Recursion with C++ - c++

I am learning recursion in my current class and the idea is a little tricky for me. From my understanding, when we build a function it will run as many times until our "base case" is satisfied. What I am wondering is how this looks and is returned on the stack. For an example I wrote the following function for a simple program to count how many times a digit shows up in an integer.
What does this look and work in a stack frame view? I don't completely understand how the returning works. I appreciate the help!
int count_digits(int n, int digit) {
// Base case: When n is a single digit.
if (n / 10 == 0) {
// Check if n is the same as the digit.
// When recursion hits the base case it will end the recursion.
if (n == digit) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if (n % 10 == digit) {
return (1 + count_digits(n / 10, digit));
} else {
return (count_digits(n / 10, digit));

What does this look and work in a stack frame view? I don't completely understand how the returning works. I appreciate the help!
Let's try to build the solution bottom-up.
If you called the function - int count_digits(int n, int digit) as count_digits(4, 4) what would happen ?
This is the base case of your solution so it is very easy to see what is the return value. Your function would return 1.
Now, let's add one more digit and call the function like- count_digits(42, 4). What would happen ?
Your function will check the last digit which is 2 and compare with 4 since they are not equal so it will call the function count_digits(4, 4) and whatever is the returned value, will be returned as the result of count_digits(42, 4).
Now, let's add one more digit and call the function like - count_digits(424, 4). What would happen ?
Your function will check the last digit which is 4 and compare with 4 since they are equal so it will call the function count_digits(42, 4) and whatever is the returned value, will be returned by adding 1 to it. Since, number of 4s in 424 is 1 + number of 4s in 42. The result of count_digits(42,4) will be calculated exactly like it was done previously.
The recursive function builds up the solution in a top-down manner. If there are n digits initially, then your answer is (0 or 1 depending on the last digit) + answer with n-1 digits. And this process repeats recursively. So, your recursive code, reduces the problems by one digit at a time and it depends on the result of the immediate sub-problem.
You can use the C++ tutor at website for step by step visualization of the stack frame.
You can also try with smaller inputs and add some debug output to help you track and see how recursion works.
Check this stackoverflow answer for understanding what a stack frame is - Explain the concept of a stack frame in a nutshell
Check this stackoverflow answer for understanding recursion -
Understanding recursion
If you would like more help, please let me know in comments.


wrote function to calculate set bits from 0 to n,

in this function i check if the no. is one less than the power of 2 and then make recursive calls for 2^b - 1 and n - 2^b(this call keeps happening till the no. here is one less than a power of 2)
now I know the code is wrong but why does it give segmentation fault.
int countSetBits(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 0;
int b = floor(log2(n));
if ( (n + 1) & n == 0 ) {
return (1<<b)* floor(log2(n + 1));
return (n - 1<<b + 1) + countSetBits(n - 1<<b) + countSetBits(1<<b - 1);
The infinite number of (recursive) function calls causes stack overflow. The program's stack has become too large and tries to "overflow" into the next memory segment. This is not allowed, and hence the segfault.
The reasons for the errors are two-fold:
You are using floating point numbers, in floor and log2. Those are imprecise and won't give you the exactness you need for this task.
You are left shifting your numbers (making them bigger). I didn't follow the logic you wanted, but usually, the approach is to take the least bits out and then right-shift the numbers (>>)
Lastly, either use a debugger, or introduce debug couts to see what your program is doing, that will make it overall much easier.

How does recursion get previous values?

I'm in the basic of the basic of learning c++, and ran into an example of recursion that I don't understand. The equation is for Fibonacci numbers, and is shown below:
int fibo(int f)
if (f < 3)
return 1;
return fibo(f - 2) + fibo(f - 1);
How does the "else" statement work? I know that it adds the two previous numbers to get the current fibbonacci number, but how does it know, without any prior information, where to start? If I want the 7th fibonacci number, how does it know what the 6th and 5th numbers are?
In this given equation, It will go deeper in the root. When you have given Value 7 initially, it will go to function itself to get value of 7-2 = 5 and 7-1=6, still its has not value of 5 and 6. so further it will decrease value of 5 to 3 and 4 and 6 to 5 and 4.
at the end when f is less then 3 it will return value 1. something like that after getting root values it will sum up those values to get total answer.
A recursive function will call itself as many times as it needs to compute the final value. For example, if you call fibo(3), it will call itself with fibo(2) and fibo(1).
You can understand it better if you write down a tree representing all the function calls (the numbers in brackets are the return values):
fibo(3) [1+1]
| |
fibo(2) [1] fibo(1) [1]
For fibo(7), you will have multple calls like so:
fibo(7) [fibo(6) + fibo(5)]
| |
fibo(6) [fibo(5) + fibo(4)] fibo(5) [fibo(4) + fibo(3)]
| |
.---------------------------------. ...
| |
fibo(5) [fibo(4) + fibo(3)] fibo(4) [fibo(3) + fibo(2)]
| |
... ...
Each recursive call will execute the same code, but with a different value of f. And each recursive call will have to call their own "editions" of the sub-cases (smaller values). This happens until everyone reaches the base case (f < 3).
I didn't draw the entire tree. But I guess you can see this grows very quick. There's a lot of repetition (fibo(7) calls fibo(6) and fibo(5), then fibo(6) calls fibo(5) again). This is why we usually don't implement Fibonacci recursively, except for studying recursion.

recursively print n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n

Hello I have a homework question I am stuck in..any hint or tips would be appreciated. the questions is:
Write a single recursive function in C++ that takes as argument a positive integer n then print n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n. How many recursive call does your algorithm makes? What is the worst case running time of your algorithm?
I am stuck in the first part. writing a recursive function that prints n, n-1, n-2,...3,2,1,2,3,...n
so far I have:
print(int n)
if (n==0)
cout<<n<<" ";
but this only prints from n to 1
I am lost about how I would print from 2 to n using just one parameter and recursively single function.
I tried this: which gives the correct output but has a loop and has two parameters:
p and z has the same value.
void print(int p,int z)
if (p==0)
for(int x=2;x<=z; x++)
cout<<x<<" ";
cout<<p<<" ";
any hint or tips is much appreciated thank you.
so it is working now, but I am having trouble understanding how (question in comment):
void print(int n)
if (n==1){
cout<< n;
print(n-1); // how does it get passed this? to the line below?
cout<<n; // print(n-1) takes it back to the top?
The output you want is mirrored, so you can have this series of steps:
print num
recursive step on num-1
print num again
That's the recursive case. Now you need an appropriate base case upon which to stop the recursion, which shouldn't be difficult.
Given the pseudocode:
if n == 1:
print 1
print n
print n
(If you prefer, just look at your solution instead).
Let's trace it. A dot will mark where we're up to in terms of printing.
. recursive_print(3) // Haven't printed anything
3 . recursive_print(2) 3 // Print the 3
3 2 . recursive_print(1) 2 3 //Print 2
3 2 1 . 2 3 // Print 1
3 2 1 2 . 3 // Print 2
3 2 1 2 3 . // Print 3
Each unrolling of the function gives us 2 numbers on opposite sides and we build down to the "1", then go back and print the rest of the numbers.
The "unrolling" is shown in this picture:
If you strip away the functions and leave yourself with a sequence of commands, you'll get:
print 3
print 2
print 1
print 2
print 3
where each indentation signifies a different function.
Simple solution for this:
Def fxn(n):
if n <= n:
if n > 0:
fxn(n - 1)
Def main():
Number = 6
If you struggle understanding how this works:
Basically, each time you call a function in a recursive problem, it isn't a loop. It's as if you were on the woods leaving a trail behind. Each time you call a function inside a function, it does its thing, then it goes right back to were you called it.
In other words, whenever you call a recursive function, once the newer attempt is done, it will go right back to were it used to be.
In loops, once each step is done, it is done, but in recursive functions you can do a lot with a lot less.
Printing before the recurse call in my code is the descension step, and once its descension finished, it will progresively unfold step by step, printing the ascension value and going back to the former recurse.
It seems way harder than it is, but it is really easy once you grasp it.
The answer is simpler than you think.
A recursive call is no different from a regular call. The only difference is that the function called is also the caller, so you need to make sure you don't call it forever (you already did that). Let's think about a regular call. If you have the following code snippet:
The statement1 is executed, then f is called and does it's thing and then, after f finishes, statement2 is executed.
Now, let's think about your problem. I can see that your hard work on this question from the second program you've written, but forget about it, the first one is very close to the answer.
Let's think about what your function does. It prints all numbers from n to 0 and then from 0 to n. At the first step, you want to print n, then all the numbers from n-1 to 0 and from 0 to n-1, and print another n. See where it's going?
So, you have to do something like this:
call f(n-1)
I hope my explanation is clear enough.
This is more of hack -- using the std::stream rather than recursion...
void rec(int n) {
if (n==1) { cout << 1; return; }
cout << n;
cout << n;
int main() {

using backtracking recursion c++

I need help with writing a backtracking recursion code in c++ that reach the min steps from 1 number to other number. you can only use +1 or *2
for example getting 23 from 10 by shortest is: ((10+1)*2)+1 has 3 steps,
or getting 65 from 12: (((12+1+1+1+1)*2)*2)+1 has 7 steps
Here is some help, the fundamental recursion function:
void recursive(unsigned int count)
// Need to determine the end of recursion.
if (count == 0)
// Call the function again, which is recursion.
recursive(count - 1);
Build upon this model to figure out how to implement your requirements.
Hint: With recursion, one step at a time. On a piece of paper, write down each step performed, along with all the values, until the operation is finished. Look at the last step to determine how to stop the recursion.
int goal=23;
int result=1e9; ## set the count to infinity to optimize it
void solve(int curNumber,int step){
if(goal == curNumber) // Check if we reached the goal number
result=min(result,step); // take the min of the solution, and number of steps we took to reach the goal
curNumber+=1 // add 1 to current Number
curNumber-=1; // backtrack on the add 1 solution
curNumber*=2; // choose the other path *2
solve(curNumber, step+1);

simple recursion tracing understanding stacks

I'm working on a fairly easy tracing exercise however I'm not completely understanding why the solution is what it is...
void f( int n) {
if (n>0) {
cout << n << " ";
int main () {
return 0;
the answer is 1 2 3 4 5, however I'm wondering how this is so, since everytime the function f is called it never gets to the cout line...I understand that there is a stacking system where the last function implemented is looked at, however until the factorial example where it returned a value to multiply to the previous n, I'm not understanding how this is similar. Please don't use the factorial example again, I do understand it, but I'm not udnerstanding how the cout is implemented here.. thank you for your help.
Consider the simple case of calling f(1). We pass the if test and make a recursive call to f(0). This call will return doing nothing and continue executing the body of f(1). The next statement is the call to std::cout << 1 << " ";:
// Substitute the parameter with the passed in argument n = 1
void f(1) {
if (1 > 0) {
std::cout << 1 << " ";
You should now be able to handle the case of f(2), and in general f(n). Whenever you are stuck thinking about recursive programs, consider the base cases and then generalize. Write the code out by substituting the function parameters with actual arguments.
It does get to the output line, after the recursive call to f returns.
The important part here is the stopping condition:
if (n>0)
This makes the recursive call only happen if n is larger than zero. And as the recursive call is with the argument n - 1 it will be lower and lower until it's zero and no more calls will be made.
Lets trace it for you, since you are to lazy to do it yourself in a debugger (or on paper):
The first call from main is made. n == 5 and clearly larger than zero, so a recursive call is made with 5 - 1
In the second call, n == 4, still larger than zero so a call is made again with 4 - 1
In the third call, n == 3, still larger than zero so a call is made again with 3 - 1
In the fourth call, n == 2, still larger than zero so a call is made again with 2 - 1
In the fifth call, n == 1, still larger than zero so a call is made again with 1 - 1
In the sixth call, n == 0, which is not larger than zero, so no more calls are made and the function returns.
Returns to n == 1, and so 1 is printed and then the function returns
Returns to n == 2, and so 2 is printed and then the function returns
Returns to n == 3, and so 3 is printed and then the function returns
Returns to n == 4, and so 4 is printed and then the function returns
Returns to n == 5, and so 5 is printed and then the function returns to the main function
That is, this is how it should have worked if it compiled. Now it won't even get this far since you will have compiler errors (with the code as shown in your question).