WaitForSingleObject always return WAIT_OBJECT_0 - waitforsingleobject

I don't set the event signaled, but the WaitForSingleObject always returned. I create a event in the main thread.
g_hHeartMonitorEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
Then in another thread, I use WaitForSingleObject to wait the event signaled.
DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(lpThis->g_hHeartMonitorEvent, 90 * 1000);
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwResult)
LogWriteEx("WaitForSingleObject:dwResult = WAIT_OBJECT_0");
I find that WaitForSingleObject always returns WAIT_OBJECT_0. The setevent only is called in one place.
The machine has a single-core CPU.

It will occur if the handle of event has been close by some unknown reason.


Why can't I reuse an event even after explicit ResetEvent call?

I want to watch for changes done with a file (the event i'm waiting for is change contents event, i.e. last modified date is updated)
I have a code like this (minimalized example of actual code)
I expect that each iteration of the while loop the event gets reset and is available to be fired again but that doesn't happen
Why it fires change event only once?
int main()
const wchar_t *dir_path = L"C:\\Users\\IC\\AppData\\Roaming\\JetBrains\\CLion2021.3\\scratches\\";
HANDLE hDir = ::CreateFileW(
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
overlapped.hEvent = ::CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
while (true)
std::vector<HANDLE> all_job_event_handles;
if (::ResetEvent(overlapped.hEvent) == FALSE)
printf("ResetEvent failed\n");
return 1;
DWORD result = ::WaitForMultipleObjects(all_job_event_handles.size(), all_job_event_handles.data(), FALSE, INFINITE);
if (result == WAIT_FAILED)
printf("WaitForMultipleObjects failed\n");
return 1;
if (result >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && result < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + all_job_event_handles.size())
printf("file changed\n");
Because that's just not how ReadDirectoryChanges works. It doesn't continuously send you changes. It sends you one batch of changes. You process them. You call the function again to tell the system that you want more changes.
I found a correct usage example of the function here: https://gist.github.com/nickav/a57009d4fcc3b527ed0f5c9cf30618f8
Some side notes:
You don't check whether ReadDirectoryChanges succeeds. This is bad; if it failed, you will hang on the Wait call forever.
You don't zero-initialize the OVERLAPPED structure.
You create the event as an auto-reset event (second parameter is FALSE). ResetEvent on such an event does nothing.
All the event handles you add into your vector are the same event object. You just have an ever-growing list of the same event repeatedly that you pass to WaitForMultipleObjects. This does nothing at best, but will eventually fail because WFMO doesn't allow more than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS handles, and this number is fairly low (32, I think).
You probably want a more permissive share mode on the directory you open.

QueueUserAPC function not working, reporting error 31 randomly

The following code uses the QueueUserAPC function to add commands to a dispatcher thread in order to synchronize console output.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
constexpr auto fenceName = L"GlobalFence";
constexpr auto dispatchCloser = L"GlobalDispatchStop";
constexpr int threadCount = 5;
DWORD WINAPI pure(LPVOID lpThreadParameter)
const HANDLE dispatchCloseEvent = OpenEventW(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dispatchCloser);
while(WaitForSingleObjectEx(dispatchCloseEvent, INFINITE, TRUE) != WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)continue;
return 0;
HANDLE dispatcher;
int main()
const HANDLE dispatchCloseEvent = CreateEventW(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, dispatchCloser);
dispatcher = CreateThread(NULL, 1024, &pure, 0, 0, NULL);
const HANDLE g_FenceEvent = CreateEventW(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, fenceName);
HANDLE threads[threadCount];
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 1024*1024,
DWORD d = QueueUserAPC(([](ULONG_PTR) {std::cout << "thread opened\n"; }), dispatcher, NULL);
if(d == 0)std::cout << GetLastError() << std::endl;
HANDLE a = OpenEventW(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, fenceName);
WaitForSingleObject(a, INFINITE);
d = QueueUserAPC([](ULONG_PTR) {std::cout << "thread released\n"; }, dispatcher, NULL);
if (d == 0)std::cout << GetLastError() << std::endl;//often reports error 31
return 0;
0, 0, NULL);
Beep(300, 300);//the length of the delay effects the behavior, somehow.
WaitForMultipleObjects(threadCount, threads, TRUE, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject(dispatcher, INFINITE);
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
The code executes correctly about 40% of the time. Sometimes (although this is somewhat rare) the "thread opened" text won't get written to the console the right amount of times, but no error is reported from getLastError()
As soon as the loop in pure() receives its 1st APC notification, the loop breaks and pure() exits, terminating the thread.
Error 31 is ERROR_GEN_FAILURE, and per the QueueUserAPC() documentation:
When the thread is in the process of being terminated, calling QueueUserAPC to add to the thread's APC queue will fail with (31) ERROR_GEN_FAILURE.
If you expect the dispatcher thread to process more than one APC notification, it needs to stay running. You meant to use == instead of != in your loop condition:
while (WaitForSingleObjectEx(dispatchCloseEvent, INFINITE, TRUE) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) continue;
That way, if the wait exits due to a queued APC, the loop will go back to waiting for the next APC. The loop will break, exiting pure() to terminate the thread, only when it receives a return value other than an APC notification, such as WAIT_OBJECT_0 when the close event is signaled.
Another problem I see is that you are signaling dispatchCloseEvent too soon, so the dispatcher thread can stop running while the fenced threads are still trying to queue APCs to it. That is why the 2nd call to QueueUserAPC() in each fenced thread fails randomly. You need to wait for all of the fenced threads to finish first, THEN signal the dispatcher to stop running.
WaitForMultipleObjects(threadCount, threads, TRUE, INFINITE);
SetEvent(dispatchCloseEvent); // <-- move here!
WaitForSingleObject(dispatcher, INFINITE);
Also, all of your threads are leaking the HANDLEs they open with OpenEventW(). You need to call CloseHandle() on them, per the OpenEventW() documentation:
Use the CloseHandle function to close the handle. The system closes the handle automatically when the process terminates. The event object is destroyed when its last handle has been closed.
For that matter, you don't really need OpenEventW() at all. You can pass the existing HANDLEs from main() to each thread via their LPVOID parameter instead:
DWORD WINAPI pure(LPVOID lpThreadParameter)
HANDLE dispatchCloseEvent = (HANDLE) lpThreadParameter;
return 0;
CreateThread(..., &pure, dispatchCloseEvent, ...);
[](LPVOID param) -> DWORD
HANDLE a = (HANDLE) param;
g_fenceEvent, ...);
Or, just use global variables instead.
Either way, with OpenEventW() eliminated, there is no more need to assign names to your events when calling CreateEventW(), thus no longer exposing them to potential interference from outside code.
Also, you are also not closing the dispatcher thread's HANDLE either, like you are closing the fenced threads' HANDLEs.

RegisterWaitForSingleObject crash sometime if handle is closed immediately

I'm getting a crash sometimes in RegisterWaitForSingleObject (1 out of 10). It seems that although RegisterWaitForSingleObject returns, the internal thread pool is not yet ready.
HANDLE processHandle = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, processID);
RegisterWaitForSingleObject (&hWaitForChild_,processHandle,OnChildProcessExit, 0,INFINITE,WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
// If I sleep here, then it seems ok.
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
CloseHandle (processHandle);
I can replicate this with a simple sample here. 1 in 10 times, it will crash. How should I be synchronizing it properly without resorting to sleep hack.
based on your code spinet:
if (! RegisterWaitForSingleObject (
, OnChildProcessExit
, 0 //this
LogDebug ("RegisterWaitForSingleObject failed");
// If this is enabled, then it won't crash
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
if (! CloseHandle (processHandle)) // !!!
LogDebug ("RegisterWaitForSingleObject Closehandle failed");
so you close processHandle just after you call RegisterWaitForSingleObject for this handle. however if read about RegisterWaitForSingleObject:
If this handle is closed while the wait is still pending, the
function's behavior is undefined.
if look more deep - try understand - how is RegisterWaitForSingleObject worked internally ? it pass processHandle to some worker thread. and this thread begin wait for this handle. but this is (pass handle to another thread) is asynchronous operation - say for example internally can be started new thread with this handle as argument, or it can be passed to already existing working thread via some signal. but anyway - worked thread got this handle and begin wait some later. from another side - you just close processHandle after RegisterWaitForSingleObject return control. so here race - what will be first - or worked thread begin wait on handle (in this case all will be work) or you close this handle. in case you close this handle first - worked thread will be try wait on already invalid handle and raise exception - STATUS_THREADPOOL_HANDLE_EXCEPTION.
// If this is enabled, then it won't crash
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
of course - by sleep you give time for worked thread to begin wait on handle. in this case he begin wait before you close handle.
solution - you must not close handle, until WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback will be not called. you need allocate some context, where place processHandle and pass this context to RegisterWaitForSingleObject. and when you callback will be called - you got pointer to your context back and here and close handle.
also note, that you not need open separate, second, handle for child process, but can use process handle returned by CreateProcess
Ok, I managed to solve it by keeping the handle around until I call Unregisterwait. It seems to be stable. Thanks to the answers.
I met the same problem like you that an exception occurred while debugging in Visual Studio. I tried many time and finally found the reason. If you close the handle of the process newly created, the program would crash. I tried to close the handles in the callback function, it works perfectly, like this:
typedef struct {
LPTSTR pszCmdLine;
HANDLE hEvent;
typedef struct {
TCHAR szCmdLine[1024];
HANDLE hWaitObject;
DWORD dwProcessId;
HANDLE hProcess;
DWORD dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread;
static void CALLBACK WaitObjectCallback(LPVOID lpParam, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
OBJECT_PARAM *pobp = static_cast<OBJECT_PARAM *>(lpParam);
TCHAR szInfo[1024] = { 0 };
DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(pobp->hProcess, &dwExitCode);
wnsprintf(szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo), _T("process %u [%s] exit: %u\n"), pobp->dwProcessId, pobp->szCmdLine, dwExitCode);
// unregister the wait object handle and close the process handle finally
static DWORD CALLBACK ThreadFunction(LPVOID lpParam)
THREAD_PARAM *pthp = static_cast<THREAD_PARAM *>(lpParam);
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) };
BOOL bResult;
bResult = CreateProcess(nullptr, pthp->pszCmdLine, nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi);
if (bResult)
OBJECT_PARAM *pobp = static_cast<OBJECT_PARAM *>(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(OBJECT_PARAM)));
// make copy of the command line and other informations of the newly created process
lstrcpyn(pobp->szCmdLine, pthp->pszCmdLine, ARRAYSIZE(pobp->szCmdLine));
pobp->dwProcessId = pi.dwProcessId;
pobp->hProcess = pi.hProcess;
pobp->dwThreadId = pi.dwThreadId;
pobp->hThread = pi.hThread;
bResult = RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&pobp->hWaitObject, pi.hProcess, WaitObjectCallback, pobp, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
// once it failed...
if (!bResult)
// Notify the thread creator that the process is created successfully
return 0;

Exit code of thread in Windows C++

Suppose I have created multiple threads.
Now I am waiting for multiple object as well using :
Now if I want to know the status of all the thread's return code. How to do that ?
Do I need to loop for all the thread's handle in the loop.
__in HANDLE hThread,
__out LPDWORD lpExitCode
And now check lpExitCode for success / failure code ?
If you want to wait for a thread to exit, just wait on the thread's handle. Once the wait completes you can get the exit code for that thread.
DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE);
if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
// the thread handle is signaled - the thread has terminated
DWORD exitcode;
BOOL rc = GetExitCodeThread( hThread, &exitcode);
if (!rc) {
// handle error from GetExitCodeThread()...
else {
// the thread handle is not signaled - the thread is still alive
This example can be extended to waiting for completion of several thread by passing an array of thread handles to WaitForMultipleObjects(). Figure out which thread completed using the appropriate offset from WAIT_OBJECT_0 on the return from WaitForMultipleObjects(), and remove that thread handle from the handle array passed to WaitForMultipleObjects() when calling it to wait for the next thread completion.
Do I need to loop for all the thread's
handle in the loop.
__in HANDLE hThread,
__out LPDWORD lpExitCode

WaitForSingleObject returns wait failed due to invalid handle

I am trying to use a CEvent to make my thread wait until the message queue is ready as per MSDN's advice so that my PostThreadMessage function will work correctly.
BOOL MFC_Thread::InitInstance(){
BOOL worked=CWinThread::InitInstance();
MSG msg;
BOOL result=PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);
fingerveinControllerThreadReady->SetEvent();//Breakpoint 1
return TRUE;
void init(){
controllerThreadReady=new CEvent(FALSE, FALSE);
CWinThread* thread=AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(MFC_Thread));
WaitForSingleObject(controllerThreadReady, INFINITE);
DoSomething();//Breakpoint 2
Unfortunately, it seems that the WaitForSingleObject isn't doing its job. Sometimes Breakpoint 1 is hit first, sometimes Breakpoint 2. When Breakpoint 2 is hit first, I receive WAIT_FAILED with the cause ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. Why is this happening?
That might be because you're passing the CEvent object instead of its handle.
Try this:
WaitForSingleObject(controllerThreadReady.m_hObject, INFINITE);