extract points that describe lines in a drawing - c++

I have a black and white image of line drawings that may look something like the following:
but can be much more complicated.
I want to convert this drawing into a std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> (pretty much a contour). Except the problem is i cant simply call contour. Calling contour will give me an ordered set of points which outline this shape. I want ordered set of points (maybe even multiple of them) that will give me back the line itself.
This is very close to the contour problem, except "half" the amount of points are needed.
I have written a method which will find me points that are "connectors", and points that are "endPoints".
So in the example, there are 3 endPoints, and 1 connector.
My algorithm is as follows:
get actual contours = [[contour]]
classify points to get [endPoints], [connections] map
criticalSeen = 0
for each contour in contours
If seen[current point] continue;
If criticalSeen >= 1
append current point to currPoints
seen[current point] = true
If criticalSeen == 0
If criticalSeen == 2
criticalSeen = 1
append currPoints to result
reset currPoints to empty
return result


How can I fill gaps in a binary image in OpenCV?

I have some thresholded images of hand-drawn figures (circuits) but there are some parts where I need to have gaps closed between two points, as I show in the following image:
Binary image
I tried closing (dilation followed by erosion), but it is not working. It doesn't fill the gaps and makes the resistors and other components unrecognizable. I couldn't find a proper value for the morph size and number of iterations that give me a good result without affecting the rest of the picture. It's important not to affect too much the components.
I can't use hough lines because the gaps are not always in lines.
Result after closing:
Result after closing
int morph_size1 = 2;
Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(2 * morph_size1 + 1, 2 * morph_size1 + 1), Point(morph_size1, morph_size1));
Mat dst1; // result matrix
for (int i = 1; i<3; i++)
morphologyEx(binary, dst1, CV_MOP_CLOSE, element1, Point(-1, -1), i);
imshow("closing ", dst1);
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
My proposal:
find the endpoints of the breaks by means of morphological thinning (select the white pixels having only one white neighbor);
in small neighborhoods around every endpoint, find the closest endpoint, by circling* up to a limit radius;
draw a thick segment between them.
*In this step, it is very important to look for neighbors in different connected component, to avoid linking a piece to itself; so you need blob labelling as well.
In this thinning, there are more breaks than in your original picture because I erased the boxes.
Of course, you draw the filling segments in the original image.
This process cannot be perfect, as sometimes endpoints will be missing, and sometimes unwanted endpoints will be considered.
As a refinement, you can try and estimate the direction at endpoints, and only search is an angular sector.
My suggestion is to use a custom convolution filter (cv::filter2D) like the one below (can be larger):
0 0 1/12 0 0
0 0 2/12 0 0
1/12 2/12 0 2/12 1/12
0 0 2/12 0 0
0 0 1/12 0 0
The idea is to fill gaps when there are two line segments near each other. You can also use custom structuring elements to obtain the same effect.

How to detect both eyes Pupil using Python and OpenCV

I have found Github codes for Pupil detection Pupil Detection with Python and OpenCV which explains how to detect eye pupil but explain only one Eye. I would like to detect both eyes. Please give me ideas how I can detect both eyes pupil from the codes.
Briefly looking over that code, it looks like it finds both eyes but then only gives you the one. Just modify the code as needed to extract the two found blobs rather than just the one. lines 55-72 are where it is pruning your candidate pool from some number of blobs (possible pupils) down to 1.
All of these lines: "if len(contours) >= n" are basically saying, if you still have more than one blob, try to cut one out. The thing is, you want the TWO biggest blobs, not the one. So, you need to rewrite those check statements such that you eliminate all but the two largest blobs, and then draw circles on each of their centroids. As far as I can tell, nothing else should need modification.
here is some sample code (untested) that may help. I don't know python syntax and just modified some stuff from your linked file:
while len(contours) > 2:
#find smallest blob and delete it
minArea = 1000000 #this should be the dimensions of your image to be safe
MAindex = 0 #to get the unwanted frame
currentIndex = 0
for cnt in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
if area < minArea:
minArea = area
MAindex = currentIndex
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
del contours[MAindex] #remove the picture frame contour
del distanceX[MAindex]
This will get you down to your two eye blobs, then you will still need to add a circle drawing for each blob center. (you need to delete all the "if len..." statements and replace them with this one while statement)

How to implement a custom thinning algorithm?

I need your expertise in this problem: I am currently processing an image and would like to extract the skeleton. So far by means of preprocessing I could reach a skeleton of 2 pixel thickness. However I would really like to minimize the size of the skeleton to end up with a thickness of 1. Therefore I propose the following algorithm,which makes sense to me. Before I start the whole code process, I would like to get rid of some suspicions.
Let me explain:
My algorithm is as follows:
Scour the image pixels (remember the ROI described acts as a sliding window)
for the first pixel (skipping boundary pixels) create a region of interest of 3x3 ( the pixel being the anchor(center) of the ROI)
does that pixel carry a maximum value ? (check this condition using pointers w.r.t its 8 neighbors)
take at the same time a second 3x3 ROI for the previous pixel's right neighbor
Is it also a maximum ?
Now create the following logic:
If the first ROI returns true and the second ROI returns true
take the center of the first ROI as true and skip 1 pixel to the right
If the first ROI return true and the other false
take the center of the first ROI true and continue to next pixel
Any other suggestions ? my idea is to get a skeleton of thickness 1.

Crop image by detecting a specific large object or blob in image?

Please anyone help me to resolve my issue. I am working on image processing based project and I stuck at a point. I got this image after some processing and for further processing i need to crop or detect only deer and remove other portion of image.
This is my Initial image:
And my result should be something like this:
It will be more better if I get only a single biggest blob in the image and save it as a image.
It looks like the deer in your image is pretty much connected and closed. What we can do is use regionprops to find all of the bounding boxes in your image. Once we do this, we can find the bounding box that gives the largest area, which will presumably be your deer. Once we find this bounding box, we can crop your image and focus on the deer entirely. As such, assuming your image is stored in im, do this:
im = im2bw(im); %// Just in case...
bound = regionprops(im, 'BoundingBox', 'Area');
%// Obtaining Bounding Box co-ordinates
bboxes = reshape([bound.BoundingBox], 4, []).';
%// Obtain the areas within each bounding box
areas = [bound.Area].';
%// Figure out which bounding box has the maximum area
[~,maxInd] = max(areas);
%// Obtain this bounding box
%// Ensure all floating point is removed
finalBB = floor(bboxes(maxInd,:));
%// Crop the image
out = im(finalBB(2):finalBB(2)+finalBB(4), finalBB(1):finalBB(1)+finalBB(3));
%// Show the images
Let's go through this code slowly. We first convert the image to binary just in case. Your image may be an RGB image with intensities of 0 or 255... I can't say for sure, so let's just do a binary conversion just in case. We then call regionprops with the BoundingBox property to find every bounding box of every unique object in the image. This bounding box is the minimum spanning bounding box to ensure that the object is contained within it. Each bounding box is a 4 element array that is structured like so:
[x y w h]
Each bounding box is delineated by its origin at the top left corner of the box, denoted as x and y, where x is the horizontal co-ordinate while y is the vertical co-ordinate. x increases positively from left to right, while y increases positively from top to bottom. w,h are the width and height of the bounding box. Because these points are in a structure, I extract them and place them into a single 1D vector, then reshape it so that it becomes a M x 4 matrix. Bear in mind that this is the only way that I know of that can extract values in arrays for each structuring element efficiently without any for loops. This will facilitate our searching to be quicker. I have also done the same for the Area property. For each bounding box we have in our image, we also have the attribute of the total area encapsulated within the bounding box.
Thanks to #Shai for the spot, we can't simply use the bounding box co-ordinates to determine whether or not something has the biggest area within it as we could have a thin diagonal line that could drive the bounding box co-ordinates to be higher. As such, we also need to rely on the total area that the object takes up within the bounding box as well. Simply put, it's just the sum of all of the pixels that are contained within the object.
Therefore, we search the entire area vector that we have created to see which has the maximum area. This corresponds to your deer. Once we find this location, extract the bounding box locations, then use this to crop the image. Bear in mind that the bounding box values may have floating point numbers. As the image co-ordinates are in integer based, we need to remove these floating point values before we decide to crop. I decided to use floor. I then write code that displays the original image, with the cropped result.
Bear in mind that this will only work if there is just one object in the image. If you want to find multiple objects, check bwboundaries in MATLAB. Otherwise, I believe this should get you started.
Just for completeness, we get the following result:
While object detection is a very general CV task, you can start with something simple if the assumptions are strong enough and you can guarantee that the input images will contain a single prominent white blob well described by a bounding box.
One very simple idea is to subdivide the picture in 3x3=9 patches, calculate the statistics for each patch and compute some objective function. In the most simple case you just do a grid search over various partitions and select that with the highest objective metric. Here's an illustration:
If every line is a parameter x_1, x_2, y_1 and y_2, then you want to optimize
either by
grid search (try all x_i, y_i in some quantization steps)
genetic-algorithm-like random search
gradient descent (move every parameter in that direction that optimizes the target function)
The target function F can be define over statistics of the patches, e.g. like this
F(9 patches) {
brightest_patch = max(patches)
others = patches \ brightest_patch
score = brightness(brightest_patch) - 1/8 * brightness(others)
return score
or anything else that incorporates relevant statistics of the patches as well as their size. This also allows to incorporate a "prior knowledge": if you expect the blob to appear in the middle of the image, then you can define a "regularization" term that will penalize F if the parameters x_i and y_i deviate from the expected position too much.
Thanks to all who answer and comment on my Question. With your help I got my exact solution. I am posting my final code and result for others.
img = im2bw(imread('deer.png'));
[L, num] = bwlabel(img, 4);
%%// Get biggest blob or object
count_pixels_per_obj = sum(bsxfun(#eq,L(:),1:num));
[~,ind] = max(count_pixels_per_obj);
biggest_blob = (L==ind);
%%// crop only deer
bound = regionprops(biggest_blob, 'BoundingBox');
%// Obtaining Bounding Box co-ordinates
bboxes = reshape([bound.BoundingBox], 4, []).';
%// Obtain this bounding box
%// Ensure all floating point is removed
finalBB = floor(bboxes);
out = biggest_blob(finalBB(2):finalBB(2)+finalBB(4),finalBB(1):finalBB(1)+finalBB(3));
%%// Show images

Extracting segments from a list of 8-connected pixels

Current situation: I'm trying to extract segments from an image. Thanks to openCV's findContours() method, I now have a list of 8-connected point for every contours. However, these lists are not directly usable, because they contain a lot of duplicates.
The problem: Given a list of 8-connected points, which can contain duplicates, extract segments from it.
Possible solutions:
At first, I used openCV's approxPolyDP() method. However, the results are pretty bad... Here is the zoomed contours:
Here is the result of approxPolyDP(): (9 segments! Some overlap)
but what I want is more like:
It's bad because approxPolyDP() can convert something that "looks like several segments" in "several segments". However, what I have is a list of points that tend to iterate several times over themselves.
For example, if my points are:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Then, the list of point will be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9... And if the number of points become large (>100) then the segments extracted by approxPolyDP() are unfortunately not duplicates (i.e : they overlap each other, but are not strictly equal, so I can't just say "remove duplicates", as opposed to pixels for example)
Perhaps, I've got a solution, but it's pretty long (though interesting). First of all, for all 8-connected list, I create a sparse matrix (for efficiency) and set the matrix values to 1 if the pixel belongs to the list. Then, I create a graph, with nodes corresponding to pixels, and edges between neighbouring pixels. This also means that I add all the missing edges between pixels (complexity small, possible because of the sparse matrix). Then I remove all possible "squares" (4 neighbouring nodes), and this is possible because I am already working on pretty thin contours. Then I can launch a minimal spanning tree algorithm. And finally, I can approximate every branch of the tree with openCV's approxPolyDP()
To sum up: I've got a tedious method, that I've not yet implemented as it seems error-prone. However, I ask you, people at Stack Overflow: are there other existing methods, possibly with good implementations?
Edit: To clarify, once I have a tree, I can extract "branches" (branches start at leaves or nodes linked to 3 or more other nodes) Then, the algorithm in openCV's approxPolyDP() is the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm, and here is the Wikipedia picture of what it does:
With this picture, it is easy to understand why it fails when points may be duplicates of each other
Another edit: In my method, there is something that may be interesting to note. When you consider points located in a grid (like pixels), then generally, the minimal spanning tree algorithm is not useful because there are many possible minimal trees
is fundamentally very different from
| | | |
but both are minimal spanning trees
However, in my case, my nodes rarely form clusters because they are supposed to be contours, and there is already a thinning algorithm that runs beforehand in the findContours().
Answer to Tomalak's comment:
If DP algorithm returns 4 segments (the segment from the point 2 to the center being there twice) I would be happy! Of course, with good parameters, I can get to a state where "by chance" I have identical segments, and I can remove duplicates. However, clearly, the algorithm is not designed for it.
Here is a real example with far too many segments:
Using Mathematica 8, I created a morphological graph from the list of white pixels in the image. It is working fine on your first image:
Create the morphological graph:
graph = MorphologicalGraph[binaryimage];
Then you can query the graph properties that are of interest to you.
This gives the names of the vertex in the graph:
vertex = VertexList[graph]
The list of the edges:
And that gives the positions of the vertex:
pos = PropertyValue[{graph, #}, VertexCoordinates] & /# vertex
This is what the results look like for the first image:
In[21]:= vertex = VertexList[graph]
Out[21]= {1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10}
In[22]:= EdgeList[graph]
Out[22]= {1 \[UndirectedEdge] 3, 2 \[UndirectedEdge] 4, 3 \[UndirectedEdge] 4,
3 \[UndirectedEdge] 5, 4 \[UndirectedEdge] 6, 6 \[UndirectedEdge] 7,
6 \[UndirectedEdge] 9, 8 \[UndirectedEdge] 9, 9 \[UndirectedEdge] 10}
In[26]:= pos = PropertyValue[{graph, #}, VertexCoordinates] & /# vertex
Out[26]= {{54.5, 191.5}, {98.5, 149.5}, {42.5, 185.5},
{91.5, 138.5}, {132.5, 119.5}, {157.5, 72.5},
{168.5, 65.5}, {125.5, 52.5}, {114.5, 53.5},
{120.5, 29.5}}
Given the documentation, http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/MorphologicalGraph.html, the command MorphologicalGraph first computes the skeleton by morphological thinning:
skeleton = Thinning[binaryimage, Method -> "Morphological"]
Then the vertex are detected; they are the branch points and the end points:
verteximage = ImageAdd[
MorphologicalTransform[skeleton, "SkeletonEndPoints"],
MorphologicalTransform[skeleton, "SkeletonBranchPoints"]]
And then the vertex are linked after analysis of their connectivity.
For example, one could start by breaking the structure around the vertex and then look for the connected components, revealing the edges of the graph:
comp = MorphologicalComponents[
Dilation[vertices, CrossMatrix[1]]]];
The devil is in the details, but that sounds like a solid starting point if you wish to develop your own implementation.
Try math morphology. First you need to dilate or close your image to fill holes.
cvDilate(pimg, pimg, NULL, 3);
cvErode(pimg, pimg, NULL);
I got this image
The next step should be applying thinning algorithm. Unfortunately it's not implemented in OpenCV (MATLAB has bwmorph with thin argument). For example with MATLAB I refined the image to this one:
However OpenCV has all needed basic morphological operations to implement thinning (cvMorphologyEx, cvCreateStructuringElementEx, etc).
Another idea.
They say that distance transform seems to be very useful in such tasks. May be so.
Consider cvDistTransform function. It creates to an image like that:
Then using something like cvAdaptiveThreshold:
That's skeleton. I guess you can iterate over all connected white pixels, find curves and filter out small segments.
I've implemented a similar algorithm before, and I did it in a sort of incremental least-squares fashion. It worked fairly well. The pseudocode is somewhat like:
L = empty set of line segments
for each white pixel p
line = new line containing only p
C = empty set of points
P = set of all neighboring pixels of p
while P is not empty
n = first point in P
add n to C
remove n from P
line' = line with n added to it
perform a least squares fit of line'
if MSE(line) < max_mse and d(line, n) < max_distance
line = line'
add all neighbors of n that are not in C to P
if size(line) > min_num_points
add line to L
where MSE(line) is the mean-square-error of the line (sum over all points in the line of the squared distance to the best fitting line) and d(line,n) is the distance from point n to the line. Good values for max_distance seem to be a pixel or so and max_mse seems to be much less, and will depend on the average size of the line segments in your image. 0.1 or 0.2 pixels have worked in fairly large images for me.
I had been using this on actual images pre-processed with the Canny operator, so the only results I have are of that. Here's the result of the above algorithm on an image:
It's possible to make the algorithm fast, too. The C++ implementation I have (closed source enforced by my job, sorry, else I would give it to you) processed the above image in about 20 milliseconds. That includes application of the Canny operator for edge detection, so it should be even faster in your case.
You can start by extraction straight lines from your contours image using HoughLinesP which is provided with openCV:
HoughLinesP(InputArray image, OutputArray lines, double rho, double theta, int threshold, double minLineLength = 0, double maxLineGap = 0)
If you choose threshold = 1 and minLineLenght small, you can even obtain all single elements. Be careful though, since it yields many results in case you have many edge pixels.