Set Session ID Cookie in Nuxt Auth - django

I have the following set up in my nuxt.config.js file:
auth: {
redirect: {
login: '/accounts/login',
logout: '/',
callback: '/accounts/login',
home: '/'
strategies: {
local: {
endpoints: {
login: { url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/login2/', method: 'post' },
user: {url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/user/', method: 'get', propertyName: 'user' },
tokenRequired: false,
tokenType: false
localStorage: false,
cookie: true
I am using django sessions for my authentication backend, which means that upon a successful login, i will have received a session-id in my response cookie. When i authenticate with nuxt however, i see the cookie in the response, but the cookie is not saved to be used in further requests. Any idea what else i need to be doing?

This is how I handled this, which came from a forum post that I cannot find since. First get rid of nuxt/auth and roll your own with vuex store. You will want two middleware, one to apply to pages you want auth on, and another for the opposite.
This assumes you have a profile route and a login route that returns a user json on successful login.
I'm also writing the user to a cookie called authUser, but that was just for debugging and can be removed if you don't need it.
import state from "./state";
import * as actions from "./actions";
import * as mutations from "./mutations";
import * as getters from "./getters";
export default {
modules: {},
export default () => ({
user: null,
isAuthenticated: false,
export async function nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { _req, res }) {
await this.$axios
.then((response) => {
commit("setUser", response);
commit("setAuthenticated", true);
.catch((error) => {
commit("setErrors", [error]); // not covered in this demo
commit("setUser", null);
commit("setAuthenticated", false);
res.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [
`session=false; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT`,
`authUser=false; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT`,
export const setUser = (state, payload) => (state.user = payload);
export const setAuthenticated = (state, payload) =>
(state.isAuthenticated = payload);
export const getUser = (state) => state.user;
export const isAuthenticated = (state) => state.isAuthenticated;
export default function ({ app, redirect, _route, _req }) {
if (! || ! {
return redirect("/auth/login");
export default function ({ app, redirect, _req }) {
if ( {
if ("customer")) {
return redirect({
name: "panel",
params: { username: },
} else if ("admin")) {
return redirect("/admin/dashboard");
} else {
return redirect({
name: "panel",
} else {
return redirect("/");
pages/login- login method
async userLogin() {
if (this.form.username !== "" && this.form.password !== "") {
await this.$axios
.post("/api/auth/login", this.form)
.then((response) => {
this.$store.commit("setAuthenticated", true);
this.$cookies.set("authUser", JSON.stringify(, {
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
if (this.$route.query.redirect) {
.catch((e) => {
.error("Error logging in", { icon: "error" })

The cookie is sent by the server but the client won't read it, until you set the property withCredentials in your client request (about withCredentials read here)
To fix your problem you have to extend your auth config with withCredentials property.
endpoints: {
login: {
url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/login2/',
method: 'post'
withCredentials: true
Also don't forget to set CORS policies on your server as well to support cookie exchange
Example from ExpressJS
app.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: "http://localhost:8000" }))
More information about this issue on auth-module github


SvelteKit unable to set cookie

Using SvelteKit 1.0.0-next.571
My application has a login route with:
+page.server.ts => redirects to / if locals.user is set
+page.svelte => show login page
signin/+server.ts => Login and get a jwt from graphql app running on the same machine.
let gqlResponse = await response.json();
if ( gqlResponse.errors ) {
console.log("ERRORS FROM GRAPHQL MIDDLEWARE:", gqlResponse.errors);
return json( { error: gqlResponse.errors, isException: true } );
if ( && ! {
opts.cookies.set('jwt',, {
path: '/',
opts.setHeaders( { 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true' } )
opts.setHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
return json( );
and the login handler in +page.svelte :
const fetchOptions = {
method: 'POST',
//mode: 'no-cors',
//redirect: 'follow' as RequestRedirect,
body: JSON.stringify(credentials),
credentials: 'include' as RequestCredentials
try {
const response = await fetch('/login/signin', fetchOptions);
const login = await response.json();
if (login.error) {
return false;
} catch (e) {
return handleException(e);
goto('/', { replaceState: true, invalidateAll: true} );
This works fine in localhost, but connecting another device to the local network does not set any cookies making impossible to login:
Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: http://192.168.x.x:5173/
I also tried with different fetch options and cookie settings like:
opts.cookies.set('jwt',, {
path: '/',
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: 'strict',
// secure: true
but no luck, and now 'm stuck.

cookie cause graphql server to stop responding

I'm trying to follow Ben Awad fullstack reddit clone tutorial.
using express-session I'm trying to send the client a cookie and userID each time they login - but when I do so the cookie is being set but the server stops responding from that client (either apollo studio or postman). If the cookie is deleted the server returns to function normally.
I have compared my code to others and could not find anything off.
what can I be missing ?
import { MikroORM } from "#mikro-orm/core";
import microConfig from "./mikro-orm.config";
import express from "express";
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-express";
import { buildSchema } from "type-graphql";
import { HelloResolver } from "./resolvers/hello";
import { PostResolver } from "./resolvers/Post";
import { UserResolver } from "./resolvers/User";
import {__prod__} from "./constants";
import {createClient} from "redis";
import session from "express-session";
import connectRedis from "connect-redis";
import "reflect-metadata";
const main = async () => {
const orm = await MikroORM.init(microConfig);
await orm.getMigrator().up();
const app = express();
const RedisStore = connectRedis(session);
const redisClient = createClient();
await redisClient.connect();
const appSession = session({
name: "cid",
secret: "shhhh",
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
store: new RedisStore({
client: redisClient,
cookie: {
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
secure: true,
httpOnly: false,
sameSite: "none",
!__prod__ && app.set("trust proxy", 1);
app.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "");
app.set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", true)
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
schema: await buildSchema({
resolvers: [HelloResolver, PostResolver, UserResolver],
validate: false,
context: ({ res, req }) => ({ em: orm.em, res, req }),
introspection: !__prod__,
await apolloServer.start();
cors: {
origin: [""],
credentials: true,
app.get("/hello", (_, res) => {
res.send("Hello World");
app.listen(4000, () => {
console.log("server started on localhost:4000");
main().catch((err) => {
Problem was that legacyMode needs to be set to true in createClient for redis to work properly with connect-redis :)

How to execute an async fetch request and then retry last failed request?

Apollo link offers an error handler onError
Currently, we wish to refresh oauth tokens when they expires during an apollo call and we are unable to execute an async fetch request inside the onError properly.
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
import { ApolloLink, fromPromise } from 'apollo-link';
//Define Http link
const httpLink = new createHttpLink({
uri: '/my-graphql-endpoint',
credentials: 'include'
//Add on error handler for apollo link
return new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([
onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError, operation, forward }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) {
//User access token has expired
if(graphQLErrors[0].message==="Unauthorized") {
//We assume we have both tokens needed to run the async request
if(refreshToken && clientToken) {
//let's refresh token through async request
return fromPromise(
.then((refreshResponse) => {
let headers = {
//readd old headers
//switch out old access token for new one
authorization: `Bearer ${refreshResponse.access_token}`,
//Retry last failed request
return forward(operation);
.catch(function (error) {
//No refresh or client token available, we force user to login
return error;
What happens is:
Initial graphQL query runs and fails due to unauthorization
The onError function of ApolloLink is executed.
The promise to refresh the token is executed.
The onError function of ApolloLink is executed again??
The promise to refresh the token is completed.
The initial graphQL query result is returned and its data is undefined
Between step 5 and 6, apollo doesn't re-run the initial failed graphQL query and hence the result is undefined.
Errors from console:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network error: Error writing result to store for query:
query UserProfile($id: ID!) {
UserProfile(id: $id) {
The solution should allow us to:
Run an async request when an operation fails
Wait for the result of the request
Retry failed operation with data from the request's result
Operation should succeed to return its intended result
I'm refreshing the token this way (updated OP's):
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
import { ApolloLink, Observable } from 'apollo-link'; // add Observable
// Define Http link
const httpLink = new createHttpLink({
uri: '/my-graphql-endpoint',
credentials: 'include'
// Add on error handler for apollo link
return new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([
onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError, operation, forward }) => {
// User access token has expired
if (graphQLErrors && graphQLErrors[0].message === 'Unauthorized') {
// We assume we have both tokens needed to run the async request
if (refreshToken && clientToken) {
// Let's refresh token through async request
return new Observable(observer => {
authAPI.requestRefreshToken(refreshToken, clientToken)
.then(refreshResponse => {
operation.setContext(({ headers = {} }) => ({
headers: {
// Re-add old headers
// Switch out old access token for new one
authorization: `Bearer ${refreshResponse.access_token}` || null,
.then(() => {
const subscriber = {
error: observer.error.bind(observer),
complete: observer.complete.bind(observer)
// Retry last failed request
.catch(error => {
// No refresh or client token available, we force user to login
Accepted answer is quite good but it wouldn't work with 2 or more concurrent requests. I've crafted the one below after testing different cases with my token renew workflow that fits my needs.
It's necessary to set errorLink before authLink in link pipeline.
import { ApolloClient, from, HttpLink } from '#apollo/client'
import errorLink from './errorLink'
import authLink from './authLink'
import cache from './cache'
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL,
const apiClient = new ApolloClient({
link: from([errorLink, authLink, httpLink]),
credentials: 'include',
export default apiClient
Cache shared between 2 apollo client instances for setting user query when my renewal token is expired
import { InMemoryCache } from '#apollo/client'
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
export default cache
import { ApolloLink } from '#apollo/client'
type Headers = {
authorization?: string
const authLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken')
operation.setContext(({ headers }: { headers: Headers }) => ({
headers: {
authorization: accessToken,
return forward(operation)
export default authLink
import { ApolloClient, createHttpLink, fromPromise } from '#apollo/client'
import { onError } from '#apollo/client/link/error'
import { GET_CURRENT_USER } from 'queries'
import { RENEW_TOKEN } from 'mutations'
import cache from './cache'
let isRefreshing = false
let pendingRequests: Function[] = []
const setIsRefreshing = (value: boolean) => {
isRefreshing = value
const addPendingRequest = (pendingRequest: Function) => {
const renewTokenApiClient = new ApolloClient({
link: createHttpLink({ uri: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL }),
credentials: 'include',
const resolvePendingRequests = () => { => callback())
pendingRequests = []
const getNewToken = async () => {
const oldRenewalToken = localStorage.getItem('renewalToken')
const {
data: {
renewToken: {
session: { renewalToken, accessToken },
} = await renewTokenApiClient.mutate({
mutation: RENEW_TOKEN,
variables: { input: { renewalToken: oldRenewalToken } },
localStorage.setItem('renewalToken', renewalToken)
localStorage.setItem('accessToken', accessToken)
const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, operation, forward }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) {
for (const err of graphQLErrors) {
switch (err?.message) {
case 'expired':
if (!isRefreshing) {
return fromPromise(
getNewToken().catch(() => {
// Cache shared with main client instance
data: { currentUser: null },
return forward(operation)
).flatMap(() => {
return forward(operation)
} else {
return fromPromise(
new Promise((resolve) => {
addPendingRequest(() => resolve())
).flatMap(() => {
return forward(operation)
export default errorLink
We just had the same issues and after a very complicated solution with lots of Observeables we got a simple solution using promises which will be wrapped as an Observable in the end.
let tokenRefreshPromise: Promise = Promise.resolve()
let isRefreshing: boolean
function createErrorLink (store): ApolloLink {
return onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError, operation, forward }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) {
// this is a helper method where we are checking the error message
if (isExpiredLogin(graphQLErrors) && !isRefreshing) {
isRefreshing = true
tokenRefreshPromise = store.dispatch('authentication/refreshToken')
tokenRefreshPromise.then(() => isRefreshing = false)
return fromPromise(tokenRefreshPromise).flatMap(() => forward(operation))
if (networkError) {
All pending requests are waiting for the tokenRefreshPromise and will then be forwarded.

Fixing custom authenticator's restore method

I'm using ember-simple-auth and a custom authenticator for an HTTP basic login with CSRF protection. Everything is working fine except sometimes my restore method resolves when it should be failing, like when the session expires.
When authentication succeeds I resolve with the csrf token, but then when the token or session expires and I refresh the page, the resolve method still succeeds because all I'm doing is checking if the token is still there (not if it's valid). I know this is wrong, so I guess my question would be what is the proper way to handle this? Should I also be resolving with the session id? Should I be sending an AJAX request in the restore method with the stored token to see if it is still valid and returns success? I'm interested in hearing about any other improvements I could make as well.
Here is my authenticator code:
import Ember from 'ember';
import ENV from 'criteria-manager/config/environment';
import Base from 'ember-simple-auth/authenticators/base';
export default Base.extend({
restore(data) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (data.token) {
headers: {
'X-XSRF-TOKEN': data.token
else {
authenticate(credentials) {
let csrfToken = this.getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN');
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(credentials.username + ":" + credentials.password));
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN", csrfToken);
url: + "/api/users/login",
method: 'POST'
}).done(() => {
//A new CSRF token is issued after login, add it to future AJAX requests
headers: {
'X-XSRF-TOKEN': this.getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN')
}); => {
token: this.getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN')
}).fail((xhr) => { => {
if(xhr.status === 0) {
reject("Please check your internet connection!");
else if (xhr.status === 401) {
reject("Invalid username and/or password.");
else {
reject("Error: Http Status Code " + xhr.status);
invalidate() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let csrfToken = this.getCookie('XSRF-TOKEN');
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN", csrfToken);
url: + '/logout',
method: 'POST'
}).done(() => { => {
}).fail(() => { => {
getCookie(name) {
let alLCookies = "; " + document.cookie;
let cookieArray = alLCookies.split("; " + name + "=");
if (cookieArray.length === 2) {
return cookieArray.pop().split(";").shift();
Should I also be resolving with the session id? Should I be sending an
AJAX request in the restore method with the stored token to see if it
is still valid and returns success?
It all depends on your project's needs. In my opinion it's good to check if token is still valid. For example, oauth2-password-grant stores expiring date in session and when restoring simply compares it with current time. You may do this too. Or, if your backend has some token validation endpoint, you may send request to be sure if token is valid.

Emberjs: How to redirect to the last accessed route after session invalidated

We are using ember-simple-auth with cookie authentication and we want to redirect to the last accessed route after we login again when the cookie expires. We manage to do the redirection for the following scenarios:
Not authenticated and try to access a route from url
Not authenticated and select an item from the navigation menu
Both, after successful authentication, we redirected to the requested route.
But, we want when our session cookie expired and the user tries to access a route to invalidate the session and redirect the user back to authentication page. When the user log in back we want to redirect him to the requested route. For now we store the previous transition so we can do the redirection but after we invalidate the session the data are lost.
What is the best way to do this?
Our code looks like:
Custom Authenticator
import Ember from 'ember';
import Base from 'ember-simple-auth/authenticators/base';
export default Base.extend({
restore() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let sessionCookie = window.Cookies.get('');
if(!window.isUndefined(sessionCookie)) {
authenticate(data) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
type: 'post',
url: '/core/authentication/basic/login',
data: data
}).then((response) => {
responseText: response
}, (error) => {
invalidate() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
type: 'post',
url: '/core/authentication/basic/logout'
}).then(() => {
}, () => {
Application Route:
import Ember from 'ember';
import ApplicationRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin';
export default Ember.Route.extend(ApplicationRouteMixin, {
session: Ember.inject.service('session'),
beforeModel(transition) {
if(!this.get('session.isAuthenticated') && transition.targetName !== 'core.authentication') {
this.set('previousTransition', transition);
actions: {
willTransition(transition) {
if (!this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {
this.set('previousTransition', transition);
} else {
let previousTransition = this.get('previousTransition');
if (previousTransition) {
this.set('previousTransition', null);
Authentication Route
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
session: Ember.inject.service('session'),
actions: {
login() {
let that = this;
let { username, password } = this.controller.getProperties('username', 'password');
let data = {username: username, password: password};
if(this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {
this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:basic', data).then(() => {
let data = that.get('');
// show response message
}, (error) => {
// show error
You can add the previous transition inside the session data, like this
this.get('session').set('data.previousTransition', transition.targetName);
because that is still persisted after the session is invalidated.
And then get it back from the store, and do the transition:
this.get('').restore().then(data => {
if (data.previousTransition !== null) {
I solved it by using invalidationSucceded here.
this.get('session').on('invalidationSucceeded', () => this.transitionToRoute('dashboard'))