Converting a CBitmap to HICON and using it on a status bar - c++

I found this link that shows you how to convert a CBitmap into a HICON:
HICON HICONFromCBitmap(CBitmap& bitmap)
HBITMAP hbmMask = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(::GetDC(NULL),
bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight);
ICONINFO ii = {0};
ii.fIcon = TRUE;
ii.hbmColor = bitmap;
ii.hbmMask = hbmMask;
HICON hIcon = ::CreateIconIndirect(&ii);
return hIcon;
So I have tried this in my application:
HICON hIcon = HICONFromCBitmap(m_mapMenuBitmap[5]);
m_StatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetIcon(paneProgressOrZoomFactor, hIcon);
It works:
Does hIcon need to be alive for the duration of my window? And do I have to free it?
For your clarification, my m_mapMeniBitmaps is a map of CBitmap objects and they do remain alive.

Does hIcon need to be alive for the duration of my window? And do I have to free it?
Yes and yes! From the documentation for CreateIconIndirect (bolding mine):
When you are finished using the icon, destroy it using the
DestroyIcon function.
My m_mapMenuBitmaps is a map of CBitmap objects and they do remain alive.
You can free those CBitmap objects once you've created the icon(s) but, as you correctly note, they remain 'alive', so you should always 'kill' them when you no longer need them. From the same M/S document:
The system copies the bitmaps in the ICONINFO structure before
creating the icon or cursor.
The application must continue to manage the original bitmaps and
delete them when they are no longer necessary.


Why can't i set a thumbnail on the Taskbar using DwmSetIconicThumbnail?

I need your help for a project at my job.
The main software, using 4D language, works as a MDI, it creates many windows included in the main window. The main issue is that we have a lot of windows and we need an easy way to switch from a window to another.
We decided to create a little c++ plugin which is a dll to resolve this issue.
This plugin will create a tab on the taskbar for each window opened like Windows Explorer. The creation and the deletion of tabs already works.
But the current problem is that no thumbnail is set on the Tab.
The parameter given is the ID of the window from the main software. The method called PA_GetHWND is the method given by 4D to obtain the handle of the window using the windowID.
I have already check where is the problem. The bitmap created from the window already exists and is good. For this test, i put the bitmap in the clipboard and paste it on Paint and the Bitmap was good.
Here is the code introducing the method to refresh the bitmap on the tab.
bool CManageTaskBar::UpdateWindow(long WindowID)
HDC hdcScreen;
HDC hdcWindow;
HDC hdcMemDC = NULL;
HBITMAP hbmScreen = NULL;
//Get the Handle from 4D
HWND nHandle = (HWND)(PA_GetHWND((PA_WindowRef)(WindowID)));
// Retrieve the handle to a display device context for the client
// area of the window.
hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL);
hdcWindow = GetDC(nHandle);
// Create a compatible DC which is used in a BitBlt from the window DC
hdcMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWindow);
// Get the client area for size calculation
RECT rcClient;
GetClientRect(nHandle, &rcClient);
// Create a compatible bitmap from the Window DC
hbmScreen = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcWindow,rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -;
// Select the compatible bitmap into the compatible memory DC.
SelectObject(hdcMemDC, hbmScreen);
// Bit block transfer into our compatible memory DC.
if (!BitBlt(hdcMemDC,
0, 0,
rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -,
0, 0,
MessageBox(nHandle, L"BitBlt has failed", L"Failed", MB_OK);
//goto done;
ITaskbarList3* ptbl = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(my_CLSID_TaskbarList, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, my_IID_ITaskbarList3, (LPVOID*)&ptbl);
BOOL fForceIconic = TRUE;
BOOL fHasIconic = TRUE;
res = DwmSetWindowAttribute(nHandle, DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION, &fForceIconic, sizeof(fForceIconic));
res = DwmSetWindowAttribute(nHandle, DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP, &fHasIconic, sizeof(fHasIconic));
if (hbmScreen)
res = DwmSetIconicThumbnail(nHandle, hbmScreen,0);//DWM_SIT_DISPLAYFRAME);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen);
ReleaseDC(nHandle, hdcWindow);
return true;
The calls to DwmSetWindowAttribute return Invalid Handle. This handle works to get a bitmap but not to set an attribute.
And the call to DwmSetIconicThumbnail returns E_INVALIDARG maybe because the handle given is wrong.
Why cannot I set an attribute to this handle and why the call to set the thumbnail returns E_INVALIDARG ?
Thanks to everyone who will take care of my problem.
It's my first question, be friendly please :)

MFC HBITMAP memory leak does not go away

whenever I execute the below code, my memory in task manager for the application keeps on increasing endlessly. I found similiar questions here on stackoverflow and I did some DeleteObject calls like they stated but this still did not solve the ever increasing memory when this code executes.
How can this be solved? What am I doing wrong?
SetControlPicture(const UINT ID_PICTURE_CONTROL)
CImage image;
CBitmap bitmap;
HRESULT hresult;
CStatic* pItem = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(ID_PICTURE_CONTROL);
hresult = image.Load(_T("./Data/Images/RED_ON.png"));
if(hresult != E_FAIL)
HBITMAP hBitMap = image.Detach();
HBITMAP hBitMapPrev = pItem->SetBitmap(bitmap);
if (hBitMapPrev)
DeleteObject(hBitMapPrev); // *** do not forget to delete the previously associated bitmap
AFAIK According to the documentation this must leak. Since Common Control ver. 6.0 you are repsonsible to delete the Bitmap. It is not enough to delete the Bitmap that was returned.
In version 6 of the Microsoft Win32 controls, a bitmap passed to a static control using the STM_SETIMAGE message was the same bitmap returned by a subsequent STM_SETIMAGE message. The client is responsible to delete any bitmap sent to a static control.

Drawing multiple bitmaps on one Device Context in MFC - winapi

I want to use a single CDC, inwhich to draw 3 bitmaps, positioned in the CDC, and then pass it into UpdateLayeredWindow. My problem is that I can't get the SIZE* psize parameter of the UpdateLayeredWindow function right! Can Anyone help? What do I do?
CBitmap btCdcBuff;
CBitmap* cache;
BITMAP hbCdcBuff;
btCdcBuff.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pCdcMain,,; btCdcBuff.GetBitmap(&hbCdcBuff);
cache = pCdcMain->SelectObject(&btCdcBuff); // pCdcMain is a compatible CDC with the screen (pCdcScreen)
Blend(&btIcon); // This function just creates a compatible CDC from a CPaintDC, selects the passed in CBitmap via SelectObject and AlphaBlends it to the pCdcMain.
UpdateLayeredWindow(pCdcScreen, NULL, new CSize(hbCdcBuff.bmWidth, hbCdcBuff.bmHeight), pCdcMain, new CPoint(0, 0), 0, &bBlendFnc, ULW_ALPHA) // This fails and returns false
When using CreateCompatibleBitmap with UpdateLayeredWindow, make sure you pass in the CDC for the screen (ie, pCdcScreen not pCdcMain), so that the Bitmap created is of the correct format. See this thread:

Win32 Device Context without Window

In my application i need to create HBITMAP objects to which I render and from where I copy the result.
I use the function "CreateDIBSection" to create these bitmaps, however this function required a DC (Device Context) as first parameter. Currently I get this by calling GetDC(hWnd) on the main windows handle (hWnd). But I would like to be able to create HBITMAPS without the requirement of having an application window, without some kind of in memory DC, Is this possible?
CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) will create you a device context that is compatible with the screen - which sounds like it would be ideal in the situation.
You can get one with CreateDC for the display:
Cleanup with DeleteDC(). It is only used to initialize the palette for bitmaps with indexed format. NULL might work if you don't use such a format, never tried it.
Then there's GDI+, #include <gdiplus.h> and the Bitmap class...
try this. it worked.
HDC hdcScreen = ::GetDC( NULL );
HDC hdcMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
HBITMAP hbmScreen = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, cx, cy);
HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(hdcMemDC, hbmScreen);
MyImageDraw(hdcMemDC, ...);
// The drawing image is held in hBitmap. You can save it
HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hdcMemDC, hOldBitmap);
// save The trend image into c:\test.bmp
PBITMAPINFO pbi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(hBitmap);
CreateBMPFile("C:\\Temp\\test.bmp", pbi, hBitmap, hdcMemDC);
//Clean up
::ReleaseDC( NULL, hdcScreen );

Load a CBitmap dynamically

I have a Bitmap image that i want to load dynamically. But I am unable to load it.
CBitmap bmp;
it does not seem to be working.
Can someone please help me.
You can also try something like this:
CImage image;
CBitmap bitmap;
According to CBitmap documentation: LoadBitmap() function takes resource identifier of the bitmap or resource id of the bitmap.
You can't specify the path of the bitmap file.
MYBMP BITMAP "res\myimage.bmp"
and make sure that resource.h does not have any entry of MYBMP otherwise during preprocessing its replaced by id and ultimately LoadBitmap() will fail since application can't locate the resource as FindResource() fails.
Now do this :
CBitmap bmp;
It will definitely load the bitmap.
To load a bitmap from a file, you want to use LoadImage with the LR_LOADFROMFILE flag.
CBitmap doesn't support directly reading from a .bmp file. You can instead make use of CImage class as suggested in other answers. You'll need to include atlimage.h in your code to make CImage work:
#include <atlimage.h>
CImage img;
img.Load (_T("C:\\image.bmp"));
CBitmap bitmap;
Another way is to load the image using LoadImage Win32 API and then attaching CBitmap to that:
HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL,"c:\\image.bmp",
if (hBitmap != NULL)
CImage doesn't work with png last time I tried / checked. Have a look at CxImage - .
It could be as simple as you forgetting to escape the backslash.
Instead of
Otherwise you're passing an invalid path to the LoadBitmap method.
CString filename;
TCHAR szFilter[] = _T("Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|PNG (*.png)|*.png||");
if (selDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
filename = selDlg.GetPathName();
CImage image;
if (hBitmap)
// Delete the current bitmap
if (m_bmpBitmap.DeleteObject())
m_bmpBitmap.Detach(); // If there was a bitmap, detach it
// Attach the currently loaded bitmap to the bitmap object
When using the solutions mentioned to date, with a member variable of CBitmap I kept getting memory leaking every time I loaded the CImage onto the CBitmap. I solved this with the following code:
CString _fileName(/*Path to image*/);
CImage _image;
HRESULT hr = _image.Load(_fileName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
if (m_Display.m_bmpImage.DeleteObject())