Issue using Infragistics (v6) WebNumericEdit and WebDateChooser fields within .NET 2.0 SP2 and VS 2005 C# - infragistics

Im using a ASP form with infragistics (v6.3.20063.53 or v7.3.20073.38) fields. I need to assign values in javascript (client side) before the form is shown to user:
Assigning values: (Javascript client side)
document.getElementById("TBSalary").value = 1000; // TBSalary is defined as WebNumericEdit field
document.getElementById("TBDate").value = "15/10/1966"; // TBDate is defined as WebDateChooser field
HTML Code:
< igtxt:WebNumericEdit ID="TBSalary" runat="server" MaxValue="500000" MinDecimalPlaces="Two" MinValue="0" TabIndex="3">< /igtxt:WebNumericEdit>
< igsch:WebDateChooser ID="TBDate" runat="server" Width="110px" Height="1px" TabIndex="8" NullDateLabel="">< /igsch:WebDateChooser>
But when the form appears to the user, the values are not displayed in the fields.
Assigning values in server side works ok but need to do that in client side.
Any ideas? Thanks
Using .NET FrameWork 2.0 SP2, Visual Studio 2005 and C#

I found the solution!
Using WebHtmlEditor methods! Easy and simple!
Thank you!


Drupal 8 Rest API

My Custom API's are working fine, I've deployed code on staging Server but I'am getting below error.
Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\rest\Plugin\Type\ResourcePluginManager are: dblog, file:upload, entity:block, entity:block_content_type, entity:block_content, entity:comment, entity:comment_type, entity:config_pages_type, entity:config_pages, entity:contact_form, entity:contact_message, entity:editor, entity:field_config, entity:field_storage_config, entity:file, entity:filter_format, entity:flagging, entity:flag, entity:google_api_service_client, entity:google_api_client, entity:image_style, entity:menu_link_content, entity:node, entity:node_type, entity:page_variant, entity:page, entity:path_alias, entity:rdf_mapping, entity:rest_resource_config, entity:search_api_task, entity:search_api_server, entity:search_api_index, entity:search_api_autocomplete_search, entity:shortcut_set, entity:shortcut, entity:social_auth, entity:menu, entity:action, entity:taxonomy_term, entity:taxonomy_vocabulary, entity:tour, entity:ultimate_cron_job, entity:user, entity:user_role, entity:webform_options, entity:webform, entity:webform_submission, entity:webform_access_group, entity:webform_access_type, entity:webform_image_select_images, entity:webform_options_custom, entity:view, entity:paragraph, entity:paragraphs_type, entity:base_field_override, entity:entity_view_display, entity:entity_view_mode, entity:entity_form_mode, entity:entity_form_display, entity:date_format, user_registration in Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->doGetDefinition() (line 53 of /home1/tourcode/public_html/''/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php)
Thanks in Advance.
Drupal is looking for a plugin with empty string as a name.
I also noticed have some kind of an empty string in your path. (between public_html and web)
It looks like the configuration of your server has a problem.

CDS published via #OData.publish not visible in /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE

Created a CDS view with OData exposure in Eclipse. View activated and working correctly, I can see the SQL View data using se16N. View definition below:
#AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZDDLS_ODATA'
#AbapCatalog.compiler.CompareFilter: true
#AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
#AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
#EndUserText.label: 'TEST CDS Association II'
#Search.searchable: true
#OData.publish: true
define view ZCDSV_ODATA as select from vbak as soHdr
association [1..*] to ZCDSV_PROD as _itemprod
on $projection.vbeln = _itemprod.vbeln {
key soHdr.vbeln,
_itemprod // Make association public
where auart = 'ZINT'
Next step is supposed to be registering the service via /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. Here is the problem. Entry (unlike the ones created in SEGW) is not available when pushing the "Add Service" button.
This is not a S4/HANA system (installed products below), could this be a release issue?
could this be a release issue?
Yes, you are right. Publishing CDS entities as OData is supported since ABAP AS Netweaver 7.50 SP00.

Sitecore ECM 2.1: Is there a way to segment the users based on a condition?

Is there any way to send mails to certain users based on a condition in ECM 2.1 . For example, I want to send mails to only those users whose user profile property Country='USA'. Is there a way to do this in ECM 2.1?
Earlier for ECM 1.3 we used to use a third party segmentation module below
But it does not support ECM 2.1. So I was wondering how to implement it in ECM 2.1 . By the way we are using Sitecore 7.2
If you don't mind extending ECM slightly you could tap into the DispatchNewsletter Pipline.
If you add processor like the following, you could get all the users dynamically and add them to the subscribers list. You just need to make sure that this only fires on certain scenarios to avoid this interfering with the core product functionality.
public class GetUSASubscribers
public void Process(DispatchNewsletterArgs args)
var matches = UserManager.GetUsers().Where(usr => usr.Profile["Country"].Equals("USA")).ToList();
foreach (var username in matches)
if (User.Exists(username.Name))
var contact = Contact.FromName(username.LocalName);
You can register the processor as follows in your Sitecore.EmailCampaign.config
<processor type="Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Pipelines.DispatchNewsletter.CheckPreconditions, Sitecore.EmailCampaign" />
<processor type="YourClass, YourNamespace" />
To make it more dynamic you could add a Rules engine field to each message item to determine which users are added to the subscriber list. So the logic e.g where user profile["country"] equals 'USA' could be in the rules field.
For reference, some more detail on the set up of rules in Sitecore.

Crystal Report 2011 Report/SQL Server 2008/ASPX Issues

I have a webserver configured with ColdFusion 10. Within an application I have built in ColdFusion, I want to deploy a Crystal Report that requires a parameter that the user would enter. I built the report in Crystal Reports 2011. The report works within the Designer.
I then used Recrystallize to generate the ASPX, ASPX.VB, and Web.config pages that go with the report.
I had to adjust the IIS settings to accommodate the fact that ColdFusion requires the enabling of 32 bit applications and the Crystal Reports components require the disabling of 32 bit applications by putting the Crystal Report and pages in their own folder, converting them to an application and setting that application to a different Application Pool than the ColdFusion application.
The report viewer initially opened with the prompt for the parameter that the report was built on. When you entered the parameter and clicked OK, the report would error with a dialog of: Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. [with the report name].
I am not sure where to begin troubleshooting this.
Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
this is aspx file.....
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updpnlReport" runat="server">
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="crvAccountReportParameter" runat="server"
EnableParameterPrompt="False" HasToggleParameterPanelButton = "false" HasCrystalLogo ="False"/>
This is .cs fie..........
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LoadData()
string pstrType;
pstrType = Request.QueryString["Type"];
string strCompanyName = objSession.SelCompanyName;
string strBranchName = objSession.SelBranchName;
string strHeading = "";
DataSet dsData = null;
dsData = objAccountReportBAL.getAccountRegister(Convert.ToInt16(objSession.FyId), int.MinValue, long.MinValue, Convert.ToDateTime(RadDtpFromDate.SelectedDate), Convert.ToDateTime(RadDtpToDate.SelectedDate), pstrType);
dsData.Tables[0].TableName = "Account_Trn_v";
if (pstrType == "JV")
strHeading = "Journal Voucher Register Report";
rptDoc.SetParameterValue("#CompanyName", objSession.SelCompanyName);
rptDoc.SetParameterValue("#BranchName", objSession.SelBranchName);
rptDoc.SetParameterValue("#Heading", strHeading);
rptDoc.SetParameterValue("#Stdate", RadDtpFromDate.SelectedDate);
rptDoc.SetParameterValue("#EnDate", RadDtpToDate.SelectedDate);
crvAccountReportParameter.ReportSource = rptDoc;

MVC - open page in View mode

I am trying to see if anybody has a briliant idea on how to implement View mode concept in MVC. So if the user opens a page, the page should open in view mode (all controls disabled), if they dont have edit priviledges else should open as normal. Please note that the View page has partial pages as well
I think you have total control on your page under MVC framework. If you are using standard MVC method to generate input controls, you could do following ways.
#Html.TextBox("MyTextBoxID", Model==null?"":Model.MyFieldValue, new {disabled = "disabled})
If you are not using standard MVC method to generate input controls. You can create your own method to generate input controls. For example in MyExt.cs
public static class MyExt
public static MvcHtmlString MyTextBox(this HtmlHelper html, string id, object value)
// check user privilege
if (CurrentUser.CanEditThisPage /*Implement your own logic here */)
return html.TextBox(id, value);
return html.TextBox(id, value, new {disabled = "disabled"});
And in your page
#using MyNamespace
#Html.MyTextBox("MyTextBoxID", Mode==null?"":Model.MyFieldValue)
Another Way
Pass an indicator from server side to client side and using javascript or JQuery to disable all controls.
#Html.Hidden("CanEdit", CurrentUser.CanEditThisPage)
In javascript
void pageLoad() {
if ($("#CanEdit").val() == "true"))
$("input").attr("disabled", "disabled");
Something like that (not sure about correctness of syntax :P)