I'm sending the following response in clojure ring:
(res/redirect (env :some-url))
{:max-age (* 30 24 60 60 1000) :path "/"})
And on printing this response I get:
{:status 302, :headers {"Location" "http://localhost:5000"}, :body "", :cookies {"some-id" {:value "1341313515135490454", :max-age 2592000000, :path "/"}}}
But on the client side, the cookie isn't set, which I can see in the console. What am I doing wrong?
It looks like you're using ring.response/set-cookie to set the cookie. That will set the cookie attributes under :cookies in your response map. Before returning the response to the browser, you need to encode those cookies into a Set-Cookie header that the browser can understand. To do this, add the ring.middleware.cookies/wrap-cookies middleware to your middleware stack.
You should expect your response to look something like:
{:status 302
:body ""
:headers {"Location" "http://localhost:5000"
"Set-Cookie" "some-id=1341313515135490454; max-age=2592000000; path=/"}}
I have come back to clojure after moderately dabbling with it about 10+ years ago, and so I might be doing something silly here.
I am trying to write a simple API with compojure and ring server, and right now I've isolated my problem to just a few lines. I have a route and a handler, and I've wrapped my handler with wrap-json-body as is suggested in ring-json documentation.
My handler.clj is like so:
(defroutes app-routes
(PUT "/item/:id" {{id :id} :params body :body} (str id ", " body))
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(-> app-routes
This should be simple enough, and I am able to return clojure data as json OK. Problem is when I'm trying to read PUT request body json.
$ curl -XPUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "id": 32, "name": "pad" }' 'localhost:3001/item/5'
5, {"id" 32, "name" "pad"}
I would expect body to be populated with {:id 32 :name "pad"}
Here's the whole request object:
; (PUT "/item/:id" body (str id body))
$ curl -XPUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "id": 32, "name": "pad" }'
{:ssl-client-cert nil, :protocol "HTTP/1.1", :remote-addr "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", :params {:id "5"}, :route-params {:id "5"}, :headers {"user-agent" "curl/7.58.0", "host" "localhost:3001", "accept" "*/*", "content-length" "27", "content-type" "application/json"}, :server-port 3001, :content-length 27, :compojure/route [:put "/item/:id"], :content-type "application/json", :character-encoding "UTF-8", :uri "/item/5", :server-name "localhost", :query-string nil, :body {"id" 32, "name" "pad"}, :scheme :http, :request-method :put}
I've tweaked and changed it to a few things but I can't seem to get :body to be populated with keyword-ed clojure data.
What am I doing wrong please?
ps: If you'd like to see a working example of this problem, I've uploaded it to github
Use the keywords? parameter in wrap-json-body:
(middleware/wrap-json-body app-routes {:keywords? true})
Alternatively, since ring-clojure version 0.5.1, you can specify a custom key-fn to convert the keys of maps:
(middleware/wrap-json-body app-routes {:key-fn keyword})
There also exists a "wrap-keyword-params" ring middleware which is usually placed at the end of the middleware chain and it converts all the keys in :params gathered up to that point into keywords.
Where I work at, we usually use the following pattern:
(def app
(-> handler
wrap-keyword-params ;; <--- converts any string keys in the :params map to keywords
wrap-nested-params ;; <--- parses nested params
wrap-params ;; <--- parses query-params into :query-params and adds parsed request body props into :params
wrap-json-params ;; <--- parses body of a request and adds ":params" and ":json-params" keys to "request" argument (in the following format: {"key" "val"})
wrap-json-response) ;; <--- converts response with body that is a map or a vector to JSON)
I'm using the last available lacinia version: "0.36.0-alpha-3" with Luminus (Ring+reitit), but this version asks for a specific header:
$ curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/graphql' -X POST --data "{test_by_id(id: 5) { title } }" -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql'
that request works fine, but without "'Content-Type: application/graphql'" the request wouldn't work. So I need to define my re-graph init vector like:
{:ws-url nil
:http-url "http://localhost:3000/api/graphql"
:http-parameters {:with-credentials? false
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/graphql"}
:ws-reconnect-timeout nil
:resume-subscriptions? false
:connection-init-payload {}}]
but putting that header makes re-graph unable to work properly:
{"errors":[{"message":"Failed to parse GraphQL query.","extensions":{"errors":[{"locations":[{"line":1,"column":null}],"message":"mismatched input '\"query\"' expecting {'query', 'mutation', 'subscription',
it looks like re-graph sends and receives data using "application/json" header, so lacinia asks for some type of header but re-graph can't work with that option.
I had the same problem, and I think I got a solution for it. re-frame requests follows the Apollo Specification, as stated by #aarkerio. Here is the code to keep the original endpoint working with the origina specification, and allow it to respond to re-frame requests. This will make the endpoint respond to Graphiql request (from your http://localhost:3000/graphiql route), and re-graph ones. Any comments or corrections are welcomed.
Replace the original function set on the /graphql route on src/clj/mem_learning/routes/services.clj:
["/graphql" {:post graphql-call}
Add the graphql-call function on that same file:
(defn graphql-call [req]
(let [body (:body-params req)
content-type (keyword (get-in req [:headers "content-type"]))]
(case content-type
:application/json (ok (graphql/execute-request-re-graph body))
:application/graphql (ok (graphql/execute-request (-> req :body slurp))))))
add the execute-request-re-graph to the src/clj/mem_learning/routes/services/graphql.clj file:
(defn execute-request-re-graph
"execute request with re-graph/apollo format"
[{:keys [variables query context]}]
(lacinia/execute compiled-schema query variables context)))
It looks that Luminus creates a middleware configuration:
(defn service-routes []
{:coercion spec-coercion/coercion
:muuntaja formats/instance
:swagger {:id ::api}
:middleware [;; query-params & form-params
;; content-negotiation
;; encoding response body
;; exception handling
;; decoding request body
;; coercing response bodys
;; coercing request parameters
;; multipart
commenting the line "muuntaja/format-negotiate-middleware" makes the "application/json" call possible.
SECOND UPDATE (four hours later)
Ok, that muuntaja middleware thing was not the problem at all, the real problem is that curl send the data with the format:
{ test_by_id(id: 7, archived: false) { title } }
meanwhile re-graph uses:
{"query":"query { test_by_id(id: 7, archived: false) { title } }","variables":null}
this is a normal java string btw not a data structure, so we need to do some changes, first a new function:
(defn graphql-call [req]
(let [body (-> req :body slurp)
full-query (json/read-str body :key-fn keyword)
_ (log/info (str ">>> **** full-query >>>>> " full-query))]
(ok (graphql/execute-request full-query))))
we set the function:
["/graphql" {:post graphql-call}]
and in my_app.routes.services.graphql file:
(defn execute-request [{:keys [variables query context]}]
(json/write-str (lacinia/execute compiled-schema query variables context)))
and now re-graph works!
(also now I can send and use variables in GraphQL)
It's necessary to set:
:http-parameters {:with-credentials? false
:oauth-token "ah4rdSecr3t"
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/graphql"}
btw. Also, maybe it's better:
(lacinia/execute compiled-schema query variables context)
(json/write-str (lacinia/execute compiled-schema query variables context))
because it interferes with re-graph importing the data already as a native ClojureScript map.
wrap-cors does not return access control headers when there is a bad request against my api endpoint. I believe this is because I am using a exception handler which might be blocking the middleware from running. I want to know how I can still execute the middleware for this route and append the cors headers to the response of bad requests.
exception handler
(defn- bad-request-handler
"Handles bad requests."
(ring/response {:status "bad request"})))
(def app
{:exceptions {:handlers
{::ex/request-validation (bad-request-handler response/bad-request)}}}
(POST "/" [] :body [item {(schema/required-key :item) schema/Bool}]
:middleware [#(wrap-cors % :access-control-allow-origin [#".*"]
:access-control-allow-methods [:post])]
:responses {200 {:description "ok"}
400 {:description "bad request"}} item)))
I've decided to append my own headers rather than using r0man/ring-cors.
I can determine the contents of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods by retrieving the :request-method value from the request.
However, this makes the assumption that the bad request handler will only ever be called by valid routes.
(defn- append-cors
"Allow requests from all origins"
{"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" methods})
(defn- bad-request-handler
"Handles bad requests."
(fn [^Exception e data request]
(f request)
(update-in [:headers] merge (->
(request :request-method)
(assoc :body {:status "bad request"}))))
I'm still not really sure why the cors headers are only added when the request is allowed.
In order to validate a captcha in Clojurescript I'm using cljs-http like this:
(def verify-url "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify")
(http/post verify-url {:json-params {:secret key :response captcha-data}})
...and the result is is:
{:status 0,
:success false,
:body "",
:headers {},
:trace-redirects ["https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
:error-code :http-error,
:error-text " [0]"}
What does this mean?
Most probably your preflight (OPTIONS) requiest gets failed. Check your Developer Console for something like:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify. Response to preflight
request doesn't pass access control check: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3449' is therefore not allowed
access. The response had HTTP status code 405.
i am trying to retrieve a website with Clojure and the clj-http library.
I wanted to start slow with a simple example:
(:body (client/get (str "http://www.google.com") {:as :clojure}))
As far as i understand the behaviour of the library, this call should return the body of the website but all it returns is <!doctype.
When i try to call
(:body (client/get (str "http://www.google.com") {:as :json}))
i even get an exception:
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60))
I can not imagine the library to be broken but also i am not able to see an obvious error in my call. Has anybody of you experienced this behaviour?
To get the http response body as a string you can use the following:
(:body (client/get "http://www.google.com"))
The :as entry in the {:as :clojure} options is output-coercion, and is trying to convert the HTML body, from google.com, into a Clojure data structure. This will fail unless the response body actually contains Clojure code.
If you are trying to parse the HTML response, you might need to look into an additional library, like Enlive.
The problem is you're querying a URL that is not returning the data type you're coercing the result to.
For instance if you try with http://ip.jsontest.com/ this url which returns a proper json:
(require '[clj-http.client :as client])
(client/get "http://ip.jsontest.com/" {:as :json})
=> {:trace-redirects ["http://ip.jsontest.com/"], :request-time 1153,
:status 200,
:headers {"access-control-allow-origin" "*", "content-type" "application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1", "date" "Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:50:36 GMT", "server" "Google Frontend", "cache-control" "private", "alternate-protocol" "80:quic,80:quic", "connection" "close"}, :body {:ip ""}}
Response is properly parsed.
Checking the response body you can easily see there's a json indeed there:
(:body (client/get "http://ip.jsontest.com/"))
=> "{\"ip\": \"\"}\n"