C++ using declaration for parameter pack - c++

I would like to define a class which inherits from a bunch of classes but which does not hide some specific methods from those classes.
Imagine the following code:
template<typename... Bases>
class SomeClass : public Bases...
using Bases::DoSomething...;
void DoSomething(){
//this is just another overload
The problem is now if just one class does not have a member with the name DoSomething I get an error.
What I already tried was emulating an "ignore-if-not-defined-using" with a macro and SFINAE but to handle all cases this becomes very big and ugly!
Do you have any idea to solve this?
It would be really nice if I could define: "Hey using - ignore missing members".
Here I have some sample code: Godbolt

The problem with Jarod42's approach is that you change what overload resolution looks like - once you make everything a template, then everything is an exact match and you can no longer differentiate between multiple viable candidates:
struct A { void DoSomething(int); };
struct B { void DoSomething(double); };
SomeClass<A, B>().DoSomething(42); // error ambiguous
The only way to preserve overload resolution is to use inheritance.
The key there is to finish what ecatmur started. But what does HasDoSomething look like? The approach in the link only works if there is a single, non-overloaded, non-template. But we can do better. We can use the same mechanism to detect if DoSomething exists that is the one that requires the using to begin with: names from different scopes don't overload.
So, we introduce a new base class which has a DoSomething that will never be for real chosen - and we do that by making our own explicit tag type that we're the only ones that will ever construct. For lack of a better name, I'll name it after my dog, who is a Westie:
struct westie_tag { explicit westie_tag() = default; };
inline constexpr westie_tag westie{};
template <typename T> struct Fallback { void DoSomething(westie_tag, ...); };
And make it variadic for good measure, just to make it least. But doesn't really matter. Now, if we introduce a new type, like:
template <typename T> struct Hybrid : Fallback<T>, T { };
Then we can invoke DoSomething() on the hybrid precisely when T does not have a DoSomething overload - of any kind. That's:
template <typename T, typename=void>
struct HasDoSomething : std::true_type { };
template <typename T>
struct HasDoSomething<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<Hybrid<T>>().DoSomething(westie))>>
: std::false_type
{ };
Note that usually in these traits, the primary is false and the specialization is true - that's reversed here. The key difference between this answer and ecatmur's is that the fallback's overload must still be invocable somehow - and use that ability to check it - it's just that it's not going to be actually invocable for any type the user will actually use.
Checking this way allows us to correctly detect that:
struct C {
void DoSomething(int);
void DoSomething(int, int);
does indeed satisfy HasDoSomething.
And then we use the same method that ecatmur showed:
template <typename T>
using pick_base = std::conditional_t<
template<typename... Bases>
class SomeClass : public Fallback<Bases>..., public Bases...
using pick_base<Bases>::DoSomething...;
void DoSomething();
And this works regardless of what all the Bases's DoSomething overloads look like, and correctly performs overload resolution in the first case I mentioned.

How about conditionally using a fallback?
Create non-callable implementations of each method:
struct Fallback {
template<class..., class> void DoSomething();
Inherit from Fallback once for each base class:
class SomeClass : private Fallback<Bases>..., public Bases...
Then pull in each method conditionally either from the base class or its respective fallback:
using std::conditional_t<HasDoSomething<Bases>::value, Bases, Fallback<Bases>>::DoSomething...;

You might add wrapper which handles basic cases by forwarding instead of using:
template <typename T>
struct Wrapper : T
template <typename ... Ts, typename Base = T>
auto DoSomething(Ts&&... args) const
-> decltype(Base::DoSomething(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
return Base::DoSomething(std::forward<Ts>(args)...);
template <typename ... Ts, typename Base = T>
auto DoSomething(Ts&&... args)
-> decltype(Base::DoSomething(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
return Base::DoSomething(std::forward<Ts>(args)...);
// You might fix missing noexcept specification
// You might add missing combination volatile/reference/C-elipsis version.
// And also special template versions with non deducible template parameter...
template <typename... Bases>
class SomeClass : public Wrapper<Bases>...
using Wrapper<Bases>::DoSomething...; // All wrappers have those methods,
// even if SFINAEd
void DoSomething(){ /*..*/ }
As Barry noted, there are other drawbacks as overload resolution has changed, making some call ambiguous...
Note: I proposed that solution as I didn't know how to create a correct traits to detect DoSomething presence in all cases (overloads are mainly the problem).
Barry solved that, so you have better alternative.

You can implement this without extra base classes so long as you’re willing to use an alias template to name your class. The trick is to separate the template arguments into two packs based on a predicate:
template<class,class> struct cons; // not defined
template<class ...TT> struct pack; // not defined
namespace detail {
template<template<class> class,class,class,class>
struct sift;
template<template<class> class P,class ...TT,class ...FF>
struct sift<P,pack<>,pack<TT...>,pack<FF...>>
{using type=cons<pack<TT...>,pack<FF...>>;};
template<template<class> class P,class I,class ...II,
class ...TT,class ...FF>
struct sift<P,pack<I,II...>,pack<TT...>,pack<FF...>> :
std::conditional_t<P<I>::value,pack<FF...>,pack<FF...,I>>> {};
template<class,class=void> struct has_something : std::false_type {};
template<class T>
struct has_something<T,decltype(void(&T::DoSomething))> :
std::true_type {};
template<template<class> class P,class ...TT>
using sift_t=typename detail::sift<P,pack<TT...>,pack<>,pack<>>::type;
Then decompose the result and inherit from the individual classes:
template<class> struct C;
template<class ...MM,class ...OO> // have Method, Others
struct C<cons<pack<MM...>,pack<OO...>>> : MM...,OO... {
using MM::DoSomething...;
void DoSomething();
template<class T> using has_something=detail::has_something<T>;
template<class ...TT> using C_for=C<sift_t<has_something,TT...>>;
Note that the has_something here supports only non-overloaded methods (per base class) for simplicity; see Barry’s answer for the generalization of that.


Specializing Template Classes with Parameter Packs

I'm using inheritance with a set of classes. One of the child classes takes in an std::function(ReturnTy<ParamTypes...>), along with the ParamTypes arguments. The class signature and constructor look like:
template<class ReturnTy, class... ParamTypes>
class Child : public Interface
Child(ReturnTy default_value, ParamTypes... args)
: func_set_(false)
, m_Args(std::make_tuple(std::forward<ParamTypes>(args)...))
, m_ReturnValue(default_value)
bool func_set_;
std::function<ReturnTy(ParamTypes...)> m_Funciton;
std::tuple<ParamTypes...> m_Args;
ReturnTy m_ReturnValue;
My issue is when I want to specialize for the case where there are no parameters. Furthermore, I also want to specialize for the case which ReturnTy=void and there are parameters. I found an answer that is close to what I'm looking for here, but it doesn't exactly cover what I'm trying to do because that question uses compile-time integers as template parameters, where I'm using types. It also concerns functions instead of classes. I feel like I'm close, but I just need some help to make my code work.
For reference, here is what I have for the other specializations (shortened):
template<class ReturnTy>
class Child<ReturnTy> : public Interface
Child(ReturnTy default_value)
: // The same as first class without m_Args
// Same as first class without m_Args
template<class... ParamTypes>
class Child<void, ParamTypes...> : public Interface
Child(ParamTypes... args)
: // Same as first class without m_ReturnValue
// Same as first class without m_ReturnValue
Specifically, the issue comes from something like the following line of code:
Child<void> obj1(5);
The problem is that your specializations are of the same level (no one is more specialized that the other) and Child<void> matches both.
If you want that Child<void> matches the Child<ReturnTy> case (otherwise the solution is simple and elegant: in the second specialization, split the ParamTypes... list in a Par0 mandatory type and the rest of the ParamTypes...) I don't see a simple and elegant solution.
The best I can imagine, at the moment, is add a level of indirection (add a Child_base class) adding also a template parameter to explicit the desired solution.
Maybe can be made in a simpler way (sorry but, in this moment, I can try with a compiler) but I imagine something as follows
template <typename RT, bool, typename ... PTs>
class Child_base : public Interface
// general case (no empy PTs... list and no void return type)
template <typename ... PTs>
class Child_base<void, true, PTs...> : public Interface
// case return type is void (also empy PTs... list)
template <typename RT>
class Child_base<RT, false> : public Interface
// case return type only, but not void, and empy PTs
template <typename RT, typename ... PTs>
class Child
: public Child_base<RT, std::is_same_v<void, RT>, PTs...>
This way, Child<void> inherit from Child_base<void, true> that matches the first specialization of Child_base but doesn't match the second one.
I propose another way about Child: instead of define it as a class derived from Child_base, you can try defining it as a using alias of Child_base
template <typename RT, typename ... PTs>
using Child = Child_base<RT, std::is_same_v<void, RT>, PTs...>;
Maybe renaming Child_base with a more appropriate name.
issue is that Child<void> matches 2 (partial) specializations (where none are more specialized than the other):
template<class ReturnTy> class Child<ReturnTy> with [ReturnTy = void]
template<class... ParamTypes> class Child<void, ParamTypes...> with empty pack.
You so need extra specialization:
class Child<void> : public Interface
Child() = default;
// ....
std::function<void()> m_Function;

Preventing accidental hiding (of a method provided by CRTP mixin)

I have a bunch of useful functions on the object of type T. Here T needs to provide some interface for the functions to work with it. There are several common implementations of the interface. So I made them working as mixins using CRTP.
template<class T>
struct InterfaceImpl {
using ImplType = InterfaceImpl<T>;
int foo();
struct MyData : public InterfaceImpl<MyData> {
template<class T>
void aUsefulFunction(T& t) {
//Working with `t`.
//This cast is to workaround an accidental hiding of `foo` by MyData.
I want the implementation InterfaceImpl (and other implementations also) are provided as it is in some reason. Hiding some of their methods could be very dangerous. Are their any way to enforce no overriding by child classes? I read link on a similar question, but the discussion does not give a satisfactory solution. If there is no reasonable way, I expect that the casting in the above code could give some safety. Or are there any other solution to solve the problem?
You can create a traits to see if T has foo and using static_assert on that:
typename <typename T, typename ...Ts>
using foo_type = decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(std::declval<Ts>()...));
template <typename T>
using has_foo = is_detected<foo_type, T>;
template<class T>
struct InterfaceImpl {
static_assert(!has_foo<T>::value, "T should not have foo method");
using ImplType = InterfaceImpl<T>;
int foo();
MyData can still hide foo with MyData::foo(int) or similar, but you will have compilation error instead if calling the wrong method.

C++ interface without virtual functions

I was wondering how we can declare an interface in C++ without using virtual functions. After some internet searching I put together this solution:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a type trait to check if a class defines a member function "bool foo(bool)"
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct has_foo : false_type { };
template<typename T>
struct has_foo<T, typename enable_if<is_same<bool, decltype(std::declval<T>().foo(bool()))>::value, void>::type> : true_type { };
// Definition of a type trait to check if a class defines a member function "void bar()"
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct has_bar : false_type { };
template<typename T>
struct has_bar<T, typename enable_if<is_same<void, decltype(std::declval<T>().bar())>::value, void>::type> : true_type { };
// Class defining the interface
template <typename T>
class Interface{
static_assert(has_foo<T>::value == true, "member function foo not implemented");
static_assert(has_bar<T>::value == true, "member function bar not implemented");
// Interface implementation
class Implementation:Interface<Implementation>{
// If the following member functions are not declared a compilation error is returned by the compiler
bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
void bar(){}
int main(){}
I'm planning to use this design strategy in a project where I will use static polymorphism only.
The C++ standard I will use in the project is C++11.
What do you think are the pros and cons of this approach?
What improvements can be made on the code I proposed?
I just realised that inheriting from Interface is not needed. This code could also be used:
class Implementation{
Interface<Implementation> unused;
bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
void bar(){}
EDIT 2-3:
One major difference between the static_assert solution (with or without CRTP) and the standard CRTP is that the CRTP does not guarantee that the derived class implements all the interface members. E.g., the following code compiles correctly:
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
template< typename T>
class Interface{
bool foo(bool in){
return static_cast<T*>(this)->foo(in);
void bar(){
class Implementation: public Interface<Implementation>{
// bool foo(bool in){return !in;}
// void bar(){}
int main(){}
An error about a missing member function will be returned by the compiler only when the functions foo or bar will be required.
The way I see it, the static_assert solution feels more like an interface declaration than CRTP alone.
An common way to implement static polymorphism is to use CRTP.
With this pattern, you define an templated interface class, whose methods forward to the template:
// Interface
template <typename T>
struct base {
void foo(int arg) {
You implementation the inherits from the base class and implements the methods:
// Implementation
struct derived : base<derived> {
void do_foo(int arg) {
std::cout << arg << '\n'
This pattern has the advantage that it looks "feels" a lot like regular runtime polymorphism, and the error messages are generally quite sane. Because all the code is visible to the compiler, everything can be inlined so there's no overhead.
It appears that you want to implement concepts (lite). You may want to read the article before attempting an implementation.
Absent compiler support, you can partially implement this idea. Your static_assert idea is a known way to express interface requirements.
Consider the Sortable example from the link. You can create a class template Sortable, use static_assert to assert all kind of thinks about the template parameter. You explain to your users that they need to implement a certain cet of methods, and to enforce that set is implemented, they need to make use of Sortable<TheirClass> one way or another.
In order to express, right in a function declaration. the idea that your function requires a Sortable, you will have to resort to something like this:
template <typename Container>
auto doSomethingWithSortable (Container&) -> std::enable_if<Implements<Container, Sortable>>::type;

Autodetect typeparameters of Base class

I have had the following code which worked fine:
template<typename T>
class Base {
virtual void call(T) = 0;
class Derived : public Base<int> {
void call(int);
template<typename T>
void registerBase(const Base<T>& ref) {}
This approach can autodetect the type T as int when called as registerBase(Derived()). The problem comes when I switch to shared_ptr:
template<typename T, typename Q>
void registerBase(shared_ptr<Q> ptr) {
static_assert(is_base_of<Base<T>, Q>::value, "Have to supply a type extending Base<...>");
I can protect from illegal type but I can't seem to autodetect the type T. Is there some trick I can use to automatically down-cast the shared_ptr to Base<T> so template-deduction works? Or is there another way to find the typename T?
PS: In case Q extends multiply Base<T> I want to error (autodeduction should fail).
There are probably a gazillion ways to do this. Here's one:
template<class T>
T helper(const Base<T> &); // not defined
template<class Q>
using base_param = decltype(helper(std::declval<Q>()));
In actual code, you'd probably want to put helper in a details namespace (and probably also change the names).
This will break if you have an odd case of T being a type that can't be returned - e.g., an array type. It's easily fixable by altering helper's return type to, e.g., identity<T> and then also altering the definition of base_param accordingly.

detecting protected constructors of (possibly abstract) base class

I am experimenting with the new features of C++11. In my setup I would really love to use inheriting constructors, but unfortunately no compiler implements those yet. Therefore I am trying to simulate the same behaviour. I can write something like this:
template <class T>
class Wrapper : public T {
template <typename... As>
Wrapper(As && ... as) : T { std::forward<As>(as)... } { }
// ... nice additions to T ...
This works... most of the time. Sometimes the code using the Wrapper class(es) must use SFINAE to detect how such a Wrapper<T> can be constructed. There is however the following issue: as far as overload resolution is concerned, the constructor of Wrapper<T> will accept any arguments -- but then compilation fails (and this is not covered by SFINAE) if the type T cannot be constructed using those.
I was trying to conditionally enable the different instantiations of the constructor template using enable_if
template <typename... As, typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, As && ...>::value, int>::type = 0>
Wrapper(As && ... as) // ...
which works fine as long as:
the appropriate constructor of T is public
T is not abstract
My question is: how to get rid of the above two constraints?
I tried to overcome the first by checking (using SFINAE and sizeof()) whether the expression new T(std::declval<As &&>()...) is well-formed within Wrapper<T>. But this, of course, does not work, because the only way a derived class can use its base's protected constructor is in the member initialization list.
For the second one, I have no idea whatsoever -- and it is the one I need more, because sometimes it is the Wrapper which implements the abstract functions of T, making it a complete type.
I want a solution which:
is correct according to the standard
works in any of gcc-4.6.*, gcc-4.7.* or clang-3.*
This appears to work fine on my local GCC (4.7, courtesy of rubenvb). GCC on ideone prints several "implemented" compiler internal errors though.
I had to make the "implementation details" of the Experiment class public, because for some reasons (which smells like a bug), my version of GCC complains about them being private, even though only the class itself uses it.
#include <utility>
template<typename T, typename Ignored>
struct Ignore { typedef T type; };
struct EatAll {
template<typename ...T>
EatAll(T&&...) {}
template<typename T>
struct Experiment : T {
typedef char yes[1];
typedef char no[2];
static void check1(T const&);
static void check1(EatAll);
// if this SFINAE fails, T accepts it
template<typename ...U>
static auto check(int, U&&...u)
-> typename Ignore<no&,
template<typename ...U>
static yes &check(long, U&&...);
void f() {}
template<typename ...U,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<decltype(Experiment::check(0, std::declval<U>()...)),
yes&>::value, int>::type = 0>
Experiment(U &&...u):T{ std::forward<U>(u)... }
struct AbstractBase {
AbstractBase(int, float);
virtual void f() = 0;
struct Annoyer { Annoyer(int); };
void x(Experiment<AbstractBase>);
void x(Annoyer);
int main() {
x({42, 43.f});
Update: The code also works on Clang.