Postmates Tracking URL Error - LatLng or LatLngLiteral with finite coordinates: in property lat: NaN is not an accepted value - postmates

I am using the Postmates developer API to create a delivery in the sandbox. The delivery is created successfully and an external tracking URL is included in the response.
However, If I navigate to the tracking URL in a browser, the google map displayed has errors. Because of this it is not possible to track the location of the delivery driver.
The error I can see in the chrome console for the is:
LatLng or LatLngLiteral with finite coordinates: in property lat: NaN is not an accepted value
How can I resolve this error? I believe that this may be a problem on Postmates side.

The Postmates tracking URL is broken in the sandbox.
If your application is subscribed to the webhooks, the "robo" courier location lat/lng are correctly updated, however this is never reflected on the map.


reCAPTCHA Enterprise returns invalid token with invalidReason DUPE

I'm trying to integrate Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise (without checkbox) into Vue3 based SPA.
JS is loaded in <head> tag as in the example in documentation. I see that reCaptcha code is successfully downloaded and launched, badge at the bottom of the screen stating that site is protected with reCAPTCHA is shown with no warnings.
I can request a token using grecaptcha.enterprise.execute(...) and I get the response as expected. Token seems to be "normal" and it's value is different on each request.
Then I send the token to backed and backend tries to verify it using plain REST API (same as in REST example in documentation, based on plain cURL example).
The response that I get always gives the same result:
"valid" => false
"invalidReason" => "DUPE"
Documentation does not really explain what this 'DUPE' reason means and how to avoid it. Does anyone have any clues what it really means and how to avoid it?
I've tried 3 types of site keys: test keys with low and high score, and "real one" ("test" unchecked).
I've tried 2 different browsers: Chrome and Firefox, both in normal and incognito mode.
I've tried just to wait for 3 hours (in case if I've hit some rate-limiting).
The result is always the same - invalidReason: DUPE
The DUPE reason means that (docs):
The user verification had already been seen.
In practice this means that once you received a token back from execute it was sent to the projects.assessments.create endpoint twice or more. The token will be assessed as valid the first time it is evaluated, but for any subsequent assessment calls with the same token it will come back as invalid with the DUPE reason.

Setting a cookie on an external domain through an image, doesn't seem to work

I have and
I want to build single sign-on, someone signing in on .com should be signed in in .nl.
I do this by putting an image (1 pixel transparent PNG image) on the .nl domain which sends back a cookie in the response.
In my firefox dev tools, I see 'response cookie' and it's set. It looks like this:
I have made sure the domain is set to
But somehow, when I then navigate to I don't see the cookie set. Am I missing something? I tried disabling tracker blocking, but to no avail.
Google is doing it this way as well right? Ie., log in in Google and you're logged in in Youtube.
If the browser makes a request to, it has to drop the domain cookie for This is due to the browser security model. If you want to achieve Single Sign On between and you need some technology to 'transfer' the session token between the two domains. Either you use a standards-backed technology like SAML or OIDC or you use a proprietary mechanism. If you carefully look at the HTTP response, you will see two Set-Cookie HTTP response headers, one has domain property set to, one has set domain property to

Google Cloud Platform credentials page not loading

For the past 12 or so hours when I go here:
I just get the spinning / loading animation. I have tried other browsers and other computers to no avail. I just need to add another OATH key. Is the service somehow broken? Is there something else I can do?
The browser shows some errors.
Refused to display ' [ stuff deleted] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
and a few 404s[deleted]:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
like it's able to load the front end but not access the data it needs.
Sounds like it's a Google issue, just got a response back from Google:
We are experiencing elevated latency in the API Credentials page of Google
Developers Console beginning at 2019-02-09 20:06 PST.
We are using the external issue tracker as the main communication channel
to provide updates on this issue. Please star the issue here to receive
further updates:
This Issue Tracker entry is the authoritative source for public information
regarding this issue. All publicly-applicable updates will be posted there.
How to diagnose:
1. Visit Google Developers Console.
2. Select "APIs & Services".
3. Select "Credentials".
Result: Credentials page will continuously load.
There's no workaround available at this time, but we'll let you know via
the external issue tracker ( if
we learn of one.

How to check facebook custom audience standard events woking in facebook tag API

In my website, I am trying to track video viewers and I have installed Facebook pixel code and used following code below pixel code.
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
content_name: AudienceId,
content_ids: [AudienceId],
content_category: AudienceId,
value: 1.50,
currency: 'USD',
referrer: document.referrer,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
language: navigator.language
I have created customer audience from Ads manager > Audiences > Create a custom audience > Website traffic.
After 5 days, In my website log and Google analytic, unique views were 241 but in Facebook , it is still showing "Audience too small" is there any specific limit after that It will come out from this message or is there something else?
How I can verify "custom Audience pixel has 9 standard events" installed and working properly in case of custom tag event?
To check pixel fires correctly, you can download chrome extension " pixel helper". after that you just go to your website, and verify if the pixel events are firing or not.
you can also check back on ads manager under the pixel section, you will see which pixel events are being fired and the number of firing.

RestFB - Picture URL is not properly formatted

I'm trying to publish a post on my facebook page using RestFB.
My code is as follows:
FacebookType publishResponse = facebookClient.publish(pageId + "/feed", FacebookType.class,
Parameter.with("message", message),
Parameter.with("picture", picture),
Parameter.with("link", link),
Parameter.with("description", description));
And my parameters have the following values:
message: Test+test+test
link: http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9000%2Farticle%2F20130503-test-test-test
description: This+is+just+a+test
I am getting the exception:
FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#100) picture URL is not properly formatted]
I read here that i can add a picture with just providing an URL and it specifically says that it is meant for 'App developers who host their images on Amazon S3 or a similar service'.
Any idea what i'm doing wrong?
I think it’s not actually the “formatting” of the picture URL, but the content it returns:
is delivered with a Content-Type: application/octet-stream response header (as you can see here) – and that might make Facebooks scraper think that this is not really an image resource.
So you will have to figure out how configure your hosting space to deliver these images with a correct Content-Type, for example img/jpeg or img/png.
I got this problem, but only on older Android devices, not on a desktop. I could see in the server logs that there was a difference:
When accessing the URL on a desktop, Facebook does request the picture URL.
When accessing the URL on an older Android device, Facebook does not request the picture URL.
It turned out that I was using window.location.origin in constructing the absolute URL, which according to only works on Webkit. It was solved by replacing, as the post suggests,
window.location.protocol + “//” + window.location.hostname