Bar chart label alignment - chart.js

My labels are aligning to the left side of my bars. I'm wanting them centered but I can't figure out how to make it happen. I checked the docs but I couldn't find the answer. Anyone know how to center them?


Configuring internal padding on Chart.js Bar chart

I am attempting to get Chart.js bar charts to have "internal" left and right padding, such that the bars are centered with minimal width between them, but larger space to the left and right. By default it seems the left and right padding is simply half the space between bars. Looking at the docs, I assumed that I could use the categoryPercentage and barPercentage parameters together to accomplish my task, but it seems that is only for multiple bars within a single column, whereas I have multiple columns with one bar in each. See image for what I am trying to do. Thanks for any insight.

rectangle covers visuals making them hidden Power BI Desktop

Inside the rectangle I placed slicers.
Clicking on the uncovered part of the rectangle moves it in front of the visualizations making them unavailable to interact with, or hidden.
I "Send to back" rectangle but it didnt help.
The visuals are on a picture below:
But if I just hoover mouse on a rectangle area - it covers all visuals:
Any solution to just always keep re
Yeah, that's pretty annoying. I'd suggest voting for this idea and maybe Microsoft will fix this eventually.
Currently, the only workaround I can think of would be to make the colored rectangle part of the page background as an image.

How to make Tkinter.Label justify correctly

I am having an issue getting the text inside a label to left justify in Tkinter. I have tried using the justify=Tkconstants.LEFT but that doesn't seem to work. I have also tried anchor=Tkcontants.W but that doesn't seem to help either. The text always appears in the center of the label. Here is what I have regarding the label:
LookupOutput = Tkinter.Label(UI,textvariable=User,justify=Tkconstants.LEFT)
LookupOutput.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=5, padx=5)
I assume it has something to do with my columnspan but I don't know how to fix it. Does anyone have an idea on how to get this thing to left justify the text?
The proper way to have the text in a label aligned to the left of the widget is with the anchor attribute. A value of "w" (or by using the Tkinter constant W) stands for "west".
LookupOutput = Tkinter.Label(UI,textvariable=User,anchor=Tkconstants.W)
The justify attribute only affects text that wraps.
If that isn't working, the problem might not be with the text in the label. It might be that your label doesn't occupy the space you think it does. An easy way to check this is to give the label a distinctive background color so that you can distinguish the label from its parent.
I notice that you aren't using the sticky attribute when you call grid -- that may also cause problems. By default grid will align a widget in the center of the space allocated to it. If you want it to "stick" to the left side of the space that was given to it, use sticky="w" (or, again, use the Tkinter constant).

Visualization API - Issue with centering chart

Using the Visualization API, I am drawing a very simple ColumnChart, with no legend.
I don't know why, but the chart is not centered in its container, as if the space for the legend on the right was kept, although the legend is not displayed.
But if I change the legend position to bottom, for example, that space is still present. So I am not sure if this is related to the legend.
Please check my JSFiddle. Notice the big padding on the right (around 55px).
Any way to fix this? Thanks in advance!
The chartArea is centered in the chart (the axis labels are not considered part of the chartArea, it is easier to see that it is centered if you turn them off:, what you want to do is move it off-center, which you can do via the chartArea options:
chartArea: {
width: '80%',
left: '15%'

MSChart Secondary AxisX2 AxisY2 Line Painting Location To Right and Upper Corner HowTo

Hello i am new to world of MSChart and was wondering why
LineColor, LineDashStyle, LineWidth of Secondary AxisX2 and AxisY2 keeps overlay on top at Primary AxisX and AxisY ?
MajorTickMark and MinorTickMark are shown as expected at top and right side of ChartArea,
Is it possible to Locate Line Style of Secondary Axes X2 Y2 to align at top and right side of ChartArea aswell some how ?
I was think of to use the chart1_PostPaint event to get this Line rectangle of X2 and Y2 being painted at top and right side location i looked at this event but even i don't have a clue if this is possible and right way to re locate the line painting of Secondary set of axes
Thanks in advance
At APP: Over 200 Interactive Samples Of MSChart
At Sample: Contents|Appearance: Axis Line Appearance
Located At: \ChartFeatures\Axis\Appearance\cscode.txt
Is actually doing what i am looking for, the AxisY2 LineColor is painted at right side of chartarea
I looked at it's code but still find no clue how to align this AxisY2 Line to right side ??
hmmm i did set AxisX2 Crossing to zero maybe i should set this one to a higher max value
Now AxisY2 Line Color is located at zero instead of showing at right side aswell as its labels already do
Sorry to abuse this answer but i did try comments first
but comments function at this message board is stripping new lines and answer function is stripping new lines aswell some how
Yeah set crossing of AxisX2 to appear AxisY2 at right side or move it anywhere,
solved it, what i was looking for