Need normal values
And the original implementation gets pushed into a holding struct for DirectX.
for (Triangle = 0; Triangle < 5; Triangle++) {
if (TriangleConnectionTable[FlagIndex][3 * Triangle] < 0) break;
for (Corner = 0; Corner < 3; Corner++) {
Vertex = TriangleConnectionTable[FlagIndex][3 * Triangle + Corner];3 * Triangle + Corner]);
GetColor(Color, EdgeVertex[Vertex], EdgeNorm[Vertex]);
Data.VertexData.push_back(XMFLOAT3(EdgeVertex[Vertex].x, EdgeVertex[Vertex].y, EdgeVertex[Vertex].z));
Data.NormalData.push_back(XMFLOAT3(EdgeNorm[Vertex].x, EdgeNorm[Vertex].y, EdgeNorm[Vertex].z));
Data.ColorData.push_back(XMFLOAT4(Color.x, Color.y, Color.z, 1.0f));
(This is the same ordering as the original GL implementation)
Turns out, I missed a parenthesis showing operator precedence.
EdgeVertex[Edge].x = in_Position.x + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][0] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][0]) * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].y = in_Position.y + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][1] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][1]) * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].z = in_Position.z + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][2] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][2]) * Scale;
Corrected, obtained Visine; resumed fun.

Dragging 3-Dimensional Objects with C++ and OpenGL

I have been developing a 3d chessboard and I have been stuck trying to drag the pieces for a few days now.
Once I select an object using my ray-caster, I start my dragging function which calculates the difference between the current location of the mouse (in world coordinates) and its previous location, I then translate my object by the difference of these coordinates.
I debug my ray-caster by drawing lines so I am sure those coordinates are accurate.
Translating my object based on the ray-caster coordinates only moves the object a fraction of the distance it should actually go.
Am I missing a step?
I believe my issue is in this line of code....
glm::vec3 World_Delta = Current_World_Location - World_Start_Location;
If I multiply the equation by 20 the object start to move more like I would expect it to, but it is never completely accurate.
Below is some relevent code
void CastRay(int mouse_x, int mouse_y) {
int Object_Selected = -1;
float Closest_Object = -1;
//getWorldCoordinates calls glm::unproject
nearPoint = Input_Math.getWorldCoordinates(glm::vec3(mouse_x, Window_Input_Info.getScreenHeight()-mouse_y, 0.0f));
farPoint = Input_Math.getWorldCoordinates(glm::vec3(mouse_x, Window_Input_Info.getScreenHeight()-mouse_y, 1.0f));
glm::vec3 direction = Input_Math.normalize(farPoint - nearPoint);
//getObjectStack() Retrieves all objects in the current scene
std::vector<LoadOBJ> objectList = Object_Input_Info.getObjectStack();
for (int i = 0; i < objectList.size(); i++) {
std::vector<glm::vec3> Vertices = objectList[i].getVertices();
for(int j = 0; j < Vertices.size(); j++) {
if ( ( j + 1 ) % 3 == 0 ) {
glm::vec3 face_normal = Input_Math.normalize(Input_Math.CrossProduct(Vertices[j-1] - Vertices[j-2], Vertices[j] - Vertices[j-2]));
float nDotL = glm::dot(direction, face_normal);
if (nDotL <= 0.0f ) { //if nDotL == 0 { Perpindicular } else if nDotL < 0 { SameDirection } else { OppositeDirection }
float distance = glm::dot(face_normal, (Vertices[j-2] - nearPoint)) / nDotL;
glm::vec3 p = nearPoint + distance * direction;
glm::vec3 n1 = Input_Math.CrossProduct(Vertices[j-1] - Vertices[j-2], p - Vertices[j-2]);
glm::vec3 n2 = Input_Math.CrossProduct(Vertices[j] - Vertices[j-1], p - Vertices[j-1]);
glm::vec3 n3 = Input_Math.CrossProduct(Vertices[j-2] - Vertices[j], p - Vertices[j]);
if( glm::dot(face_normal, n1) >= 0.0f && glm::dot(face_normal, n2) >= 0.0f && glm::dot(face_normal, n3) >= 0.0f ) {
if(p.z > Closest_Object) {
//I Create this "dragplane" to be used by my dragging function.
Drag_Plane[0] = (glm::vec3(Vertices[j-2].x, Vertices[j-2].y, p.z ));
Drag_Plane[1] = (glm::vec3(Vertices[j-1].x, Vertices[j-1].y, p.z ));
Drag_Plane[2] = (glm::vec3(Vertices[j].x , Vertices[j].y , p.z ));
//This is the object the we selected in the scene
Object_Selected = i;
//These are the coordinate the ray intersected the object
World_Start_Location = p;
if(Object_Selected >= 0) { //If an object was intersected by the ray
//selectObject -> Simply sets the boolean "dragging" to true
selectObject(Object_Selected, mouse_x, mouse_y);
void DragObject(int mouse_x, int mouse_y) {
if(dragging) {
//Finds the Coordinates where the ray intersects the "DragPlane" set by original object intersection
farPoint = Input_Math.getWorldCoordinates(glm::vec3(mouse_x, Window_Input_Info.getScreenHeight()-mouse_y, 1.0f));
nearPoint = Input_Math.getWorldCoordinates(glm::vec3(mouse_x, Window_Input_Info.getScreenHeight()-mouse_y, 0.0f));
glm::vec3 direction = Input_Math.normalize(farPoint - nearPoint);
glm::vec3 face_normal = Input_Math.normalize(Input_Math.CrossProduct(Drag_Plane[1] - Drag_Plane[0], Drag_Plane[2] - Drag_Plane[0]));
float nDotL = glm::dot(direction, face_normal);
float distance = glm::dot(face_normal, (Drag_Plane[0] - nearPoint)) / nDotL;
glm::vec3 Current_World_Location = nearPoint + distance * direction;
//Calculate the difference between the current mouse location and its previous location
glm::vec3 World_Delta = Current_World_Location - World_Start_Location;
//Set the "start location" to the current location for the next loop
World_Start_Location = Current_World_Location;
//get the current object
Object_Input_Info = Object_Input_Info.getObject(currentObject);
//adds a translation matrix to the stack
Object_Input_Info.TranslateVertices(World_Delta.x, World_Delta.y, World_Delta.z);
//calculates the new vertices
//puts the new object back
I have already faced similar problems to what your reporting.
Instead of keeping track of the translation during mouse movement, you can do the following:
In your mouse button callback, store a 'Delta' vector from the mouse position (in world coordinates) (P_mouse) to your object position (P_object). It would be something like:
Delta = P_object - P_mouse;
For every call of your mouse motion callback, you just need to update the object position by:
P_object = P_mouse + Delta;
Notice that Delta is constant during the whole dragging process.

OgreBullet incorrect HeightmapCollisionShape shape scale?

I am trying to load a HeightmapTerrainShape in OgreBullet by (mostly) using the demo code, but my terrain mesh is offset from the HeightmapTerrainShape. I have no clue why this is happening. This is my code:
void TerrainLoader::setTerrainPhysics(Ogre::Image *imgPtr)
unsigned page_size = terrainGroup->getTerrainSize();
Ogre::Vector3 terrainScale(4096 / (page_size-1), 600, 4096 / (page_size-1));
float *heights = new float[page_size*page_size];
for(unsigned y = 0; y < page_size; ++y)
for(unsigned x = 0; x < page_size; ++x)
Ogre::ColourValue color = imgPtr->getColourAt(x, y, 0);
heights[x + y * page_size] = color.r;
OgreBulletCollisions::HeightmapCollisionShape *terrainShape = new OgreBulletCollisions::HeightmapCollisionShape(
OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody *terrainBody = new OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody(
imgPtr = NULL;
Ogre::Vector3 terrainShiftPos(terrainScale.x/(page_size-1), 0, terrainScale.z/(page_size-1));
terrainShiftPos.y = terrainScale.y / 2 * terrainScale.y;
Ogre::SceneNode *pTerrainNode = OgreInit::sceneManager->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
terrainBody->setStaticShape(pTerrainNode, terrainShape, 0.0f, 0.8f, terrainShiftPos);
//terrainBody->setPosition(terrainBody->getWorldPosition()-Ogre::Vector3(0.005, 0, 0.005));
This is what it looks like with the debug drawer turned on:
My world is 4096*600*4096 in size, and each chunk is 64*600*64
heights[x + y * page_size] = color.r;
This Line gives you negative values. If you combine negative terrain height values with ogre bullet terrain, you get a wrong bounding box conversation.
You need to use the intervall 0-1 for height values.
Had the same problem with perlin noise filter that gives you values from -1 to 1.

Realtime object painting

I am trying to perform a realtime painting to the object texture. Using Irrlicht for now, but that does not really matter.
So far, i've got the right UV coordinates using this algorithm:
find out which object's triangle user selected (raycasting, nothing
really difficult)
find out the UV (baricentric) coordinates of intersection point on
that triangle
find out the UV (texture) coordinates of each triangle vertex
find out the UV (texture) coordinates of intersection point
calculate the texture image coordinates for intersection point
But somehow, when i am drawing in the point i got in the 5th step on texture image, i get totally wrong results. So, when drawing a rectangle in cursor point, the X (or Z) coordinate of its is inverted:
Here's the code i am using to fetch texture coordinates:
core::vector2df getPointUV(core::triangle3df tri, core::vector3df p)
v0 = tri.pointC - tri.pointA,
v1 = tri.pointB - tri.pointA,
v2 = p - tri.pointA;
float dot00 = v0.dotProduct(v0),
dot01 = v0.dotProduct(v1),
dot02 = v0.dotProduct(v2),
dot11 = v1.dotProduct(v1),
dot12 = v1.dotProduct(v2);
float invDenom = 1.f / ((dot00 * dot11) - (dot01 * dot01)),
u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom,
v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
scene::IMesh* m = Mesh->getMesh(((scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*)Model)->getFrameNr());
core::array<video::S3DVertex> VA, VB, VC;
video::SMaterial Material;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m->getMeshBufferCount(); i++)
scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i);
video::S3DVertex* vertices = (video::S3DVertex*) mb->getVertices();
for (unsigned long long v = 0; v < mb->getVertexCount(); v++)
if (vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointA)
VA.push_back(vertices[v]); else
if (vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointB)
VB.push_back(vertices[v]); else
if (vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointC)
if (vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointA || vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointB || vertices[v].Pos == tri.pointC)
Material = mb->getMaterial();
if (VA.size() > 0 && VB.size() > 0 && VC.size() > 0)
if (VA.size() > 0 && VB.size() > 0 && VC.size() > 0)
A = VA[0].TCoords,
B = VB[0].TCoords,
C = VC[0].TCoords;
core::vector2df P(A + (u * (C - A)) + (v * (B - A)));
core::dimension2du Size = Material.getTexture(0)->getSize();
CursorOnModel = core::vector2di(Size.Width * P.X, Size.Height * P.Y);
int X = Size.Width * P.X, Y = Size.Height * P.Y;
Device->getVideoDriver()->setRenderTarget(Material.getTexture(0), true, true, 0);
Device->getVideoDriver()->draw2DRectangle(video::SColor(255, 0, 100, 75), core::rect<s32>((X - 10), (Y - 10),
(X + 10), (Y + 10)));
Device->getVideoDriver()->setRenderTarget(0, true, true, 0);
return core::vector2df(X, Y);
I just wanna make my object paintable in realtime. My current problems are: wrong texture coordinate calculation and non-unique vertex UV coordinates (so, drawing something on the one side of the dwarfe's axe would draw the same on the other side of that axe).
How should i do this?
I was able to use your codebase and get it to work for me.
Re your second problem "non-unique vertex UV coordinates":
Well you are absolutely right, you need unique vertexUVs to get this working, which means that you have to unwrap you models and don't make use of shared uv-space for e.g. mirrored elements and stuff. (e.g. left/right boot - if they use the same uv-space, you'll paint automatically on both, where you want the one to be red and the other to be green). You can check out "uvlayout" (tool) or the uv-unwrap modifier ind 3ds max.
Re the first and more important problem: "**wrong texture coordinate calculation":
the calculation of your baycentric coordinates is correct, but as i suppose your input-data is wrong. I assume you get the triangle and the collisionPoint by using irrlicht's CollisionManager and TriangleSelector. The problem is, that the positions of the triangle's vertices (which you get as returnvalue from the collisionTest) is in WorldCoordiates. But you'll need them in ModelCoordinates for the calculation, so here's what you need to do:
add the node which contains the mesh of the hit triangle as parameter to getPointUV()
get the inverse absoluteTransformation-Matrix by calling node->getAbsoluteTransformation() [inverse]
transform the vertices of the triangle by this inverse Matrix and use those values for the rest of the method.
Below you'll find my optimized method wich does it for a very simple mesh (one mesh, only one meshbuffer).
irr::core::vector2df getPointUV(irr::core::triangle3df tri, irr::core::vector3df p, irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode* pMeshNode, irr::video::IVideoDriver* pDriver)
irr::core::matrix4 inverseTransform(
v0 = tri.pointC - tri.pointA,
v1 = tri.pointB - tri.pointA,
v2 = p - tri.pointA;
float dot00 = v0.dotProduct(v0),
dot01 = v0.dotProduct(v1),
dot02 = v0.dotProduct(v2),
dot11 = v1.dotProduct(v1),
dot12 = v1.dotProduct(v2);
float invDenom = 1.f / ((dot00 * dot11) - (dot01 * dot01)),
u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom,
v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
irr::video::S3DVertex A, B, C;
irr::video::S3DVertex* vertices = static_cast<irr::video::S3DVertex*>(
for(unsigned int i=0; i < pMeshNode->getMesh()->getMeshBuffer(0)->getVertexCount(); ++i)
if( vertices[i].Pos == tri.pointA)
A = vertices[i];
else if( vertices[i].Pos == tri.pointB)
B = vertices[i];
else if( vertices[i].Pos == tri.pointC)
C = vertices[i];
irr::core::vector2df t2 = B.TCoords - A.TCoords;
irr::core::vector2df t1 = C.TCoords - A.TCoords;
irr::core::vector2df uvCoords = A.TCoords + t1*u + t2*v;
return uvCoords;