problem in using list in game maker studio - list

I am new to the game maker. I created a list and I want to compare all the data in the list with a specific value. I used the following code:
for(var i=0;i<ds_list_size(lst);i++;)
if ds_list_find_value(lst,i)>tmp
and I face the following error:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get -1.lst(100001, -1)
gml_Object_object0_RightButtonPressed_1 (line 21) - for(var i=0;i
where is my problem?
Thanks all.

if your first for loop i = 0; and when the first entry in the list is smaller than tmp it tries to replace the first place in the list with a not existing one. so you could either check if its the first entry of the list with
if ( i == 0 ) { }
or your could start the for loop from the second entry with
for(var i=1;i<ds_list_size(lst);i++;)

I think the ; at the end of i++; is unnecessary, you only need to use ; in a for-loop as seperator.
GML gives more freedom to common C# rules though (like how there are no brackets needed around an if-condition), so perhaps that's allowed.
Another possibility might be that the index is out of range at ds_list_replace()


-nan Error when trying to return the index of a class object

So in my intro to CS class, we're learning about classes and I'm having a lot of trouble right now.
This is project 2 part 2:
project 2 part 1 (part 2 builds on a lot of this stuff:
I am specifically on number 6 for part 2.
I believe the problem lies in the below snippet of code:
while (k < numbMovies){temp = movies[k].getTitle(); //store movie title into temp arr
//convert temp to lowercase for case insensitivity
while (b < temp.length()){temp[b] = tolower(temp[b]);
//if the title we're searching is found in the movies array
if (temp == title)
movieIdx = k; //the kth movie will be our match, so save k as our index
numMatches++; //increment number of matches. if the title is found, this should be one at most
There is an issue somewhere with the line temp = movies[k].getTitle();, I think.
What this line is supposed to do is reference an array from the Movie class developed in part 1, store a title found at 'k' from the movies array into a string so that I can compare it to the string being passed into the function (this comparison is done in the line containing if(temp == title).
I then wish to save the value of k when temp == title as movieIdx, so that this can be used further in this function.
I think that the problem is with my referencing of the movies[] array, but I'm not sure what it might be.
Since there are a lot of things going on in this project, I'd be happy to send my files over to anyone who'd be willing to take a look.
Thanks in advance.
I was attempting to test edge cases by returning 'movieIdx' immediately after setting movieIdx = k, just to see what was going wrong. Example of what I mean:
movieIdx = k; //the kth movie will be our match, so save k as our index
numMatches++; //increment number of matches. if the title is found, this should be one at most
return movieIdx;
-nan was returned consistently, although if I returned k outside of the first while loop (that contains the other while loops), I'd get the value that was expected (50, in this case, which equals numbMovies). If I returned movieIdx outside of the loop, I got 0.
This told me that there was some issue with the condition if(temp == title). I then did a test where I replaced 'temp' with a hardcoded value that I knew would be passed, "the prestige".
Doing this returned the expected value. I then knew that there must be some issue with 'temp' itself, and I have assumed that the issue therein would probably have to do with how I'm referencing the movies[] array.

loop until a certain condition is met

From this site
I have a problem with this while loop part:
// runs till path 1 & path 2 mathches
int i = 0;
while (path[1][i] == path[2][i])
I want to increment i until two array elements are equal and I expected this loop to be like:
// runs till path 1 & path 2 mathches
int i = 0;
while (path[1][i] != path[2][i])
because I want to increment "i" when values are not equal but it does not seem so. Why equality is checked instead of inequality? This while loop confuses my mind. (Note: I run the whole code and it is working.)
By the line which follows (in your reference) where the last matching is returned, I see it that the error is in the comment. It should say something like "runs as long as the paths match" not "till".

How to use find with nested structure in Matlab

I have an array of nested structure. for example
...and so on
If I wanted to find the index number of the '.c' objects containing the number 3, I try the following function
It gives this error:
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 3 results.
Could anybody help me to solve this problem?
As you may have figured it out, handling multi-level indexing in structures is a bit confusing. However, may find this helpful:
checkLoop = 1;
while checkLoop
if isstruct(st)
fieldNm = fieldnames(st); % In case you have single field in each level
st = [st(:).(fieldNm{1})];
checkLoop = 0;
where3 = find(st == 3);

for loop stops when if statement is satisfied

I am trying to count how many times the unique words in a LinkedList appear using this code:
for(int i2 = 0; i2 < a.size(); i2++)
word2 = a.get(i2);
for(int j2 = 0; j2 < a.size(); j2++)
if(word2 == a.get(j2))
System.out.println(word2 + " : " + counter);
counter = 0;
But the counter prints out:
Alphabet : 1
Alright : 1
Apple : 1
Alphabet : 1
Alright : 1
Apple : 1
Alphabet : 1
Alright : 1
Apple : 1
There is obviously more than one of the words, but the counter never gets higher then one. I think that the inner for loop is stopping when the if statement is satisfied, but I don't want it to. Any suggestions?
You should use
Using "==" you compare the references to those String which are not equal.
And by the way you will print the counter multiple times for the same word if you have repetitions. Let's say you have the word Apple on 2 positions in your list. When you will reach these 2 positions the counter will go up to 2 and you will print (Apple: 2) 2 times
This seems like java to me. You can't compare string with (==) operator.
Just a new addition!!!
As suggested by #user3412998 its better to use Sets so that you can avoid duplication.
Now if you need to use ArrayList only then you need to take one element and check if there are multiple copies of that element using loop.The condition can be checked by .equals method if you are using string or my contains method incase you are inserting objects(dont forget to override your equals method in the corresponding class). This is a very tedious process and I do not recommend it.
I believe that the easiest way will to not to add duplicate elements in your array list. to accomplish that look at the code below..
Note word is a String object.
Here I am checking weather the string is already contained in the ArrayList, before insertion.
make a bit of modifications so that you can use it, for arrays, or for directly inputting data etc..
I hope this helps..

C++ - solve a sudoku game

I'm new to C++ and have to do a home assignment (sudoku). I'm stuck on a problem.
Problem is that to implement a search function which to solve a sudoku.
In order to find a solution recursive search is used as follows. Suppose that there is a
not yet assigned field with digits (d1....dn) (n > 1). Then we first try to
assign the field to d1, perform propagation, and then continue with search
What can happen is that propagation results in failure (a field becomes
empty). In that case search fails and needs to try different digits for one of
the fields. As search is recursive, a next digit for the field considered last
is tried. If none of the digits lead to a solution, search fails again. This in
turn will lead to trying a different digit from the previous field, and so on.
Before a digit d is tried by assigning a field to
it, you have to create a new board being a copy of the current board (use
the copy constructor and allocate the board from the heap with new). Only
then perform the assignment on the copy. If the recursive call to search
returns unsuccessfully, a new board can be created for the next digit to be
I've tried:
// Search for a solution, returns NULL if no solution found
Board* Board::search(void) {
// create a copy of the cur. board
Board *copyBoard = new Board(*this);
Board b = *copyBoard;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){
// if the field has not been assigned, assign it with a digit
digit d = 1;
// try another digit if failed to assign (1 to 9)
while (d <=9 && b.assign(i, j, d) == false){
// if no digit matches, here is the problem, how to
// get back to the previous field and try another digit?
// and return null if there's no pervious field
if(d == 10){
return NULL;
return copyBoard;
Another problem is where to use the recursive call? Any tips? thx!
Complete instruction can been found here:!/Menu/general/column-content/attachment/2-2.pdf
There is no recursion in your code. You can't just visit each field once and try to assign a value to it. The problem is that you may be able to assign, say, 5 to field (3,4) and it may only be when you get to field (6,4) that it turns out there can't be a 5 at (3, 4). Eventually you need to back out of recursion until you come back to (3,4) and try another value there.
With recursion you might not use nested for loops to visit fields, but visit the next field with a recursive call. Either you manage to reach the last field, or you try all possibilities and then leave the function to get back to the previous field you visited.
Sidenote: definitely don't allocate dynamic memory for this task:
//Board *copyBoard = new Board(*this);
Board copyBoard(*this); //if you need a copy in the first place
Basically what you can try is something like this (pseudocode'ish)
bool searchSolution(Board board)
Square sq = getEmptySquare(board)
if(sq == null)
return true; // no more empty squares means we solved the puzzle
// otherwise brute force by trying all valid numbers
foreach (valid nr for sq)
// recurse
return true
board.undoMove(nr) // backtrack if no solution found
// if we reach this point, no valid solution was found and the puzzle is unsolvable
return false;
The getEmptySquare(...) function could return a random empty square or the square with the least number of options left.
Using the latter will make the algorithm converge much faster.