where to put scheduler inside my web app code? - flask

I have a web application which first gets user authentication for an API token, then I want to run the latter part of the code every hour using the APScheduler module. I dont want to run the whole app from the start, because the first part requires user interaction to authorise the app again, which is unnecessary after the first run because we have the token, plus i obviously cant be there to click the authorise button every hour. WHere do i put the sched.start() part of the code? THe error i get is RuntimeError: Working outside of request context.
import requests
import json
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, session, url_for
from flask.json import jsonify
import os
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
import atexit
from datetime import datetime
app = Flask(__name__)
client_id = "x"
client_secret = "x"
scope = 'read_station'
password = 'x'
#grant_type = 'authorization_code'
grant_type = 'password'
authurl = 'https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/authorize?'
token_url = 'https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/token'
redirect_uri = 'x'
response_type = 'code'
code = None
payload= {'grant_type':grant_type,'client_id':client_id,'client_secret':client_secret,
CITIES = {'bolzano' : 'lat_ne=46.30&lon_ne=11.23&lat_sw=46.28&lon_sw=11.14',
'florence' : 'lat_ne=43.51&lon_ne=11.21&lat_sw=43.44&lon_sw=11.02',
'manchester' : 'lat_ne=53.35&lon_ne=-2.0011.21&lat_sw=53.21&lon_sw=-2.36',
dicty = {}
def dooby(CITIES, Header):
for city in CITIES.keys():
i = requests.get('https://api.netatmo.com/api/getpublicdata?'+CITIES[city]+'&filter=false', headers = Header).json()
return dicty
def auth():
redirect_uri = url_for('.redir', _external = True)
oauth = OAuth2Session(client_id, redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
scope = scope)
authorization_url, state = oauth.authorization_url(authurl)
session['oauth_state'] = state
return redirect(authorization_url)
#app.route('/redir', methods = ["GET","POST"])
def redir():
code = request.args.get('code')
rip = requests.post(token_url, data=payload)
rs = rip.content.decode()
response = json.loads(rs)
session['oauth_token'] = response['access_token']
session['expiry'] = response['expires_in']
session['refresh_token'] = response['refresh_token']
return redirect(url_for('.profile'))
#app.route('/profile', methods = ["GET","POST"])
def profile():
Header = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+session['oauth_token']}
def repeat():
return dooby(CITIES, Header)
i = repeat()
job = json.dumps(i)
dt = datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d %H_%M_%S")
f = open(r'C:\Users\freak\OneDrive\Documents\UHIpaper\{}.json'.format(dt),"w")
sched = BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True)
sched.add_job(func = profile,trigger='interval',minutes=2)
return jsonify(i)
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['DEBUG'] = "1"
app.secret_key = os.urandom(24)

calling jsonify in your profile() func is causing the out of context error because you're calling a Flask function without the Flask app context.
Refer to this answer on how to add context or do not use jsonify in your profile() func but standard json lib instead.


Claims not visible after AWS Cognito Authentication

from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, jsonify, request
from flask_awscognito import AWSCognitoAuthentication
application = Flask(__name__)
application.config['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'eu-west-1'
application.config['AWS_COGNITO_DOMAIN'] = 'https://xxxxxx.auth.eu-west-1.amazoncognito.com' #seguro
application.config['AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID'] = 'xxxxxx'
application.config['AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID'] = 'xxxxxxx'
application.config['AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_SECRET'] = 'xxxxxxx'
application.config['AWS_COGNITO_REDIRECT_URL'] = 'http://localhost:5000/aws_cognito_redirect'
aws_auth = AWSCognitoAuthentication(application)
def index():
claims = aws_auth.claims
return jsonify({'claims': claims})
def aws_cognito_redirect():
access_token = aws_auth.get_access_token(request.args)
return jsonify({'access_token': access_token})
def sign_in():
return redirect(aws_auth.get_sign_in_url())
after sign in it shows the token properly:
But now if I type http://localhost:5000/ on the browser it says there is no Token and I have no access to the claims:
Am I missing something? thanks

Flask SocketI) need to detect duplicate connections on opening new tab

I need to detect the duplicate session when user opens a new tab. Since I am using it for survey, I am not having any of the user's data. I am working on anonymous users.
Reading through documentation and various other thread I understood that I need to send client a session data which will be a uuid and check if the user is already authenticated for new connection.
My code is below -
from flask import Flask, render_template, session
from flask_session import Session
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, send, emit
from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, current_user, login_user, logout_user, AnonymousUserMixin
import time, json, uuid, os
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'top-secret!'
app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
login_manager = LoginManager(app)
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*", logger=True, manage_session=False)
class User(UserMixin, object):
def __init__(self, id=None):
self.id = id
def load_user(user_id):
return User.get(user_id)
time_now = 0
msg = "Hello User. Please wait other users to join. Survey will start once minimum users will join. Max waiting time " \
"is 5 min "
# connected_msg_json = json.dumps(connected_msg, indent=4)
client_count = 0
def handle_message(msg):
print("Connected with the client with data " + msg)
def test_connect():
f = open('data.json')
data = json.load(f)
minUserCount = data['minimumNoOfUser']
global client_count, time_now
if current_user.is_authenticated:
client_count += 1
if client_count == 0:
time_now = int(time.time())
print("Total no of connected client " + str(client_count))
print("About to send the time when first user connected " + str(time_now))
if client_count > minUserCount:
send("Continue", broadcast=True)
def test_disconnect():
print('Client disconnected')
global client_count
client_count -= 1
print("Total no of connected client " + str(client_count))
Since I need to make sure that survey opens when there are minimum no of unique users, I decided to login the users upon connection. And if the user is already authenticated then I believe it means it's the new connection via tab.
Now I am not sure if my code is okay but the packages are incorrect or both. I have tried to resolved the error but I am stuck with this error -
ImportError: cannot import name 'ContextVar' from 'werkzeug.local' (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/werkzeug/local.py)
This appears when I put line
app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
else I get different error about secret key not being set.
My requirements.txt are:
you need to update werkzeug to 2.0 +

Zoho CRM Python SDK v2 initialization problem for Django

Im trying to integrate the Zoho CRM v2 SDK with my Django app.
On the Django runserver, im able to get access tokens and using the refresh method and store them in the zcrm_oauthtokens.pkl file. The sdk then automatically refreshes the access token using the refresh token, so no problem here. However on my production server (heroku) im getting this error message:
2019-01-16T11:07:22.314759+00:00 app[web.1]: 2019-01-16 11:07:22,314 - Client_Library_OAUTH - ERROR - Exception occured while fetching oauthtoken from db; Exception Message::'NoneType' object has no attribute 'accessToken'
It seems to me that the tokens are being saved to file, but when the sdk try to access them it is looking for them in a DB and not the file specified in the token_persistence_path.
In my settings.py I have this:
ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL = 'jamesalexander#mylastwill.co.uk'
ZOHO_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'wills_online', 'zoho')
zoho_config = {'apiBaseUrl': "https://www.zohoapis.com",
'currentUserEmail': ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
'client_id': ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
'redirect_uri': ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
'token_persistence_path': ZOHO_PATH}
and in a views file I have this:
from zcrmsdk import *
import logging
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse
from wills.models import PersonalDetails, ZoHoRecord, WillDocument
from wills_online.decorators import start_new_thread
from wills_online.settings import zoho_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ZohoRunOnce:
def __init__(self):
self.already_run = False
def run_once(self):
if not self.already_run:
print('zoho init run once')
self.already_run = True
zoho_init = ZohoRunOnce()
def zoho_callback():
return HttpResponse(200)
def zoho_personal_details(request):
""" updates or create a user account on zoho on profile completion """
personal_details_ob = PersonalDetails.objects.get(user=request.user)
zoho_ob = ZoHoRecord.objects.get(user=request.user)
if zoho_ob.account:
record = ZCRMRecord.get_instance('Accounts', zoho_ob.account)
record.set_field_value('Account_Name', request.user.email)
record.set_field_value('Name', personal_details_ob.full_name)
record.set_field_value('Email', request.user.email)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_1', personal_details_ob.address_line_1)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_2', personal_details_ob.address_line_2)
record.set_field_value('Post_Town', personal_details_ob.post_town)
record.set_field_value('Post_Code', personal_details_ob.post_code)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Day', personal_details_ob.dob_day)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Month', personal_details_ob.dob_month)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Year', personal_details_ob.dob_year)
record.set_field_value('Gender', personal_details_ob.sex)
record.set_field_value('Marital_Status', personal_details_ob.marital_status)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Name', personal_details_ob.partner_full_name)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Gender', personal_details_ob.partner_gender)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Email', personal_details_ob.partner_email)
record.set_field_value('Children', personal_details_ob.children)
record.set_field_value('Pets', personal_details_ob.pets)
user = ZCRMUser.get_instance(name='James Alexander')
record = ZCRMRecord.get_instance('Accounts')
record.set_field_value('Account_Owner', user)
record.set_field_value('Account_Name', request.user.email)
record.set_field_value('Name', personal_details_ob.full_name)
record.set_field_value('Email', request.user.email)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_1', personal_details_ob.address_line_1)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_2', personal_details_ob.address_line_2)
record.set_field_value('Post_Town', personal_details_ob.post_town)
record.set_field_value('Post_Code', personal_details_ob.post_code)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Day', personal_details_ob.dob_day)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Month', personal_details_ob.dob_month)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Year', personal_details_ob.dob_year)
record.set_field_value('Gender', personal_details_ob.sex)
record.set_field_value('Marital_Status', personal_details_ob.marital_status)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Name', personal_details_ob.partner_full_name)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Gender', personal_details_ob.partner_gender)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Email', personal_details_ob.partner_email)
record.set_field_value('Children', personal_details_ob.children)
record.set_field_value('Pets', personal_details_ob.pets)
response = record.create()
# save account id to db for future updates
zoho_ob.account = response.details['id']
except ZCRMException as ex:
logger.log(1, ex.status_code)
logger.log(1, ex.error_message)
logger.log(1, ex.error_details)
logger.log(1, ex.error_content)
Ive tried running ZCRMRestClient.initialize(zoho_config) in settings.py, with no luck.
My method for getting the access token and refresh token, which seems to work is:
import os
import pprint
from sys import argv
import django
import requests
import zcrmsdk
from django.conf import settings
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'wills_online.settings')
def zoho_refresh_token(code):
""" supply a self client token from the zoho api credentials from web site """
zoho_config = {"apiBaseUrl": "https://www.zohoapis.com",
"currentUserEmail": settings.ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
"client_id": settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
"redirect_uri": settings.ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
"token_persistence_path": settings.ZOHO_PATH}
address = f'https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token?code={code}&redirect_uri={settings.ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI}&client_id={settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET}&grant_type=authorization_code'
response = requests.post(address)
data = response.json()
oauth_client = zcrmsdk.ZohoOAuth.get_client_instance()
refresh_token = data['refresh_token']
oauth_client.generate_access_token_from_refresh_token(refresh_token, settings.ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL)
if name == 'main':
This is driving me mad. Help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first post so go easy, lol.
For future reference, you will need to define persistence_handler_class and persistence_handler_path in your configuration dictionary. You will also need a handler class and a user-defined model to store the results. Sample code follows:
# settings.py
import zcrmsdk
configuration_dictionary = {
'apiBaseUrl': 'https://www.zohoapis.com',
'apiVersion': 'v2',
'currentUserEmail': ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
'sandbox': 'False',
'applicationLogFilePath': '',
'client_id': ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
'redirect_uri': ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
'accounts_url': 'https://accounts.zoho.com',
'access_type': 'online',
'persistence_handler_class': ZOHO_HANDLER_CLASS,
'persistence_handler_path': ZOHO_HANDLER_PATH,
# zoho.models.py
from django.db import models
from zcrmsdk.OAuthClient import ZohoOAuthTokens
class ZohoOAuthHandler:
def get_oauthtokens(email_address):
oauth_model_instance = ZohoOAuth.objects.get(user_email=email_address)
return ZohoOAuthTokens(oauth_model_instance.refresh_token,
def save_oauthtokens(oauth_token):
defaults = {
'refresh_token': oauth_token.refreshToken,
'access_token': oauth_token.accessToken,
'expiry_time': oauth_token.expiryTime,
ZohoOAuth.objects.update_or_create(user_email=oauth_token.userEmail, defaults=defaults)
class ZohoOAuth(models.Model):
refresh_token = models.CharField(max_length=250)
access_token = models.CharField(max_length=250)
expiry_time = models.BigIntegerField()
user_email = models.EmailField()
In this example ZOHO_HANDLER_CLASS = 'ZohoOAuthHandler' and ZOHO_HANDLER_PATH = 'zoho.models'
The first time you go to use this you will need a grant_token from https://accounts.zoho.com/developerconsole. For the scope use aaaserver.profile.READ,ZohoCRM.modules.ALL to start (see https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/api/oauth-overview.html#scopes)
Before you can use the api you'll need to run the code below in a django shell. This uses a grant token to generate your initial access and refresh tokens. Afterwards, the api should handle refreshing your access token.
grant_token = GRANT_TOKEN
import zcrmsdk
oauth_client = zcrmsdk.ZohoOAuth.get_client_instance()
oauth_tokens = oauth_client.generate_access_token(grant_token)

Alarm clock that interacted with google calendar API

I am looking for some help on an alarm clock that interacted with google calendar.
I have some problem with the code now where is not pulling down the events.
here is the errore i get now:
INFO:main:Polling calendar for events...
INFO:googleapiclient.discovery:URL being requested: GET https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events?alt=json&singleEvents=true
INFO:main:Polling calendar for events...
INFO:googleapiclient.discovery:URL being requested: GET https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events?alt=json&singleEvents=true
Process finished with exit code -1
# Inspired from 'Raspberry Pi as a Google Calender Alarm Clock'
# http://www.esologic.com/?p=634
#and this link as well https://github.com/ehamiter/get-on-the-bus
from datetime import datetime
import logging, os, platform, re, time
from apiclient import discovery
import httplib2
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from oauth2client.tools import run_flow
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json'
APPLICATION_NAME = 'Google Calendar API Python Quickstart'
FREQUENCY_CHECK = 5 # in second
MP3_FOLDER = 'E:\Users\Andrew.Price\PycharmProjects\SimpleAlarm\MP3'
CALENDAR_ID ='primary'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Alarm():
system = platform.system().lower()
flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, SCOPES)
flow.params['access_type'] = 'offline'
flow.params['approval_prompt'] = 'force'
storage = Storage('calendar.dat')
credentials = storage.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid == True:
credentials = run_flow(flow, storage)
http = httplib2.Http()
http = credentials.authorize(http)
service = discovery.build('calendar', 'v3', http=http)
#service = build(serviceName='calendar', version='v3', http=http, developerKey=API_KEY)
def check_credentials(self):
if self.credentials is None or self.credentials.invalid == True:
credentials = run_flow(self.flow, self.storage)
def calendar_event_query(self):
today = datetime.today()
events = self.service.events().list(singleEvents=True, calendarId=CALENDAR_ID).execute()
#events = self.service.events().list(singleEvents=True).execute()
for i, event in enumerate(events['items']):
name = event['summary'].lower()
start = event['start']['dateTime'][:-9]
except KeyError:
start = ''
description = event.get('description', '')
repeat = True if description.lower() == 'repeat' else False
now = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')
if start >= now:
logger.debug('Event #%s, Name: %s, Start: %s', i, name, start)
if start == now:
if name.startswith('say'):
name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\']', '', name)
command = '{0} "{1}"'.format('say' if system == 'darwin' else 'espeak -ven+m2', name[4:])
logger.info('Event starting. Announcing \'%s\'...', name[4:])
mp3_files = os.listdir(MP3_FOLDER)
mp3_name = name.replace(' ', '_') + '.mp3'
mp3_name = mp3_name if mp3_name in mp3_files else 'default.mp3'
command = 'mpg123 \'{}/{}\''.format(MP3_FOLDER, mp3_name)
logger.info('Event %s starting. Playing mp3 file %s...', name, mp3_name)
if repeat == False:
def poll(self):
logger.info('Polling calendar for events...')
while True:
a = Alarm()
I have changed the code and got it to work using this code from Matt http://mattdyson.org/projects/alarmpi/#comment-20249
This is the code that I have changed. It is not pretty yet just works for now
from __future__ import print_function
import pytz
import dateutil.parser
import httplib2
from oauth2client import tools
from oauth2client import client
import datetime
import logging
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.file import Storage
import Settings
import os
import argparse
flags = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser]).parse_args()
except ImportError:
flags = None
log = logging.getLogger('root')
# If modifying these scopes, delete your previously saved credentials
# at ~/.credentials/calendar-python-quickstart.json
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json'
class AlarmGatherer:
def __init__(self):
#home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
#credential_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, 'calendar.dat')
#if not os.path.exists(credential_dir):
# os.makedirs(credential_dir)
#credential_path = os.path.join(credential_dir, 'client_secret.json')
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json'
self.FLOW = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, SCOPES)
self.storage = Storage('calendar.dat')
self.credentials = self.storage.get()
if not self.checkCredentials():
log.error("GCal credentials have expired")
log.warn("Remove calendar.dat and run 'python AlarmGatherer.py' to fix")
http = httplib2.Http()
http = self.credentials.authorize(http)
self.service = build('calendar', 'v3', http=http)
def checkCredentials(self):
return not (self.credentials is None or self.credentials.invalid == True)
def generateAuth(self):
self.credentials = tools.run_flow(self.FLOW, self.storage)
def getNextEvent(self, today=False):
log.debug("Fetching details of next event")
if not self.checkCredentials():
log.error("GCal credentials have expired")
log.warn("Remove calendar.dat and run 'python AlarmGatherer.py' to fix")
raise Exception("GCal credentials not authorized")
#time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC
time = datetime.datetime.now()
if not today:
# We want to find events tomorrow, rather than another one today
log.debug("Skipping events from today")
#time += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Move to tomorrow
time = time.replace(hour=10, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # Reset to 10am the next day
# 10am is late enough that a night shift from today won't be caught, but a morning shift
# from tomorrow will be caught
result = self.service.events().list(
timeMin="%sZ" % (time.isoformat()),
events = result.get('items', [])
return events[0]
def getNextEventTime(self, includeToday=False):
log.debug("Fetching next event time (including today=%s)" % (includeToday))
nextEvent = self.getNextEvent(today=includeToday)
start = dateutil.parser.parse(nextEvent['start']['dateTime'])
# start = dateutil.parser.parse(nextEvent['start']['dateTime'],ignoretz=True)
# start = start.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('Africa/Johannesburg'))
return start
def getNextEventLocation(self, includeToday=False):
log.debug("Fetching next event location (including today=%s)" % (includeToday))
nextEvent = self.getNextEvent(today=includeToday)
if (nextEvent['location']):
return nextEvent['location']
return None
def getDefaultAlarmTime(self):
defaultTime = ('0600')
#defaultTime = self.settings.getint('default_wake')
#defaultTime = self.settings.getint('default_wake')
defaultHour = int(defaultTime[:2])
defaultMin = int(defaultTime[2:])
alarm = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Africa/Johannesburg'))
alarm += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Move to tomorrow
alarm = alarm.replace(hour=defaultHour, minute=defaultMin, second=0, microsecond=0)
return alarm
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Running credential check")
a = AlarmGatherer()
if not a.checkCredentials():
raise Exception("Credential check failed")
print("Credentials not correct, please generate new code")
a = AlarmGatherer()

Webpy and Facebook Graph API

I am writing a simple python web service to get content out of Facebook Graph API. Now while testing I had written everything together in one single python class and it was working fine. Now that I have started modularizing everything that it all fell apart.
I am using webpy for my RESTful service. And my code looks somewhat like this:
import web
import FBModule
fb = FBModule.FBManager()
urls = (
'/', 'HomeHandler',
'/auth/login', 'LoginHandler',
'/auth/logout', 'LogoutHandler'
class BaseHandler():
def current_user(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_current_user"):
self._current_user = dict()
user_id = web.cookies().get('fb_userid')
user_name = web.cookies().get('fb_username')
if user_id and user_name:
self._current_user = {'id': user_id, 'name': user_name}
return self._current_user
class HomeHandler(BaseHandler):
def GET(self):
return render.oauth(current_user=self.current_user())
class LoginHandler:
def GET(self):
return web.seeother('/')
class LogoutHandler():
def GET(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = web.application(urls, globals())
import urllib
import urlparse
import time
import web
def path_url():
return "http://localhost:8080" + web.ctx.fullpath
class FBManager:
def login(self):
data = web.input(code=None)
args = dict(client_id=FACEBOOK_APP_ID, redirect_uri=path_url())
if data.code is None:
return web.seeother('http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?' + urllib.urlencode(args) + '&scope=' + urllib.quote('user_likes,friends_likes,user_birthday,friends_birthday'))
args['code'] = data.code
args['client_secret'] = FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET
response = urlparse.parse_qs(urllib.urlopen("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?" + urllib.urlencode(args)).read())
access_token = response["access_token"][-1]
profile = json.load(urllib.urlopen("https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=id,name,birthday,location,gender&" + urllib.urlencode(dict(access_token=access_token))))
web.setcookie('fb_userid', str(profile['id']), expires=time.time() + 7 * 86400)
web.setcookie('fb_username', str(profile['name']), expires=time.time() + 7 * 86400)
def logout(self):
web.setcookie('fb_userid', '', expires=time.time() - 86400)
web.setcookie('fb_username', '', expires=time.time() - 86400)
The issue is that if I use a separate module to get the access token from Facebook, I get a "Corrupted Content Error". But if I do something as simple as cut and paste everything from the FBModule's login() function to the GET() function of the LoginHandler class, everything is hunky dory again. I am at my wits end trying to find out what I am doing wrong here.
Please let me know if you know what I am doing wrong.