Visual Studio 2017 shows IntelliSense errors on unreal engine 4 projects - c++

I working on a unreal engine 4.20 project, I compile my project successfully, but show many IntelliSense errors.
I searched in the google and stackoverflow. I deleted .vs folder .suo file and unload/load the project. also I installed Windows Universal CRT SDK and Windows 8.1 SDK/Windows 10 SDK but still have problem.
Even I create new first person unreal engine project, It show me huge IntelliSense errors while i can compile project without any errors.
What is problem? how can fix that?
Errors sample is here:

In epic's docs it's mentioned that intellisense could detect false errors because the intellisense system is too slow to scan all the files of the project and the engine. The solution suggested in the docs is to hide the intellisense errors and to only inspect the errors which are displayed by the compiler output. You can do this by setting the dropdown to Build.
For more information visit


ReSharper In An Unreal Engine Project Giving Wrong Errors

I know about this question. However, I tried every single answer and none of them worked.
I just created a new Unreal Engine Project, and enabled ReSharper. When I created a new Actor class, it's showing errors with red squiggly lines, even though I can run it just fine. Why is this happening? I disabled code analysis squiggles, like the documentation said.
I finally found the answer. You have to go to the Unreal Editor, and click File | Refresh Visual Studio Project. Then when you open Visual Studio it won't show the errors.

Updated Visual Studio, OpenCV Project No Longer Working

I had this working OpenCV project in visual studio 2017. I update Visual Studio to version 15.6.4 yesterday and the project no longer worked. The include files are still there, so are the dlls. The environment settings have not changed.
I tried opening other OpenCV projects that I know also worked for sure before the update and I'm getting the same error so I know my it's most likely not my code.
Here are the errors I'm getting:
I'd really appreciate any help if possible. It was a huge hassle for me getting the environment running the first time and now for this to happen is insanely frustrating, I just really want to start worrying about the actual code instead of all these inconvenient problems that are stopping me dead in my tracks.
After the update, the project was targeted for Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 which was not found on my device.
I right clicked on the solution and clicked retarget solution and that fixed the problem.

Visual Studio doesn't recognize Unreal Engine

I'm a student in Videogame Development, and just starting out looking at Unreal.
And no, none of my teachers know anything about this.
I have installed Unreal Engine 4.13 and Visual Studio Community 2013 now 2015.
I'm trying to make a C++ project using Unreal Engine (using blueprints is out of question so this didn't help)
Now, when I make a basic C++ project, Visual Studio shows the following error message:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- UE4, "C:\Users\Gebruiker\MEGA\Unreal\Disposable\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UE4.vcxproj"
- Disposable, "C:\Users\Gebruiker\MEGA\Unreal\Disposable\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Disposable.vcxproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- Engine, "Engine"
- Games, "Games"
- Disposable, "C:\Users\Gebruiker\MEGA\Unreal\Disposable\Disposable.sln"
Then my browser opens showing a Migration Report telling me that VS had an error with Project.vcxproj and UE4.vcxproj, although it copes with Engine, Games and Project.sln.
After this VS does show up without any further action, and it does automatically open *.h and *.cpp files for newly added classes in UE4.
Though it does edit and save these, it claims that all UE's code is wrong (with squiggles), and for compiling UE4 gives errors on pieces of code that apparently don't give errors on other's machines.
It would be much appreciated to be helped out, and I'm sure it would help others too who would have the same problem.
A screenshot of the problem and configuration
A screenshot of the Help -> About Visual Studio page, VS 2015 C++ highlighted
Starting with both the Unreal Engine Editor and Visual Studio closed, right click your .uproject file and select Generate Visual Studio project files, and then launch visual studio from the .sln file.
Once Visual Studio is open check your Solution Configuration is set to Development Editor. Then go to Debug > Start without Debugging (or Ctrl-F5). If everything compiles and the Editor opens again then you're good to go.
I uninstalled VS2013, installed VS2015 with all additional options checked, made a blank, new project with Unreal with just VS2015 on my pc, and now everything works fine.
Perhaps my VS2013 installation was broken, deprecated or switching version wasn't a good idea, but I can work with VS in any case now.
Also thanks to jeevcat for mentioning it!
Install newer version of the Visual Studio. VS2013 is not the latest one, VS2015 is. People report that even updating VS2013 from Update 2 to Update 4 helps resolving similar issues.

IntelliSense and browsing information will not be available for C++ projects

In Visual Studio trying to create a blank C++ project Win32 Console Application my app Settings are
Console application
Check empty project
Precompiled headers is unchecked
Visual Studio tries to set it all up and then gives me the follow error:
Everything works except project has zero IntelliSense.
Here is what I tried so far:
I tried to install latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 it keeps telling me the version you are trying to install is an older version and the one I have - is the latest.
There was something about Fallback Location setting it to true, tried that still the same.
Tried to run VS in admin mode, the same error.
Maybe someone had similar problem?
I have had the same problem too. I figured out my problem by install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop. The link is
May it can help you with your problem. good luck
I just had the same problem and solved it by starting Visual Studio as administrator.
The problem appeared, because I had previously started Visual Studio as admin, and the Debug Folder it created wasn't writable then for the normal user.
Otherwise: deletion of the Debug folder would presumably also have fixed the problem.

Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Static Analysis Shows No Output

So Microsoft released a trial version of Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Developer Preview. I decided to try out the static code analysis feature.
I successfully updated my solution to 2011 and get my project file to build.
However when I try to run the 'Run Code Analysis For Solution' it then proceeds to simply build the solution/project but display no output in the code analysis window (even if I've hacked the code to make sure it should show some errors).
I did have Visual Studio 2010 previously installed and I wonder if that's affecting it?
Any help or anyone ran into similar issue?
I made a sample project and in it the code analysis works... I'm not sure what I'm missing from my old migrated project to enable it. (I've done the obvious and enabled Static Analysis in the configuration properties menu)
First check which build toolset do you use.
For upgraded project it is Visual Studio 2010 by default.
However when I did similar exercise with my project it didn't compile after switching to VC11 compiler - there were some issues with include paths I had to resolve.