Pulling data from MongoDB existing databas with Django(Djongo) - django

So i am working on a proyect with mongodb and django(djongo) and i have to use an already existing database(MongoDB compass) and i cant find the way to pull or import the information from MongoDB, already try with: python manage.py inspectdb > models.py and python manage.py inspectdb and when create the models.py is not with the database instead it pulls the default MongoDb, already try the Documentation of django and nothing works. Anyone got some info about it?
PD: my app is totally empty and already configured the settings.py as the documentation on Django instruct.
Thanks in advance.

in your model you should specify db_table same as the collection name in your Mongo database


drop/reset one/multiple (specified) models from database with django

I've added a field to my django model. Now, since I've had some instances of this model already, they not include this field resulting in django error page. I'm not able to manually delete those instances from admin panel.
I've searched that python manage.py flush is a way to go for reseting whole db, but I would like to delete only this particular model.
Is there a way to do this from the CLI ?
For starting question, I accept #IainShelvington answer:
python manage.py shell
# then
from app_name.models import model_name
Additionally, thanks to #AbdulAzizBarkat for providing:
python manage.py migrate <app_name> zero


I am new to programming i am trying to add product through my admin panel but i am getting this error:
no such table found
[I am using python version 3.8.2
Django version==3.0.7
and i am getting this error: No such table found][1]
thanks for help
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ayhGa.png
you can inspect the created databses with the DB Browser for SQLite.
Did you run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate after you editied or created a model?
Also be sure, to include any new app in the installed_app list in the settings.py of your project.

Import SQL file in Django (v-2.2)

I have a Django project and I am using MySQL as default. I already have created and migrated 2 models. Now I have a SQL file. I want to create new models and populate those models with this SQL file. I am using Windows 10.
I have searched this query but did not get working solution.
I think you are looking for inspectdb. Try Integrating Django with a legacy database.
First of all create a database using your SQL file.
Then add the details of your database into settings.py file.
Just run python manage.py inspectdb command, you will see all the table structures in your new database which creates with your SQL file as a Django Models structure. (convert your database into python django model).
You can get those details as a .py by running python manage.py inspectdb > models_new.py command.
Now you have all the table structures in that models.py file which create in last step.
Then change your settings.py file for old database which you migrated earlier.
Get those details from models_new.py and add into your app_name/models.py file and save it.
Run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate.
I found useful video tutorial which is not in English, but you can get an idea about your question how to do it.

Import MySQL tables into Django

I have recently created a PHP application which connects to my MySQL database and displays the table information. Where Django is concerned, I am only familiar with them being created in SQLite by creating the relevant models.
Is there a way to do this in reverse? So have Django create models from the tables in MySQL?
You can use your existing schema to create tables. The official documentation is at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/legacy-databases/
There are two commands:
python manage.py inspectdb
This will give you the output of running:
python manage.py inspectdb > models.py
Django won't know how you want to break these models up into separate application modules, so you'll need to do that on your own, if necessary.

Django questions: setting the port number and the using an existing database

I have a mini project that I'd like to start on port 2000. How do I do this?
Also, how would I set up the project with an existing database?
What Django books did you find helpful?
When you're in the directory you want to be in...
python ./manager.py runserver 2000
You can sync a given database by adding the name to DATABASE_NAME in settings.py, as well as doing a python manager.py syncdb in the terminal.
Also, a quick google would have led you to the Django Book. I don't understand how you haven't come across this yet?
Use ./manage.py inspectdb to create a draft of your models.py file to use with the DB. You will have to separate it out into the appropriate apps, and update field types and relationships as necessary.