Find specified position's value on a function decleration - regex

I try to find method(function) declerations on which 6th argument is true. Actually I think I can return ,just using regex, wished group without using an extra programming language's feature, unfortunately no option exits as such.
What I have tried is here. (\b\w+(?=\s*[,()]))

You can check the following regex.
I have done here


Regex-Match while ignoring a char from Searchword

I am using an Engineering Program which lets me Code formulas in order to filter out specific lines in a database. I am trying to look for a certain line in the database which contains e.g. "concrete" as a property.
In the Code I can use regular expressions.
The regex I was using so far looked like this:
so if the line in the database contains concrete, I will get the wanted result.
Now the Problem is: i would like to switch the word concrete with a variable, so that it Looks like this:
(the Syntax with the # works in the program btw.)
the Problem is: if i set the variable as concrete, the program automatically switches it for 'concrete' . Obviously, the word concrete cant be found anymore, since the searchterm now contains the two ' Symbols in the beginning and i the end.
Is there a way to ignore those two characters using the Right regex?
what I want it to do is the following:
If a line in the database contains "25cm concrete in Grey"
I should get a match from the regex.
with the searchterm ".*(concrete).*"; it works, with the variable ".*(#VARIABLE1).*"; it doesnt.
the whole "Formula" in the program Looks like that:
if(Match(QTO(Typ:="Attribut{FloorsLayer_02_MaterialName}");".*(#V_QUALITY).*" ;"regex") ;QTO(Typ:="Attribut{Fläche}");0)
I want the if-condition to be true, when the match inside is true.
the whole QTO function is just the programs Syntax to use a certain Attribute into the match-function, the middle part is my Problem. I really don't know the programming language or anything,I'm new to this. hope it helps!
Thats more of a hack than a real solution and i'm not sure if it even works:
if you use the regex
and the string ?concrete(
this will result in a regex looking like this:
which makes the additional characters optional.
This uses the following assumtption:
the string (#VARIABLE1) gets replaced by the ('<content of VARIABLE1>')

How to set up word wrap for an stc.StyledTextCtrl() in wxPython

I was wondering about this, so I did quite a bit of google searches, and came up with the SetWrapMode(self, mode) function. However, it was never really detailed, and there was nothing that really said how to use it. I ended up figuring it out, so I thought I'd post a thread here and answer my own question for anyone else who is wondering how to make an stc.StyledTextCtrl() have word wrap.
Ok, so first you need to have your Styled Text Control already defined, of course. If you don't know how to do this, then go watch some tutorials on wxPython. I recommend a youtuber called sentdex, who has a complete series on wxPython, as well as Zach King, who has a 4 episode series on making a text editor. Anyways, my definition of my text control looks like this: self.control = stc.StyledTextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE). Yours could look a little different, but the overall idea is the same.
self.control = stc.StyledTextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
Many places will tell you that it will need to be SetWrapMode(self, mode), but if you have self.CONTROLNAME at the beginning like I do, you will get an error if you also put self as an argument because self. at the beginning counts as the argument. However, if your control is defined with self.CONTROLNAME and you don't put the self.CONTROLNAME at the beginning of your SetWordWrap()function, you'll also get an error, so be careful with that. Mode just has to be 0 or 1-3. So for example, mine looks like this: self.control.SetWrapMode(mode=1). Word wrap mode options:
0: None |
1: Word Wrap |
2: Character Wrap |
3: White Space Wrap
My final definition and word wrap setup looks like this:
self.control = stc.StyledTextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
And that's it! Hope this helped.
Thanks to #Chris Beaulieu for correcting me on an issue with the mode options.
I see you answered your own question, and you are right in every way except for one small detail. There are actually several different wrap modes. The types and values corresponding to them are as follows:
0: None
1: Word Wrap
2: Character Wrap
3: White Space Wrap
So you cannot enter any value above 0 to get word wrap. In fact if you enter a value outside of the 0-3 you should just end up getting no wrap as the value shouldn't be recognized by Scintilla, which is what the stc library is.
It would be more maintainable to use the constants stc.WRAP_NONE, stc.WRAP_WORD, stc.WRAP_CHAR and stc.WRAP_WHITESPACE instead of their numerical values.

Calculating with AutoWikiBrowser

I'm using regular expression in AutoWikiBrowser to replace the input of several values with just one value, such as this:
To this:
While the correct result does show on the page, it does not look good in the code itself, so I'm trying to find a way to make it the result only (in this case value=15) but so far no luck. Can someone help me with out showing how to make this possible?
P.S. I tried the search function but didn't find a similar question.
MediaWiki parser allows the templates can be subst'ed, ie replaced by their rendering. That's also true for parser functions call.
You can subst a template prefixing the template call by subst:.
Reference: Substitution on MediaWiki manual
Example: diff (the expression used is in the edit summary, the result in the diff)

String replacement in Perl after comparing with the original string

I want to compare a string in perl below is detail description
original string
I need to extract the file name eng_wall_paper.jpg from the string
and compare it with variable and append the new variable to the string.
new required string
../db/proj/upload/1/22352/new string.jpg
how can it be done, thanks in advance .
Now as you can see in the comment in your question that you really need to be specific about where you are actually stuck in to ask a question in SO. However, after looking at your other questions in SO it looks like you are completely new in programming world and need serious helping hand. Hence I think it would be helpful for you to get some useful reference to solve your problem.
If I breakdown your main problem statement I can see three parts
1. Need to extract the file name,
Most recommended way to do it is using File::Basename. However, its possible to use regex too. You need to learn how to write regex and how to capture a group. This link should be really helpful.
2. Compare it with variable,
Whichever method you use from above you should get the filename in a variable or in $1. Just compare that whatever you want to compare with. Make sure to use eq instead of ==. Find more details here.
3. Append the new variable to the string,
By now you should have the old filename in a variable, say $oldname, from first step and the new filename in another variable, say $newfilename. This question is already answered several times in SO, like this one. Hope that helps.
The actual solution is merely a 3 or 4 lines of code which I want you to figure out. Good luck.

Finding type of break in icu::BreakIterator

I'm trying to understang how to use icu::BreakIterator to find specific words.
For example I have following sentence:
To be or not to be? That is the question...
Word instance of break iterator would put breaks there:
|To| |be| |or| |not| |to| |be|?| |That| |is| |the| |question|.|.|.|
Now, not every pair of break points is actual word.
In derived class icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator there is a "getRuleStatus()" that returns some kind of information about break, and it gives "Word status at following points (marked "/")"
|To/ |be/ |or/ |not/ |to/ |be/?| |That/ |is/ |the/ |question/.|.|.|
But... It all depends on specific rules, and there is absolutely no documentation to understand it (unless I just try), but what would happend with different locales and languages where dictionaries are used? what happens with backware iteration?
Is there any way to get "Begin of Word" or "End of Word" information like in Qt QTextBoundaryFinder:
How should I solve such problem in ICU correctly?
Have you tried the ICU documentation? It appears to explain everything you are asking about including handling of internationalisation, reverse iteration, and the rules, both default and how to create your own custom set. They also have code snippets to help.