Problems deploying vue app to aws amplify - amazon-web-services

I have a Vue app that I deployed to was amplify. I noticed that if I click a route it loads but if I refresh that URL the page redirects to an index.html page. Please help if you can.

I solved the issue by going to the rewrite and redirect tabs of amplify and setting .
Since I was using history mode for vue, had to do a rewrite rule.
I set the source address to /<*> , target address to /index.html type to 404(rewrite)

1- try to add a default route at the end of you in your Vue-router to catch everything.
routes: [{ path: '/:pathMatch(.*)', component: main/index/whatever}],
2- add the following rule in your AWS amplify app Rewrites and redirects
/<*> / 200


Can an angular app on AWS S3 served via cloudfront resolve to another route apart from the index route?

I have an angular app hosted on S3. When I try to directly go to a route like I get a 403 forbidden error. But when I access the app from everything is okay and from the app I can navigate to I don't understand why this is happening.
How can I make it so that routes like can be accessed directly and not throw an error?
On CloudFront distribution enter error pages tab
Then create a new error response to deal with any othe routes and redirect it to index.html file

Nuxt SSG app not routing correctly on google cloud bucket, goes to dir/index.html on reload

I followed this tutorial on how to host server side generated sites on Google Cloud Buckets. The issue I am having is that the nuxt app works fine when routing internally, but when I reload a route, the site is redirected to whatever route plus a /index.html at the end.
This causes things to break, as it conflicts with Nuxt routing. I set index to be my entry point ala
gsutil web set -m index.html -e 404.html gs://my-static-assets
but it seems to assume that to be the case always. I don't have this problem using Netlify.
According to the tutorial that you're doing, you're redirected to /route/index.html because of your MainPageSuffix index, this means that when you try to access for example the service look for the target https://
To fix this I suggest that you include an index.html file under the subdirectory in the subdirectory of the route.
I recommend, for further info on this to check this post which has a similar issue.

AWS Amplify Redirects Gatsby 404 to Root URL

I have deployed a multi-page gatsby site both to AWS Amplify and Netlify.
When I go to a page that doesn't exist on my site that was deployed with Netlify, I get the 404 page I have created. But when I go to the same non-existent route on the site with Amplify, it redirects me to the root path.
I have checked the network tab, and I get a 404 status code without any HTTP redirects. So I assume the redirect happens in the JavaScript code?
Does this happen to anyone else?
Here is the default Rewrites and Redirects for my site on Amplify:
The solution was to change the target address from /index.html to /404.html like this:
I exprienced this same issue, but with all pages reloading to the homepage if they weren't ended with a '/'. Removing all the rewrite rules seemed to fix this for me. I wasn't using any of them and they were set as defaults. Such as 'www' rerouting to '/'.

Redirects for Ember app on shared hosting (hostgator)

I have an ember app that I have been building. It has several routes including index (/) and authorization (/authorization). My trouble is that when the application is hosted on hostgator, loading the url results in a 404. This makes sense since there is nothing at that actual url. I need hostgator to redirect all non-file-specific urls to my index.html file.
An example in psuedo code:
if url has extension (.jpg, .pdf, etc)
serve requested url
serve index.html but retain url in the address bar
I've done this sort of thing with local instances of node when using AngularJs with ui-router, but this is my first time using History-API based routing served from HostGator.
Any suggestions on where to start to set this up?
Not much of an answer but you can use locationType: 'hash' in environment.js as your configuration.
With locationType set to 'auto', refreshing on application hosted on Hostgator will produce a 404. I have encountered this before and not found any solution. So I switched to 'hash'.
If you find any solution, please tell me. Thanks!

ember cli url not working on server with manual return key (versus link-to)

An ember cli site was deployed onto a server and it works fine. Links via {{link-to}} all work beautifully.
BUT, when a user (me that is) manually enters a url and hits return. then the site is not found.
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
even changing a parameter of a working url (initially navigated to thru link-to)
and simply backspacing, changing the 30 to 20 and hit return
its a no go
localhost:4200 doesn't have this issue.
has anyone observed this vicious behaviour.
i actually need it for a callback redirect for oauth. but then noticed than any manually entered urls dont function.
It is because your server (IIS?) is trying to access the full path requested by your browser (eg /start/0/length/30), and not finding a valid file on disk returns a 404.
So, you need to configure your web server to proxy/rewrite the requests to the proper location. Assuming you are deploying your application in your "root" directory, the proper location is /index.html (the file ember-cli creates).
Unfortunately, I can't help you with IIS, but I can provide you with the proper configuration for nginx:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
This says "If the requested URI doesn't exist, instead respond with the /index.html file".
When you are using ember server on localhost:4200 you don't have the same problem because it is automatically doing something similar transparently.
If you are serving this up from any web server that isn't the built in Ember, ie non local server, you need to have a wildcard rule that returns your Ember app's index.html file for anything below your websites base url. If you only have your base url return the index.html file, then your webserver is confused by the unrecognized url and thinks it has nothing to return. If your rule, though,
for baseUrl/* returns index.html, your Ember app will then run the correct route hooks to establish the app context
this is a dupe and the question is
How to run emberJS application in IIS?
the easy answer is set locationType: hash in ember-cli's environment.config file (copied from accepted answer)
that will introduce a '#' in the url but doesnt require an IIS change.
var ENV = {
locationType: 'hash'
... };